CV Driving Scania S520 - Hemsedalsfjellet Rv. 52
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Channel: Kristo Boginski
Views: 464,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scania, s520, v8, next, generation, new, nextgen, newgen, s-series, r520, mountain, platoo, s650, s730, r730, streamline, opticruise, fjord, norway, rv52, hemsedal, sweden, finland, estonia, estland, rekkajuht, autojuht, norra, landscape, ocean, narrow, road, winter, snow, ice, rv13, odda, laerdal, tonerud, transport, kauritel, boginski, trucker, truckerslife, lorry, driver, pov, cv, cabin, euro, truck, simulaotr, ets2, ets3, amazing, nature
Id: co1Y6skkHfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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