Cutout object with mask - GIMP videotutorial

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hi in this tutorial will found out how to separate an image with masking it's extremely useful for example in this case when you have a pretty much complex hair in this picture it's pretty impossible to cut out this with pan or any other tool but with masking is it's not a problem at all so first we will just clone this layer the first step is to use a clone brush and clone the her all over is a picture so we'll create a base for for masking it doesn't have to be really very good looking good but this main thing is that you should have the whole picture covered with with texture [Music] yeah actually here says her are pretty solid color we can just use a brush and just paint that all black yes yep [Music] yeah so it can basically paint at all [Music] we miss this part here Oh clowns as well okay so we haven't ready hundred now create our masks excluding all masks are black and white so we'll have to create white areas when we want the picture and black areas when we don't want the picture to be shown we're using levels level tools right now to get fully black and white image that will be used for masking yeah so the whole facts should be covered us as wide seamless color okay we'll take a hard brush right now and finish this bug around here yeah basically our mosque is ready also use a level tool to make it even more better yeah okay so right now we are let's add some general background so we'll see you it's going on I'll put it here okay so right now we will cut this layer but first we need to select that by select all by hitting command or control a and we choose cut okay so right now we're adding layer mask by right click and add layer mask option and we are pasting or our mask here okay so and then when you passing something you get a floating selection which you need to alter and correct place so basically we've masked out her I don't like this place so go back the original layered mask and choose change color physical this part you it's bird yeah Fozzie tools was the brush is better for that and basically that said we have we have it separated we can choose change the background to anything else whatever color we like [Music] so you can see that we've separated this girl with pretty much complex hair structure in in less than five minutes lots of nice bike on here yep when we are done we can save that new version and actually base our image before and after our work so that is how how we done hair separation in thank you and bye
Channel: blackmoondev
Views: 101,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GIMP, tutorial, image, separate, cut, out
Id: FEIORoqIi4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2008
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