CV vs Resume: What is the Difference and Why You Need Both?

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what is the difference between a CV and a resume why do you need to have both of these and when do you have to use each of those I'm George founder of the catapult your Career Academy and in this video series I share with you practical advice and actionable knowledge as to how you can grow your career faster and how you can ace that job application process if that's what you're going so if you're new to this channel consider subscribing now on to today's topic jumping in straight ahead a CV is put very simply a comprehensive document of everything anything you have ever done in your professional life ever since high school all the presentations you've given all the publications you have written all the degrees educational degrees you have earned all the work you've performed the requirements the responsibilities the achievements you've had literally you list everything out there ok now this document is a standard document it's a one size fits all document you don't personalize it in any ways so you keep your CV and if somebody asks for your comprehensive CV that's what you send them now as you can imagine this document can get quite long right now if you're in high school can be student just a one-pager which is totally fine right you get to enjoy other benefits if you're in that stage in your life but if you have counted already a few more years like I have then yours your CV gets long like my for example is about three and a half pages already and yours can get as long as two three four five six pages so as long as like depending on how many years you have counted already and how much stuff you have done over those years right so this is your CV now on the other hand your resume is a short as short as possible description that is personalized presentation of you for specific occasion so ideally your resume is a one-page and in your resume you don't list everything you pick the most relevant things from your CV representing the best possible life for a specific position you're applying or for the specific case you can even tailor the way you write those postings and you should tailor the way you're right and you present yourself so that the person the reader of your resume understands why you really the best fit for the particular position that you're applying for so you you always if you're writing your resume do your best to get to make it a one-page my resume is the wrong picture and most people's resumes are one pictures if you are a complete beast and you have so much experience that is distinct and relevant for a particular position your resume can get up to two pages that is that is okay I think the vast majority of cases with 99% of all my clients with whom we work 101 they usually come up with two pages with me and then for example if they're applying for let's say a senior marketing job we decide that the fact that they have done a junior marketing internship five years ago it's not really relevant to this point anymore so we would move that the fact that they've been a waiter five years ago or six seven years ago doesn't really adds too much value to their current application we remove this things that we can say instead of three words with one word explanations which take two three sentences we say in one sentence and we always manage to get a resume down to one page if you need help with this if you cannot manage this yeah feel free to reach out directly to me on george marcom now there to help you in 101 capacity that's what you need now when do you use each of those so a CV the comprehensive one you use almost exclusively in academia and research and so if you are applying for PhD masters you are always expected to be sending your comprehensive CV document right but in almost all other occasions you people might ask for you even if they say a Seabee like you shouldn't be confused because sometimes people use these words interchangeably even though I in my trainings because people use them as synonyms I'll sometimes use both words as synonyms as well but this shouldn't confuse you the way you should think about this is more about the context if it's academia in research or explicitly somebody asks you for your long-term form CV then you send this but in almost every other case you're expected to send your resume your your your your tailored presentation of yourself for the specific occasion now at this point you may say well then I don't really need a CV right I just need to have my resume I haven't actually strongly advise you to keep a read CV as well and the reason why I have a CD although I'm not a macademian research it's because I get tend to forget a lot and we we tend to forget a lot to be honest I tend to forget the presentations I've given the stuff I've done three years from now five years from now a year from now sometimes I forget oh I actually did this you know that's why I have my comprehensive record because every time I write send my resume I don't just copy paste it I always tailor it for the recipient and so I always browse quickly to my casual resume to my casual CV and and I think that things which make me most relevant for the particular application are filling and all the things which can also apply in my my help things which can show that I have common some commonality with the recipient so for example if I'm sending my application to somebody who I know has done beekeeping I would include the fact that I spent a month beekeeping in in one of my Somerset during like in university you may say the traditional thing this is a rather irrelevant experience to what I'm doing now but if the other guy is doing it I'll point this out so he says hey we like each other we share some commonalities so we have something on which we can start building off our conversation and our relationship so keep your casual CV and every time you write your resume go through it you'll be surprised how many times you picked things which you've forgotten but will present you in a better light for specific position you're applying for hope that was helpful ladies and gentlemen you've found if you found this video useful please give it a thumbs up if you wanna get more such useful videos make sure you subscribe to this video or like me follow me whatever you're watching this share it with other people and make sure if you're now about to write your resume you check out my other videos which can tell you how you can make your resume irresistible attractive and sexy so employers can't resist but invite you over an interview you can also check my video where I share five extremely creative ideas as to how you can make your resume stand out from the crowd crowd and make you get that job interviews hope you have a great day today hope you go out every single day execute boldly always on your on your goals and you keep growing keep becoming better stronger faster every single day talk to yourself
Channel: George Manolov
Views: 54,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: career, growth, employment, job, search, applications, unemployment, college, university, students, graduate, jobs, resume, cv, cv vs resume
Id: vvAIsKzvWR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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