Cybersecurity for Beginners: Basic Skills

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today we're going to talk about some cyber security skills I believe everyone should have first thing on the list is going to be ioc's or indicators of compromise this means identifying what exactly is the source of a Cyber attack it could be a website like in this case a file on your computer as with all of my other videos we're going to go through this with a real example so this is actually a malware website that we're just going to visit but hey how do I know if this is malware at that brings us to the second cyber security skill and that is going to be investigation the ability to perform research and dig out the details behind something let's say you visit this website because a friend on Discord sent you this link first the website seems overly simplistic and we're going to look a little bit deeper in The Code by just pressing F12 and if we expand the head as you can see we've got the description we've got reference to GitHub and we've also got some references to Discord but not everyone can understand it HTML but what you can do is you can always use websites like scam advisor and simply look up whatever website you're visiting so let's say we wanted to do a deeper dive into planis it has a trust score of 56 so if we scroll down it's got a valid SSL certificate which we can also check from here with the nice lock but it's also got a paid service to hide its identity now this is not uncommon a lot of websites do that but it also doesn't have many visitors and it's only been registered very recently now this is all data that's publicly available through the Ian record now on the contrary if we search for a website like the PCC you're going to see instantly that we have a trust score of 100 so you know you can safely visit us next against our judgment we're actually going to download the malware which brings us to malware analysis there was a time when malware analysis was really difficult and you would need an expert in bite code Assembly Language to do it but that has changed so once we extract this belligerent exe put it on our desktop we can analyze it quite easily by simply going to a site like hybrid analysis picking an operating system that we're running and generate a public report and within a few seconds we get a verdict that this is indeed malicious now you could use a variety of services including vars total but as you can see it's not always a reliable indicator of whether or not a fall is malicious if you're just Rel on the detections but you could also skip the online services and use something like P Studio drag and drop the file there and look for things in red basically things like the program name being Windows update assistant an invalid certificate and an overlay on the exe might be suspicious the next skill I'm going to talk about is forensics which is the ability to take a deeper look and what's happening inside a system you don't have to use Advanced tools like volatility but everyone can download Microsoft's CIS internal Suite from CIS and learn to use a couple of basic tools like process Explorer and TCP view process Explorer is going to show you everything that's executing on your system all of the processes all of the dlls everything that's loaded along with scan results and vars total if you select it in options TCP view on the other hand is going to show you every connection that your computer is making to a remote address and using the first skill investigation you can actually figure out what these addresses are so for instance if we now run this file that we got from the website and it's running all of these uh different command line tools and we can see that this particular process that we just launched has established a connection with this IP address it's not really showing us any UI but it's connecting and communicating with a remote address which suggests some kind of Trojan Behavior similarly this particular process is loading a lot of DLS some of which are being detected views like this can look quite intimidating to the average user but you have to remember this is all graphic user interface everything is written so you can read the process name you can read the description and over time you're going to familiarize yourself with what runs on your system by default so that when you run something new you're going to be able to spot it instantly as time goes on I think the basic skills of being able to investigate and verify what you're looking at going to be more and more important now I hope you found this video helpful please like and share it if you did now this video is sponsored by one of my favorite cyber security tools which is malware bites a full-fledged lightweight antivirus program that has routinely demonstrated good detection capabilities in our tests as well as massively improved their UI recently and if we look at settings it has everything from ransomware and exploit protection to the ability to block pentesting attempts many of you may have heard of malware bites as a second opinion scanner something you use to remove malware if your system is infected but the brand new malware bites is actually a full-on AV replacement and stops malware in real time they recently updated their user interface as you can see it looks very slick and dark mode we've done independent tests of this in the past which you can find on the channel and they've shown consistent Improvement in the last few years so show them some love check them out using the link in description thank you all so much for watching this is Leo from the PC security Channel and as always stay informed stay secure for
Channel: The PC Security Channel
Views: 254,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The PC Security Channel, TPSC, cybersecurity, cyber security, computer security, internet security, antivirus, anti malware, ransomware, trojan, virus, PUP, best antivirus, best internet security, learn cybersecurity, hacking, hack, security, technology, cyber insurance, cybersecurity degree, best EDR, EDR, cybersecurity skills everyone should have, cybersecurity 101, cybersecurity for beginners, cybersecurity basics
Id: aRbKFCY4tjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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