CX500 Build - Fabricating An Oil Catch Can! - EP55

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hey everybody got a fun video for you today we're gonna build a pcv catch can system on cx here using a lot of raw materials some hoses and uh hopes and dreams so anyway this is gonna be to get the oil separated from the uh crankcase ventilation before we just exit it to atmosphere to try to contain it and keep dripping on the ground and the bike so anyway stick around hopefully you guys find some cool cool tips and tricks in here and we'll see how this comes out anyway enjoy the video all right guys as promised we're going to get back on this uh oil catch can here now like the overflow bottle that we did for the coolant we're going to use some schedule 40 aluminum and the goal here with this is to separate the oil vapor from the air that's coming out of the engine or the positive crankcase ventilation before we expel it to the atmosphere now in in usage for this if you want to use it on like a motorcycle or a car anything like that the idea would normally be to reintroduce the air that's coming out of your catch can back into the intake track somehow and the reason you want to try to separate the oil from the air is because that oil whenever the vapor you know it can have deposits on the intake manifold and the combustion chamber and the piston stuff like that and those deposits lead to carbon buildup and that can cause you know pre-ignition and detonation and then just create an overall kind of nasty looking intake track and just dirty valves and whatnot so this is one step that you can use in a lot of um a lot of different fronts to help alleviate that issue now with us like i said we're gonna use some aluminum pipe here this doesn't have to be all that big for this bike i have some tubing and the idea is that we're going to ex you know i'll cut this in half we'll extend these almost all the way down and we're going to have the the pcv hoses we're going to have those coming in through the top and that's going to force the air and vapor all the way to the bottom and then it's going to have to turn around come all the way back up and then i'll have a breather coming out of the top now in the travels that'll have from the bottom of the top it's going to have to pass through a mesh so like uh one thing we could probably use would be like a screen door like you know screens from a window or door or something like that something where air can travel through it but that material it'll have a lot of you know like grid and stuff for the vapor or the oil vapor to cling onto and eventually drip back down so that's gonna be what actually separates that and uh us passing the air through the bottom first is gonna make it so it has more time to collect and and separate in that manner so we're gonna cut this in half two hoses on the top and then we'll have a little drain valve at the bottom and then we'll have a breather up up top here just like a little filter and then overall we're gonna put this behind the pulser cover in front of the spine so this is probably something i'll paint black and you'll never see it it's gonna be a real sneaky little item and it's gonna be easy to access down here so every now and then just drain it empty it out start over but let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right we've got the tubes cut they're going to extend in about that far so they fit pretty tight in here it'll be about right there probably just enough room to get two silicone boots on here they'll be might be a little bit smashed to each other but that'll be all right and then you can see in there we're gonna leave about a little over an inch to the bottom probably an inch and a half or so and then that should get enough area to circulate and then hopefully uh you know if there's going to be there's obviously going to be oil you know eventually accumulating in here that'll give it a little bit of a window for it to to actually accumulate before you know potentially block these and just you know aerate even more so i'm leaving this top piece uh just tacked in place to kind of give me an out should i accidentally burn through these um i don't want to just go with fittings because you know as explained now i want to extend these to the bottom otherwise if the vent is up top and i just have a fitting up top and the air can just go in and just straight out without having to go through that mesh and actually separate the oil from the air so i'm gonna get this cleaned up set up and get to get to welding [Music] all right so we've got the cap welded on here i do have the tubes fully welded and then the cap fully welded so that got pretty lucky uh i didn't burn through anywhere and this was a pretty difficult weld for me personally so pretty happy with that one you can see the tubes extend in there they stop about right there now in trying to figure out how to get this thing in here i have to be really cautious because there's like no room so i have uh i got the old cardboard out and then i think i can wrote i with how i've been trying this i can insert from the bottom and then like rotate it in and then i'll have to drill two holes in the on the frame back there back in that area i should be able to mount it just on a single a really simple bracket here just a simple plate welded to the tube and it should be solid from there at that point um once i have it kind of fitting where i want i'll go ahead and try to fill this with the material and then go ahead and cap off the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] okay so we're making progress on the catch can here i have it mounted up fits real nice in there okay our mounting bracket turned out good i uh you know you saw me weld the plate to the aluminum here and that just used i just used that as a point to tap threads to mount the bolts because you can't get a nut on the backside of that so underneath all we have to do is uh fill this with our with our mesh that i'll show you at some point here and then we'll cap it and then we'll put a little drain valve on this so you'll have access you just you know undo it from the bottom of the bike and just let it drain into your uh receptacle and you'll be good to go there but the final piece of the puzzle is figuring out the full outlet breather here now what i've been thinking is a nice little piece of real estate is actually back here so i'm thinking if i take a fitting okay and we'll drill and tap the back the very top of this uh tank i can put this on the back near the top and then i can cut a hole cut a hole right here and actually fit this filter within and not drop it but i can actually fit the filter within it and then it'll be a nice subtle little filter no it's hard to see but yeah i think that might be a cool little spot to put it um otherwise other otherwise i would have to do like let's say another piece of aluminum and tube like bent and welded onto the canister itself and then i'd have like i could hang the filter in space over here or if i wanted to run it down low kind of next to the whole assembly i mean i could do that but i'd like to keep this you know pretty high up that way it doesn't also accumulate oil so i'm kind of thinking right back here might be my spot and then because i'm super ocd i have to make sure the uni is facing exactly horizontal so i'll have to tie in this little mounting bolt which would be good and we'll have to keep it clocked and then we'll have a little a little standoff right there and that'll be good so i think that's what we're gonna go for okay so we have the main catch can assembly built up here it's test fitted i have my actual um outlet fitting i have it have it fitting really well so this is going to extend out of the back of the frame and then the little air filter that i have extends into this and it all fits great so as of now i have the spots i clearanced out on the frame just i put a little touch-up paint on them to keep it sealed and i'm going to use this time and i'm going to finish the cap but before the cap i have to actually put my uh filter or my oil air vapor separator material in and for that i'm going to use this chore boy ultimate scrubbers uh pure copper won't rust or splinter so this i have chose because i know you can use like steel wool and stuff but the reason i chose this is because it's copper and it's kind of all tied together so you can't really can't really take it apart too much now the benefit of it being copper is that it's not going to rust or corrode so i was looking at some steel wool and what i found was uh you know it's just gonna be made pretty cheap so if you don't specifically seek out like stainless and you just put say uh regular you know mild steel whatever cheap steel uh wool in there it can actually corrode so obviously if you put that in there and you have water vapor you know this is going to fill up and you know the whole idea behind this is that it's going to be a sealed unit here so i have to just make sure i take that extra precaution so i'm going to you know probably cut this up and get a lot of it stuffed into here and then i'm going to weld this cap on solid and then from there we'll have our drain valve but you know once i weld it it's in there so i need to make sure i get this right first shot so i think once i get that in there this stuff should last and you know this isn't like a high density uh packing or anything like that so it's not going to be hard for air and the vapor to pass through this and the whole idea behind this is that these little strands are just going to help separate that oil the oil is going to cling to these and then eventually fall to the bottom that's the goal we'll see how it works but yeah i'm gonna go ahead and uh get this kind of t you know this cleaned out and then this i'm gonna like take it apart or whatever and then put in there and then we'll get the cap welded all right so we've got the mesh packed in here i went ahead and i made sure i fed it all the way up to the top here uh unsure if i got it all the way up to the top on this side because i packed it in fold it over and packed it down there using the uh just some filler wire just something to poke in there and then uh i went ahead and like capped it off and just kind of like forced some air through here to make sure that there doesn't feel like there's any resistance and there is absolutely none um so that's a good thing that's what we want we don't want any resistance going in to to to basically put pressure on you know any kind of crankcase evacuation and uh i think we'll be good here so we have a lot of packing i don't have it all the way to the bottom and that's just to help me uh once this fitting goes in i'm just giving it a little bit of space and then a little bit of room for the oil to just kind of sit there so i'm gonna leave it just at that level i used exactly one half of this and as of now i'm going to go ahead and just put a little uh just wipe it with acetone once more and then cap this welder on and then this thing is pretty well done at that point so home stretch [Music] so [Music] okay so we have our two fittings coming into the actual catch can system now we need to actually run stuff from the engine to those fittings so this is my first or second attempt at using one of the stock inspection cover caps and adapting like you know the breather i tried to shorten it this one was cracked anyway so uh anyway i could not get the uh cast aluminum clean enough to to do a really good weld to i mean it was it was a long shot to begin with so i wasn't surprised here but i went ahead and i picked up a uh a different inspection cover cap and this is actually i mean it's the same size but this you know it's from j webster and it's a piece of billet aluminum and i've already taken off the anodizing on here and i mean you can find these it's the same thread for like a cb 750 tap it inspection cover you know whatever but you can use these on a lot of different hondas so anyway the goal here is to get a fitting on this now i picked up some more aluminum and i drilled out the center of this and i have this so it's gonna it's gonna fit in here nice and tight and what i'll do is tap this down where i want it weld along the edge and then i'll just cut this just so it hangs out a little bit above and then i may try to put a little bit of a bead around the top or something just to give that hose a little bit something extra to grab onto and uh we'll go from there but beyond that i'm gonna try to take the rest of this and bend it in a certain way to to create a cool routing for the hoses back to the uh catch can itself so here we go [Music] okay we have the finished product here with the pcb catch can system so let me walk you through the hose routing real quick so you see here we welded this fitting this is the main flywheel inspection cover and this is the main pcb exit so we run the hose straight up and back and then from here you can see the pulser cover which has another hose fitting on that and that's just a u-bend it goes right up and right back down into the canister itself swing around here you can see our main hose coming back and then i just did the 90 degree here um straight into the canister so we have the two inlets and then from there within the canister it goes through the mesh that you've seen i know this is dark but you know you've seen the video so it goes through that mesh comes down and then turns back up and then exits out of this little filter here and then as you see i did a nice little touch we call this by grandfather's axe because everything's been modified or changed so essentially is it the same is it the same thing so this is the thesis complex it was actually a facebook commenter who accidentally named this bike because we didn't have a name for it and thought that was perfect so anyway yep comes out of the filter right there and then should we have to drain it drain it from right there pretty simple definitely not a simple setup actually now that i think about it simple in the idea of operation but there's a lot of mechanical parts to get working in this so anyway hopefully hopefully this thing works well but i'll definitely um i'll definitely give like updates on different components of the bikes as we get more miles on it and stuff like that and see what works what doesn't anyway that's what we're doing for this one and i know some are going to bring up wanting a vacuum signal from the canister to the intake manifold to help draw some of the moisture out now i i don't have that i don't really feel like adding that this is just you know whenever this thing's running that main outlet on that side when i'm sitting there next to the bike idling it like i can feel oil splash in my eye so it's gonna force plenty of oil through it and that's all i need i don't i'm not trying to evacuate this thing like like you know crazy or have to draw a vacuum signal off it you know i know it can probably be better with that but you know this is going to work for me for now and if we have to change something maybe i can put a tap in here and just draw some kind of vacuum signal i don't know but that's what we're gonna do i'm gonna rock it for now i think it'll work all right guys that does it for this one hopefully this system makes sense and hopefully hopefully it works well we won't know until we ride the bike but anyway if you like what you see definitely subscribe if you haven't give the video a thumbs up comment you know i get back to you guys ask questions you know give me give me tips and tricks if you feel like i did something wrong you know i welcome them so anyway if you want to support brickhouse worlds further as usual i ask maybe head to the website if you want to pick up a hat or a shirt or something like that they're on there they'll ship right to your door any orders are greatly appreciated and as always i hope to see you guys in the next video thanks for watching you
Channel: Brick House Builds
Views: 1,166
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: cafe racer, cx500, cx500 cafe racer, cafe racer garage, for the bold, oil catch can, making a catch can, pcv catch can, cx500 build, cafe racer build, classic octane, jish, 46works, THE DOGHOUSE, Delboys Garage, Quick Bikes, fabricating a catch can, cx500 pod filters, cx500 exhaust, cx500 tracker, cx500 bobber, honda cafe, suzuki cafe, gl500 bobber, cx500 scrambler, gl650 cafe, cb750 cafe, cb350 cafe, brat motorcycle, bobber motorcycle, oil separator, moto build
Id: pi4ipMv-6wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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