Custom JEWELRY Game : Are we Using CVD Diamonds ? ULTIMATE TRANSPARENCY !
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TraxNYC Diamond Jewelry
Views: 35,896
Rating: 4.9260869 out of 5
Keywords: diamond jewelry, diamond chains, vs diamond chains, gold diamond chains, gold jewelry, vvs diamond Miami Cuban chain, diamond cuban link, cvd diamond tester, how to test your diamonds, cvd diamond district crooks, jeweler crooks, diamond vs links, how to make diamond links, iced out watches, diamond district jeweler, nyc jeweler, diamond chains prices, pricing diamond jewelry, testing diamond jewelry, testing diamond chains, traxnyc, TraxNYC review
Id: 5jKaahvsq_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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