D3D9 CSGO ESP Tutorial 1 - EndScene Hook Tutorial - esp1z1

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by the end of this video we should have something like this just as rectangle drawing on the top left and a small little crosshair in the middle that we can use for like ops and whatnot whatever you want to do very what's up guys ESP 1 z 1 here and this is gonna be how you hook DirectX DirectX 9 in particular this is gonna be a pretty Universal method it's gonna be using dummy device just steal the NC function and then we're gonna be able to draw stuff on the game this video is just hooking in scene I'll throw a little like crosshair in there at the end crosshair overlay but that's not the main focus there's gonna be multiple like ESP tutorials after this then I'm gonna make to build off of this template we're gonna build and I'm gonna have to give credits to decode and Rohan for making the dummy device method which is what we're gonna use for this and then solar and rake worked on the functions for the hooking the trampoline hooks and whatnot and we're not gonna elaborate too much on hooking for this video but I'll give you some functions you can use and type them out and explain like a little bit of what they do so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new empty project and call it whatever you want to call it and we're gonna add these files we're going to have our DLL main TV we're gonna have and include set age we're going to have a coke age we're like to have a drawing Dodge and we're going to have a DirectX 8 and similarly down here we're going to have a DirectX TV Hey CBB and a drawing about to be all right and first of all we're gonna start the includes folder by including all the other ones right and we're gonna include wings inside agent here and then we're gonna do some setup so in the properties we're going to first of all change this to a dynamic link library right here configuration type and then in the BCC directories under include directories and library directories you're going to what to put this which is gonna be in the description I'll open with a notepad here and through the library it's gonna be best so if you want to like write this down it should be the same for everyone and if you don't have the DirectX SDK you just DirectX 9 SDK and Google and it should be the first link you should be able to download it from Microsoft I believe it's this one and yeah so you're gonna want to paste these in these two paths and then your DirectX will be linked and everything and then we can include those here and this will just include everything you need for DirectX super quick little setup here we like to not have to include a lot of stuff externally forgotten tracking but this is just direct access super barn in the whole point of the video so you can deal with four lines all right and then after we have that set up we need to include the includes folder and each of these alright and then we can kind of go ahead and get started here first of all process attach all right going to create and it's gonna call this function and then after it creates this function and returns it's gonna close the handle and then we're just gonna trim truth yeah so that excellent alright so now we need to make this function here and that is just gonna be a beard when API we call it hack thread we just need our HTML all right and then at the end we're gonna have our uninjected which is just gonna free our library exit thread which is gonna inject stuff once we click a key so while not get a stinky state okay I'm just where annually use we're gonna sleep for one second not the best practice but just for yeah so once we click this button it'll in this loop and it'll exit and we're gonna do some unhooked stuff here we're gonna start up hooking grab some data up here and that's gonna be the gist a bit we're gonna have our Wow alright so we can go ahead and get started with that alright so the first thing we'll do is we'll make this to get our D 3 D 9 device this is a void pointer array unidentified which falls 190 void pointers which is just gonna be the V table of our DirectX winter-like or DirectX device we're gonna steal it so we need to make this function here and we're gonna do that in our and we'll go ahead and make this function in the DX dot cpp right so this is simply gonna start with if we don't have a P table if we pass the wrong one in or something in return poles alright and then we're just gonna create the directory object P 3d just a hash divine this isn't a crazy end up DirectX series so we're just gonna kind of speed through these things it's more just how to hook real quick so we can set this up for that yes P serious that's gonna come up now because GDI is garbage and that's like all that has been used so far since it's annoying to set all this up but thanks to Dakota and Brad they definitely made this a lot easier to everyone their forum post all right set up a brother subject we're not gonna be wind it off the bat will check if it doesn't work we'll switch it to you window and we're actually gonna use windows we're just testing it easier just all right and then we're gonna have to make this function here forget process window which is really easy each window give us this window we're gonna have a static edge window window and we're gonna have X and window height and those as well all right and what that's gonna be is that's gonna return our window for our you know we're injected into will set the windows in all off the bat and then we're gonna enumerate the windows calling this unum win function every enumeration just gonna cycle through the like top layer windows it's gonna call this function every single window and they'll be able to do stuff so when we fire but it's gonna be a boolean called that enum win H window handle which is each top layer window from LP keyword propriety get window ID except for each each window we cycle through okay and we store it in prop ID and then we check if our process ID is not equal to track ID we return true which means we're searching for it's going backwards but that means we're still searching for it if it's not true we're not still looking we're gonna set our window in turn false thing we're not silicon for right and then now we have our window so down here we can kind of use that so rectangle size we're gonna set up get window right and now we're just gonna get our window size and stuff which helps we're drawing use fees and we'll use it for the cross back window size window width slice out right - iced out left and and I found that the top bar is about 20 29 pixels and they're like side pixels are about like five or so to make this Center we want to remove those because it includes those and you can change this just you want to get centered with your crosshair in-game and it should be good how you like or just remove them maybe you're in turn if you're in full-screen maybe those won't be there right so now that we've got our process window we can and try to make our device device created and we'll try to create this with our object we created earlier and we're not gonna go through what all these mean you can pop these in Google and look up the it guy and whatnot if you don't if you want to know more about these if you want to make your own parameters but we're just gonna use these default ones for now that are given this is a super in-depth practice we do all right so that's gonna give us if we if we didn't create it it's not equal to okay it didn't pass and we're gonna try it in windowed mode since earlier we said it's not windowed mode and we'll try it to just do this one more time so just copy this entire line put it there and then we're going to do this again if it still failed and we're gonna go oh boy release and we're gonna return false saying it just didn't work sorry guys and other than that if it doesn't fail out at this point we should be good to go so we can copy to our P P table that we passed through we can copy the dummy devices speed table sends all of the direct aux objects is they all share the same one so you can just steal it still pointers pointers well good just use those and not have to worry about drawing an overlay and whatnot you do this all internally and then we're good to go gonna let me return true Samy good do it right so now we have this function and then now that we have our B table up here we're going to want to make a couple bites where we can save the original Scott when we steal and replace it so yeah like the man coffee and seeing by switches man and we're gonna steal the 42nd entry which is the function for n Sam so right here and we're gonna put this here dad type something home ah and scene bytes right so we'll save that and we can use that later to unhook the game just replace it all right right now the next thing we need to do is we actually need to create this type def in our direct xh5 for our hook or our template I mean by bad for our editing template so we'll call it t NZ n for temporizing and it's just gonna be I'll be direct3d device 9 age of ice it's the only parameter and that's all we need for that and we can make one up here and see ONC original equals multiplying it for now and then what we're gonna do with that is we're gonna set our ONC equal to T and scene casted off and then we're gonna up this and we'll do that right now the parameters we're gonna be using our DB table this for a second entry on the B table and our hook and scenes function which will also create a moment it'll basically replace the forty second entry with our n sine function and it's going to do that so let's go ahead and make these hook functions so I hooked that age we'll just go ahead and make three functions we need a destination and a focus or well a destination as well and like as well and then in our hook dot CPP and we're gonna get started on these I'm not gonna live right on this too much like I said rake is posting a video soon on hooking in his OpenGL series I believe and solar has a video on it those are all in the forum and they got hacking channel there's also a nice forum post including a lot about hooking you can look through so we'll just type this out real quick and not a library on too much but I'll tell you what stuff does okay so we need a dealer to hold our old protection and then we're going to change this virtual protect to at our DSP to read write and say that our ultra and then we're gonna copy just aside and just set this - Oh cry so that's our patch that's super easy hook is a little bit more complicated it's still not hard if you hold more than five in our length we can't fit a job so we'll just return another keyword Oprah and first of all this times gonna be SRC though and then lengthen the page execute read/write and same thing at old frog and then we're gonna memset some seeds here an ID link so we're gonna mop all this bytes for our link and then we can need a relative addy just see my sister see right and then we're gonna place the jump better source so 0 XP 9 is opted for job and then one in front of that is where we're going the right address and then turn the Gateway otherwise we return all right that's our hook functions just real quick then we can this should work all this but we're gonna have to make this hook function so let's go ahead and do that now this is crazy it's gonna be a void API entry hook end scene which is what we call it below beads or a 3d device 9 Oh either by the tests through the P devices forever sealer that's what we use for a lot of drawings now if we don't have the P device then the P device equals original device this is something we'll set up here okay we'll just steal this you know change the name of that copy paste this alright and then we'll hopped it at the end we'll call our feet of ice there we'll call our original function which we saved earlier because if we don't call that it won't do the rest of the stuff that the game is already prepared for us so we'll end up like drawing our squares and crosshairs an ESP somewhat but not actually drawing any of the game and it'll freeze and that's not what we want to do and then inside here we'll do all our drawing stuff and what did I do here I forgot to add to our games so our window higher obviously and as well did I forget right okay and now we should be able to open up guided hacking injector select our game process go to where it's safe and if we're lucky no first of all uh we have to add the drawing stuff all right another thing we're gonna do real quick is we're gonna unhook it at the end right before we attack so we're gonna pass which is the function we wrote earlier I'm at the 42nd spot on the D table are insane bytes that was still there earlier there seven to replace our original bytes for the ancien all right and then yeah like I was saying earlier the drawing function draw build rag I think is in X Y W and a 3d color as a gauge I should just be judicata all right and then all of this simple drawing that CBP and that's why I called that call oh all right then we should be able to use this in the DLL main here 25 100 100 so that'll stop 25 over 25 down 100 wide 100 tall and then colors gonna be just a white all right now when we gotta inject it it's gonna draw a white rectangle at the top left R square did you set it up but now I'll quickly show you how to if you click and it'll or inject like we set it up how to make a crosshair just we'll just draw it in the middle with the width and height we made so Joel filled window width / 2 - the window height 502 mice to 4 and 4 into these color air to pH investor that's just since its / - is in the middle high / - is the middle - - since we've set it for four we'll just Center it and then set it to white phase alpha RGB said just all full on all the colors and then when we inject that you can see in the middle it's not perfectly centered like I said you can tweak those settings but yeah if I should turn on trusted you can see it better alright and let me click end it'll uninjected and we're out of the game and we're good so next we'll have tutorials on ESPs for csgo specifically I'm gonna do videos on 2d box ESP 3d box ESP healthbar ESP named ESP there's gonna be a recoil crosshair ESP there's gonna be a headline like the you angles ESP there's going to be a maybe a velocity SP not sure about that I think that's it for now I really hope you enjoyed this video again guided hacking comm / donate patreon.com slash guarded hacking please support us so that we can continue to make videos in peace
Channel: Guided Hacking
Views: 74,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d3d9 endscene, endscene tutorial, csgo esp, csgo esp tutorial, csgo endscene, endscene hooking, counter strike esp, cs go, esp1z1, endscene hook, d3d9 hook, direct3d hook, d3d9 hook tutorial, csgo endscene hook, d3d9 end scene, d3d9 hook c++, d3d9 tutorial, how to make esp, esp tutorial, guided hacking esp, csgo esp hack, cs go esp, esp csgo, c++ esp, guided hacking csgo, how to make esp hack, esp cs go, how to make an esp, hack cs go
Id: 7QDkceeykbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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