Dacia Sandero Review

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this is the daa sandero why is it sandero and not sandero why did it have to start raining right now quick intro this is not my car this is a car that I rented while my car's getting fixed but anyway I thought I'd just quickly talk about it and tell you some good and bad things about the daa sandero first thing I'd like to talk about is the styling it actually looks all right for a modern crossovery thing it's got elegant lines and avoids the over-the-top bulges and creases that plague modern vehicles the not so good thing is that it does look rather generic if I'm honest it reminds me a lot in terms of its silhouette and stance of the Hyundai Kona and also the Volkswagen tck the seona and of course A Renault capture which is no strange thing since they are sort of more or less the same car underneath a good thing it does have some nice distinct features for example the headlights and the tail lights they look nice the bad thing is it tries too hard to look like some kind of rugged off-roader which it definitely isn't you know it's got the roof bars the side cladding the skid plates but you know if it saw a bit about this much of mud it would get more stuck than a dinosaur in a tarpit now at this point the more nerdy of you probably already typing into the comments that this is a stepway that's why it's got extra cladding and skid plates and ride height and roof bars I know that but it's not just because it's got some extra trim and it can drive through some slightly deeper puddles it's suddenly a completely different car sandero stepway normal sandero same thing in my humble opinion good thing it's rather a nice place to be inside I like the design I like the front fascia with a cloth on top and the vents that are in the shape of the modern day shap logo and it's got the little colored bits that really brighten up the interior it's not too cramped I'm actually rather fine back here and these seats are rather nice the not so good thing is that it's sort of more cramped than I would have expected when looking at it from the outside and although I do like the seats the headrests especially in the front they're good and the bolstering they're nice as well these seats are a bit hard and also the front seats aren't that adjustable I suppose it's a consequence of being pampered from having my C5 but anyway I think if I went on a long journey in this car it would start to make my back ache good thing the controls in general very well laid out cruise control buttons on the steering wheel they're very logical easy to use you got this area dedicated to the temperature control in the car no argument for me got a bank of switches here with some various functions and the they all fall nicely to hand I like the fact also it's got an analog binnacle and avoided the temptation of having a digital one I don't like digital displays the bad thing of the controls is this side of the wheel is a bit weird I mean it's got this button here that Scrolls between those screens and there are nine of them compared to my C5 I've got four screens one of which is blank that's if you don't want the information to be pissing you off and the got three screens that have all the information you need much simpler cleverer better in every way I also don't like the fact that this has one of those controls where you push forward to put the high beams into place that sucks that is not good that is not natural to have to push forward to stick it in place no it's not ergonomical and it seems to be a feature of modern motoring all cars seem to adopt this that is not good one thing that is actually very good about this car surprisingly so for a modern car and a modern feature it's the touchcreen let me start it up for you it's a very simple system you can switch it off here and it will show this screen with the time the temperature and the date no argument for me very simple switch it on you've got this menu it's a very simple menu with large buttons that are easy to you know hit when you're on the move and it's got all the very simplest functions you need the settings are down here and this Moon here is a button that turns off the screen if it's night and you don't want the glare to be in your eyes it's got five shortcuts here switch on switch off volume up volume down home and settings and every single menu is very clear and easy to use I don't have my phone connected now so it is lacking some features but this is the best touchcreen that I've come across in a modern car it is by far the simplest easiest cleverest to use and it looks really good and it's very driver friendly Top Mark statue so that concludes my review oh H going to take I haven't even driven it yet all daer sandero come with three cylinder engines this I believe is a 1 lit with 90 horsepower and a sixspeed manual gearbox and it suits the car like a glove it's py it's off the line rather quick it's got enough shove for a car of this size and weight it's also rather good on the motorway this is where it really surprised me usually cars that have these small engines that are more oriented towards urban life struggle on motorways however on the motorway this car with it six-speed gearbox will Cruise happily at Motorway speeds at you know just above 2,000 revs very relaxing very good the consumption is also rather good as well I'm averaging 6.4 which is way over 40 MPG something that my wife's ax that weighs about 30 G struggles to achieve but again it is a 30-y old car if this engine does have a shortcoming it's the fact that under 2,000 revs it's completely gutless but it's a small petrol engine what do you expect it's got a start stop system as well which is a mixed blessing because it's a rental car for me it's fine I'm paying for the petrol so the less it uses the better but if I was its owner I wouldn't be so happy because start stop systems have rather a big drawback as my friend in his Hyundai kaai cuz we're in Portugal you can't call it a cona here his Ka has start stop and he always switches it off because it's annoying but even if he had it on it would save him some fuel and you'd save consequently some money the thing is because start stop cars need these special batteries that are rather expensive to replace any savings in fuel will be lost if as is very usual the battery doesn't last that long ah for sake the suspension is a bit crashy now in conclusion I think this car for a modern car at least is actually really good I honestly do it's got all the essential things you need of course it could be just a tad bit room and a tad bit more comfortable and the suspension could be a bit more compliant there are those drawbacks but it's economical it's actually rather nice to drive I didn't mention this but the steering is nicely weighted the gearbox is all right to use what else do you want it's practical it's got a lots of nice Cub spaces all around I will say this for the da here it can take half a dozen eggs in this little cubby here I like it again for a modern car I'm not sure if I'd actually buy one that's a completely different kettle of fish but as far as rentals go this is good it also has another drawback I just remembered if I may say so and that's the problem with modern cars they all look and they also feel the same as soon as I got in here I was in mind of the Hyundai cona that I rented for a week in the Netherlands it feels exactly the same yes it's very different it doesn't have a digital dash for example it doesn't have an automatic gearbox it doesn't have an electronic parking brake blah blah blah the C spaces are different but it feels the same the damping the layout everything it feels very similar and if you go back 10 years if you get a perso 208 and a citran C3 of the time they felt like completely different proposals and they were from more or less the same manufacturer not exactly one citr one pero but they were both a PS a group and they both shared the same underpinings yet they felt completely different that's odd whereas these days cars from different brands feel like they're the same anyway that's my conclusion I hope you enjoy this I'm not very good at reviews as you probably have already surmised but I like to do them anyway it's like sex doesn't mean you're good at it but you like to try and driving as well which is very act anyway that's enough for me I hope you made it this far and if you did I thank you please subscribe please share please like all of that stuff thanks very much I bet you farewell try not to crash it's ideal
Channel: Comfortable Car Club
Views: 2,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FuZakZyixuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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