Customer-friendly GCP Pricing: Understanding GCP pricing (Level 100)

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NEIL MUELLER: Hi, my name is Neil Mueller with Google Cloud Platform. We're here as part of the On-air Cloud Series. It's a series of live webinars for Google Cloud. Today, we're hosting two webinars-- my webinar on pricing, and then, Sergei and team will join me after five minutes-- five minutes when I'm finished-- to talk about streaming analytics. Also, next month, something to look forward to, we'll be talking about security and IT development tools. Without further ado, let's talk about customer-friendly GCP pricing. I've got a lot of ground to cover today. But let me spend a few minutes on why we're here. We're here because customers are really excited about the cloud. But unfortunately, a number of customers feel like they're wasting money. Now, fortunately, most of these cloud customers are not ours. And we'll talk about that in a moment. But according to RightScale, which is a third party analyst firm, they wrote a report called "The State Of The Cloud" in 2017. And they said that 45% of their cloud spend was wasted. This is self-reported waste. So you want to believe it. On the left hand side, you see the cause of a lot of this waste. We've got inflexible three year VM leases that are provided by other cloud providers. And flexible VM configurations, where you have to buy a certain amount of RAM to get a certain amount of CPU-- also something not on our cloud, but on every other cloud. And per-hour billing, as opposed to what we have in here in GCP, which is per-minute billing. So customers are feeling like they're wasting a lot of money on the cloud at the same time that they're saving a lot of money, because the cloud is much less expensive than on-prem alternatives. We're here to give you the best of both worlds, to give you a cloud that is exactly what you expected to pay for with customer-friendly pricing models that you can really easily understand. So this is a summary slide. We'll come to it at the very end, also. If you look on the left, we've got other cloud providers. And let's consider that a baseline of 100%, what you would expect to pay. On the right hand side, we've got the discounts-- the discount innovations that we have here at GCP. And we'll talk through each of those. So an average of 24% savings from sustained use discounts. This is very similar to the card that you get when you go to your favorite sandwich shop. And if you buy 10 sandwiches, they give you one for free-- sustained use discount. When you use a lot of GCP, you save a lot on GCP. 21% list price differences. This is just the rack rate of our compute. If you look at the list price, we are, on average, 20% less than other cloud providers. And I'll talk to you a bit more in a few minutes about why that's the case. 15% average savings from rightsizing recommendations. We recommend within the cloud console, if you're using too much or too little compute, we recommend that you can either save money, or that you should beef up that server to make it more performant. On average, if you add those numbers together, you get a 60% average discount when you compare us to other clouds. That's a big discount. All right, let's talk about all of our pricing innovations. This slide is very much a table of contents for my talk. We're going to start in the upper left and work our way down to the lower right. So let's talk about list price advantages. I've talked to you about how we get a 21% average list price reduction compared to other clouds. Sustained use discounts-- the lunch counter card-- up to 24% average savings. Committed use discounts, up to 57% savings when you buy instances in advance, when you commit to their use. Permanent billing, up to 38% savings when you pay per minute and not per hour. Custom machine types, up to 19% savings. Because if you need a lot of RAM but not a lot of CPU, you can only pay for exactly what you want. We call that custom machine types. Rightsizing recommendations, 15% average savings. We give you recommendations on whether you need more CPU or more RAM. Preemptible VM instances, we call these PVMs. And we give you an average 18% savings on workloads that can be interrupted. Network service tiers, our newest addition-- we just launched it last week. It allows you to either pick performance or cost savings when you buy your network from us. Coldline, archival storage at the speed of tape-- the speed of disk and the cost of tape. And lastly, support. We offer you the opportunity to pay per user per month, as opposed to a flat percentage fee uplift on your cloud cost. Let's talk about why GCP is the perennial price leader. Well, it has a lot to do with our volume. Google has a lot of infrastructure. You've probably used YouTube and Google Search. You may have also used Google Cloud Platform. We are a very large technology company with a lot of infrastructure. We buy in bulk, we purpose build much of our infrastructure. We spent more last year than any other cloud provider-- $10.9 billion in capex in 2016. Google's vast scale means that we can offer you more for less. We also are smart about how we build our infrastructure. On average, a Google data center uses 50% less energy than a typical data center. Our PUE, which is a measure of our efficiency-- our power usage effectiveness-- is 1.12, lower than any other public cloud provider. This means that we use less energy than average. If you look at the global average of the largest data centers in the world, they are 1.7. Now, what this means is that about 40% of the average energy in a data center is wasted to cooling, or heating, or just general loss. By comparison, about 10% of the energy in a Google center is wasted, meaning 90% of the energy that we buy goes to providing you cloud services. We're more efficient when we run our data centers and we can pass the savings on to you. We're also more efficient, because we deploy very interesting technologies like machine learning. You may have seen the article written about DeepMind, who applied some of their technology to our data center. And if you look on this graph right here, time is on the x-axis. On the y-axis is PUE, this power use effectiveness ratio that I told you about. The closer you are to 1, the better. Google is closer to 1 than other average data centers. And when we deployed DeepMine's AI in our data center, it reduced cooling by 40%. So you can imagine what this ML looks like. Let's take, for example, we've got, like, 10 dials. And each dial has 10 positions on it. That's 10 to the 10th power, or 10 million. That's a lot of instances to calculate through, which is exactly what DeepMind is calculating through, and finding the exact right middle ground where we can safely operate our data centers, and also simultaneously reduce cooling. This allowed us to reduce the cooling bill by 40%. Were not the only one noticing. Greenpeace gave us an A. Other cloud providers in the space didn't get an A. We are in this as a result of energy transparency, committing to being 100% renewable by 2017. And our green advocacy that we do. We think our data centers are beautiful inside and outside. And in fact, this is one of our murals that we have. If you send me a Tweet and you're the first person to send it to me, I'll send you a $25 Starbucks gift card. This is part of our mutual project. We paint many of our data centers with murals. Just send me the state name via Twitter, and I'll send you that gift card. This is a very large data center. All right, let's talk about sustained use discounts. This is the sandwich car that I talked to you about. So on the x-axis here, we have the monthly average usage. And so if you use 100% of this VM for the entire month, you can get a 30% savings. We're seeing our customers experiencing an average of 24% average savings, because many of our customers use that VM for the entire month. In other words, they're getting a lot of free sandwiches. What sustained use provides is if you use us more, we will give you a lower price. This is automatic. There's no upfront payments required. There's no lock in, and there's no complex decision making. You don't even have to remember the sandwich card for us to give you the discount. So it really is just that easy. You might be wondering, we use terms like customer-friendly pricing. But are we really that friendly when we're doing the calculation of sustained use discounts? I can tell you, yes we are. If you look at the graph on the lower left, you can imagine in the actual use case where you've got a whole bunch of VMs and a whole bunch of projects across your entire organization, what we could do is we could not be friendly about it. And we could calculate your actual usage and say that you hadn't used a single VM the entire month. But that's not how we calculate it. What we do is we have this technique that we call inferred instances, where if you look in the middle, where we group them, we group all of the instance usage together. And then, on the far right, we compute a discount based on that. So we put them together in a way that looks like a very successful "Tetris" game, which gives you the maximum possible sustained use discount, truly customer friendly pricing. Let's talk about CUD, Committed Use Discount. What this is, is when you buy cores and memory in bulk. You can either select to use a one year or a three year commitment. And you can change your machine types at any time. If you do this with us for one year for three years, we'll give you up to a 57% discount-- big discount. So what you're doing here is you're buying scores and memory in bulk. If you buy it for one year, it's a 37% savings. If you buy it for three years, it's a 57% savings. If you compare this to other similar offerings in the cloud space-- for example, AWS's reserved instances-- this is, again, a report from a company called RightScale. They're a third party advisory firm out there. And this is a report that they did very recently in March, when we released Committed Use Discounts. We are the blue block. In this case, lower is better, because we're talking about price and costs. So because of the rigidity of the AWS RIs, and the flexibility of the committed use discounts, the realized benefit for you is much higher. In this case, the costs are much lower. Let's get into a bit more detail about Committed Use Discounts. Like I said, these are available in one and three year. You commit to a certain number of vCPUs in a certain amount of memory. This is valid for any Google Cloud Compute Engine, or GKE non-shared core VMs. And it's ideal for predictable steady state workloads. I said that it's a committed use on CPU and also memory. There are very flexible limits on the ratio between memory and CPU. So anything from 0.9 gigabits of RAM up to 6.5 gigabytes of RAM per CPU-- inclusive those two numbers-- is an appropriate ratio. So if you've got a very memory-intensive application that doesn't require much CPU, committed use discounts is still going to be good for you. The discounts apply to aggregate regional usage. For example, of your usage in Iowa, or Oregon, or London. This is a summary slide talking about Committed Use Discounts. What I want to highlight here is the very far right block, which says that in order to attain these deep discounts without upfront payment, you can attain these deep discounts without upfront payments at all, because we don't require you to do any upfront payments. This is very different from other reserved instance-type structures that you see there in the cloud. Per-minute billing. So, on GCP, you only pay for what you use. So for example, if you're using a VM for only 11 minutes, you're going to pay for 11 minutes, not 60 minutes. This is a big differentiator with from other cloud providers. Let's walk through a short example. So on the right here, you see that if you're using the virtual machine for between 12 and 25 minutes, your average savings is up to 38%. Custom machine types. If you go with another cloud provider, you will be dictated a certain amount of CPU and memory. And if you need more CPU or less CPU, you have to pay for the stuff that you don't use. So right here on the x-axis, you've got a series of machines. And the gray would be waste. In this case, on GCP, the waste would be much, much less. On average, we're seeing customers save up to 19% when they use custom machine types. This is a screenshot that I took from the user interface. We've got these dials where you can dial up the amount of cores or the amount of memory that you want. And we did the math, and it turns out that there are 695 different compute types. If you compare that to other cloud providers, we have 110 more compute types than they do. So you get exactly what you want and nothing more. Rightsizing recommendations. This is very similar to a custom machine types. What this looks like in the user interface is a recommendation where it says, hey, you're using a bit more instance compute than you have purchased. Would you like to upgrade? Or in more cases than that, you have purchased an instance type that is larger than you need and you're paying for something that you're not using. Would you like to save yourself a little money? And all you have to do is click the button right here to either dismiss all of those recommendations, or to learn more. And with one click, you can activate them. It's the opposite of requiring you to plan in advance for demand that you can't possibly forecast. 25% of monitored instances get a recommendation on average. So that's a lot. It'll be a good portion of your instances. Now, you can very easily dismiss these or take action. Recommendations take a look at CPU and memory. On average, we're seeing 60% of those recommendations offering to save you money, and 40% offering to increase your instance size, suggest that you get a beefier instance, because you're getting more traffic than you then you may have expected. If you use stack driver, the granularity of these recommendations improves quite a bit. Let's talk about preemptible machine types. Preemptible machine types are very good for workloads such as batch or scientific, predictable workloads that you don't think are going to go down. They're exactly like regular VMs, except for they are 80% less expensive. They can run for a maximum of 24 hours, at which time, they'll be shut down. You can terminate them earlier if you like. And it offers predictable billing compared to other cloud providers that have similar structures like this, but they're based on marketplaces-- where you would have to hire somebody to go into that marketplace and understand the flow price of that machine instance. Whereas here, it's just a flat 80% off, so much easier to forecast. We view this as customer-friendly pricing. Like I said, they're very good for various kinds of workloads that you know might be able to be interrupted. For example, batch jobs, pipeline builds, after hours processing, big data workloads, analytics, media and coding, scientific work, financial modeling, dev test, crawling, that kind of workloads. What is most amazing about PVMs is how easy they are to deploy. I mentioned with other types of structures like this from other cloud providers, you might need to hire somebody to go in there and understand the marketplace dynamics of their interruptible instances. Not with ours. They are a flat 80% price reduction. And you can either activate it using this code right here that I've got on the screen, or in the cloud console with a point and click. Customers love these. For example, Mark Johnson, the founder of Descartes Labs, has been able to predict corn yield more accurately than the United States Department of Agriculture, all using PVMs. So he's benefiting from GCP at 80% the cost and producing incredible output for his customers. Network service tiers. Last week, we became the first major public cloud to offer a tiered cloud network. What this means for you is that you can either choose to pick performance, which we call the Premium Tier-- think premium gasoline. If you pick the Premium Tier, it is on average, 70% faster than other cloud networks. It is 14% to 80% more expensive than other competing clouds. And so the ratio of 18% more for 70% more power, that's a very good ratio. We feel like it's a good value for your money. If you pick Premium, you're riding on the Google Network, which is a non-circuitous direct private dedicated path from your cloud workloads to your end customers, egressing out of a POP very near to your end customers. If you choose Standard, you'll benefit from a 6% to 9% savings over other competing clouds. Standard network uses the public internet, which is very similar to what other public clouds will provide you. This is often not a direct path. It suffers from lower security, lower liability, but it's a very good value for the money. Let's talk about storage. On this graph, on the x-axis, you see the retrieval frequency. So on the left, you've got Glacier, an AWS product, that offers retrieval frequency of three to five hours. It is very close to the same price as GCS Coldline, which offers millisecond access time. We also offer Nearline, Regional, and GCS multi-regional. The reason we've put their storage options next to ours is what you'll notice is ours are always below theirs, which means that we are less expensive for the retrieval time required. So we think that our storage is going to be a better value for online data, whether it's hot or cold, whether you've got millisecond access time that you need globally reliable, or less. Coldline is a highly available, affordable solution for backup, archival, and disaster recovery. It really is incredible. We offer you the speed of disk at the cost of tape. But you might be asking yourself, how am I going to get all my data up into the cloud? Well, for that, we just launched something about last month called the Transfer Appliance. This is a physical appliance that we rent you for a window of time. You load your data onto it, and then you send it back to us using a courier. The capacity for this is up to 1 petabit compressed. It's the largest transfer appliance in the cloud. Because a lot of our customers are moving a lot of data to us, and we wanted to give them as much capacity as we possibly could. The Transfer Appliance is all about speed. In this animation, what you're seeing is how fast it would take a Transfer Appliance to be shipped out to you, for you to fill it up, and for you to send it back to us, and us to load it into Google Cloud Storage. On average, 43 days. If you compare that over a typical network, which is 100 megabits per second, it is going to take a lot longer than 43 days. As you can see, it will take multiple years-- like more than three years. Let's talk about what we're doing for support. Support hasn't evolved. What we are doing to evolve it is we're offering role-based support. What this means is that you pay a flat price per user, per month, as opposed to a percentage fee uplift on your cloud usage. So you might be accustomed to paying a certain percentage, like 10%, to 20%, to 30% uplift on your cloud usage. We are evolving that to this new method, where you pay a flat fee per user per month. So let's take an example. Let's say that you're a development shop with 10 engineers, that would be 10 engineers multiplied by $100 per user per month, multiplied by 12. So that's $12,000 in annual support for this development shop, which is likely much, much less-- and certainly, much, much more predictable than if you were to pay a flat percentage fee on your cloud bill. It also is a lot closer to getting a value for your money because we're charging you per engineer, as opposed to charging you a percentage uplift. The old model, we call account-based. The new model, we call role-based. Account-based, you're accustomed to long-term contracts, standardized tiers, and like I said, percentage-based uplift on your cloud bill. With role-based, you've got a very flexible environment that you can change month to month, no commitments, very customizable configurations. You tell us how many users you want. And it's very predictable, because you know how many users you're buying. This is coming very soon, and we're incredibly excited about it. It offers development support, production support, and also support for your business critical apps. All right, let's talk about some key takeaways. If we start in the upper left, we talked about why Google was a perennial price leader. We operate at a vast scale, and we pass those benefits on to you. On average, we're 20% less than other cloud providers, just the rack rate. Sustained use discounts-- just like when you go into a sandwich shop. This is up to 24% average savings. Committed use discounts. If you are able to plan ahead and know that you're going to use us, we don't make you pay upfront, but we offer you up to 57% savings for a three year contract. Per-minute billing. Up to 38% savings by paying by the minute, as opposed to paying by the hour. The analogy I gave, the example I gave was using 11 minutes and paying for 60, very frustrating. We don't consider that customer-friendly pricing. And so we don't make you do it. Custom machine types. Up to 19% average savings when you pick any configuration of CPU and RAM. Rightsizing recommendations. 15% average savings by auto scaling compute around your needs. We give you these recommendations. 60% of the time, they're to reduce the size of the workload, offering you a savings 40% of the time, on average. They're free to beef up your instance and save you downtime. Preemptible VM instances. Up to 80% savings-- and this is a flat fee, not based on a marketplace. Up to 80% savings on workloads that can be interrupted, like batch jobs, or crawling, or scientific work. Network service tiers, our newest member to this list, where you can pick performance and get 70% higher performance than the average cloud provider. Or savings, and save 9% compared to other clouds. Coldline, archival storage. And the Transfer Appliance, which allows you to move lots of data to the cloud very quickly. Support. We are evolving support and very excited about it. With role-based support, customers pay a flat monthly fee per user, per engineer. Here's that graph again. Let's talk about where we've come. So another cloud provider on the left will charge you a baseline of 100%. You can experience an average of 60% savings for compute workloads on GCP. 24% is coming from sustained use discounts, 21% from list price discounts, 15% from rightsizing recommendations-- big benefits for you. Customers are picking JCP, in part because of our customer-friendly pricing, but also for a lot of other reasons. On the left, we offer you a true cloud economics. That's all about the pricing. And we've walked through a number of examples where we provide you very transparent, friendly pricing structures that you can-- without taking a lot of time-- take advantage of. Most of these you take advantage of just by using the system at all. You don't have to plan ahead. We offer you future-proof infrastructure, where you can scale your business smoothly and responsibly. For example, we're the first cloud to offer Silverlake Intel chips. And you didn't have to plan for that. You didn't have to buy them a couple of years ago. You can buy them the second that you want them. And then, the second you stop wanting to use them, you can stop paying for them-- big advantages that you get from using the cloud. You can also get access to incredible innovation. Google is known for our artificial intelligence and machine learning. We give you access to many of our APIs, including Vision API, Natural Language API, BigQuery. You can use these to really spark off a lot of innovation at your company. And Google grade security. We offer multiple layers of security so that you can control your cloud from chip to chiller. OK, with that, I think I've been told that we've got a couple of questions that I probably should help answer. OK, I'm back. I can see on my screen here that we've got five questions to answer. The first one is-- where did the idea for sustained use discounts come from? It predates me here at Google. I came up with the lunch counter example, because I eat sandwiches. And when I buy 10 of them, I get a free sandwich. And it sounds a lot like sustained use discounts. The big difference between sustained use discounts and the lunch counter is that I'm always forgetting my little card and losing it. And that never happens, because we keep track of it for you. Question 2. Are GCP pricing innovations only for compute? Many of them are for compute. Rightsizing recommendations, sustained use discount, committed use discount. Those are for compute. However, many of them are not. For example, Coldline-- where we offer you the speed of disk at the cost of tape-- is very innovative and is a storage innovation, not a computer innovation. Network service tiers also is the opportunity for you to experience 70% faster networks than the average cloud provider, or 9% lower costs. And that's a networking innovation. Question number 3. Can I change my instance sizes and still receive committed use discounts? Yes. Unlike other cloud providers that offer you committed use discount structures that are inflexible, our are flexible. So you buy a certain amount of CPU and a certain amount of memory. And within that bundle, that basket, you can change exactly the kind of VM configurations that you want from minute to minute, day to day within that month, within that year-- whether it's a one year or three year committed use discount. Question 4. What is the difference between SUDs and CUDs? Sustained use discount, let's see if I can think of a funny analogy. Sustained use discount is when you go to a lunch counter, and they give you one of those cards. And if you eat 10 of those sandwiches, they give you a free sandwich. Committed use discounts is when you go to the car wash and you say, I want to buy 10 washes. I'm going to buy them right now. And then, I'm going to use them over the next one year or three year. And as a result, you get a cheaper rate per car wash. That analogy falls apart a little bit, because we don't make you pay ahead, and the car wash would. But other than that, it's a decent analogy. Number 5. Will Rightsizing Recommendations support all operating system compute instance types, not just Linux but Windows servers as well? Yes. It supports all of the instances that we have. I use it on mine. And it gives me recommendations. For some reason, for mine, it's always telling me to make them smaller. It never tells me to make them bigger. Maybe it's because I don't run that many popular websites. Hopefully, you do. And it works on all of mine, Linux and Windows. Are there any more questions, guys? OK, thank you so much for your time. Please stick around. Our next webinar is on streaming analytics, very exciting. Sergei and team will be here to talk you through that. Next month, also, we've got another on-air webinar series by Google Cloud. It's on security and IT development tools. OK, for now, thank you so much for your help.
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Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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