D-Day - Omaha Beach / Normandy 1944 - Call of Duty - 4K

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[Music] without mass ferocity Hitler's war machine has launched its blitzkrieg against Western Europe pushing it to the brink as we trace through our darkest hour we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against oppression the naazy onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face but with our eyes place it and defeated we must [Music] [Music] this day is set upon a mighty endeavor a struggle to preserve our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity our sons pride of our nation leave them straight to prove [Music] their road will be long many souls will be sickened with the violence's of war in this hour of great sacrifice we shall prevail [Music] [Music] Paul it's June 6 1944 wish you could see this brother we're invading some frog beach I'm not supposed to even know the name of all so we can take back France from the Nazis but the wait has been half the battle what the hell do you want my watch for you're the captain or the goddamn football team but I made some good buddies in basic and they're all on the boat with me everybody's scared as hell but nobody's letting on I hate adjustment the first week of basic but now he's probably the best friend I have in the world he's always looking for trouble if there wasn't already a war on he'd be off trying to start all right I gotta keep all my fingers I'm gonna take photo in the year Stiles says he's gonna be a photographer for Life magazine kind of looks like Clark Kent said when he takes off his glasses the only thing that happens is he can't see [ __ ] hello's the vet but being honest he's what mom would call a bit of a rube okay let's make this more interesting st. Michael patron saint of soldiers he's at my back to the Kasserine so it's been three times in ten seconds and he's all yours I don't know oh you could always put us out my money's on Sussman okay I'm in I can't watch just timing when I tell you back to my story me and my boys we muscled our way into this poker game the football team has gone we work out a system where they can signal to me everybody's hands you should have seen the cubes face when I took that pot you ready that's what happens when you try to hustle a hustler now you get low had enough fighting him for two minutes I said never shake hand would you that's not what you said last night and enough bigotry for six man only needs a stupid pendant anyway apparently you did yeah I'm gonna give me something better a real trophy you'll see good luck with that Oh briefings in 1800 we're gonna be late I got us covered Daniels don't worry about it briefings about to start what the hell you boys doing then there's sergeant Pearson a real sweetheart you think you're special on the Krauts are gonna eat your lunch it's not our lunch sergeant our lunch is secure watch your lip Susman on me since I'm obviously on a lucky streak whatever happens stay close first Normandy then the Rhine we got this Daniels [Music] today with our allies we embark on an operation of unparalleled importance to establish a beachhead at Normandy and rollback the German aggression that has terrorized Europe for the past five years we all that separates the world from darkness this so much more than a chance to be heroes in our own lifetimes if we prevail our triumph will be etched into the hearts and minds of a grateful world or untold generations I'm talking about glory gentlemen true glory Colonel Davis sure can't give a nice speech his pep talk reminded me of the one coach Johnson gave us on our Thanksgiving Day game versus Austin I'm sure you remember we lost that game by 42 points always looking over Pierson shoulders lieutenant Turner he's got him on a tight leash but uh Pierson breaks free we'll all get bit ever since I could hold a rifle I wanted to be like you Paul you've always been a tough act to follow but I'm damn sure gonna try it's now or never hey I wish I was coming home to her yeah it's just wait till we hit Paris seems like a long way off remember no digging in at the shore gotta advance you need to stay low and do not bunch up stick to your trainings you're gonna make it through a proud Luigi fellas in the battle anytime anywhere all right give bellboys the beaches are supposed to be flattened right jump-scare private no sir it should be Daniel got a light sure thing watch out we're gonna have to pull now stay on mission you're taking a say we must apprentice I can't eat a landmark you heard the lieutenant both feet oh say plan get to the seawall [Music] get your head down and tape closer take it Bangalore and get to the seawall Daniel this is what you take for now pick up that banner you can do this yes sir oh Jesus all right private Daniels get to the seawall we preach keep pushing towards the bunker [Music] that will look bad here take this thanks bud all right here we go ain't nothing left [Music] vandals need use SP to take point and clear those bunkers go [Music] [Music] the beach [Music] thrown a smoke grenade [Music] [Music] pokers clear let's go everybody out [ __ ] clear got your first-aid kit [Music] wait bacon bacon yes sir grenade out go ahead oh the gray [Applause] [Music] [Music] taeyeon faiello with me daniels you and sesame clear the last bunker now they have to top of the bluff and for [ __ ] sakes don't get yourselves killed toss in a smoke grenade all right touch me one more we got this Daniel [Music] [Music] give me a buddy I can't walk oh [ __ ] get me the [ __ ] outta here we're gonna get you understand with me we've gotta get over to that CCP [Music] [Applause] we gotta take over her Claire come on you call that [ __ ] Claire [Music] [Music] hang in there keep your ass down they keep coming he's dead let's bow [Applause] [Music] we gotta move I got you [ __ ] we can get down here I gotcha stay down [Music] I'm bleeding out just keep pressure on it okay stay with Mike any morphine you gotta hang on those girls in Paris are waiting for you really of course they are another look at your girl huh huh you kidding me it's okay I can't see [ __ ] I just put a restaurant yeah no no you have to stay awake hey Daniels come here help me I need a goddamn medic I got this go you'll take care of him I need you with me Daniels listen up there's a GPF cannon by the farmhouse up the road it's tearing up the beach let's move we'll come back for you check your ammo and grenades you heard them up the road now move it up got your ammo Daniels sir ready for ammo here private when we get to the farmhouse be ready to engage move fast [Applause] [Music] nobody gets through [Music] [Music] got it Daniel's right fire the whole Pearson I'll need a casualty report Daniels I thought I'd seen everything he's gonna be all right yeah he taped them up pretty good sure stayed on the boat well now he tells us hey what you did back there I owe you I'd say we're even we'll see this through to the end to the end beachhead secured well bivouac at the second hedgerow after the ridge welcome to the bloody first you're a long way from Texas farm boy [Music] none of us could have prepared for that but you came through when it counted thanks sir oh yeah you'll be all right son thank you yes sir of course I will you
Channel: DraKulis Cinematic Gaming
Views: 6,874,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced warfare, best cod, black ops 2, black ops 3, black ops 4, call of duty, call of duty ghosts, call of duty ghosts walkthrough, cod black ops ps, cod ghosts, cod mw1, cod mw2, cod waw, cod ww2, modern warfare 2 remastered, modern warfare remastered, mw3, mw4, the wolf modern warfare, zero dark thirty, night vision modern warfare, spec ops modern warfare, modern warfare ending, MW ending, cod ww2 campaign, cod ww2 normandy, cod ww2 d day, omaha beach footage d-day
Id: jqb--T0Hw8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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