Custom ExoPlayer in Jetpack Compose | Video Player Media 3 Tutorials | Jetpack Compose Tutorial
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Channel: Pixel Developer
Views: 267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jetpack Compose Custom ExoPlayer, Jetpack Compose ExoPlayer, Jetpack Compose videoplayer, jetpack compose media player, ExoPlayer, videoplayer, MP4, M4U8, HLS, DASH, Video Player In Jetpack Compose, How to Build a Simple Video Player With Jetpack Compose & ExoPlayer (Media3), ExoPlayer in Jetpack Compose, media3, Media3 ExoPlayer,, Media3 ExoPlayer in Jetpack Compose, Introducing Jetpack Media3, ExoPlayer / Media3, video streaming, jetpack compose, kotlin
Id: qdReToAvGy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 42sec (42 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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