D92 Club Mentoring Workshop: DTM Boopathy Sankar-27AUG2023

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for that great introduction good morning I'd like to have a good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning happy morning happy morning that was a very nice uh way of telling I think I know some mothers are carrying their children to badminton courts preparing them for project work I'm taking that precious time and spending on Sunday morning it's a bit tough I really appreciate each one of you for your multitasking see that is what it is all about in life many times we get into that and we are here today for one more multitasking session I know 69 people minus one that is me 68 people are focused on multiple things correct so today we will see one more thing which you can do in your life called Club mentoring I'll take this 40-50 minutes of your precious time to share some of the insights what we have gained over a pair of time on how you manage a new club and how it matters in terms of creating in sustainable Club so for those who do not know what is a district Mission I would be pulling out our madhusudan antiquing madhu and vidyut for sharing the district Mission can you repeat uh we build new clubs and support uh existing clubs in achieving Excellence thank you so this is very very important for us in terms of keeping that mission main thing the main thing is building new clubs and today we need to build new clubs for empowering individuals across the world across the world means across our district 92 world we have a lot of opportunities coming up today and we have an opportunity to do it with style so when we learn this new club mentoring as a process how we need to do why we need to do and what are the things which we can gain from that definitely we will be in a position to establish a strong Club it may be a president distinguished club or a golden gavel Club in Casper Toastmasters District 92 balance to start with we'll have some of the topics which I would like to cover so we'll go through that one by one mentoring it's like a elbow you are sitting next to an uh L Learner in a car so it is just you need to see you don't have break probably you may have break if you are having a regular well-fitted driving car sometimes you may not have and you need to drive along with that particular person it is not to undermine the efforts of the loader but you may need to give the right inputs whenever our folks in India travel to us you know who they get that uh learning classes from the person who has traveled earlier their friends or family members unfortunately what will happen is they would have learned something from their friends and family members earlier and the original uh requirements they would not know so it is always better to have a good mentoring session from a driving class or driving session where you'll know what is the pitfalls in driving safely foreign what exactly the clubs need to do and you need to share that uh throat the Journey of the club mentoring process so can anyone tell what is the qualification for a new club mentor you can open your mics open your videos I would like to see your beautiful faces even though it's a Sunday morning it's a maybe a dirty Sunday morning it's okay so you can still open your face see a madhu and me we are all looking groomed on up to that stage right so we may you do not know you see also with youth also I know I saw him couple of hours back in that Gully with shorts now is full dressed so it's all possible yeah sangeetha's thank you madam Sangeetha yeah can you tell what will be a requirement for uh a club mentor yeah yeah sure so I'm not sure about it so that's why I'm like looking for this session as a club Mentor because I know as a mentor but as a club Mentor what all to guide I'm not sure about it maybe like how to expand the club how to sustain the club and all yeah okay anyone else I look uh having a cup of coffee and then are you talking about the eligibility then bhupati I think plus he should have taken few x-com roles in the past one or two years excellent well summarize that's what is the basic uh criteria if you have done in BP education and VP membership that would be a good way to start with for a club Mentor even if president is also okay but at least there's been two roles it's kind of a minimum which will support you in your journey of mentoring so as you see here with a mentor is a person who knows and shares the expertise and knowledge with one or maybe more people with legs experience so in this case the less experiences the people who are coming together to Charter this particular Club so what is that in it for that Mentor why you need to take that mentorship role that is a question every Mentor will ask right he gains a lot of benefits a lot so that expertise sharing itself is kind of a learning for him and he is going to grow and we can translate that values and strategies into creative actions and productive to actions so that is where now you see how your vision is transferred to others and you are a valuable leader and you can prove that obviously the people who are around 65 people are all valuable leaders here and they have an opportunity to prove themselves by becoming a club mentor and we are investing in the future of not Toastmasters alone the future of this world the future needs good leaders and that is where this important activity of Club mentoring is very very much required and you can obtain fresh perspectives when you are interacting with multiple people and particularly when you are having a diverse audience you will see that alok is finding a challenge in uh getting them together that's what I'm trying to see influence without Authority is the one which which you can practice so that is one thing which you will be in a position to see hey why I am not seeing the same thing like other person correct say for example if I show this finger what do you think Mr along you can earn mute and speak still I cannot see your finger okay yeah yeah I can say now yeah so some alternative we are trying to say like uh authoritative you are in at an authoritative position Authority question um yeah it is like uh just open my order obey my order so it's just in one finger that's all so in some issues they have a different way of telling for going to restaurants sanjiv you have something to share okay so different people have different perspectives and when you are in the formation of a club and you are going to Mentor you will have different perspectives my perspective on your perspective need not match that's what our DDM gauri said just a few uh minutes back and you can build your teamwork skills this is one of the greatest way of building your own teamwork skills so when you are looking out for team building outside your Toastmasters this is a practice ground for you so you can practice how do you bring together some team members and support you and you can apply leadership skills in new situations I will tell the situations how it will be and you will know and finally the coveted title of DTM that is where all it tapers down to for many of us right so that why portion if you know and you become a better person and and you know why you are doing what you are doing and how do you get that it's a simple process when the club Charters the district director or Club director they appoint you in as in club Mentor along with one more person and they will put the application to organize and then they'll do it within 60 days of the club shortening so this is a process how it is a club Mentor is appointed and when they say the team approach you need to work closely with the sponsor the sponsor is a person who identifies the leads and sometimes the follow-ups of the lead and they're chartering the club so probably I believe maybe a sponsor for that particular Club I do not know but still the team the club Mentor need to work with the other members to Charter and see that how we can generate interest and enthusiasm among the members who have signed up for and we can support in all the documentation that's what it is so I like this uh particular proverb or saying saying that it takes entire Village to make one individual right so one individual itself it takes an entire Village imagine for the club the club if at all you need to bring so many people together it's very very a tough task very very tough task and it is very true that you may need to work with many individuals can you tell what are the teams you may need to work with when you are working with the corporate club and you are a club new club mentor whom you may need to work with can anyone List It Out open your minds and tell or put it in chat box yes I would like to share my experience because I am going you can tell one word or uh to lie towards who are all the people you'll be working with Learning and Development team excellent HR team okay who else HR okay sourcing and finance sourcing and finance probably yeah and you may need to work with the individual in your own Toastmasters Club right so you may need to work with many Toastmasters adnd DVD correct so yeah your Club chairs will be there Club mentoring chairs they will also be there to support you in terms of new clubs correct so there will be multiple members you will be working out totally they they will be there to support you and you need to utilize their services to take that support for your journey so when you are in that mode it requires lot of patience lot of patience and perseverance last year so it took a lot of efforts from Warren to bring them on track and get them that kind of an support today I'm very happy that the club is kind of surviving and doing very well so that is all because of our patients and perseverance right there are multiple resources don't think that you are alone there are multiple resources available in Toastmasters website you can see that you can see that helpful resources you can see for Club mentoring what are the things you may need and the beauty of Toastmasters is its structure the structure of this entire program is listed out in detail and you can just follow a simple English awareness is good enough for you too complete it Club chartering and you need to know how a distinguished Club program progress you need to review and you may need to know how to downloads and forms and documents some administrative tasks like filing your Club officer name conducting their elections and how do you use the magazines or the leader letter and the news magazine which comes on monthly magazine that comes with from Toastmasters those are all the resources which will definitely help you in terms of mentoring this particular Club foreign you have to ensure the club is strong and fully function functional and officers understand their duties and have the tools they need to perform very very important I believe for excellence three things are required three C's I call Clarity commitment and communication if you know what you are doing you'll be very clear and you'll be going and executing your task easily and in terms of commitment it's kind of an commitment you give to yourself hey I am going to spend one and a half hours or two hours every week for a club which I do not know wearing it was in previous week correct and you are going to coming commit for that time from others get the commitment from others who can support you it is practically not possible for you to commit for every week some medical emergencies may come certain professional commitments may come other time how do you manage how do you sustain that you your Club is taken care of that is how you build relationship and you become a valuable leader when you are having these two C's and you may need to communicate in the right frequency you cannot ping overnight midnight a what is that plan tomorrow we are going to meet tomorrow can you send me the agenda now overnight you cannot ask that so that is not unfair communication so with the right frequency okay end of the week you tell okay for the following week you are you have a meeting can you tell overall going to take the roles and I'll be supporting with my club members and my fellow Toastmasters I'll bring them will have a great meeting so that is how we build a relationship and and the communication is very important in terms of a club Mentor without communication it is very very difficult to sustain a club sometimes the club mentors go missing after appointment they go missing and they are in communicative right they become suddenly not reachable their WhatsApp status will be there online and Facebook will be there online but they will not be reachable and poor guys you'll be waiting hey where I am I'm I need to get this running and HR will be furious what I wanted my learning and development program successful this Toastmasters we enrolled them and they are not supporting us so everyone will have different expectations and for meeting the expectation one simple straightforward requirement is transparency in communication when you are transparent enough you'll be in a position to build a lot of trust among the stakeholders with whom you are working and definitely there will be a great uh path towards excellence so that is what the three C's which I mentioned Clarity commitment and communication and remember this Clarity when I say you should be knowing what you are doing if you know how you need to perform in uh District role or sorry a club role the same thing you should be in a position to demonstrate in the new club as well so that is how you build that particular trust oh I can trust this member this Mentor he has given all the inputs what is required for us and we will take his support for our growth Journey so please remember this is a kind of an official duties for you and the first and foremost you may need to give the choice to the club when you are starting your journey what they want to do some clubs they have the invocation song Some clubs they pledge to the flag we pledge to that it is all in U.S they pledge to that flag and some clubs take both on behalf of the um King in UK another come some of other countries and you can decide on meeting venue tied whether it's a High Hybrid online or in person so please remember it is club's choice so it is not mentoring search hey I am available only on Wednesday and Thursday can you uh meet on those days that would work in Reverse so that may not be a good thing to uh you can give some options you can ask some options hey can you give some two or three options and provide us that particular options where we can support you effectively so if you have some certain kind of time restrictions please tell them before you are signing up for this particular role with your cgd and DD because once you are appointed it's very difficult for us to process that change in club Mentor we can do it but within 90 days of that we need to close that change so and then you can see what are the different Awards and what are the different ways of recognizing a good meeting that you can give that choice to the club this is one thing which you may need to work with your VP education and it is all about preparation preparation preparation preparation it starts with an Club agenda who will take the rules what they will do and invite some other club members or Toastmasters your own club members which is a sponsoring club right so the sponsoring Club can come and support in terms of planning the club meetings where they will give the ideas and tools for meeting say some clubs use Easy speak as a tool some clubs use Simple Excel sheet some people use a Google some some user SharePoint links different ways of gathering these ideas and putting the agenda together it is a very very important requirement for Quality club meeting it's kind of a cycle right quality clubs meetings is will be starting from num members and it is kind of in cycle any one chain is broken you will have difficulty in terms of meeting a good making a club a good club so it is all interlinked the quality mentoring is equal to Quality Club is equal to quality meeting and it will get quality membership as well so ultimately everyone will be benefited in this journey if you prepare and plan for your meetings well a quick check here again how many of you are have challenges in rolling out your agenda one day ahead of the club meeting okay you can you guys can be very honest just to be I'm not I'm not going to review this recording again because only probably madhu and some others will be recording you can show your hands there are 63 people in this room you can show your answers how many of you have challenges in having the agenda of your meeting one day before the club meeting right so there are multiple uh hands that have gone up it is true it is true for a regular club that itself is a big challenge imagine if it is a new club it the challenge will be multi-fold the challenge will be multiple and they will not be sure should I take that role should I do this role I do not know how to do all those questions will come you need to give that Assurance you need to give that kind of a comfort to them saying that hey you can do it the Toastmasters is the safest place to make mistakes correct so you do you come you come and make all the mistakes you want to do it in life you do it here and no not really so you can do only the club related mistakes you can do that and you can be comfortable with that and you say that uh um you can finalize all that one week ahead Itself by the end of the meeting you fix the role takers with a backup for next week when you're taking a role taker with a backup for next week you have ensured that the members are taken care or the road takers are identified and agenda is published well ahead of time so any questions Mr sanjim okay so just I was kind of uh I felt humorous about it so oh okay that's it thank you only related to Toastmasters I told so please uh refrain from political mistake religious mistakes and the last mistake okay so that you don't do it here definitely you have an opportunity to relate it to role so somebody will be sweeping what you call show red card before Green Card all those things can happen it's possible and you can invite this speech uh speaker before the speech evaluator a lot of things can happen and we can learn and have fun that is all so that way empowering them to identify the role takers would be a great way to um plan right so that is one thing which uh you guys can do and next one is about um building and maintaining the clubs maintain at least 20 members so 20 members is the very very tricky number so why we need 20 members can anyone tell why we need 20 members can anyone tell why we need 20 members I see lot of people 62 people are there others are listening or not how do we get a feedback so can I pull out some names my favorite letter is uh yes so I'm going to call someone with starting with this is it okay swapnil data okay what is the question please go ahead Associates as well as the role takers so that that only will become already near 15 members we require evaluators excellent so there are uh there is a standard status ex how many members typically attend in a Toastmaster meeting it's it ranges between 65 to 80 percent of the people only will attend etosmos meeting if there is an 100 attendance you tell me I'll come and recognize from region okay 100 attendance I will recognize okay 65 to 80 85 percent that's the best will be there I am talking only about members so that that is a primary reason at least 20 means somewhere 65 80 means 13 14 people are there so someone has mentioned correctly there are some 10 role takers three attack members GE one postmaster a day five people have gone there and one speaker on speech evaluator seven and one table topic Master eight and some other role so say say are linguist or depending upon the club what you have additional role 10 10 people should be there an audience should be there three members someone to clap and someone to show Hands In online mode at least if they are there I am very happy to see 62 people here I was asking with you how many people will come with it will be very 20 or 30 no no sir I have assured some 50 people are there or not I do not know whether he has used some chat GPT or some artificial intelligence to create some names and populate in the screen but I believe they're all real peoples possibly and uh that's what time because take guys they can do anything right so I I believe that real human beings are there in the boxes what we are seeing so that is where we need to have at least um uh 20 members for a club to run successfully and you need to have this continuously and that is more important for you to sustain in the long run so when you have this membership building culture and you will have a New Perspectives and you are empowering new individuals the Toastmasters mission is that Empower individuals become more communicative and expressive in their own Journeys right so that is where you are helping others it's definitely not in multiple multiple vertical MLM it's not an MLM you add one person you add one person it's not so it is just in helping others so that is where your leadership comes and you need to build and maintain that uh throat so when you get that you have a strong leadership base so you will have a continuous pool of members who take leadership role and you bring new personalities coming into your Club new ideas coming in to come and you have interesting and fun club meeting so that is more important and ultimately who wants to come and uh sit for a meeting throat crying is there any meeting you want to sit and cry I don't want to sit and cry I can hear five to seven minutes emotional speech I can listen but not my table topics I can cry with them so there will be stories will be there there are emotional I I can see that films you can see that's good films but how many films continuously you can see right if you are seeing that not to disrespect uh the most uh purpose say famous personality but it is very difficult continuously you see that kind of an emotions and uh we are here to learn and the learning happens when there is a moment of enjoyment and entertainment that is where you need to have that for that you need to bring some kind of an fresh element so we have a continuous churn of people in our clubs at any point of time some young guy you will be bringing with lot of ideas like can we do Ulta reverse meeting so yesterday we had a reverse meeting in art Club very funny so we are giving the title to that um we are giving the evaluation to the person who is going to speak we do not know what we we are going to give but we gave the evaluation to that particular person so it was very interesting and that person spoke according to the evaluation so that is uh one fresh right fresh thought so like that you will get fresh ideas in terms of marketing or PR you get fresh ideas in terms of planning your meeting venues when you are having different sergeant terms sometimes I a few months back some one Club went to caban park to have a meeting I was wondering so they told I I was wondering they have already told you cannot bring dogs I was wondering all the clubs go to Club they'll also think we don't bring Toastmasters here if they say it will be a big challenge for uh us but it's interesting to note that we have different venue ideas coming up from people and we had one time we had it in uh uh one of the Coffee Day in one of the uh venues as a venue and we had very good time spending time with it because our club is very small 10 people only you can sit in two tables together and we had good fun or a cup of coffee for uh two and a half hours so it's all possible in terms of uh bringing fresh ideas you will get new ideas to conduct your club meetings and that is where building a membership continuous basis very very important and as a club Mentor you need to emphasize that throat so the next one is you need to have this closely working with your membership and PR you need to have the club membership contest and then online membership or how do you build online members some people may be willing to join your Club through uh various uh means right say they want they may be an ex Club member in your even your own club so if they want to continue their membership how do you support them so that is all you can explore and you can use speechcraft as a medium to conduct your build club building activity and you can recognize them with membership sponsors and you can follow up the Toastmasters membership building campaigns like spently award talk of Toastmasters beat the clock so any club in this have have they achieved the first one it's medley award so far adding some new members in August I want to give you a recognition to them malwika very good excellent can you name your clubs please you cannot I really appreciate you guys building uh in this medley be aware thinking because uh we are beating the clock actually in Naga in July right we are beating the club uh the original membership campaign comes in May but we have beaten the clock in uh July time frame to utilize that 45 opportunity and I appreciate um to talk magic and drop the talk for bringing members in this period I appreciate that so that is all popular way of uh encouraging your team to bring new members and strengthen your Club so ensure that you recognize them as an best sponsor award is bringing members they recognize them with that simple recognitions which you can initiate in your club and mentors should tell that there is an opportunity to build your membership through these three campaigns okay so the benefits I told earlier you need to attract new members continuously give opportunity for new individuals and your Club operates more efficiently because you need to have a continuous stream of members who can take continuous stream of offices who can support your journey it is not possible so why is someone leaves their Club sometimes the club officer role becomes a burden how many of you agree to that particular statement Club officer role becomes a kind of a burden at some point of time when they have a repeated requirement of AI you need to take the role next time next time next time so prashanti is agreeing so that is where he is going from one area director to other area director continuously supporting that's a good thing so sometimes we'll not get bored and yeah yeah we have different uh perspectives on that but when we have that kind of a challenge we need to bring new people who can support in our club sustenance so Club sustenance depend on club offices and club offices sustain and depends on members so if the continuous chain is not established a new pool of people are not pumped into this chain it will be very difficult for you to sustain your Club so that is one thing which you may need to emphasize as a club Mentor that you are you need to continuously attract new members okay foreign there is no question about importance of longity and performance and I'll ask um how many years you are there in your Club sir four years four years now right so anyone greater than four years in the same Club Rajesh okay yeah some hands go up cutting yeah so it's very difficult to have such a kind of a longabity in Toastmasters three years is a very good period three years is very good period for someone to have it in a club after three years they migrated to a different Club different choices they make Even in our companies right we have an attrition uh in three years two years time so they have you know three years I have spent three years far as our father our uncles have taught us you need to spend five years at least get your gratitude you spend in five years but then now no no no The Graduate who cares you'll get something else that will go cover it in the inquiry what you call joining Borders or increment percentage that you will get so we have a loyalty and we have an uh kind of a give it back to the club which has helped us in our growth so long members who are having a long service definitely add value to that club and they bring a kind of a perspective on how it was chartered and they maintained the culture of that particular Club please note that every Club is having a unique culture and they made in that particular club and they support so uh having that members in long term is very important and I I would request you to emphasize as a club Mentor you emphasize that particular Point all the time about having longevity and who is responsible for retention who is responsible for attention every member of the club every member of the club here it is written everyone is responsible every member of the club is responsible for retention the reason is if you don't join the club as a member as a guest if you are there as a guest then the person will feel comfortable hey there are at least nine people where they're in the meeting today and if you don't have the ninth member it is very difficult oh a if you are not there the one person list it's around eight now if four people will be taking roles and one person will be delivering speech one person will be evaluating and the audience is one I am speaking for this one member so that kind of a question comes in so it is everyone's responsibility to retain members and everyone should help in growing and in the support of growing others Journey so that is where you need to look at it and uh as a club Mentor you need to emphasize on using the distinguished Club program and Club success plan so how many of you have created the club success plan foreign basic question I might be asking there was an independent policy also they would have given some of your area directors may be acknowledging yeah yeah yeah we know that so it is very important for uh you guys to have the area success plan and Club success plan and the club success plan is a document where all the members and XCOM agree upon to say that what you are going to do for the club in the next few months typically it is in uh six months document where the new club offices take role take charge and then they recreate that or some clubs they have it for one year and you can create that for your success and you can create that for your own progress reviews it is an agreed gentle man and woman gentle ladies agreement right so it is kind of everyone come together and then agree saying that hey we all agree to this particular plan we will ensure that we will achieve these goals this is will achieve this goal and this is what we will do and this is the time frame we are going to achieve it when you are doing all what it is it gives is it kind of gives a motivation to yourself hey we are tracking the progress and then we are going on the right track that's what it gives without a plan you are going to you are planning to fail so that is what it is correct so without planning or planning to fail and U.S club's success may not be achieved so you may need to align it with the district goals and District goals are very clearly mentioned our distinguished club or president distinguished Club splint of 92 or your uh Fast Five or different Awards which the district has initiated those goals you can see hi how will we will achieve this award and how will we gain there see please note I always say this in multiple forums so there is a result measure and there are some driven measures so suppose if you are traveling from here to uh Mysore so you can travel in one hour and 20 minutes or sorry two hours you can travel considering various stalls and other things correct so now how do you measure your progress to Mysore in between you check your odometer and then or your indicator where you will check hey have I traveled this distance how I travel this section okay now ramanagara has come five miles soon next second milestone like that every uh Patna you count and then that is where you see that you have reached your destination correct in our Toastmasters Journey this small initiatives what the district has done it's all the driver meshes when you are driving with those measures when the initiatives are indicated and they are rolled out it's all driver measures which will help you to reach the president distinguished club status and your Club becomes successful or excellent so you need to follow those with in true spread and utilize those opportunities for taking your Club to the next level so the club success plan and distinguished Club program will definitely will help you in terms of taking you in the right direction so this is a mentored checklist which is rolled out by District 92 for six months period what is that commitment is required from you so every week six months there is a targeted uh action so the first one a yellow color one indicate educational session grayed out club meetings and the third one is a mark contest so for uh six months period you look at this calendar a simple checklist uh kudos to cgd team with youth and esteem where they have come out with this beautiful chart which will help you in terms of keeping a track of what you are doing Toastmasters is all about structure and this is one more value add from our district to give that structure and evaluation right so it is available with them and they will be sharing out to all the club member mentors I I'm I'm sure about that and you can utilize that for your tracking your own progress and helping the club to be successful so by end of sixth week end of uh sixth month and fourth week you should be in a position to celebrate your success by achieving the five DCP goals and giving them and the club giving the feral to your mentors so that is how you need to sign off in style so please utilize this checklist for uh six months period and it will help you in your journey as a summary you need to be having the preparation all the time and you need to plan with your uh VP education or the president of the club and you should have patience you cannot expect an uh what you call delivery in 10 months okay sorry in six months you may not have patience within six to ten months the delivery can happen that means when I say that a club which is chartered you cannot expect that they perform in the same way like any other club some clubs are very very very very strong and they will be coming out with lot of energy and passion they will be going to places in a shorter duration some clubs will take time it all depends on the leadership that kind of an educational background they have there the kind of support system they have in their organization it all has multiple factors so you may need to have that kind of passions and passion which will help you to survive in this journey of Club mentoring so in summary I have that my plan in your mind that you are going to spend at least one year with this club that way it will even though you are officially you are called to support six months but then there may be an hand holding that may be required beyond that period and recognize the people who are there to support who were supported who are supporting you to achieve your goals and recommend them for various uh rewards and also recommend any person who's having the capability of leading the Club Body area or District accordingly so this is all the one which a club Mentor should do and it will be helpful for him as a kind of a growing leader I believe that club mentoring is kind of an you are going to be a CEO right you are going to create exciting opportunities this is what I say CEO stands for creating exciting opportunities for others and you will be creating lot of opportunities for others by means of taking a club Mentor role you as a focal point you'll be interacting with multiple team multiple members and you are going to see something as a startup you are your startup is successful and you are going to go for the funding that funding will be taken care by others in their own organization right so that is all about Club mentoring and any questions I'll be happy to support in the time uh if you have time thank you so much sir after hearing both your sessions I think I know what is my next leadership role I want to create exciting opportunities probably club which is one opportunity I would like to explore so folks we have three minutes I would request all of you if you have any questions please go ahead take this opportunity to ask the distinguishers or Club coaching over the chat as well these for India questions if you guys don't ask a question I will ask questions to check whether my communication is very clear or not I have a basic question yes for this being a club Mentor why not for the existing clubs why only for new clubs is it being acknowledged for a DTM or it can be a existing Club you can become a mentor and if it is all a mentor what is the duration of the mentorship that has to be given yeah existing Club doesn't come under Mentor program if the club has less than 12 members we have an Club coach program so where the club coach that is a journey are totally different that will come into picture the existing Club between 13 to 20 is the typical struggle point and where continuously members will come and go and we'll have a challenge for that District 92 typically they had Club incubation centers and we support them for a short term support they need a small nudge for six weeks or eight weeks time so they support it with their Club incubation Center and I'm not sure whether that that is still being continued in District 92 if that is there then that small support can continue for uh clubs so as per ta the club mentors are all for new clubs one day and the credit is given for new clubs only for any week clubs we have an program called Club coach when the membership is less than 12 and if anything greater than 12 if the club needs some kind of a support there is an Club incubation Center Program uh from District 92 and other districts as well there's a question on the chat as well do Club Mentor need to attend the mentoring club meetings or can connect with the club exform regularly to understand the pulse of the meetings and guide accordingly no you need to attend the meeting see the virtual connect uh it is a very very uh dangerous because you may not get the first-hand experience or first-hand input on how the club is uh running so you need to physically or virtually you need to be present and see that how that uh Club has supported and you can take some roles like a general evaluator or speech evaluator as well and see how the club is conducting their meetings it is very important for you to know the members as well right the best way is to get involved with them shoulder to shoulder in terms of attending their meeting taking the roles together with them and you be vulnerable for some questions as well so you take table topics also then then you will know where you are standing correct so that is where it is very important for you to attend the meetings and then you need to Mentor them thank you can we have one last question it's 11 48 uh there's one more on the chat is there one more on the chat be a club Mentor remember during the club foreign if people with the different are two different kids they will have always this problem at least I have this problem so my son and daughter they have their own ways of expecting certain things and their expectations need to be fulfilled so as I told you right in the beginning it's kind of fun driving in with a learner and you need to drive with that learner imagine you are going in a narrow Lane there are many narrow Lanes in Bangalore you can figure it out you are sitting next to that learner and you are driving in front of you there is an cattle third that is being moving around cattle right cows are going in front of you and there is an um deeper Lorry which goes with full load so now you are driving behind this particular vehicle so how do you help this learner to drive this it's very challenging you have multiple challenges posed in front of you and then there is a long uh traffic in behind your vehicle and doesn't coach or as a mentor who is trying to tell the tell the learner next to you you need you have to adjust your style based on that particular particular uh situation so that I rightly said Prashant said correct thing so the two mentors over we have added that is going to help uh divide and Rule you are going to handle three people okay all the tough people you give it away no one only the easy ones you give it that is all you need to do and that that way you can manage or sometimes you your interest levels matches very well see I always seen this in companies where in organizations The Smokers go together easily it's come from different different groups they go easily together the smokers and then the people who have a different uh interests they go together very easily traveling hike correct so when you have two two people to support definitely you will have an inability to Mentor them and you need not worry about whether they Heat their requests or your your inputs sometimes they may not heat they may not heed as well that is also there because you may not be right all the time that is also there so that is where as a team you may need to work so if you remember the first statement now it takes a village to raise a one one person induce one individual so it is it is like that it is not that only one individual who is going to do this it's going to be a kind of a team which is going to support the entire Journey so hope that addresses your question cut again
Channel: Toastmasters District 92
Views: 93
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Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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