Cutting from a Philodendron scandens hederaceum Heart Leaf

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to Swedish plant guys now recently we made a video called all you need to know about the philodendron hydration or philodendron scandens which is the same plant in that video we tell you exactly how to take care of the plant from purchase to care of the plant so how to make it thrive grow and become lush in your home now if you haven't watched that video go and check that out but today we're making a video on how to propagate the philodendron scandens which basically means how to make a cutting from it now if you like our videos don't hesitate to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel and hit that bell as well so you get a notification every time we put up something new now if you have a question for us or if you want us to make a video on a specific plant please make that in the comments as well now I have over 20 years experience of taking care of thousands and thousands of different types of plants so but I'm going to start by showing you how I take a cutting from a philodendron heteroatom because I think this works in the best way it has the highest success rate and I've just used this method a lot so I know that it works perfectly so first of all you need to take a cutting from your philodendron now I have a couple of them here around me and I have a new vine here coming out of this one so I thought I make a cutting from this now the philodendron can grow quite fiercely can grow quite fast so it it doesn't take a very long time before it gets too leggy or too big that is the perfect time to make a cutting from it propagated and get a new plant from it so I have a vine here that I'm going to make a cousin off now for this version what I want you to find here is that I want you to find four nodes four nodes and what is a node well I'll just make the cut first and I'll show you exactly what the note is now I will count the note and I'll show you in depth soon one two three four then I'll make the cut now when I make the cut make sure you can use a sharp scissor you can use a knife or you can use a Shearer it doesn't really matter the most important thing is that they are cleaned because you don't want to transfer any bacteria or any fungus or something when you make that cut that's very easy to do so make sure that it's clean before you make the cut now I have four nodes 1 2 3 4 and then I'll make the cut now I make the cut in between two nodes or in between two leaves here directly in between that so you have as much left on the plant and as much on the cutting as well there now I'll show you what I mean by the nodes now if I turn this around you can see that I actually have four leaves here and on the base of every leaf you have a node that is where the leaf grows out of the vine or the stem here so you have one node two nodes three nodes and four nodes and this is usually how I make a cutting of the philodendron had raised him and on that node you have small small air roots coming out of it now you don't have to have these to make this work but if you have them it actually goes even faster to make the cutting to make make it into a new plant now what I'm going to do here is that I'm going to take away the leaf from two of the notes and as you see here this plant has been growing this way the newest leaf is this one out here so I'm going to keep the newest leaf and I'm going to keep the second leaf and then I'm going to cut away the two bottom leaves here now I I cut them close to the node but without harming the node so I just go out a couple of millimeters from the node and cut away that leaf and then I take the second one as well do the same thing leave a couple of millimeters and cut it off like that now now my cutting is actually complete this is all you need now I take some water and something to put this in as well I think the best way is to put this in a glass like this so a little bit of water now what I do now is that I put this cutting into the water and I make sure that these two nodes that I've cut away the leaves from actually is under water so when I put this down make sure that you have enough water in your gloss so that the both of the nodes are covered there both other nodes are under water and what's going to happen here is that and it this will only take a couple of days maybe a week before you notice that something is happening those quite quickly with this plant and what will happen is that the small small air roots with these nodes here are going to start to develop and become roots under water roots instead of errands and you will see that they will start to grow and they will also explode around the node you will get a lot of new roots coming from there so the roots will not be coming from where you made the cut down here it will not come anywhere along the vine or the stem they will come from that node and by adding two nodes under water you actually have a security that if one of the nodes Bice for some reason doesn't work you have another node that will send out roots and you will have a new plant from that so that is why I use two nodes and not just one now this cutting here you have to put somewhere where it is light but no direct sunlight if direct sunlight will hit this plant now it will stress it quite a bit it will start to suck up a lot of water and it will won't be able to concentrate on producing new roots so you want to put it light to help the plant but no direct sunlight and then you exchange the water in here as often as you can if you can exchange it every day that's fine but at least once a week is fine because you want to have clean water here over a period of two or three weeks you will see that the water otherwise will become a little bit cloudy it has a another pH in here which is not good for root growth so make sure to exchange the water frequently now and another thing here if you want this to become a new plant what I would recommend you to do is actually to take maybe three four or five of these cuttings do exactly the same thing and put them in the water here so that when you have new roots you can plant all of them in the same pot and you will have a new plant that actually looks quite good from the start and you have a lot of starters in that pot a lot of cuttings in the same pot so that that new philodendron that you've created will become thick and lush from the beginning and when should you put this into soil well wait until you have at least 1 inch of roots from the nodes here but I usually wait a little bit longer until you have about 2 inches so 5 centimetres long and then you can take it out and plant it in soil now use a soil you can use any type of soil it's not picky with that but make sure that that soil has good drainage so you can mix it with some pumice or you can mix it with some perlite something to make the drainage even better so that you have a moist soil but not too wet soil when you replant it now this is the I think the best way to propagate this plant and you will get quite a nice plant from the beginning when it's done but you can do two other things here if your if you want to have as many cuttings or as many starters as possible you could actually actually just use one node instead so I'll make a new cutting here I'll take from this one this time I make the cut as I said before I make the cut in between two of the stems in between two leaves here like that now from this vine I can actually get one two maybe three different starters or three different cuttings now what you need for every cutting is one leaf and one node so I'll make one here now make make sure that you know which direction you have on the plant when you when you do this cut so make sure that you start from the bottom and move upwards otherwise it can be quite difficult to see okay which way was it so I usually start from the bottom now in the bottom I know that this is the bottom leaf I'll cut that off so I get one node and then I need one leaf so I cut that off at the vine now I have my first cutting here you don't have have to leave this much of the stem for for the leaf here so you can actually cut that down a little bit like this there and you don't need this part here either this is all you need now I have one node that is going to go underwater and I have one leaf that is still alive and can continue to grow now when it starts to grow later on it will grow from this node in between the leaf and the stem so you will get a new vine like this this is all you need so I'll just put this aside for a second and I'll make some more now I need one node so I can cut off this and I need one leaf now I have a second one same vine again I need one node I have that there and then I need one leaf well you can see here that one leaf is actually on the way and since this is very easy it's very easy to propagate this will probably work so I'll just keep this like this I have a small leaf here and I have one node that is going to go down into I actually have one two three nodes more but I don't want to cut it too close since I don't have a complete leaf yet so I'll keep this one here but from this small vine that I cut off I now have three cuttings like this so you just make sure that the node that you cut off the leaf from is under water and you're good to go same thing will happen after a few days or maybe a week or two you will start to see new roots shooting out from that node so just keep doing what I said before just exchange the water and place it lights now this is the second method and here you can get a lot of cuttings from the same vine so you get a lot of starters that you later on can plant together now the third way is actually if you want to try and create a plant from this that looks finished from the beginning you could actually use a vine and keep more of the leaves and all of those leaves if they continue to live when you are finished you will get a ready ready plant I'll show you what I mean I'll take another cutting here I have a long one here same as before make the cut in between two leaves like that now what I can do here is I can I only need one node to be in water so I'll cut the stem off cut the leaf off and I have the node complete here but this time I will actually save a lot of leaves here now if you put this into water make sure you have one node under water like this it will start producing roots but when you have a finished product when your reap floating this into soil you actually have long vines from the beginning now what is the downside to this well the downside is that this small cutting here actually has more to work with it needs more energy to sustain 1 2 3 4 leaves on this cutting whereas on sherry here whereas on this one that I prefer to do this vine only has two leaves to preserve and try to keep - and it can create what happens is actually that the plant can concentrate on creating new roots instead of keeping all of this foliage alive so that is the downside but this will work as well as this but you will have a higher success rate by doing this here than by leaving this long vine like this it doesn't matter which alternative you choose here the roots will start to form about the same time it takes thanks from one week to two weeks or a couple of days if you're lucky it can go quite false so there's no difference in time for the roots to start - but the difference is here your success rate the more leaves the longer the vine the more risk there is that something could go wrong that is why I think this is maybe the perfect way to do this because you have two nodes if one fails you have another node in water you have two leaves if something happens to one of the leaves you have one other leaf that can continue to absorb that light and continue to try and create those roots so this is the optimal way but the other two wakes works as well now when we are of course very interested in hearing which alternative you try and let us know if you have success with it so you can help others as well leave that in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel as well and we always like those thumbs up hit that bell see you get a notification every time we put up something new now good luck and until next time high dough
Channel: Swedish Plantguys
Views: 12,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Philodendron, Cutting from, Cutting, Heart Leaf, hederaceum, care of, indoor plant, propogate, propogating
Id: mAjdRSJKwaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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