Cycling from Finland to Singapore (4K)

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yeah these kids kept asking the same thing why didn't you just fly to Singapore remember when people asked us also what would you do in Singapore have you been there before PR you don't get it the journey is the destination it's a bit of a cliche but best things are aren't they let's go go let's [ __ ] [ __ ] boy we're 10 km into the trip look at this guy he popped his wheel already [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my S [Music] it is a hot day too hot [Music] so it's uh 4:00 a.m. we are are on the outskirts of a city here in Poland and wake up to to construction guys walking past the sun seeing us first thing is [Music] cigarettes [Music] for [Music] to get to [Music] Singapore in our bags and uh had a slow morning fixed our stuff washed our clothes made some banana pancakes they were super [ __ ] mean now we are heading to the mountains the mountains where everybody says it's guaranteed we will have bear encounters um I think it's because people Feed the Bears which isn't too good so that's why they hang out on the road let's go [Music] [Music] see [Music] it's like a plateau up there it's only like 500 me if we do 500 M today nothing everything we go up we get the [ __ ] out [Music] absolutely [ __ ] amazing right now that swim was the best thing we've done this all trip Romania treating as well yes good chemicals in the brain right [Music] now [Music] [Music] de [Music] [Music] there's a bear it's right there oh my God film that key takeways from Romania beautiful countryside we really got to know what's it like to live like a farmer if they lived on their own Fields uh mountains Hills Gypsy towns uh lots and lots and lots of angry dogs really enjoyed Romania a lot definitely going back there someday next uh go to Bulgaria another country nether of us been in our pretty I know it's naive the word uh not we don't know much about bulgar but hopefully soon we will [Music] 3 km and we're in Turkey damn feels crazy turkey is quite the milestone for us feels that we just just hopped on our bikes a few days ago and left from home and uh [ __ ] we've made it cross pretty much across Europe already just in 25 days let's see what turkey [Music] brings [Music] cre [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay this is the kindness we get every day I don't know what to do with this maybe throw them in the bag 40 days of cycling we have visited 10 countries cycled 4,000 km and now find ourselves on the Salt Lake in the middle of [Music] Turkey [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh [Music] if you ever hear that Thunder Put Your Eyes to the Sky boy and wonder maybe there's a kingdom above the weather oh and weather you're going to get on KN is up to [Music] [Music] here pray for paries they cannot scare us or stop the music you got a sweet voice wow it's been a big climb today 1300 M down maybe 300 go we're at a ski resort the roads have been pretty terrible but they've been still manageable so Faro air is thin air is hot we are loving it oh my God oh my Lord oh my God oh my Lord oh my [Music] Lord if I died to Young for something I ain't done carry my name every [Music] day oh I'm sorry oh I'm sorry Freddy Gray but sleep easy like baby Jesus in a manger oh sleep easy like little Jes beautiful stranger oh beautiful [Music] stranger [Music] if I die to Young let all that I've done be remembered and I'll sleep easy like baby Jesus in his manger and I'll sleep easy like little Jesus safe from [Music] danger carry on word like some sbird beautiful stranger [Music] Tajikistan cycling and it is hot it is steep it is Sandy it's dusty [ __ ] love it hello [Music] hello [Music] [Music] wow Snowy Peaks Afghan Villages grass is definitely greener on their side literally no other sense I don't think that's true made it to 3,300 M why are you yelling I'm right here how we feeling feeling good the views are amazing they're riding at night it's a bit chilly it's ch get down let's get down let's get down to [Music] business w [Music] why are you getting undressed in the middle of the road I was thinking of getting myself a nice nice bath wow look at that see if it's warm yeah yeah mother earth going that way but not now now we're [Music] chilling fall [Music] beautiful day in paradise it's fun to see all the locals like the ones behind me right now they're plowing or cropping Fields whatever you call it when you take the crops from the field all by hand little shies families neighbors siblings my name is Val what is your namea nice to meet you uh also the weather it's we're at 3,000 M now and it's just perfect 20° in the sun in the shade just to be cool there's no wind it feels unreal so quite the place to be lucky to be here like a B [ __ ] SC changing tire for the seventh time today [ __ ] done with this buying new rims new tube I'm going to TU bless for rest of the trip no doubt about it not feeling too good that we only got 200 more kilm of this whack Valley let's hope the [ __ ] military base got some food for us cuz definitely going to be here more than 3 days that we have worth of food not [Music] [Applause] good what's sry I to 4350 m highest I've ever been we are very much low on water we only have a couple of deciliters anymore no [ __ ] 1 and A2 deci I'm extremely worried genuinely worried it's going to be fine it's downhill we can make it super fast [Music] right obious for the last 30 minutes was my guy in his rack just as we leave what goes down doesn't work [ __ ] whack Valley giving us a whack in the [Music] face no peeing no spitting running on drops while [ __ ] that's the leg are Only Hope for water but it seems to be salty there's some white rim at the shores of the lake really hoping it's not salty water if it is we're [Music] [ __ ] surprise surprised salt water got 10 km to intersection with another road tube is empty at last 8 km took us 3 and 1 half hours water is badly on [Music] red that's one way to make you hyper presence don't really much worry about the future or the past or don't get in your head one [ __ ] dehydrated all you have on your mind is finding the next water [Music] source let's go see oh my God you don't know this is happiness thank you thank you my guy no no kilometer water water five D okay super thank you have a good day my guy wow you're Superman not all superheroes work capes some with [ __ ] green shirts and a Russian Jeep cheers my guy 40 km an hour feels [ __ ] good it's been a while yeah thank you it was a nice it was a ni nice visit but myself I don't mind the PVE BR all you need is some [ __ ] pavement to put a mile on our faces feel good in Al about 110 km from map I went to have a morning pee and heard that outside there's some like radio playing I asked our host what's going on is this some kind of a morning tradition here in this Village and he said that no it starts at 6 6:00 a.m. in the morning and ends at 6:00 in the afternoon or in the evening and it's just apparently just music and political speeches uh decreed by the government silence shouldn't be taken for granted I guess this is what Alis was talking about well well well well well well it's fun uh we were wondering how do they keep these houses warm what do they burn there is zero trees within hundreds of kilometers and they burn cow [ __ ] nice circular economy [ __ ] yeah [Music] likely going to be the coldest night of the trip so far we're at exactly 4,000 m right now and uh Sun just setting it's already pretty cold smells and tastes like a farm depends do you like Farms is that good or bad in 2 km we'll be at the highest point of the trip 4,650 M the last climb there feels like breathing through a straw again the top [ __ ] I'm pooped wow my Garin says 4725 [ __ ] that was crazy next up gako Lake from where we start to approach the Kyan border what up last night's days Tajikistan kistan is over those mountains there Germany's right there and Germany right there China is right there China is right there China use some Chinese food tajan is great and everything but the food it's not known for its food let's put it down for like guess what we are in and the neutral zone between Kyan and Tajikistan [ __ ] M it one battle to win war is not over as Kyan border guers who might or might not know that we're coming so let's hope they don't shoot us as we go around this turn we made it bro off off [Music] yeah love woo [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Laughter] [Music] d [Music] J is quite the ulture shock after the peaceful STS extremely humid traffic is crazy have no s cards we need to find a place to sleep tonight it's just extremely hectic I understand Eastern religions are so infused with mindfulness and meditation you go mad without know living in a place like this meditation is the only balance of this [ __ ] [Applause] craziness feel the good energ energy vibrating through my whole body from my legs next up rishikes another holy town on the ganji river pretty nice piece after all that chaos of City [Music] continues just about to top off 600 M incline definitely delivering climbing never felt so good we're at only 1,000 M altitude and for our lungs this is uh this is super easy after Tajikistan and kistan wow look at these views it is a bit sweaty though but now a well-deserved downhill yeah I don't think we're putting music this time bud you got a friend me you ain't got no leg we're uh looking for a place to stay and uh many people said go to Baba something Baba Khali Kadesh I guess have said sorry no foreigners so kind of sucks but uh they said go try the temple so we're going to go see if we can sleep here no luck from the temple however our friend recommended as a spot for our tent or just our sleeping bags which is here better views than from any other the hotels on that side of the river wow spend the night here going for a night dip in uh in the Holy River hopefully doesn't take me away with it it's eco-friendly so it don't work and uh and if it wasn't be the least of worries for this this River we got ourselves a little fif over over there looking at what kind of [ __ ] can I steal from these guys what do you want my guy it's not actually rain ganga from the sky wo this looks fresh w this is fresh still got rocks rolling after seeing all the kinds of Boulders and [ __ ] on the road we really hope we don't get to witness one of these things falling [Music] down you're wondering where we're going we're going uh to Chia Cori uh none of the locals have known when we've mentioned this place so that's a good sign It's a Small hidden village with just a few homestays uh and apparently pretty nice nice view of the [Music] Himalayas I'm sick again we in ch the mountains are marvous when they're not in the clouds I think we're going to be here one more day so I can get the flu [Music] away [Music] often when we're in these towns these small towns in the mountains people are so interested in us that uh just now we just Coss a small traffic jam here since a lot of people stop in their cars and just stare at us for no reason and just look at Val over there there's about eight people helping him out so definitely curious people these Indians are I love it 17 km 30 minutes 20 km 17 km 20 km one minut just only me friend friend CYO he's strong big man but me I'm sick I cannot CL my heart so my friend cycle I think it's how much I'm getting a ride obvious is going to cycle I'm sick but I'll make this up on the an there he goes sup Alvis the road will get [Music] better good morning we have to get to the other side of the river to that bridge path super steep what the [ __ ] is going on here [Applause] the only traffic caus in India so far the landslide of them like this is [ __ ] huge the whole face of the cliff has fallen off [Applause] last morning in India night slept okay we had mosquitoes in our room so you know when they come to your ear and you see dreams of aliens penetrating your ear don't you no we got our last breakfast and then we're going over to Nepal breakfast was great we never film when we eat because we're not those guys and usually we're so hungry that priorities but it was good we had our last Chola baturi of India those going to miss those let's go see uh what Nepal has to offer [Music] good morning from Wendy Western we are today cycling again unsurprisingly East but uh yesterday we learned the next 20 kilometers is Tiger Zone tiger on the road on the road problem uh tiger populations have doubled and two people have been eeden this year already uh in this area and everybody strongly advised us not to cycle uh through the national park so I think we will be stupid not to listen to them and put our bikes on a Jeep for a few kilometers but uh oops I think we're cycling in the national park with the Tigers don't tell Mom scared man we going fast though Army fellas here said uh don't cycle they'll call a Jeep for us and we will put our bikes on that and make our way through the Tiger rual Forest pull the shorter straw find myself in the back of the truck as we were on the second truck ride through uh the national park uh there was a lot of people by the road in the middle of dence jungle and all this learned from the drivers that uh a person had been killed unfortunately this morning by an elephant I didn't think that happen too often but apparently it doesn't no that was very sad news to hear and at that we got a ride through those dangerous [Music] parts for [Music] and I'm off two weeks separated from all this let's see what comes up I'm sweating like a pig it's funny people say that cuz pigs don't sweat all right and I'm PR a quick faction so I'm 380 km I'm cycling highest point 5,600 something and a total of around 50,000 M of elevation again let's [ __ ] [Music] go wow [Music] let's go let's go let's go these views are like Tajikistan had a meeting with Yus and they made a merger and then they took a bunch of steroids and this is what you get [Music] [Music] come on um feeling a little throat aching no not 100% this morning pretty beautiful good morning my throat now aches more than ever before I'm afid to swallow cuz the pain is really spiky I'm a bit scared for the first time to cycle because I'm man died here last week from a rockfall sometimes I Ponder why the am I doing this I've been bedridden all day there's a mountain doctor and he checked my throat as it was hurting pretty bad and said there's bad infection and gave me antibiotics and then the fever came back and I just laid in bed the whole day maybe tomorrow I'll use Tim to be my porter and get me a bit closer to civilization cuz here at 4,300 M it's a bit intense Shera team sh I'm not C sha feeling better ready for the pass let's go almost there wow it's climbing a [Music] half [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I love pollution I love concrete buildings and dens and populated cities I love Catman it's a place built for me and you sorry what's the Wi-Fi password what hot chocolate thank you you heard [Music] [Music] [Applause] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's our last day cycling just me and alvish so emotional I think what are you call what's what's the name this is soo you know Soo my dad aun it itat and just made the C like typical for from France amazing with a bit of what we call Sandu s it's like Sandu it's fat but tasty fat chicken meat but roasted and with also Sandu like Brant like once you taste it there is no comeback cheers for the the real third mus the third musketeer for the third musketeer we've been looking for him all the time [Music] stand F [Music] buet that was four I was so [Music] close yeah fun that's why I do it every day just met Lewis 19 years old traveling from Frankfurt to Singapore for he follows us on Instagram so crazy coincidence he was like how is Fifi guys were like how the [ __ ] do you know you're still yeah oh your hammock's a little small yeah sorry [Music] is footing aart yeah pretty good pictures of my life right now pretty big mess nothing in order barely hanging on no the mess was always there at that you dried all your stuff last night CU you're going to get to do it again this night yesterday we had some good Uno games and uh evening entertain with these Lads what's your name uh my is see your name my name is ma Mai nice to meet you Ma who's this guy what's your name my name is Gregory and I and I and I love cycling yeah we slept here last night that's pretty good very rare to have such wonderful facilities it worked out perfectly cuz there's no no walls so all of our dirty stuff and shoes didn't smell and uh we got space to dry our stuff wash our stuff we got a little kitchen here so uh all was pretty well off to Malaysia last day in Thailand been here a month good stuff hopefully some new culture awaits and uh some final new adventures before making it Singapore Malaysia is there Thailand is there this is Alvar this is Greg and we are cycling to Singapore look at those bu so Malaysia let's wait for Alvis Alvis is uh having some big pain in his leg Alvis looks like he's either in very big pain or he really has to [ __ ] really bad one beer please one beer please it's a long wow can I just need one oh yeah sorry that was for a we are at Greg's friend's house uh in Malaysia they met in Thailand a month back and uh having dinner now great to meet you again great to meet you man thank you thank you very much for your hospitality yeah it was great stick that enjoy the Year enjoy [Music] Ramadan we cycle from Finland to Malaysia bicycle yeah bicycle yeah we live on bicycle for 8 months eight eight month Malaysia from Finland down to Turkey to Tajikistan Kyan Kazakhstan India Nepal Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Malaysia and in one week we arrive in Singapore Final Destination no more biking ever you from marang we were in aapas aapa WoW incredible no people SN Paradise Captain long oh we were we just came back yeah we were two nights two night super nice and no tourist just us Private Island camping camping uh camping at Captain long uh cooking there uh we fast one day no food 36 hour uh monk fast and then uh we eat uh a big meal yesterday o yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Ro CH Ro CH Ro Chang so good than you won't be the first time we're going somewhere not allowed to Camp I think here it's not possible to ask a land owner when it's a multi-billion dollar Corporation but these people are [ __ ] up the planet so we don't feel so bad sleeping in there massive Plantation the hill isn't there I see the there we were enjoying a nice peaceful morning on the beach sleeping went at 7: a.m. this group started a party in our [Music] [Music] backyard I'd love to get to know French Greg yeah very good I bet he's a cool guy yeah in French I'm super cool like ready going be so funny he would love me in French yesterday we were able to pull off to 200 km actually 214 because it was Valentine's Day uh but all our cameras ran out of battery we slept in this building today and now we're heading over to one last day of camping before entering the and then day after tomorrow it's the big day okay let's go it's in the park I can already see it yeah this is for you guys yeah Make Some Noise still alive ready to sing a [Music] PO guys are about to cross the finish line the Finish are about to cross the finish finish line finish finish [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's a pleasure to share this last [Applause] pleasure be pleasure to meet you hello that was it how s it to Singapore 245 days 15,400 km countries 100,000 of elevation gain uh proper trip proper trip got what we wanted and so much more on to the next one thank [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Alvari Poikola
Views: 507,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sDf3Lr8Mfcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 9sec (4269 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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