Cyberpunk 2077 Is Amazing... So Why Switch To Unreal Engine 5?

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this first one is from Ed K High DF exclamation point possibly late to the party on this one but I'm curious to know what your opinions are on cyberp punk in terms of cdpr moving forward they seem to have taken a flawed game with many technical issues and made it into one of the best tech SLG graphical showcases for the quote unquote current generation and also for PC clearly they have a very talented team working on the red engine there my question is when they move to Unreal Engine do you think they'll have the same ability with that engine to five standards like they have with cyberpunk or will they be limited by quote unquote Black Box parts of the engine they won't have access to or improve thanks and love the show uh this one from Galaxy Goa hidf cyberpunk 2.0 is the last harar for the red engine and future projects are moving to ui5 but as ui5 doesn't have a realtime path tracing feature do you think we'll miss out on their next title having past facing maybe they could work with Nvidia for a solution or do you think the next consoles and ui5 will have path tracing feature support thanks and keep up the great work exclamation point this is all about the transition away from Red engine to um Unreal Engine essentially and um there's a lot of question marks here I think um just today um we saw a tweet where um it was highlighted how good CPU utilization is in the red engine and it was contrasted with how poor it is in Unreal Engine 5 so good yeah Alex thoughts on this one I mean it's be it's going to be a transition of sorts it's going to take years and all I can hope really is that all of this stuff the deficiencies being pointed out here is down to the fact that it is a work in progress and hopefully there should be Improvement I'm hoping that cdprs Engineers uh are doing key uh enhancements and changes to ue5 that get poured back into the main branch because if they made a game is such like it's one of the it's like so incredible to actually load up um the 2.0 Z update or even 1.65 before that 1.63 because it's one of the few like open world games you can just like load up with like the super dense City environment you just drive through it at Full Tilt and you don't see frame time issues unless you're obviously on like a CPU that is lower end like the ryzen 53600 will see CPU uh frame time issues there because it just literally can't keep up it's like fully saturated but if you have a higher end one you know core a New Horizon you're going to having like amazing frame times and that's something that's really awesome to see even though like if you have to think about when the game's path tracing it requires the entire bvh of every single thing on screen it's not doing screen space Shenanigans there it is literally the entire game being rendered and then also existing in a BBH structure and possibly being updated every frame like the amount of CPU just in and like then the AI on top of that it's like all so threaded and so awesome that it is sad to see them going to u5 for that reason but and what you're saying here edk there's no part of Unreal Engine 5 that is going to be black booxed it's on GitHub you can download the entire source code of the engine um they can change anything they want from it and talking with people on Twitter most recently and the fact that Nvidia is advancing their own branch of ue5 they will 100% have a path tracing um renderer in their next title uh on PC regardless of the fact that they're moving the ue5 they've already done a lot of the the work and that code is portable to ue5 because it's the rendering aspect of it is at least and Nvidia already has their own Branch where they're moving in that direction anyway where they have things like RT uh direct uh direct illumination using rester they're moving towards uh updating even epic is actually moving towards updating ue5 right now they use like the surface cachee and Screen probes uh for for their GI which is you know cheap lowquality works on consoles but they also in the most recent main branch on GitHub they updated it with an experimental rester GI like the Nvidia Tech uh GI that you in the main branch so not even in the Nvidia Branch so even epic is looking at updating that stuff it's just the thing I'm little worried about is over time is my goodness they have to solve UE 5's poor CPU single-threaded performance as well as solve issue of how just you just move yeah sure you can sit in a single scene whatever game runs fine but if you move around any world in ui5 game it's stutter City So like um they got to fix that and that's like an epic thing hopefully with cdpr I don't know thoughts Oliver well I saw some funny tweets on this uh a few days ago someone said they're moving from the best game engine to the worst which I wouldn't I wouldn't agree with that but yeah just and then I also saw someone post a benchmark of the game just running on the eor with the peores disabled on I believe the i93 or 13 900k and the game was still running at like 70 FPS somehow just that well threaded it's not it's not at all like loading up one thread with a a workload that would that would an eor I mean the eor they're so weak on yeah they know they're like aren't they equivalent of like Intel what gen are they equivalent to I think they they're equivalent to skyl gen but they are relatively low clocks that's the thing right yeah they're not like 5 gz you know they're like four exactly yeah so that was such a a scalable I mean red engine uh at least in the form that it was deployed in cyberpunk is is ridiculously scalable and ue5 is just the complete opposite in terms of Reliance on uh on that on that render thread you know really really piling it up so I hope that they uh hope they push it in uh in a more scalable Direction there but but I think in terms of of features and in terms of what CD project red does with ui5 I think whatever they produce will be terrific and I do agree I think we'll have a path Tracer in there for sure so I'm looking forward to it even though uh I I do worry about the Reliance on third party technology just in terms that CPU scaling really just one one last thing I want to say is that one thing that u5 will bring them that their current Red engine doesn't have is that on Console you at least get uh I mean the GI is fine in the the current version of the game without R TR racing or patch racing but it could be better right and that is something that ui5 will give them either in software or Hardware rate tracing mode so if you're playing whatever their next game is on Console like an Xbox series X or PlayStation 5 you'll be getting much more similar lighting quality uh to PC in that version if it's using a u5 for sure okay yeah I think one thing I think was mentioned in The Witcher announcement for The Witcher 4 and the the uh moted transition to Unreal Engine at that point was that it was a two-way process right so um CD project red would be bringing their own technological um expertise to the to the table there and hopefully that would uh eventually resolve in an Unreal Engine that's better for everyone and maybe there's some sort of commercial Arrangement that that reflects that input hopefully it's not just PR right hopefully we will be seeing something there
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 106,212
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Id: EHbnzHeiCpI
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Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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