Cylance Endpoint Security Webinar and Demo by Atrion

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so good afternoon everyone and thanks for joining our silent endpoint security webinar this will be the final webinar and a tree on webinar series for 2016 but watch out for future events as well coming from from a tree on in 2017 as we continue to bring you a lot of additional seminars and webinars and just continuing education information about what's going on and networking and security today we're we're proud and excited to present to you on the silent endpoint security solution very exciting and compelling solution that we've been working with for a little over a year it's a very disruptive technology and in the endpoint security space and we think you what we think you'll like what you'll see as we go into this presentation so again my name is a Dominic Grillo with a tree on communications I'm the executive VP here we've been in business for over 30 years presenting network and security solutions to our various customers especially in the New York New Jersey and Pennsylvania markets today we're really proud to be working with silence and show off a little bit about what they're doing on the endpoint security market and kind of how they're disrupting things so what we'll be doing is we'll have a presentation an initial presentation by Rick Hankins of silence he's one of the account executives in the area he's going to do a little bit of a high level overview on the silent solution and then from there we're going to move into a demonstration with one of our engineers Erik cosmic will show you you know kind of live what does it look like and we know that the silent solution and kind of how can it help you to prevent malware from penetrating your network Domenic and thanks everyone for joining today again my name is Rick hankins and I'm with silence and I'm going to quickly breeze through the background of silence and try to give you a good understanding of who we are as a company and what our technology is all about so we are the makers of silence protect which the industry classifies as a next-gen antivirus solution although it's nothing like traditional antivirus silence protect uses artificial intelligence based technology that's completely changing the direction of the AV industry and is really the main thing that sets us apart from our competitors and everyone else in the marketplace our founders are Stewart McClure and Ryan perma who as you can see are the former CTO and chief scientist of McAfee and they left for a couple of reasons I think you know I know that Stewart and Ryan had initially tried to build traction internally at McAfee to build what eventually became silent correct and they never received the support internally to move forward you know that's really the main reason and and they were all so tired of frankly apologising for for the fact that the signature-based technology just wasn't cutting it anymore so in 2012 they set out to create this technology and they started out by providing a variety of Incident Response services while they develop the solution until about two years ago when we finally release silence protect while silence protect is the main focus of our business today we still do provide excellent professional services however the the breadth of our business is focused on the solution we also we also brought on Malcolm Harkins to be our r/c so he was the global CEO of Intel for over 20 years and is a very big name in the cybersecurity industry and he left a very lofty job with Intel because of his strong belief in what we have to offer you know one of the things that drew Malcolm over to silence is where we stand on this chart we call the nine box of boxes of control which represents where the endpoint security industry is today as a whole you know I think most people would agree that signature-based AV is is not really cutting it anymore and because of the failure of traditional antivirus the three as you can see is now focusing on high risk and high-cost techniques that revolve around detecting and responding to cyber attacks the industry is taking on this perception that prevention is no longer a viable security approach and that your only way to protect endpoints is to assume a compromise and try to detect and respond to malware that's already made it onto your system now the problem with this approach from a manager's perspective is that it's the highest cost and highest risk approach to endpoint security detecting and responding no matter how many automated bills bells and whistles you have on your tool is still very much a manual process which raises costs since you're focusing on minimizing damage rather than the vulnerability it's also the highest risk option we are here to change this perception and bring people back to believing in automated prevention which is exactly what silence protect provides so what exactly is silence protect silence protect is truly the only legitimate preventative solution on the market today we are a pre execution cyber security technology that can predict whether or not a file is malicious before it can do any harm to your endpoints now I know many customers have a lot of requirements and and in terms of compliance we do satisfy those check boxes so Microsoft has certified us as a tier 1 AV replacement tool we're also PCI DSS compliant as well as HIPAA compliant and we're extremely lightweight our most updated agent is actually under 40 Meg's in size and only runs at about one to three percent of CPU making us completely silent to the end-user hence our name silence on this next slide I'd like to break down you know what we do and also what we don't do because there's a lot of different technologies on the marketplace today and and frankly it's it's confusing to the market so I'm going to start on the right hand side with what we don't do we are not a traditional antivirus solution we require no additional on-premise Hardware and we don't use signatures or sugar sticks of any kind signatures don't work anymore all it takes is a hacker just a mutate the hash just change it a little bit and it's going to evade a traditional signature based approach we don't do any type of sandboxing or complicated analysis or run reports on malware that's already made it into your system we instead prevent it from compromising you in the first place now shifting to the left-hand side and what we do do silence protect does not need an internet connection to fully function you can't depend on a solution that requires a central intelligence look up you might have roaming agents or remote employees or users that are offline perhaps they log into the wrong hotspot and if your solutions heavily dependent on the cloud they're going to be compromised in those situations with silence protect you're covered in all those situations because we work on math and artificial intelligence not a database sitting in the cloud because we don't rely on signatures you don't have to worry about all these constant updates to the DAT file or signature repository now you might get an update a couple times a year when we update our algorithms which on average happens about every six to eight months these algorithms analyze over 6 million static aspects of data on every file in milliseconds and today we block over 99% of malware pre execution the way we're able to do all this is using a branch of artificial intelligence called machine learning it all starts with our cloud engine which is called infinity and is hosted on thousands of AWS servers this is where we develop our algorithms basically we fed infinity with all of the known good and known bad files that we can find over a billion files in total to date and then we reverse engineered these files to figure out all of the good and bad static characteristics of a file the way it works is simple if your user were to try to execute a malicious file silence will evaluate over 6 million static aspects of the file and based on what the algorithm has learned from seeing well over a billion files already we'll generate a score based on the characteristics it is identified if this malicious score is over a certain threshold silent we'll stop the file from executing quarantine the file and alert you via email and in our portal where you can do a deeper investigation on the malware and the security event as a whole and again this whole this whole process happens in 70 milliseconds so truly pre execution thank you thank you for for giving me the opportunity to give you an overview and I think we will dive right into the live demonstration and thanks thanks Rick thanks for that a nice overview so we're going to move over to Eric cosmic one of the solutions engineers here with a tree on who's been working with a silence solution for over a year now and rolling it out doing demonstrations like this so he's gonna provide you a nice demonstration of how the silent solution can work to protect you you know you from malware and in the meantime to if you do notice there is a QA tab towards the bottom of the presentation so if you do have any questions as he's going through the presentation feel free to type them into the box and at the conclusion of the demonstration I will will review any of those questions and go over them with you yeah thanks Tom thanks Rick hey guys thanks again for your time today I just kind of wanted to go over and show you an actual live demo of how science operates so to give you a little background what we have running here I actually have my silence VM that's currently running and a couple things I wanted to point out first we have little task manager here what's actually running behind with silence Rani's you have the service itself which you can see I've highlighted here at about 50 Meg's of memory utilized and then the silence UI itself - which is actually this little agent guy down here give you some information as to what is going on in the background now this can be turned on or off by choice you know depending on how you roll it out but for today's demo purposes we're going to leave it up and running that way you can see how it how it notices the files that are coming through part of the other feature that I'll look at here just to give you an idea of make sure it is all updated we could point it out there really aren't many updates that come out for this base that it can be a completely offline solution for the most part so I just wanted to show you that we are currently up to date with with what is running the actual host itself for the VM that I have running here pretty standard machine i7 dual core that's going to be running with four four gigs of ram here so what we're actually going to do now is I have downloaded some good old-fashioned ransom way here so the ransomware I've downloaded it's actually packed or mutated so this actually would be to a traditional signature based antivirus solution something that could be a huge downfall for them this known malware that's now been out for a while however long you know now that it's packed it's going to seem like it's a completely different file or completely different mutex of that existing file so it's going to do the same traits however any kind of signature based solution is going to honestly have a very hard time doing that so we open this up I have about 95 different pieces here now again just for part of the demo purposes you know hopefully your environments never encounter something this this extreme but just for a dental purpose we wanted to be able to show this so we'll leave that up and I'm going to open up a command prompt here so what I'm going to do first is if you notice these are all packed files so what we need to do is actually turn them into executables so to do that here now you'll notice they all have a fun little icon next to them they're all looking like applications but the files themselves aren't actually doing anything which part of the policy itself that's been sculpted for this virtual machine which will kind of dive into later so I can show you the ins and outs of how we were actually able to protect ourselves or hopefully protect ourselves which I'll on saw launch all of these so they are all applications now so what we're going to do is I'm going to run a for loop and what this is going to do is run the actual applications basically one at a time in a row but go down the list of full 95 so effectively we're going to be launching all 95 of these so one other piece that will point out here I want to load up the performance so you can see how the system itself actually operates while all 95 pieces of malware are going to be running here go ahead and get started so you can see based on what Rick was talking about previously it is a preventative measure so as these files are launching it actually looks like for most almost all of these they're coming up as an access denied which is exactly what we would hope to see as that file goes to detonate that is packed ransomware science is investigating it use it decides that hey this is actually malicious and is going to prevent it completely so it's not actually going to run there now part of the little CPU spike there is really just running that sheer quantity of files themselves you know if you go too long a 100 word doc stack Dawkins whatever it is you'll see a little spike there as well so it looks like it actually ran through the 95 pieces here sometimes there's a legacy grab the last three there so what we're seeing now is on our little agent down at the bottom right here line make sure you guys can actually see this we have all of the threads listed here so it gives you some information as far as the file name that it's been quarantined how it found it and we can see the type of event here - by listing this so now we could see the timestamp on it the category event and then the details as far as where was actually running so it looks like in this case that silence was was actually a hundred percent successful which is why was a great you know being able to stop all that at a very low CPU memory hey you know the end user if we weren't actually having all these windows up running the end user would most likely not even realize that anything was happening which again to Rick's point being silence silent plan words there you know they do want it to be very non intrusive you know you want your end user to continue working to have no idea that that they are actually 100% protected and having no problems there so what I want to do now is we'll actually pop open into the tenant itself and this is the cloud version of what we're actually seeing this is where we can dive further in you know investigate some more detail here so once you log in you know standard username and password will lock you into your account we can see a couple quick hits up front gives you some threat classifiers some threat events how many total files have been analyzed obviously we have a ridiculous amount just for running different tests and demos with with our with our agents here so it's a nice little quick idea to see how your your system your your entire company is doing under silence so you can see the different threat events this year count of them and then a you know threat classifier to see what kind of malware or potentially unwanted programs are actually listed here as we go through the tabs up top you'll notice that the the interface itself is relatively straightforward you know just even if this is the first time you were ever going through it it's relatively into it if you know if depending on what you want to look at click on it and most links on here will take you and drill you in further so give you an idea these are all the files that have just been caught on the demo that we are running so at a glance you can see the file name that the priority of it audit the and some other different features here basically like what detected it and so on and so forth so now we know that obviously ransomware ransomware files are going to be malicious those are most likely going to be grabbed up in the beginning so it's more of those somewhat gray area ones where maybe it's a potentially unwanted program that you're you're curious about or something that you want to dive further into so to be able to do that if you wanted to investigate a particular file further once you click on the file name itself you'll notice it takes you into the threat details of that actual file so now we can see a couple different items here as far as the affected device itself so we can see that this was on that virtual machine that I was running the the file path that it was actually located in some other features too but what I also want to you know point out to you is you can see the silent score that Ricky talked about now that score will vary again depending on the the six millions static aspects of that file itself to give you a general range of a score from 0 to 100 depending on how strong that or malicious that file is but under investigation what you can also see is if there were any signs certificates what the product name is so on and so forth you'll actually see different statistics come up here to really help you further investigate what's going on with that specific file you know there might be something where maybe a file comes down where it looks like it's a PDF you know or at least has the Adobe icon you'll actually see that little icon show up on the bottom here it gives you different identifiers of that file so it helps with the investigation what's a really great tool here if you click on the evidence reports you can actually see sort of in plain English why silence steam that that file was malicious so we can see for this particular file we look at the deception one for instance shows that the object appears to run invisibly but it's not a background service so generally malware is going to use a feature like that to try to to see see the host machine itself in order to bypass any kind of security you know have it run in the background and then maybe download a payload something along those lines so now that we have kind of our English view of plaintext of what's going on we can also dive in even further and look at the detailed threat data so it's great about this depending on what the file itself is actually doing you can see some really good statistical information here as far as the standard information on so you see the hash values the file size things like that but we can also look to see if the file dropped anything so in this case it actually looks like it did drop an executable with a pretty funky name so most likely not that not a great file here but again as you can see you can almost click on anything here to really just dive in deep and see exactly what's going on with these specific files so now that we know that that one file was dropped we can also look at the behavior for it we see all these different files were affected on it there's a couple different you taxes and then you can actually even see all the different registry keys that have been either edited or changed of some sort based on that one file so it's a great way to notice what's going on just from one file being run across through through the silence protect engine so once we've either deemed the file as malicious you know maybe we want to set up a global quarantine policy things like that a lot of the quick hits are going to be right on the same page here so you have an option to either globally quarantine it do a global safe list if you thought that the file should have been safe listed for some reason and it actually wasn't malicious through your investigation you can also three download the file if you wanted to do further investigation maybe on a dirty VM machine just to detonate it yourself see exactly what it does things like that gives you a great overview of everything going on and again we're just looking at one threat so you can imagine the great amount of detail that we can go into from each particular file that's been discovered won't bore you with all that though so what we want to look at sue is the actual policy so how did we create a policy that was able to protect us here as you can see we have a bunch of different policies out here that I've been running and testing with so the one we actually use particularly was this VM testing one so you can name the policy name whatever you want just as some type of reminder for yourself but you'll notice is really not a ton of different settings which is great because it gives you a really simplistic view a really easy way to have a really good policy specked out to be able to fully protect yourself so basically I will just kind of run through each one of these tabs here to give you an idea of how we edited or created this policy so up front you'll notice that we have some file options here and the way silence works is it designates either the file as unsafe or abnormal and in both cases what we have here as far as the executables are concerned is we wanted to auto quarantine this is where the bulk of the protection is going to take place as the file you know comes through and goes to run or is launched or detonated the auto quarantine is what's going to investigate that file and then just quarantine it based on the traits of that file so it's literally just a checkbox under the executable assignment that enables that or disables it moving along we have memory actions we have a couple different options here you can notice there's a bunch of different violation types that you can actually expand out go into it and determine how you want to actually set up the memory actions here everything from from stack pivots to just different injections but at the the higher level for it really all you need to do is enable a checkbox here to enable memory protection and that we have it set to terminate that so essentially what that does is as that process goes to run and silence teams that has malicious we have it the policy itself will terminate that process so the great thing about that whereas if you had it set to a block function the process itself can actually keep trying to run in the background which can then cause you know maybe some some i/o overhead where it's just constantly trying to run and maybe download a file or do whatever that vetch rate was whereas terminate will actually stop that process in its tracks now Rick had mentioned that silence is PCI compliant and this is where some of that comes into play here mainly for or speaking to background threat detection or watch for new files now you'll notice when I was running that demo the I was able to have all those executable files right on my desktop granted they weren't actually doing anything because we didn't run anything but initially they were just sitting there and the reason we were able to do that is I didn't have any kind of background threat detection or watch for new file so again this files weren't malicious until I want to run them which is when the file action and memory actions come into play and actually protect my my VM in this case in order to be PCI compliant it states that you do have to have some some type of scanning ability which is why that checkbox is here if you wanted to enable it it will let you run that and it'll do a reoccurring schedule for every nine days so it does give you that option some people like that a lot they like to have the ability to to run a scan on their it is absolutely not required by science so we saw that first hand running the the demo itself some other options here going down the list with the the agent settings I had mentioned earlier you know you actually don't even have to have those notifications set up and you can see right here if you didn't want your end-users to even really be notified that there were malicious activities occurring on on their actual hosts you can you can enable that or disable eyes that that I should say so they'll have no idea that it's actually running if you were to investigate it within the tenant you'll still see everything that comes through just the the end-user has no idea if you were to uncheck the the notification seal they'll have no idea that that pieces are coming through and silence is actually coming into effect so again another part of that trying to be silent in the background so give you that great protection and not intrude on the end users daily activities and then the last piece here that we have is script control some of the newer pieces of malware that we've been seeing come through kind of pertain to the macros themselves now I'm sure some of us have seen those rogue invoice emails come through looking for someone to you know have the invoice paid or where they're sending you the invoice whatever that is you know and there's a PDF or a word file that comes through that that looks a little shady here so silence enables you to turn on script control which then we can actually block those macros but I also give you some great functionality as far as blocking the PowerShell and active script commands as well so gives you that full kind of list of okay you know in this case we want to block all of those malicious scripts and in any of these these options whether it be the file actions memory actions or even in the script control here we do have there is an option to build in an exclusion so if there was something that you knew about ahead of time maybe you had a custom script running on your machine or a custom app that you really wanted to make sure that silence isn't going to quarantine for any reason you can also build that in an exclusion list there so it gives you that full granularity into being able to scope the the endpoint protection for your environment some of the other features will touch on real quick - we have a full device list here so you can see all the different devices that are running on your or at least running silence on there you can dive in deeper so if we have pull up my actual VM we can viewed all sorts of different files on here what's been going on gives us a similar view to when we're looking at the threats themselves now we're actually just looking at the endpoint itself to see what's been going on what's happening with particular malware so gives you a bunch of information on the device itself you can create different policies or I should say add different policies set the policy how you want for that that different device itself as far as the the rollout or installs concern is where zones come into play it's a great way to be able to kind of set up how you would want your device is onboarding and what kind of policy they'll get so bunch of different rules we can create and they'll all stack so if you wanted to set up whether it's a member of certain domain name different IP address operating system we can keep adding and keep going on here to say scope it out how exactly we wanted to now we can say okay we do any operating system when Windows seven run in this device name we can say gets applied to a particular policy so in this case we can then select the policy that go through so great pieces you know there there is an MSI installer there's a couple different install options too as far as rolling out the application itself makes it very very easy you can notice we do have there's a MSI installer for 64-bit 32-bit as well as an executable and it does work on Mac OSX tenon later as well so gives you the the kind of full option to be able to really almost protect any of the main devices out there Windows XP service pack 3 and end up as well so really runs the the full spectrum here to be able to fully protect your your in end devices so that's basically the tenant in a nutshell here to give you a good idea of what was going on in the background when we were actually running that demo itself we're actually detonating the malware thanks Eric is is there where you want to show off in the interface at all I think that that pretty much covers it at least a high level of everything that that the users would be looking at or at least heed the admins would be looking at Rob good so we did have a few questions come in during the demonstration so it one of the first questions we asked is you know can we describe the effectiveness against zero day threats also they did the you know they were assuming the other management consoles hosted in AWS but you know if so how can they get logging internally to like their their simper HAP's sure so to touch on that first part about the what was it about the zero days the effect the effectiveness again zero day threats so if you think about it silence itself almost treats every piece of malware really as as a zero day there are no traditional signature files there's there's nothing that it's got a repository up to know about in the background it's really investigating those files and at least at the policy we created at that point of it running that's that's where the true prevention comes in it deems that files malicious in this case when we were testing it and automatically quarantines those files so that was part of the reason I was using pact malware as it's not a traditionally seen virus that's out there this this the the malware that that was running you know whatever that signature is we repacked it so now technically even on a signature based system that's going to supersede that that's that's going to be able to get around the signature itself good well thanks to doc can you also respond to the question about if the management console is cloud hosted as it is here with the sounds protect you know how could we have extract logs from it perhaps to assume that the customer a host and in their internal environment sure yes so there there is a setting within the console itself that you can add whether you know you have a syslog or sim there's a couple of pre-canned ones you know Splunk logarithm things like that that that are already predefined in there you can also add a custom one too if if you had one that you wanted to add to it as well it's simple this as going into your settings on the tenant itself just adding in two really just a checkbox turning it on and then adding in your information there good and another question came in asking all how to silence deal with false positive so if you can you know kind of talk to to that sure so generally if you were looking to start rolling out silence into your own end point or your own environment what we would do is we want to start by running the endpoint itself in to or in a default policy basically what that's going to do is going to give us all the investigative properties of science without Auto quarantine so obviously you're not going to want to start testing malware right away on a default policy because the true protections aren't actually there yet the reason we run it in a default policy first is to get an idea of your environment so if you do have custom apps there there are different applications you have running maybe there's something specific to you to your environment that wouldn't necessarily be out in the wild what we do is in that default policy once it's all done we'll see I'll give it a couple days to run when we go back into the tenant we'll be able to view okay silence hit on this this and this and then through those investigative properties that we went over through the protection tabs we can view each individual file if we DIF need B and say okay oh this is our custom login script or okay this is our custom application we can then create if you remember when we were looking at the the threats themselves we can click on that safe list button which will then globally safe list it across your tenant there so anybody else within your organization with silence endpoint protection on there if it is let's say that that custom login script that's going to be safe list it or whitelist it so it's not going to actually so silence won't pull from that or it won't quarantine that so really a long story short if you running the defaults it gives us a good idea of what your environment looks like and at that point we can spec it out to work appropriately within that environment great and then another question that came in was that the silence perform IPS like intrusion prevention style services or do you have to rely on another vendor for that that sort of functionality I'm sorry Sagan it was breaking up a little bit okay there's a silence perform intrusion prevention services like you know services type stuff like IPS or do you have to do over line another vendor to provide that sort of functionality well so the endpoints themselves you know as those files are kind of running through and being detonated silence is going to be that preventive measures that's what is going to weather you know deny it or allow it so as far as an IPS I mean they wouldn't necessarily be required you know you look through it silence itself running that's what's going to be your your preventative measure that's what's actually going to be denying or or allowing those files yeah I think that's one of the key things just the idea that you know silence is a preventive solution you know then it's you know doing everything pre execution so it's it is going to act you know very similar to what almost like a host IPS is doing for you in that sense so it's not doing anything on the network side you know but at the endpoint is where is where the real focus is there right you know you want to be able to protect your your most valuable resource where you know you have all these different endpoints that are in your environment as people are coming you know maybe they're allowed to take their laptops home their kids play on it whatever it is you know if you bring that back into the to without silence you bring that back in you know yeah an IPS is something that could be required there because it could spread laterally but with with silence on there as soon as that that malware or potential mal goes to detonate if it is malicious silence is going to Auto quarantine it right right at the source so it's not it doesn't even have the chance to to propagate anywhere else great and one more question that came through is does silence deal with crypto where in the same way that it deals with general ransomware yeah so it's it's exactly that you know silence back to what Rick had mentioned where it investigates about six hundred or six million static aspects of that file itself so if it deems it as malicious you know we looked at that clear text before in the tenant to say oh you know in point that one file we looked at I use deception in that case to try to circumvent any kind of protection agent that would be on the endpoints so similar aspect to that you know over whether it's a ransomware crypt aware whatever that case is as soon as that file goes to run whatever that file is silence is going to be on that that endpoint is going to investigate that file it's going to in this case if it is the crypt aware it is going to quarantine you know it's it's basically going to work the same as any other file and that's why kind of getting back to that zero day question - it really does treat all those files essentially as zero days good and now one more question came in - you know ken silence work in conjunction with other malware products so if I've got a traditional Avia ready what you know what what do I do yeah absolutely so through through running different demos and different pcs you know we've had with with people we kind of get the mixed gamut but silence can absolutely run side by side with an existing AV so there's a you know a couple different things that we'd want to do there obviously because silence is only may look at the depending on the policy is if silence is only setup to look at the files at their execution point as opposed to watching for new files or doing a background scan but your traditional AV is doing a background scan if it knows about that file it's obviously going to pull it first and then there's nothing for silence to see but we've had customers that literally run both in conjunction so chances are they're traditional AV has many more hooks into the system you know so it's going to be a little heavier it's going to be able to use all the CPU in your system so if if that that whatever your traditional AV is as that file comes through chances are it's going to use 100% of your CPU I'm sure we've all kind of been there and it really you know locks down the machine so there's a couple things you know that that can kind of come into play there where obviously if it's if let's say that you're traditionally he knows about it pulls it first silence won't see it but if it doesn't see it finds his axe absolutely still there and running in conjunction with it will be able to stop it at that prevention level so again yeah absolutely you can run both AVS you know whatever whatever your traditional one is alongside sounds especially in that beginning phase you know if you're kind of testing both out good well thanks Eric thanks for demonstration and for answering a lot of questions that was a final question that we had so far in this this webinar but I do want to thank everyone for attending and for letting us educate you a little bit about what silence is doing on the end point I know that this is this is Dominic speaking with a tronic and talk to Rick where he mentioned like some of the founders and stuff I had the opportunity to have dinner with him a couple months ago when I was out the Irvine California area where the core science is based and they really really have it together in terms of what they're doing as a company or a lot a lot of it's not so much just about Nestle protecting the endpoint but you know Stuart and Ryan have the vision of being able to protect the world you know from you know cyber threats and just you know just from a cybersecurity perspective they want to be able to be kind of the good net citizens to really help things I mean yeah are they going to make money if they do well with the price absolutely but it's it's really kind of interesting to see the the higher vision that they've really established as a company so it's with that I want to thank you guys I Rick do you have any final comments you want dad in no just thanks again everyone for your time today and hopefully we can we can have further conversations with anyone's interested please reach out to the h3 on team they're one of our best partners and we really enjoy working with them great well again thanks thanks everyone for Tennant thanks Rick and thanks Eric for for presenting with us today you do have if you look at the slide this update you do have the contact info for both Rick and Eric so if you do have any you know follow-up questions feel free to reach out to either them and obviously I went out if you have any other questions and you know who your account executives are with an H ground feel free to reach out to them as well so we thank you for your time and look forward to having the other our next webinars or seminars coming up in 2017
Channel: Atrion Communication Resources, Inc.
Views: 13,630
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: antivirus, cyber security, endpoint security, cylance, atrion, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Id: qlfbSK-b5kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2017
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