CZ P10C: Is the Glock 19 Finished? -Nutnfancy Review

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this is gonna be a fun tabletop review I will enjoy it an easy review really for me at least it's easy that's because the gun is excellent the cz p10 see there is your many review if you are in a hurry buy with confidence I love it cz p10 C it is awesome for once we see a gun that is totally hyped up by the industry by social media lotta youtubers and it delivers I'm signing off on it it's really excellent mass and that makes my job as an independent unbiased nobody bought me reviewer easy total easy first things first though officially it is year 11 of team P my how time flies and things are changing so first things you need to do to keep up with the changes is push that notification icon beneath the video that's the bell icon that will alert you when I post a new video I should have been doing this for years just dawned on me there's a first video after this time I've asked people to do this I know I'm just such a dummy sometimes how I managed my channel I just I don't know whatever so do that make sure you subscribe like and share this video please that helps me you know what's going on in YouTube with the monetization it's in the toilet it will probably not recover and so if you feel inclined to go over to TMP patreon and hit that - so we have some people over there some hardcore team peers it's a nice community I'm having a blast creating specialized content for them that will not be released on a or B channel here yes they play pledge like a buck a video over there and it's cheap entertainment it's cheap information if you don't want to do it don't do it that's fine but that we may morph over to that more and more as time goes on maybe completely in the future I just don't know so it might be good for you to be on the swallow that so you can say you've been doing it for a long time we have guys and of cute few girls around here that have been here since you know I started posting a no a long time so it'd be kind of be good for you to get on the ground floor up H on and if you don't totally get it that's fine so that's going on paid Sean's going I am making exclusive content for our TMP patreon folks and then we have hats that will come out in a special announcement video in the zodiac went out to the coast to do that among other things testing gear and look at this one it's the just another dumb a civilian embroidered not silk-screened embroidered patch we don't do velcro on it because this is a cultural TMP hat that we are you know wanting to get out there it took nine months of creation and reduced to get it right so it's a waterproof plastic bill just the right length no piping high-quality sub flex nylon morale patch it's also for sunglasses and pins TMP logo in the back that's the hats go to the nutnfancy big cartel website who wants to cover lots to cover up first also I want to thank TM Pier the Schofield project at is a Kay Joshua Elliott for sending me this gun I am on no favoured list with cz definitely not because I've said some things that I think probably they didn't like pissed them off and so I'm not you know one of their favorite reviewers that's okay so like the company I'm an adult I don't hold grudges I just you know do what I do so sometimes I have to go through alternate means to get the guns and I'm one of the last youtubers problem gun to beat the gun makes me laugh because I think reviews were coming out winter of 2016 on the P 10 see I was way far out for being able to get one way far I don't know own a gun store gunnies didn't have one they said I don't know if guns has embedded gun retailers still because they support what I do here so you'll see their link the great American gun store money's in the bottom they'll have them probably the different variations that is fde one the gray threaded barrel version I think they're making of the p10 C and then also the one that has the canned sights on it the higher front sights so eventually all those will get in we'll talk a little bit more that about that as the review goes on but I finally got one because of Schofield project thanks bro here's his letter I know I have it sitting on the side just to show you so you can see what he wrote there I won't go over it now just for time he's an awesome team peer he's been here forever here's one of those guys I'm talking about he's been here forever and he wants me to sign it or etching okay I will I'll do that now here's the thing too when you guys send me your guns and I actually like that so how it works is he sent it to gunnies I filled out the FFL 4473 I check it out temporarily maybe one or two months cuz you know I take it on number of outings this one's been alike on five outings then I get around to reviewing it and then I send it back to you probably a little bit of wear on it a little mud and dust and the thing is I'm really unsure about is if the gun sucks I'm still gonna review it that it sucks and I don't want there to be some weirdness between you and I if there's a gun you've spent your money on and now nutnfancy is not reviewing your precious gun well that's the risk you run I'm glad to say that was not the case here with the p10 C it ran awesome and just immediately after shooting the gun on the first outing I was like and you may see video this I'm like this guns good it's really excellent now I've been doing this reviewing gig for a long time I've shot a lot of guns both on duty off duty personally here in the project and I kind of get a feel for them you know what works what doesn't especially if something breaks which opens we have had in some ways the summer fails event here in the net fancy project that usually the p10 C was not part of that process thank heavens thank heavens the watch for the review by the way and I hope to review it tonight post it you better buy it quick because I got in an on for an insane low price 80 bucks is an avi 8 Hawker Harrier - watch aviation size like a 45 millimeter case really cool date on it riveted high-quality leather band man - I love this watch yeah I do watch reviews hey man get to the gun review there's lots of guys like the watch review so it's integral you know we just do what we do here p10 see though buy with confidence if you're if you say hey man I got a catch rest video man I gotta go to work just buy it you'll be you'll love it it's really a good gun now sitting on the table by way of comparison or just to kind of comparisons of course a Glock 19 everyone's out there comparing the p10 C to the Glock 19 I think that's a really good comparison it is a great competitive option let me tell you this right out the gate the Glock 19 is not going nowhere okay if you think the p10 C is going to replace the Glock 19 and suddenly Erin's gonna rush and sell their 19's mmm I don't think that's gonna happen dude I really don't you know the new gen coming out with the finger grooves is out there so guys are excited you know they have some different variations finally by finally Glock is doing something to improve Glock perfection I love Glock this doesn't mean they're without quirks for instance the dang trigger guards too small I've always said that my trigger rub or my trigger finger rubs in it tight for gloves I've always said that g19 they're also the Beretta APX soon to be returned back to gunnies on loan so it's funny what is christened a winner and immediately out the gate and what is christened loser by the gun media by online maybe the forum's in my estimation they normally get it wrong they really do that they'll christen something a winner and lo and behold I just don't see it Ruger American pistol is a perfect example of that I just don't think ever it will be a good seller especially when you go get a p10 see why why would you for a relatively close to the same why would I hit a blocky goofy Ruger American pistol not that I'm picking our Ruger but it just came to mind it's an example a lot of hype when he came out like it was like oh my gosh riggers got a new nine minute 9mm okay I get this gun all day long but we'll bounce back and forth in a couple size comparisons ergonomic comparisons with the g19 the p10 see don't think the Glocks going anywhere and it won't the one thing the Glock has actually in in some people's minds there are other things they like more about the Glock than the p10 this is time proven dude not just with civilians but through law enforcement through military I mean for decades it's time proven it's gonna take a lot of a lot of time for the p10 to rise up to that level in my mind there is no replacement for track record same can be said for the beretta all these new guns coming on the market they may shoot well they may be awesome and then lo and behold we find out down the road this or that and that takes time doesn't mean it won't survive that you know Smith & Wesson M&P series had what I thought were overblown problems in its infancy in the hands of some agencies I thought they really weren't warranted and it survived and it's still around it's still favored and they've continued to improve the design the same could happen with a p10 I don't know how long this video will go heck it's ten and a half minutes I having started talking about the gun features so I think it'll be feature-length and honestly a lot of dudes love that they love feature length the more we talk about philosophy of use competitive options and we just sit around and joke and have a good time the more they like it myself as a YouTube consumer I like long-form videos I really do in fact I'm to the point now if a video is under like 10 minutes I won't even click on it because now the video is over before I know it and I got to go hunting for another video usually saw my phone I'm at lunch I'm busy I have time I'd much rather go hit pause on a long video and finish it later give me a 40 minute video not boring interesting I that's not long for baby that's what I like I talked briefly about the models of the p10 this could change over time this is of course in your basic tactical black always favored it seems like they always come out with that one they have the one with the F de frame black slide out there Scofield project bought this one and by the way I hope you don't mind you I'm going to show your serial number because that might show the world if you decide to resell it it was a TMP review gun it's a c1 eight nine five nine eleven features let's get on with it philosophy of use will of course be standard i I don't go too much in that anymore it's just been played you know concealed carry gun I'll hit on that a little bit because I think the g19 is probably a little bit better of a CCW gun versus that because this is a little bit smaller dimensionally in some dimensions and no it's not that much but I'm just talking me that's what the reviews about that's my foundation that's all I can talk about I would prefer to carry this over that concealed but for you the differences could be nominal none at all home defense definitely go to war pistol from what I know yeah snipers pistol yep what snipers pistol well I introduced that term in the Walther PPQ video of which by the way that is still one of my all-time favorite favorite combat handguns the Walther PPQ series lightweight totally reliable accurate kind of a sniper's backup pistol that's that termite so I'll just throw that out there let's get on with features we'll start off with weight it is basically the same weight as the Glock just slightly heavier it's 26 ounces I call that about sixes where do my scale go there it is well weigh it on camera just for the heck of it let's see so we got a G 19 as a Gen 4 of course it's in that super cool coloration by the way pound eight it takes a while for it to start and stop let's turned on so that was a pound to eight here comes a p10 C so basically two ounces heavier that's actually more than I thought I thought it was close to that we'll call it two ounces because that's what the scale just said of course with the magazines in them that's what we should always weigh it not empty lot of manufacturers play this little game when they put poster weight on the website it's without the magazine without the Mac I don't get a feature so let's get on with it we're gonna do a couple comparisons I said this and we'll look at the width and the length so it's basically the same width as a g19 and a little bit longer so the nice part about that is it has a longer sight radius I'm always an advocate of that it does have tapering of the slide which some will like it will help reholster Ain and maybe just a more comfortable gun as you're moving it around I've never found a Glock to be uncomfortable really oh just the rubbing of the trigger thing which I said but on that not so much and then look at this dimension here so the p10 C is a little bit longer in the pistol grip but you do have a polymer overhang here which extends past the base base plate of the magazine like I said the g19 not widthwise but in some other dimensions is a little bit smaller and by the way you're looking at this and you go well that's nothing I mean that's nothing what I've always said in my tabletop reviews with carry pistols is it's something even a small difference is something especially if you're like me and you're carrying this in a shoulder holster and so this dimension is super important so if I take another half-inch in that dimension maybe it's something that's all I'm saying most people though will go inside the waistband they'll go belt carry appendix carry and so for them it's least that dimensions not a problem but it is a little bit heavier a little bit heavier I'm gonna give it kind of a pass on that I'm not gonna harp on it which is kind of probably a nice change of pace for you guys what fancy not harping on weight because it gives so much first off you got four serrations on the slide and it's not reverse slide rails like a lot of the other cz designs and I've reviewed something like the po7 the p9 and that's a really cool way to lower the bore axis in the shooters hands the downside to that is there's not a lot of slide to grasp so the slide height that's very short I like this better I really do and speaking of bore axis I find that it's it's really low in the hand that I can get a real high grip with a p10 organ ah mcclee we'll talk about this portion here in a second but just slide height I think it rides pretty low now compared to g19 that was already cocked trigger to the rear um it feels about the same to me you know I could break out a you know a ruler we could give exact measurements I just I'm just going to pass this as fast as I can it feels about the same and talking about shooting it we'll hit that again muzzle flip about the same I don't think the p10 seed turns over any new grounds for a muzzle flip or shot recovery some guys I clicked around after all my outings were done saw some reviews and I think they were talking about how miraculous it was and that usually happens with a new gun guys just get a little excited and they just got oh my gosh this gun is just magical it's not magical it's competent get it right okay there's it's not magical it's competent and it doesn't mean the competition whatever you want to throw against it sucks now and that p10 is only it but it's competent it's really good I'm just moderated and keep it you know at a realistic level do I use these four serrations and of course we got Glock variations coming out with that now I don't I don't a lot of guys think it's super cool to come out and press check here I just okay whatever go ahead as far as the serrations go I like them you know they look good they are different of course in the apxs we talked about that and that review maybe I'll put a card up right now you can check out my beretta apx review that's a competent pistol by the way it is but I said the same thing about the beretta I mean people were raving about threader oh my gosh your brother came out with a Paul new Palmer pistol okay cool it's awesome not necessarily better not necessarily groundbreaking but no that's cool pressing on with the features I love the trigger-guard on the P P 10 C bigger than the Glock oh I like that I've always said the cz P series trigger guards were awesome so back at o9 when I reviewed the po7 raved about it loved it and here we see its larger it still has a squared face Thank You cz love that they did that because I rest my finger on there and I shoot well doing it really excellent nice undercut here so again we get that high grip combined and I'll just cover now with a very excellent beaver tail overhang it's awesome let's compare it against the Glocks you're not gonna hear me say in this video oh my gosh the Glocks Glock 19 now sucks I want to sell my Glock 19 now I I ain't even with a favorite Rouge because my fingers actually match up with the grooves but if you have some bigger hands you know I could see why guys would say hey the you know the finger grooves are annoying but they're going away with this current generation coming out so moot point standard Picatinny rail here like that cold hammer-forged barrel there's a thickness on the p10 see super quality barrel and how do we know that by the accuracy if you set accuracy you're right accuracy okay human factors notwithstanding saying take down as a glaucoma and waste your time without it which is awesome the Glock takedown is like the best and everybody every gun company should either mimic it or come close to it I've reviewed some pistols this year where the takedown is extremely tedious and I don't like it at all cover that in those reviews I'm not going to hit it again here and that takes us to I guess the trigger of the p10 sino magazine disconnect of course which we would never want in a combat pistol the trigger is phenomenal dudes it's really good really good look at the reset on it and you may see some videos where are some video insert where I am shooting to reset just cause sometimes they do it sometimes I don't I transition to so many different triggers in the ravine process here is an FN 509 coming up for review we'll review that slowly and OSH I'm gonna put on pale because it's an interesting comparison against this gun I don't always shoot to reset and I think a lot of guys as I've said before it may be over sell the reset if you feel if you are competitor then reset matters we're milliseconds you know between 1st and 5th place count yeah reset matters and if they train and shoot that way all the time I'm down notice that the blade of the trigger goes completely in the face it disappears unlike the Glock which is always slightly visible and slightly always there I've never had a problem I've never shot the Glock go oh my gosh I wish that you know safe action blade with would retract all the way I've never said that pulls at about 4 pounds 10 ounces I won't do it on camera here the p10 see really nice trigger is it the best trigger in the world no I would still say the ppq trigger is my favorite the ppq trigger which I don't have here right now is insane it's awesome really really a great trigger vp9 comes close good trigger on the vp9 there you go I love the trigger though it's a good selling point do you want here's a nice thing about the p10 C trigger these you're not gonna have to do anything to it so here you have a retailing pistol five hundred dollars it's gonna Street it a lot less and you don't have to go out and buy an apex trigger KITT Michael a lot of guys do with Glocks now for me what I've always done with Glocks is I'll put a three and a half pound connector in call it good done a lot of guys will spend hundred dollars two hundred dollars so-called fixing the trigger on the Glock I think you're better off as a shooter to just to adapt to that trigger and learn how to do it and if it doesn't work for you get something else well a cz Pete MC just might be that something else if he has the trigger out of box is perfect you have to go out go to go to any place and buy a three and a half pound connector do any work no set it's awesome not so awesome though for me is the magazine release which is ambidextrous the I don't like about it is it sharp edges now the reviews that I read online and I didn't hit a lot I really didn't couple no one mentioned this they said all magazine release is made out of metal cool but shooting this I know to see sharp transitions dig into your thumb without gloves so I much preferred the June for mag release if we're comparing Glock versus that not that it's horrible it's not a show stopper on the p10 see but dude our shooting us at the range I was talking to mrs. nutnfancy who by the way love shooting this gun you'll see her shooting it and she didn't like it either she's like yeah that's digging into my thumb them a shooting it they need to do something with this what I would do is just make it more Jen for --is-- make it flat get rid of all these sharp transitions it's just no it's not great and you can't roll on your thumb like you can't on a Jen you kind of got a agenda for I should say you got I got to do a direct push on it nuff said on that traction on the grip on the p10 is pretty good I told you we compare it against F and 509 this is insane traction it's just like you know 5/7 style of traction on the F and 509 which by the way let's take a little breather here in the video which is going to be feature-length of course what I mean why why is this gun so much more popular than this gun the F and 509 I shot this one and this is yet another competent gun the 509 is a great gun didn't Jam it was accurate it was a pleasure to shoot I liked the 5 or 9 maybe I didn't rave about it it has an articulated trigger on it which I yet generally do not prefer but it's a good gun knows it better than the FNS mmm dip the pin still got that dumb safety nub in it right and has some other quirks I'll cover in the review can't cover it here see that I hate that freaking hate it for reasons previously noted but it's funny how like it seems like the world's ignoring this like FN comes out of the piston everyone goes yawn CZ comes out of the pistols like oh my gosh there's CZ pistol out its competent right it is I like it funny how that works you know size comparison though let's do it against a 509 I mean I when I pick up the 5 or 9 I go oh this is gonna be a much bigger gun no 509 is actually smaller in length about the same and width overall height is a little bit higher but kind of similar it's kind of surprising to me weight-wise I think the 509 slightly lighter I'm not gonna put on the scale but I yeah features back tear though we're talking and I picked this up for some some size comparisons also for traction this is insane traction in some people's minds this might be on the 509 FNS might be a little bit too aggressive this might be just right so you have some nibs coming out here interchangeable backstraps everyone just leaves a medium one medium one in I've always said it's mostly marketing hey you got interchangeable backstraps okay cool no one changes them good grip though I like the grip it's solid in hand I wouldn't put any traction material on this like I've been known to do on Glocks generally third gens not the 4th gen I think the 4th gen traction is excellent that brings us to the magazines apparently you can use this magazine in a po7 at least initial ones and it didn't swap back I I just don't know if they've changed so if you have a po7 I think they're working towards complete interchangeability if you have a po7 my po7 review in the day and this a long time ago it wasn't super positive because I had one in 40 and it was jamming a lot huh getting back to perhaps why cz doesn't TMP so much tell the world that it just it was bad but I know people who have sees like my friend ray he loves his po7 he runs at nine it's one of his go-to War pistols loves it but if magazine interchangeability is important to you then that might be another selling point to get a p10 see swap back and forth 15 plus one in the nine-millimeter configuration in a 40 it will be less baseplate is good I did not test that on concrete will it break I doubt it'll probably good I shot a lot of pistols like coming to mind our H and K series and they've been awesome the sights are made of aluminum standard three don't mind it all and I really like they're made of aluminum I think that's awesome doesn't add weight I think they'll be highly durable and the Glocks are made of freaking plastic and they work I've always defended Glock plastic sights I think it's only second cool well guys will say oh I'm not going to trust my life to plastic sight dude you shoot 50 rounds a year don't worry about it what are you des Eaux Gd come on and doesn't matter I like aluminum batter controls slide release awesome ambidextrous and it doesn't stick out like some other guns did sorry FN I mean the F and p9 was that way they had the big fat levers that came out and add a dimensional width this one no it's a trim pistol it's just super clean lefties might like it Jardine may like it he was too busy to help me shoot it but when he does he'll love it it's set up for lefties right out the box big external extractor my favorite color I think would be the F de big surprise right and of course some other versions which may come out maybe they'll do some special edition versions you may see what I'm shooting this gun as it usually happens with most of the pistols like test when I charge it like I'm empty and I just throw another mag in it's just gonna kind of auto load on its own pretty much every 9mm pistol I shoot does that and yeah I RAM the magazine home pretty hard but the PT p 10 C does it as well I don't mind that at all I mean I've just been putting up with it forever I probably ought to talk about that more in the reviews and that's features hope you liked it dude we're 30 minutes in we're having a great time I'm not nothing fancy I think this sucks but let's get a fun dish this is indoor range and this is nothing fancy and this nut baits was a camera woman there and so she might be zooming in or out she's usually if pretty good camera person but you might have to see some drama this is me shooting it I think about 10 yards dude freaking one whole groups look at that look that's that's like three shots in the one hole three shots remember what I said about barrel quality boom there it is again [Applause] awesome here we go desert paper right here this is 10 yards standing in a desert which is more difficult it just is I'm dealing with winds out there incidentally that's why I still do tabletop reviews cuz it's always windy out there and so if I do an infield review the wind kicks up guys complain hey I can't hear you the wind scares me it's me I just bring it to tabletop and then I'll just do inset footage like I've always done it works out good I like that product good group actually this is 115 grain jacketed hollow point I say nice gun shooting to reset so I'm shooting kind of fast here standing at 10 yards again all good look at that group double up arrow I wasn't super happy with that one or that one it's okay though 13 yards I'm just kind of going back and forth a meetin golden saber not that great but it is 13 yards standing so I'm not really resting it this one's a great grip this is Fiocchi 124 range HP this one's here there one more I like I don't know what is about Remington jhp it's such an accurate low look at this 10 yards standing you'll see on set footage great great great Fiocchi 115 great gold saber 124 frame plus P great great great dude I mean the gun is accurate now this is kind of weird I shot the Glock 19 after I shot the P 10 C on one of the outings and I shot this one better what you love Glocks I know you shoot Glocks a lot I have shot Glocks a lot it just kind of goes off and on sometimes you know I'm in a Glock vein here in the project other times not so much but yeah I've shot them enough where I should grab a Glock and shoot well with a true true statement that day I shot this better miss Sharon honesty with you does that mean I can't shoot a block as good as a p10 C mm-hmm good question I don't think the answer honestly is no I think I could shoot both these guns the same way the thing is the trigger is very different on a Glock then is here so why this pulls very cleanly this one is stiffer and by the way this was a stock trigger I didn't even put a three and a half pound in this and I think it was this exact one I'm shooting and so I came back now well maybe I know you spend fifteen bucks put about three and a half pound in that so there is a difference a trigger like I said on a p10 C is excellent so reliability how'd it shoot 100% then choke with any steel cases yes I tried that no stovepipes I can't remember a single malfunction in the p10 C so dude Schofield project you got a great gun Dre gun no now is that a definitive hey man this guns awesome no it's just amount of time I have the amount of ammo I have to send through the gun it that initial data point is all good that's what I'm saying and that's the best I can offer you which stakes is of course to would I buy it well you should surmise at this point the answer is a definitive yes I would buy the p10 C oh and I didn't have any I don't have any on the table it does fit Glock 19 holsters which is a bonus so if you do have a G 19 you have some holsters which are kind of hard to sell and get rid of because nobody wants use holsters apparently use it it'll fit most Glock 19 holsters that's a big bonus smart cz for doing that yeah I would totally buy it I would yeah add it to the inventory maybe I'll get one later but like I said at the outset I you know I don't know if this is revolutionary it's just a great competitive option to not just a blocks but to every pistol you know it's great to see that we live in the best times of combat handguns and knives and watches I mean dude it was 80 bucks for that watch ah it's just I can't believe the days we live in I mean and I'm talking the good parts is the best of times and yeah it was the worst of times but I I try to just bring in the good the gun for what you're paying the p10 see totally worth it buy it yeah I mean dude I buy it without even any hesitation the thing that this p10 C does which is so competitive is its price point so you're getting a great ergonomics you can put in a carry philosophy of use totally home defense vehicle definitely I think it's good enough to be a go to war pistol yes track record is forthcoming that takes time but from what I see this thing is awesome it is so the thing I'm saying is that value wise it kind of elevates the whole crowd I think the 509 a great pistol between these two and I I loved FN I love them love them love them which one would I buy between these p10 this it's not even close I love the trigger I like the low bore axis I like it's looks too I think the p10 C and I've always said this looks are important I like it's looks like the big old square trigger guard versus a rounded one on here not this is an articulated trigger this isn't you know if this was my gun I would just probably sand this a little bit file it away maybe cz will fix that magazine release that's really the only bad thing I can say about it maybe you could say well it's just 15 plus one you put a plus two on a Glock 19 how more rounds and okay you can make that thing but if it's taking p7 mags p7 has more rounds right it might be sixes highly recommend and it really is pick your favorite flavor buy with confidence done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: nutnfancy
Views: 366,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beretta apx vs glock, canik tp9 review, glock 17 review, fn 509 review, sig p226, best combat handgun, home defense gun, $400 9mm, army m9, service pistol, cz p10C review, p320 x series review, 9mm vs 40, cz p10C review nutnfancy, cz p1 vs glock 19, cz p09 review nutn, cz p07 review, cz75 review, mhs sig, mhs glock, mhs cz, glock 17 vs, glock gen 5 review, walther ppq, beretta apx review, fn fns, best 9mm handgun, cz nutnfancy
Id: 6CAXusGYajc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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