Cyber Security College Degree VS Certifications - Which Is Best?

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hey guys it's DC here and today we're going to be doing cybersecurity college versus certifications now this might sound like a ridiculous topic to cover and it's definitely very controversial for me to cover myself soon as I always sort of push for one direction but hey it's the end of 2019 and why not let's let's just roll the dice on this one I guess so people keep asking me about should I go to college or should I just do the certifications and I made a video about certifications that you can get for free as well as certifications that you need for different specific job types now that doesn't mean that you can get a job based off just certifications although you can and it doesn't mean that you need a degree to get a job although it's probably going to increase your employability anyway so let me sort of work it out like this if you have a degree as well as the certifications you are very employable if you just have the certifications and maybe a bunch of experience then you're also quite employable but still not as much as the guy with the degree and that's unfortunately that's just how the way world works the more certifications you have and a degree is definitely a certification with experience then you have a better chance of being employed based off that degree itself don't freak out that's not like the end of it right you can get a job just off the certifications I've seen it done it's less common than the guys with a degree but it you can still do it so you know don't stress too much a way I guess to sort of offset these properly is to go by how much experience you can get off either a degree or by doing the certifications the best way to get some sort of experience from doing a degree is when you do your crack piece and that's gonna be your door in basically it's gonna open a little door for you to get a job and potentially get some even more experience that's that's definitely going to help you out the guys who are just doing certifications are going to have to work a little bit harder to get that experience and as I've mentioned in other videos you can either go down the route of joining a help desk at MSP or maybe you want to do bug bounties and gain experience and knowledge at the same time which is definitely something that I would recommend doing even if you're doing the college route through some bug bounties just to pick up that sort of knowledge so I guess it comes down to this you're at college you've got your degree maybe you're looking at getting a bunch of certifications as well and you're going to do bug bounties you're probably around here in the employable scale as opposed to the guy here who's got certifications bug bounty experience and maybe a help desk the help desk would bring you above but chances are you won't get a help desk job not that easy sometimes and all you're just too lazy to get it yourself you're gonna end up down here if you can afford the degree go for it if you don't have the degree that's okay you're still at this level which is better than nothing so I guess what I'm saying here is if you can afford to get a degree in cybersecurity definitely get one it's well worth it you'll pay it off and we've been a year if you can't afford it that's fine do the certifications do some bug bounties as experience and a little bit of extra knowledge of course a little bit of extra knowledge on top then also try and get a job at an MSP or managed service provider as a help desk technician or whatever IT role you can get if you can do that then you'll be worth more than the guy with a degree because you come with experience not just certifications and usually that's what they're looking for rather than certifications saying that though a lot of government positions will require a degree so if you're looking to get into something like some sort of like forensics unit in the government within government or government agencies they're going to want that degree they're gonna want that guy with a degree so definitely think about your options here and which sort of route you want to take if maybe you find out that you really love doing bug bounties and you're doing really well at them you're getting paid out pretty well keep going with bug bounties if you if you enjoy it then do that if you don't enjoy it look for something else and it doesn't even have to be within cyber security you can the world's your oyster you can do whatever you like the short and curly of it is if you want to get a degree then definitely get one I would rate someone with a degree higher than someone without and I'm sure I'll get a lot of judgment for saying that but I would just based on I know that they've learned to everything they needed to learn as a base they've got that base knowledge in there and the certifications are great to have because they look good on a piece of paper but a degree always looks better so to sort of wrap this video up college degree versus certifications which one is better a degree is definitely better certifications are also great though so if you're going down the certification route keep on with it stick to it get the certifications that I've said in multiple videos now but I'll pop those videos in the description you can re-watch them if you haven't seen them already and yet just get out there and get yourself certified so that you are more employable otherwise you're going to be doing bug bounties for a very long time and that might be fine for you you might really enjoy that I don't know it's not for everyone so maybe make yourself more employable on a broader spectrum so that you can then go into other industries with knowledge and experience anyway thanks for watching guys I hope you've enjoyed this video as always leave a like down below subscribe for more comment if you have any questions and I'll see you on the next video thanks watching [Music] you
Channel: DC CyberSec
Views: 10,286
Rating: 4.9558825 out of 5
Keywords: security, cybersec, cybersecurity, cyber, DC, dccybersec, ctf, capture, the, flag, infosec, employable, employability, certifications, vs, college degree, cyber security, cybersecurity careers, i.t. certifications, certifications vs. a college education, it professionals question, network engineer day in the life, cyber security engineer, dc cybersec, cyber security day in the life
Id: y1poMXscUyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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