CZ Shadow 2 vs Sig P320 X5 Legion

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the honest table here and today we're gonna be doing a very requested video one of my more requests that I've ever had we're gonna be talking about this sig x5 the légion versus my shadow too before we get in this review I want to mention my patreon supporters the channel only exists cuz you guys that I really appreciate all your support because of that I try to give back by doing a monthly giveaway this month's giveaway is going to be for an Ontario Knife along some old lights I also want to mention Amazon and old light links down there below that helps the channel a little bit if you decide to purchase through there and they're all my products I've reviewed previously anyway so they're all pretty good products so all you got to just go down there and check out those links plus my link to a local homeless shelter in Ames Iowa that I like to support so if you want to do some good in the world go over there and donate getting back to the video which is really my wheelhouse because the shadow two is one of my all-time favorite pistols I've shot thousands and thousands of rounds through it and my personal favorite style of firearm is the 5 inch competition style pistol now both of these are gonna be kind of steel frame so this is a steel frame a standard steel frame not space-aged on the shadow too and this X 5 legion is gonna have the tungsten and views Palmer so it's going to have the same weight as a steel frame this pistol is around 43 ounces this one's about 46 however it's going to have a little bit of polymer flex and it's not going to be as pricy [Music] counter from low ready reloads nice holds recoil nice you still got that little rocking recoil impulse I don't really like it's [ __ ] fast though the lower portion of this pistol is not a firearm because the Sig X 5 lesion is a modular pistol with a chassis system sitting in it so if you want to you can go buy one of these lures on SIG's website for about three hundred dollars I think somewhere in there if you have the standard version this and if you buy this version and decide you want a lighter frame to carry you can go on there and buy a polymer frame version or a polymer frame lower and just put that chassis system in it now it's not super easy but it is easy enough to swap over if you are knowledgeable with this particular pistol I've done it with my M 17 and it took me not very long a couple minutes it jumps a little bit more than my shadow now as I said both of them are 5-inch pistols both of them come with adjustable fiber optic sights blacked out rear with fiber optic front personally I got an error on the side of the cz sights a little bit more because they have that tactical notch there that kind of sucks your eye in and it also comes with a red fiber optic as opposed to a green however you can change that relatively easily [Music] now the sig doesn't have an optics mount or the sorry the sig has an optics mount that you can put the new Romeo sight on and the cz does not however I do have a slide from primer machine that allows me to put an armoire on this and I'm sure you guys have seen that so they do exist however they don't come like that from the factory but you can't get them milled alright so now we're out here 50 yards which is what I consider to be kind of the max distance for a pistol range and we're going to see how accurate we can be now I am shooting reman ammunition which is not the Acuras most accurate thing in the world and I have it absolutely zeroed the shred that yet but we'll see if we can hit some of those plates [Music] accuracy by volume this is a double-action nine-millimeter pistol with whatever mag capacity suits your fancy I currently have an 18 round magazine in there but you can get whatever baseplates you want for the CZ series of pistols they've been around for quite a while the double action single action is gonna work like this if you're not familiar so the single action or sorry let's start with double action because that's we're going to start with your shooting production for example which it can do with this pistol and can't do with that one with that mag well there you are going to be starting from double action so you're going to pull the trigger like this and it's gonna have a long double action pull and then the round is going to fire when the trigger breaks and then it's gonna go right in a single action and you're gonna have an incredibly short incredibly light single action trigger to work with right there that's somewhere in the area of two pounds very very impressive this is actually from cz custom this is my AK u shadow so this is gonna have an AK u bushing but that's really the only difference besides a slight slightly improved trigger although I also have a standard shadow too or did I should say just recently traded it and it's got a very similar trigger so I wouldn't worry about that well if you're starting with limited you can start cocked and locked so you can just run it like this and not have to worry about it at all and then you're gonna have an incredibly short incredibly smooth single action trigger and unlike a 1911 you do have second strike capability and you do have the option to carry this pistol appendix and that double action is a really good measure of safety and if you're really serious about safety you can use the actual safety that comes on the gun now the the shadow comes with small safeties and large safe to use and you can install them any way you want I have the large safety installed on the right side and a small one on the left side the sig doesn't come with a safety it is a striker-fired pistol which means you're gonna have the same trigger pull every single time now it is a pretty nice trigger as well however not nearly as nice as the shadow and probably double the poundage before we get too deep in the weeds here let's get into reliability which is a thing that we first touch on most of the time and I have thousands and thousands of rounds through cz shadows especially the shadow to this particular gun sit in front of you here probably has her own 5000 rounds through it at least maybe six stop counting a long long time ago and it is extremely reliable one of the most reliable pistols I've ever fired no problems whatsoever and all types of ammunition including very light competition loads so this is one of my if not the most reliable pistol that I own the sig has a thousand rounds through it clean with no reliability problems either however if I had to absolutely give an edge to one of these I would have to give the slight edge to the shadow just because I have more experience with it but it seems to me that there probably even now as far as accuracy goes I gotta give the edge to the shadow and the reason why is gonna be the sights are very very similar so that's kind of a wash even though I slightly prefer the cz sights but the trigger itself as we talked about earlier is just significantly better overall it's lighter it's crisper its smoother and if you upgrade to a act Shadow like this you're gonna get a slightly smoother trigger this trigger is on par or even better than a lot of 1911 triggers I have and honestly the sink or the striker fret trigger the sig just does not hold up you can see there a lot of creep in the trigger reset is good but not that good I just shot pretty fast a second ago so I'm just gonna try to do some target transitions on these four targets here and we're at about 10 yards if you want to pop over my shoulder here what kind of test and see how fast we can go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pretty fast yeah so the shoot ability is gonna go for the shadow again and the reason why is because it's a little bit heavier but mainly where they put the weight so they did add weight to the x5 which does help with the recoil however the cz is really a gun that's just designed to be shot incredibly fast you see this gigantic dust cover here at the bottom and they even added weight by not cutting out Picatinny slots so this gun is a little forward heavy the very very light slide very low reciprocating mass pretty low bore axis overall not super low but low enough very low slide weight and very heavy frame way with really really good ergonomics you can see how high you can get into the pistol and you can also ride that safety for an extra lever down to hold the pistol in place this has one of the lowest recoil impulses of any gun I've ever fired you're gonna get that a lot because these are exceptional pistols compared to exceptional pistols so the shoot ability reliability is gonna be pretty exceptional got it yep regardless the recoil impulse is extremely low on the shadow - barely there and by comparison the Sig just has a little bit higher bore axis a little bit less weight up here a little bit more weight up here so you get this rocking motion that is very common SIGG's and a lot of people will fire around wait for it to cycle all the way back kind of dip down to back up and fire again so you're just gonna get a little more motion with the cig or it's gonna just be a little bit harder to hold in place who absolutely can't hold this in place and with technique and shooting skills you could shoot this faster than this no problem well you could shoot this faster than a guy with less skills can shoot this I could say but even skills the same shooter shooting both guns you're just gonna shoot this a little bit faster because of the lower recoil and the slightly faster resetting trigger it goes back certainly does the sig is a little bit lighter which reduces increases of recoil ball slightly however it is a little bit easier to maneuver out of the holster transition targets that's where the less weight is going to come in handy that 43 ounces really is the sweet spot and I do prefer that weight a little bit over the cz for just everyday handling and sitting in the holster for a long period of time the sig also is going to be a little bit simpler for numerous users to use absolutely a lot of people can wrap their head around striker-fired the striker-fired action a lot faster they can double single especially if you're trying to use it for production for example like if you took the mag well off this is gonna be a lot easier to use than starting double action and then moving to the single action every shot that just takes a lot of learning curve that a lot of people are not gonna have to deal with completely understand that the grip module and the modular chassis system is an upgrade in my opinion however the downside to that is the fact that there are not any other sizes of modular chassis system offered for the tungsten so if you don't like the grip size which I happen not to it's just a little bit small for me in comparison this easy there's nothing to upgrade and there's no back straps to put on so for me personally that's a big con also the texture on the sig is not near as good as grips that you can buy because the cz actually has removable grips here so you can buy any type of grip you want wide thin black green whatever you want to you can customize your cz to the texture and the color and the size that you see fit so in my opinion even though this is a modular system this is actually more customizable and even though this is from flip in 1975 and this came out this year somehow this still has an advantage also this is going to have the 25 lines per inch checkering that is really the preferred grip for any pistol out there if you can do it if it's a steel frame that's what you should do and the cz shadow - urgh anomic s-- in my opinion are just as good as the sig which is like I said kind of surprising considering if you don't like safeties totally understand that go for the sig if you don't like the double action trigger totally understand that go for the sig the sig is gonna be a simpler pistol overall for you to get together and know especially when it comes to takedown if you're gonna completely disassemble these pistols it's gonna be a little bit easier to do the sig the old double action style pistol can be a bit complicated if you want to remove all the trigger parts and things like that I do consistently remove a lot of my parts in the upper portion of the cz to change to my other slide and that isn't as complicated it's very similar to the sig however the lower portion of double action pistols can be a bit complicated now it's gonna come to price which one of these are you gonna be able to comfortably afford is really up to you I've seen these for sale brand new in big-box stores for around 900 I've seen them online for around $800 that's extremely good considering that this loss that a lot of the categories but not by very much and considering this is well this is an AK you shadow so this is going to be double that but the standard shadows you can find for around 1100 to 1300 dollars still going to be two to three hundred dollars more than this pistol if you can't afford that the sig with training is just as fine I mean it really it really works well however it's gonna have a little bit of nitpicks that just pushes me to the cz a little bit more this is gonna be a little bit more accurate it's going to be a bit more low recoil it's gonna be a little bit faster overall which is why I think still to this day the cz shadow is the king of production division and one of the most popular pistols on the market as far as competition pistols go but again if you don't like that double action and you just shoot Glocks and stuff like that and you don't like the safety the sig is still a great choice and for $900 this would be an awesome way to get into some serious shooting and if you're gonna get into USPSA IDPA stuff like that just take whatever gun you have and go have fun you don't need to show up a lot of people think they have to show up and just compete right away like you're gonna show up to your first basketball game and compete with a bran just go out there and have fun and that way you can have a better of opinion on whether you want to do it instead of waiting for your first match and saving up a thousand dollars to buy this thing just go out there and have fun but if you like cigs you're running p320 and you're getting serious about USPSA this would be a phenomenal choice I compared this to let's say a Glock 34 for example like a stock black 34 that's running around 600 dollars I would probably take the cig or that just because it's got a better trigger looks cooler it's a little bit heavier and it comes with a mag wall and stuff like that however if you're gonna make me choose between the sig and the shadow - I gotta go with the shadow - the shadow - is only a couple hundred dollars more more accurate just as reliable if not more reliable customizable better trigger what can I say it's the clear winner if you like this video please like and subscribe please helping homeless shelters and remember to recycle I'll check you later [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
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Views: 117,045
Rating: 4.9222317 out of 5
Keywords: sig sauer, glock 19, cz shadow, best pistol, p320 x5 legion, glock 17, p-10 c, m&p 2.0, sig sauer p365, x5 legion, steel frame, sig legion, shadow 2, best 9mm, best handgun, best of 2019, best 9mm handgun, sig p320 x5, sig sauer p320, sig, x5, legion, steel frame 320, metal frame, p320, sig x5, sig sauer x5, x5 legion review, x5 vs shadow 2, sig vs cz, cz, shadow, shadow 2 review, sig x5 legion review, top 5, top 5 guns, g19, g17, p365, p365xl
Id: 0y3CJiutAoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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