Customer says if I were good at backing up then it's no problem If i wasnt then it would be FML!!!

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i had texted her again and i said hey um just want to let you know i have an 18 wheeler and you live on the dead end road should i be worried she said not if you're a great driver and if i wasn't fml right fml [Music] not even the deaths of hell could have forged a diamond this special hey yo it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood look at this view it's beautiful it's gorgeous so we about to bang out this delivery uh where i don't know how i have no idea don't ask me because i don't know so i'm about to uh hit arrive put my phone away because i am legit aggravated right now like i get it like the view is beautiful but we're like the house is way back there i texted the lady because she couldn't really hear me i said hey uh you know this is mike the home depot delivery driver i'm on my way i'll be there within the hour just that in the third she got a whole bunch of fencing that need to come off on that side i gotta watch out for this mailbox so she got a whole bunk bunk of fencing that needs to come off on that side and she ain't got a driveway bro like she don't not that i saw i mean i could be mistaken um i don't even know if she's home home it sounded like she was sleeping when i called her but um yeah there's like no space for me to turn around like i saw that on the jeep on the on the satellite gps that there was no space to turn around but this is crazy like and i was like alright so i could just back in and back out that's that's not the issue the issue is i gotta offload from the passenger side because this fencing has concrete on top and it's double stacked on top of another fencing bug bunk which is no big deal all right but not only do i gotta have space to offload i bet you she parked here or something like that i'm gonna hit that mulch i'm gonna pull up hey sorry i wasn't paying attention to my driver's side and then so i had texted her again and i said hey um just want to let you know i have an 18-wheeler and you live on a dead-end road should i be worried she said not if you're a great driver and if i wasn't fml right fml i'm about to turn this heat off because papa is cooking so i gotta find out where this stuff needs to go um see it's deliveries like this that wastes my day bro they really do so she lives here and where the hell am i supposed to put this fencing at bye bye jonas eight so i'm about to go make contact make sure my truck is in neutral that's yours [Music] i don't have enough space to offload okay so my first question would be where am i supposed to leave it okay so if you want to unload offload this first and then take those off and we're going to bring them around back bring them around back where laying on the side of the garage because that's where they're going a lot of guys turn around right here yeah but once once i start angling my my track my trailer i'm not gonna have enough space to swing open i've been doing this a while you've seen that size truck back in there yeah yeah i wouldn't even try that because if i hit your fence well the only thing i can say i don't mind backing all the way out i just need enough space to offload from the passenger side oh you have to go from the past because you have the concrete on that side and that offsets the weight all right so so i'm thinking can you try it no i think i'd rather yeah all right so let me back it up so so i think i'm offload back here and just utilize this chunk of the driveway uh there's no way i would even attempt that and i don't think it was the size truck to be honest that's crazy [Music] with great views come great responsibilities i guess huh that means i gotta hurry the up yeah there's no way i would back my truck up there now i'm like really looking at it in proportion there's no way not with this size truck you know sometimes i realize that some customers will tell you anything to be to to to just get down where they need you and then you're on your own to get out and i feel like this is one of those times because there's no way i would be able to back up a truck in there not without using a mop it to like wiggle around all right so what i'm going to do is pull up a little bit over here and then back the truck up some mo right about there should be good because then once i pluck it off i'm gonna have to back up my truck some more to then uh so once i unstrap it pluck it off i'm gonna pull it off into that driveway and then back up my truck even more oh it's cold [Music] and she might not be too happy she got some broken fence panels [Music] you gotta love it [Music] uh i gotta back up the truck some more because i gotta be able to get like right here i'm gonna throw these over first [Music] so [Applause] all right that should be good [Applause] so when i pluck the fencing off i'll probably get it on that driveway and back the truck up some more this should be interesting [Music] drag it back towards me [Music] power lines [Music] [Music] all right so now i'm gonna back up my truck i feel like when you do a regular delivery you shouldn't have to do all this you really shouldn't just like for what i don't see no fedex guys doing anybody that wants to come down this road is going to be hit for the next i don't know 10 10-15 minutes at least all right i might be able to spin around on that gravel i mean it's not the best idea but i could just back all the way clean out [Applause] [Music] it if i do that my tires are gonna leave really deep marks okay [Music] [Applause] oh thank you i appreciate it thank you i appreciate it that's all they gave me the problem [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] yeah i just figured i'll just back it all the way out i don't i'm not gonna sweat it are you gonna be able to back it out to the end yeah i'll figure something out because i know that dirt driveway they don't care yeah i just i don't want to waste the same amount of time trying to spin around rather than backing out because at least backing out i know i'll make it but spinning around i don't know so well i mean if you back into that directly yeah and i was looking at this driveway i would have never made that nope no so you might have had like water trucks or something like that like triaxes and he made this rivalry it was tough yeah yeah i mean i'm not dedicated to one site so i still have a crapload of other deliveries to do so so all right thank you [Music] so all right guys that's another successful one in the folks i'll see you guys on the next one later all right guys so i'm gonna attempt to back out of this beautiful location we the wind is blowing trees are blowing and uh this is a pretty nice neighborhood because i just dropped off she said that her neighbors don't mind if i use that dirt and gravel driveway to spin around but unless i heard it from the neighbor's mouth themselves and even then so i don't got a waiver sign nope not happening i'd rather just back out because i know i can back out um and since this whole road is at an angle i'd rather not even attempt it [Music] now this driveway on the other hand looks pretty good to me frank so all right so what i'm gonna do so i don't get stuck lock the differential turn the wheel give it some gas then let go of the brake sharply and pull up a little bit oh i'm sliding in mud back up a little bit give some gas uh i think this was a bad idea that should be enough and we are good boys and girls and live binaries so now i'm gonna set it in neutral turn that off now let's hit the road frank never come back no no no no no give it easy peasy when life gives you lemons yeah squeeze them in your eyes i'll see you guys on the next one keep your eyes peeled like lemons see you later
Channel: Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
Views: 7,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 31lF-nfc6Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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