Cyndi Lauper - The Tonight Show - March 1, 1984

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Thank You doc we're back we're just setting up for our there's a musical talent yourself what do you think of some of the new groups that are out there a lot a lot of good music today oh there's always some good ones yeah this young lady has up are you getting too old or sound like an old fool yeah I like Stephen Foster myself yes here is a unique young singer she's uh just leaving for Australia and Japan and gonna begin her American tour at the Ritz in New York City on April 19th and 20th her debut album is called she's so unusual would you welcome please sydney longer you you you you Jindal offer where you going Cindy yeah what were you cleaning up over there you're looking for your shoes just fly solo ah you're you're you look like you're having a great deal of fun out there are you really yeah yeah that's what I said the review said you look like you're having a wonderful time in front of the audience oh I have great time yeah I wasn't doing this Johnny I might have been a brain surgeon or a rocket so I could have been something yeah for visiting professor at Harvard or something like that yeah are you you know my friend I didn't mean to cut you up like that my friends they tell me you got a water see you guys don't know but he's got this whole thing back here he could work where he can make it snow and the sunshine you know when people telling you a sad story you feel like making it rain yeah haven't done that it's not a bad idea just change the backdrop during the day then you could have it snow and then the Sun comes through the snow as the story gets more involved I do marathoner that it's a good idea just change the set oh yeah yeah make your very visual yeah your very visual yes yeah yeah your album is called she's unusual so unusual right yeah that people call you unusual but you don't see yourself as unusual dia no not really don't you think you're somewhat different than say the average yell your age no you don't know but I see I think that I think you dress unusually yes sir I think it's very trapped yeah it's very peg very Peggy peg who's that mean square no no what's the big present you watch wrestling not not often you mean mean from Olympic auditorium Lee no no no professional wrestling you know I have my personal advisers captain Lou albano I know if you know him I don't suppose you'd remember gorgeous George would you that's way for your time I was a big fan of Gorgeous George yeah go into that great Matt up in the sky I think hey what's the pig principle well it stands for politeness etiquette and grooming and captain moon has come up with this concept you see and um if he thought you know you've met a lot of rockers I know you have all of you and you know right away when you meet a rock and roller they're very polite you see and so politeness would really kind of go in with rock and roll and wrestling etiquette anything very very important because you know that a lot of times in this business we do a lot of business over lunch or dinner so if you don't know how to eat right no what if you somebody says something to you got to know how to answer real quick with food in your mouth and not let it look like AB footage now of course and you spill food on somebody could blow Holden yeah yeah good thanks very tacky and also grooming grooming is everything cuz Rocco is very fashionable and so is wrestling yeah like I don't know if you ever noticed the Samoans see captain Lou albano he manages the Samoans the wild Simone I've seen them oh yeah yeah the tag-team guys yeah here they're champions they're champions they lost their um their belt but that was because Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson they cheated yeah well I that disturbed me for a long time very much I think I should be an investigation soon as the summit meeting is out of the way in Russia they gotta get the right to that I think so because you know a lot of times even when you watch wrestling yeah this is how how great captain Wu his mental capacity is he meditates on all these things when you watch wrestling and you see them yell pig a captain Wu you probably wonder what that means right well I didn't know what big Mick what's pygmy it means politeness integrity with a little bit of intelligence there and grooming ah all of a sudden I feel like Bernard Baruch just going back through the centuries uh now you're groomed um I'll groomed very well yes you are whom do you groom yourself yes me and Patrick Patrick Patrick Lucas he helps me uh-huh he's my makeup artist huh huh your groomer and makeup artist yeah I boom - we both groom together yeah this is groomers no max you're the groom me he's the groomer yeah I know like are these designer uh type of things no no these are from um well I shop at Screaming Mimi's in New York and I shop at a lot of different places bargain basements some garage sales and things that people don't think are really neat anymore a lot of nice things here yeah I like them I gotta do this first okay okay we'll be right back stay where you are you want to get right in your watch you through this time after time okay it's all yours in up okay I'll walk it through lying in my bed think of you chuckles confused nothing new nice almost okay so memories some you feel - to when you say so the said gun and you will find it time after time you feel fun - I'll be waiting in time you've got us too my time time if it were turn to Gregg see well in the Sun the jumping sound oh time is gonna do five if you fall I will catch I'll be waiting you say Oh slow Oh Toby that's good you can find it time if you are I'll be waiting you will find me if you time time of time that's all right that's nice you're fun to watch you really are you got to come back when you finish your tour and be with us if you'd like love to have you yes very famous thing to do again is it know what before I go yeah since I've been in Hollywood and everything I thought I might show you something that I learned here yes I think I think it's but no offense man hmm the Hollywood smile the Hollywood smile yeah what do shows like this funny we'll be right back okay we're back we just have just have about 30 seconds not only are you a good entertainer you're a wonderful guest - yeah we could come back you're fun to talk to it when you get back from tour would you drop in and see us again yes you're gonna Hawaii you saying yeah got a glass curtain move Oh Thank You Cindy thank you Bob for being with us tomorrow night John Ritter will be here Jimmy Alec and Robin Douglas see you tomorrow good night next on Late Night with David Letterman meet comedian Dick Gregory and Star Search spokesmodel Tracy Ross all on NBC be there
Channel: joe jones
Views: 1,974,523
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Id: t-yis9av6xc
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Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2015
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