Cutting down trees, clearing fence lines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the channel my name is brennan and i am bryce's younger brother and today we're gonna go uh clear brush from fence lines of our fields here we just got the four wheelers and all the saws loaded up and we're gonna head out all right we just made to the field here it's about eight o'clock and we're getting all our stuff out [Applause] oh oh i got i want to keep [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] [Music] food all right so we just cleared out a bunch of this crap and we'll come in here with the skid loader later and pick out and pick it all out and i'm going to move the forward now i'm going to move the four wheeler back down where they are they're down there move forward no farther let's get to it all right everybody so here's the next part of the video it's april 4th today easter happy easter everybody um and as you saw my brother he was cutting down trees my dad and uncle greg and uh now my dad and uncle greg are out here greg has his skill loader out here and my dad is using my grandma's skid loader and my dad actually bought a grapple so he's using that on that skid and greg's using his pallet forks and they are cleaning up all the trees that they cut down i just got out here it's probably like 11 o'clock super nice day out cut off weather uh i don't got to be at least 70 degrees out but yeah so they trimmed a lot of these trees up along here they just finished the 80 we call it over there they're cleaning up trees uh over the hill there and now they are cleaning up these trees here and that's just so we can farm out a little bit farther and so we don't have trees scratching up against our equipment and we're driving alongside the fields here so uh yep let's see if i can get a gopro on one of them see if i can convince them to do that now i don't even know where they went i was busy getting my gopros ready and now they're gone they're really moving found them there's my dad right there and greg's over there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so dad and greg got this round field all cleaned up and now they're on the big field we call it right here and um they're cleaning up the trees along here my dad just called me and said i need to go grab a chainsaw so i must uh must need to cut down a tree so let's go get it [Music] all right so i grabbed the chainsaw i also grabbed some gas and some bar and chain oil just in case he just said grab the saw but i don't want to have to come back to get that stuff so now we're gonna head back and uh see what we gotta do aiden stock chopped this part of the field here i don't know if he was on his phone or what but he didn't do a very good job you have to go give him some for that all right so my dad took chainsaw started cutting down trees along this side here and i jumped into the skid loader and uh i've been pushing them into the further into the woods this way we can farm out a little farther and we don't have to worry about trees rubbing up against the windows and scratching the paint on the tractors and whatnot and uh i think he ran out of gas or something because he just walked back that way but i got all the trees moved i think he's probably gonna bring my pickup up here not sure not sure what's going to happen next i'll let you know i guess i can show you my dad's new rock bucket here so it's got a grapple on it and then the rock bucket here is going to be nice so for pick and rock you can just angle the bucket into the dirt scoop a rock up and the rock will sit in this groove right here and then you can shake the shake the bucket and get all the dirt out and the rock will stay in here and then once you get a full bucket of rocks you can drive over to your local rock pile and then dump it out but i think he's pretty excited about it he really likes it it's his first real big day with it and for those who don't know what a grapple is or how it works i'll show you so if you want to pick up a big log or something you would scoop it up in here and to keep it from moving around you run your hydraulic just like that and that's going to clamp it in there so it won't move or fall out and then to release it just the opposite alrighty everybody so i gave the skill order back to my dad i got to run that for a little bit now i'm gonna bring the chainsaw and stuff back to greg's pickup and uh i think i'm gonna go see my grandma i haven't seen her in a couple days see how she's doing and then um if you guys liked the video give it a big thumbs up subscribe if you want to see more and if you liked uh my brother at the beginning of the video if you want to see more of him doing stuff let me know in the comments and uh we'll see if we can make that work but that being said thank you guys so much for watching see you next time
Channel: Bryce's Ag Adventures
Views: 1,163
Rating: 4.948276 out of 5
Id: 5AqL4LAr24Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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