Custom Purple iPhone 6 built from parts!

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hi guys welcome back to our Hugh Jeffries video and in this video I'm gonna be building this fully custom a purple iPhone 6 this iPhone has been built from the ground up using a 128 gigabyte iPhone 6 logic board and a stunning purple housing which has been paired with white antenna lines and a black LCD for a stunning one-of-a-kind iPhone I brought this custom housing from eBay the housing itself included nothing but the colored buttons no small parts are included everything from the dock connector flex cables to small parts such as a dock connector and headphone port surrounds were not included with the housing being a custom housing finding one with these parts already installed is almost impossible to be able to complete this iPhone I needed a working donut logic board I managed to find this iPhone 6 Space Gray 128 gigabyte for 160 dollars included whether it was a apple battery case phone at 149 dollars and an Apple lightning dock which is valued at $75 here in Australia as well as a tempered glass screen protector I also picked up this donor iPhone 6 for 20 dollars which at first didn't power on but after some simple revival turned out to be iCloud locked for anyone attempting a housing replacement like this I'd highly recommend having a donor iPhone to be able to take parts off in case you damaged anything along the way and that's exactly what I'm going to be using this iPhone 6 for as you can see I've gone ahead and already robbed the vibrating motor off of it which I used for the iPhone 6 restoration video I bought an iPhone 6 for $20 on eBay and was able to restore it up using some parts and you can see there that the power button cables actually ripped on this device from a previous repair attempt and I'm gonna say that is definitely from someone trying to pry up the battery after breaking the battery adhesive tabs and in forcefully removing the battery damaging that cable the power button never worked when I brought the device and the battery itself wasn't even glued down the only phone itself was also missing many brackets and screws so I'm gonna be putting this out using some of the parts from this and transferring them over to the pebble housing now I'm not actually going to be using the dock connector although I have to remove it to reveal the smaller parts that are down the bottom of the device as some of the grills as well as the dock connector surround and headphone jack surrounds which will be needed in the purple housing so basically I can use a metal pry tool here just to remove those and you can see down there there is the surround that actually goes down the bottom of the Lightning port now unlike the iPhone 5 I did this actually sits nice and flush with the edge of the device and has been obviously created at the right diameter with this custom housing I know with the iPhone 5 I did it stuck out a little bit and was a little bit inaccurate but I can go ahead and install those brackets and grilles from the old iPhone 6 donor phone into the purple housing now this whole process is quite involved as a lot of tiny screws and a heap of different things you need to transfer across to your iPhone everything has to be swapped over all the brackets all the screws everything you can think of everything that's in that housing down to the smallest parts has to be transferred across which is a really big pain with this and if it was a little bit simpler than a lot of people would be able to do this but like I said this isn't an easy project now I'm going to be installing a space gray or black and dock connector into this iPhone to match up with the LCD but because this is a custom phone you can put whatever color dock connector whatever color buttons you want in here to match whatever tastes you like now I've gone for the black one like I said to match the screen but you could go with white as the antenna bars on this housing are white and if you wanted to put a white screen on there I'll show you guys later on what that looks like paired up with the purple but I did end up going for the black option as I preferred it over the white once I've installed the dock connector and go ahead and make sure everything is lined up correctly and everything is in place switching back over to the donor phone I'm going to go ahead and remove some of these buttons to start work on those now you'll see this little middle spacer as well as the retaining bracket there's no spot for the retaining bracket on the new purple buttons so you have to leave those off but you need to transfer the little metal spacer and also the rubber gasket from the buttons now you can see here I've gone ahead and pry those off with a sort of opening tool for an iPhone you want to be very careful these things that absolutely tiny and if you lose it it's gonna be very hard to find another one of those online although they can be purchased from places such as eBay the first attempts to stick this on I used some double-sided tape but that didn't work and the button would not function in the iPhone I ended up having to do the old superglue method and to do that I just poured a bit of superglue amp and then dabbed an old screwdriver in it there was small enough that I could get it into the correct position on the button itself there's a little hole and that that sits in and once you dab a little bit on that you're able to stick that spacer down onto the button if you don't attach the spacer correctly the buttons will not work and if you attach them doggedly and it falls off of where it's supposed to be then the buttons will stop working in the future now that I've done multiple custom iPhone housings I have to say that the buttons are the hardest part of the entire process everything else seems to just have its place and screws right down but the buttons themselves need to be modified and glued in place to make things work but now that I've got the process right I can go ahead and remove the logic board which gave me access to the power button and then I could go ahead and glue its spacer in onto the purple button after that was done I could go ahead and assemble the buttons and the flex cable for those buttons into the purple housing which is what I'm doing here and make sure to test those out make sure that they're clicking correctly and also make sure that the mute switch is correctly switching between the two modes after that I could go ahead and proceed over to the power button flex cable which also has a LED flash on it and a microphone for noise cancellation now I'm going to go ahead and switch back over to the donor phone so we can grab the rest of the parts out of that housing and transfer them over to the new one you can see it's now starting to take shape with the dock connector speaker and some of the Flex cables installed I'm just going to install a lot of other smaller parts such as those clips that screw onto the side which actually hold down the LCD as well as that little bracket there for the SIM card if those aren't installed obviously your screens not going to sit on or your SIM card isn't going to eject there are so many things in the iPhone that you don't really realize are there or what they're doing until pull one of these things apart to actually swap out a housing because you need to take everything out of the device next up I can go ahead and remove the camera from the device and the rest of the things up in the top of the iPhone so once the camera comes out there's this little bracket over the LED flash and microphone but what we're also going to want to do is transfer over the little metal grille that's underneath the microphone if you don't install that they'll just be a hole in the back of the iPhone and it will look unfinished and unprofessional once you go ahead and install that grille and go ahead and clip into the LED flash and screw down the bracket and install the camera screwing it's appropriate brackets and cables in now that the camera is back into the iPhone we've finished installing all of the small parts it's time to put in a logic board and test out the iPhone to make sure that all the buttons dock connector and everything is working before I go ahead and install the 128 gigabyte logic board I also had to put in the vibrate motor which I had to purchase brand new as I didn't have one to transfer from the old phone going ahead and plugging it into the charger you can see here that it shows up with the battery flat symbol so after letting that charge you can see that this is what the purple iPhone would look like with a white display and you can see there that everything seems to be functional the buttons are working the touch is working everything seems to be functional with the device although this is iCloud locked on iOS 12 point o beta 1 I actually know the person although they're refusing to reply to my messages and help me get this unlocked so now that we've got that established and we now know that everything we've installed is working and go ahead and disassemble the 128 gigabyte iPhone and take its logic board and transfer it into the pebble housing doing it this way I didn't actually have to take anything out of this housing which means if I ever need to transfer it back into this housing for some reason then I would have everything all ready to go or I could just use this as a test housing to test our logic board to the iPhone 6 now obviously when doing this make sure to disconnect the battery I said in all my videos and is one of the most important things that you need to do before disconnecting the display I know of many people who fried back lights just because they're too lazy to disconnect that battery it's two extra screws in a clip and you can avoid frying your entire iPhone now that we've gone ahead and removed the display from the iPhone I can go ahead and take off all of its parts and transfer them onto a new black LCD and one that's not cracked when doing this are you going to need to make sure to get in the same display as the color of the iPhone if the home button is white I'll have to go with a white screen and if the home button is black you'll have to go with a black screen the reason for that is you can't replace the button and retain touch ID so if you're doing this you want to make sure that you buy the iPhone that you want to put into this device is the color of the screen that you want for instance I've purchased this black iPhone because I wanted a black screen with my purple device if I wanted a white screen I'd had to buy a silver or a gold iPhone as they have the white screens with the white touch ID sensors for the new display on this iPhone I have chosen a refurbished Apple display that basically means that this is a used display that's previously being cracked sent away and had the glass repaired on the device which means you're using an apple original LCD but you have a different piece of glass installed on top I use these in almost all of my iPhone repairs and restoration videos as they're not only affordable but other best quality you can get for your money so now that we've got this screen basically all done and ready to go we can go ahead and put that aside and start removing the logic board from the 128 gigabyte iPhone and gonna be done in a pretty much similar process to before the only difference is I'm not gonna be removing any of the battery dock connector or anything like that I'm pretty much just going to be taking out the logic board itself and then putting the screws and actually hold that logic board back into the frame so if I ever need to drop a logic board into this frame I have everything that I need including all the screws and brackets with the device as they already have screws from the donor phone which I'm going to be using to screw this logic board down into the purple iPhone the logic board of the iPhone comes out quite easily and doesn't require any of the other parts to be removed from the iPhone once it's unscrewed and the brackets are unclips it falls right out of the device now that we have that logic board out I can go ahead and install it into the purple iPhone this iPhone is now starting to really take shape and is now only needing a battery and an LCD to complete the the last piece of the puzzle on that logic board is to install that Wi-Fi antenna without the Wi-Fi antenna you're not going to be picking up any Wi-Fi signals with your device once that's installed we can go ahead and connect up the power button and volume flex cables to the logic board and start to install the brackets onto the device after that we can go ahead and plug in the dock connector and antenna and give the device and over a wipe over with a microfiber cloth before we can go ahead and connect the new LCD and battery for a first test going in and connecting those and pressing the power button you can see here that device is fully functional and everything is working from the buttons home button Wi-Fi cellular everything was tested out then I could go ahead and get the battery adhesive for the new battery apply it to the back of the battery and glue it down into the iPhone make sure you do this after you test the device as these battery adhesive tabs are extremely difficult to remove and you risk breaking them in the removal process once they're in I can go ahead and install the display bracket for the LCD which stops the connectors from coming unplugged through use of the device and then lastly I can connect up the battery and install it's appropriate brackets and screws once that's all done I'm going to give a final wipe over for the device to make sure it looks very clean on the inside go ahead and install the display closing everything down and installing the two pentalobe screws in the bottom which I've opted for a silver color to match in with the silver surround on the dock connector next up and install a tempered glass screen protector and we're done [Music] so this is it the fully custom purple and black iPhone 6 128 gigabyte this iPhone runs iOS 10 point 3.1 and I purchased this whole phone for 160 bucks and with the housing battery and other small parts on top of that we're probably looking at around two hundred and fifty dollars this is an iPhone 6 purple 128 gigabyte it has one gig of onboard memory and Apple a8 processor and a 4.7 inch LCD although I did pay around two hundred and fifty dollars a lot for this I still think this is an amazing deal considering this phone also came with that battery case which like I said don't come cheap they're around a hundred and fifty dollars here in Australia and a $79 Apple doc which to be honest is quite overpriced to begin with but once he getting these used and they were included with the iPhone for a total of 160 dollars yeah it's absolutely crazy how good a deal this actually was and the only problem being the device had a cracked screen this is my far the coolest iPhone in my collection as well as the coolest mod I've ever done to an iPhone these housings can be purchased from places like eBay and Aliexpress and they come in a variety of different colors for newer models such as the iPhone 7 and 7 plus these housings seem to be near impossible to find there are some out there and if you do enough searching on the internet you may be able to find one now this isn't the first iPhone I've done a custom color to I've done a custom a red iPhone 5 and a custom purple iPhone 4s let me know down below what you think of this custom purple iPhone 6 and on that note this has been a huge Effie's video if you liked what you saw hit that subscribe button and consider checking out the custom and modern tech playlist for more videos like this I've done some custom iPhone 5s and iPhone 4s as well as a MacBook Pro with a custom backlit keyboard also make sure you're following my social media link will be in the description that's all for this video and I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Hugh Jeffreys
Views: 1,051,703
Rating: 4.9065189 out of 5
Keywords: Hugh, Jeffreys, apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPhone 6, Purple, custom, mod, custom iPhone, ipad, ipod
Id: RS9atkj9Zx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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