Cycling Tour de France 1986 -- The Final Time Trial LeMond vs Hinault -- Part 8 of 8

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[Music] starting house for the last time trial in the Tour de pais Bernardi no has announced he will try to beat teammate Lamont here at now this he's attacked me from the beginning the Tour de France has never helped me once and I don't feel confident at all Greg Lemonds friend and Ally now exists for the American as the enemy he knows hunched frame on the time cloud platform is this truly LeMans nemesis you know you never know what can happen I crash flat so I feel really strong I don't think this should be involved in his world of meditation and isolation the Badger is perched to lay waste to LeMond and the Tour de France [Music] [Applause] there are the two men left to ride the time trial as the yellow jersey the American will ride last Hino receives him and of course if he knew has any hope of beating the bond he must do it here in his speciality after all he knows 120 of these special time trials since he first rode the tour in 1978 three minutes later greg lemond the enters the star's house and for the first time in his life he's last to begin because he leaves the Tour de France he now has the chance to give his answer can he beat them on buy enough time to bring victory in Paris or will his tour end here one way or another the individual time trial will tell us the truth the Mon knows - he sits on the biggest stardom for disaster once Silver's to win he pushed himself to gain precious time and on a difficult narrow bend he almost crashes but in any case the delays if not the crowd will cost him a couple of valuable seconds last year LaVon beat Ino by just five seconds in the tour's final time trial he knows he can do it and above all he wants to prove especially the French he's a worthy wearer of the Golden Fleece kino fights like a wounded animal his pride is hurt and in his own garden he wants desperately to show he's the best at Lena 35 miles an hour the mom seems to be having trouble getting his rhythm he adjusts his shoe position by using all of the road he noted as smooth as ever sped off by his threats to beat them on by perhaps a minute [Music] [Applause] Lomond has crashed on a tight turn and is it a panic to get back at his fight and aid from the team car runs to give him a legal push [Applause] what crack Craig's wife and mother were watching live French TV which at the time was not covering great word that someone had crashed came over a walkie-talkie [Music] the man was all rights but not everyone knew it [Applause] [Music] crash effect no no no what do you mean he's alright [Music] [Music] Lamont had lost very few seconds in the crash but the questions he could only answer was he injured his paranoia finally gotten a federal [Music] up ahead Ino continues to peddle away and at the halfway point the two were roughly even [Music] Livan disaster team Carrefour a wrench to adjust his brakes damaged in the fall the brakes are now locking against his front tire if he used to rent himself he would preach the rule and the team car refuses the bond is asked to pull over and cheese bikes but he continues to pepper no is closing in on the finish line but first takes on a final climb [Music] [Applause] come on finally gives in and agrees to a bike change losing more time is this now that nightmare LeMond had anticipated up ahead he knows in his final sprint to the finish along the very road for exactly one year ago he was in the yellow jersey and almost lost the tour in a phone question collision with the pavement but today there would be no mishap for the Badger and at the line he caught the rider who has started three minutes [Applause] you know had said the days fastest time this tub handsome Breton with the nerves of steel I turned in the race of his life and the ultimate challenge to the man in the yellow jersey [Music] the world would waits for Greg LeMond reports of the crash for already going out he know that even his nearest competition by over two minutes the world would wait and wonder about the fate of the American [Music] [Applause] [Music] that finished his ride against all odds he no had beaten him but by only 25 seconds the American would still be yellow [Applause] his wife Cathy managed to burst through the crowd to find him [Music] it was emotional moment played out in the middle of an overpowering crush of reporters that eventually became too much for Gregg to handle [Music] [Music] the standings after 21 days Bernardi no two minutes 18 seconds behind LeMond after one of the most emotional races in the history of the Tour de France by Chris he's just killing himself to win this thing by himself no help I just feel bad for those outlaws [Music] you would be hard-pressed to find a cyclist wearing the yellow jersey not wearing a smile this late in the tour LeMond was an angry young man indeed the tourists all fight each other anymore he knows statement at the post race news conference conceding the Tour de France to the American it's been it's been a very bittersweet victory I wish I could be I think when I get to Shawn's lycée and it's over I'll be happy but it's it's I mean it's hard to be happy right now and there's so much pressure there's so much tension in the air it's been difficult Paris the grand prize awaits Greg LeMond welcome back to Paris I'm John Tesh along with Sean's Alizee the race finished here about one hour ago and wouldn't you know it Greg LeMond at the beginning of it had some problems here's a look at what happened [Music] and asked his team vehicle for a bike change the rest of the pack was wondering where was Greg LeMond LeMond was not hurt and the yellow jersey got quickly back on his bike it was Bernard he know the man in the polkadot climber's Jersey the five-time winner of the Tour is the Frog Turner Frost who was able to leave Greg back up to the front and along the shawl Mozilla's day 158 miles and was you know just behind the Maya shown come on six times around the shoulder they say in Paris [Music] it began with 210 cyclists before was all over 40% had to abandon the dropout at this great race but when it was all over it was Greg LeMond he finished here along the Strongs alizée in yellow the first American to win the Tour de France bike race Andy Hampsten finished fourth the best American on that 7-eleven team Bob roll 60 third place well Greg LeMond just left us here he had to go to a team meeting with the mayor here's what he said when we talked to him great congratulations there was a time when we talked a few days back where you didn't think he'd be able to make it down the Shanker they say there was there was so much turmoil he's still angry I know I've gotten over it but there was so much tension in the air between me you know it was only normal that I had that much I mean there are several times he wasn't quite frank with me and I wish you would have told me what he thought his plans were had he told me out the open that he wanted him in the tour approached the race completely different and I wouldn't have been so nervous it looked to me like the French have finally accepted you as as a true shape in the last few days there there was a we weren't hearing you know we know anymore we live on the mom yeah because I think in the time trial I I prove that I really should have won the time trial without my crashing my budget and the time trials really let me call the rates of the truth and there's no team tactics there's nothing involved it's just the strongest guy and it came at the end of the Twitter Frenchman that's the truth the truest test of all at the end well I want one last question truly how excited are you about winning I mean it's you know it's like I don't know you can use like combining World Series Super Bowl everything into one thing and winning it and not even and there's so much going on right now so much press so many people that I have to get back into my own room with my wife and sit back and think about it before you realize what I've done it was great to see her unparalleled supporter - congratulations again thank you thank you live in person again my congratulations to Greg LeMond it's time to draw to a close my fourth Tour de France here on CBS Sports there are a lot of marvelous people who worked very hard to bring you these shows and I think they did a marvelous job I embark on a new adventure now leaving CBS Sports I leave you in their hands very capable people so long for now I'm John Tesh CBSsports Sunday has been a presentation of CBS Sports [Music]
Channel: Front Seat Media
Views: 36,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tour de france, 1986, 1986 tour de france, greg lemond, bernard hinault, phil liggett, john tesh, france, professional cycling, cycling, bicycling, john tesh music, cbs sports sunday, john tesh tour de france music, andy hampsten, la vie claire, la vie claire cycling team, bernard tapie, paris, laurent fignon, time trial, lance armstrong, robert millar, winning, professional cycling races, team seven eleven, eric heiden, bob roll, alex stieda, alexi grewal, tv coverage, 4k, hd
Id: 2Gy55CHP8So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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