Custard Mamon

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guys today I will be sharing how to make custard my mom first thing we need to do is to make the caramel so in each moment in we're going to add a half a tablespoon of sugar and then one by one we're going to melt the sugar to turn it into a caramel so I'm on my stove with the heat setting at the lowest so I'm slowly melting my sugar once I see that my sugar is starting to melt I can start shaking the sugar just like this and then continue to melt the sugar until it turns into amber color as you can see there's some sugar here that is still not melted I gonna help it by mixing it at this point it is ready so do the same procedure to the rest of the montine for the flood we need 1/4 teaspoon of sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla one can condensed milk 1 can of evaporated milk and 9 egg yolks so we will combine the whole egg to the 9 egg yolks we also going to add the sugar you're just going to give this a quick mix and now we can start adding the vanilla the condensed milk and the evaporated milk with the flan as much as possible avoid overmixing it because we want to avoid bubbles so our flood will be smooth so it just kind of mix this until it is well combined and no more granules of sugar so this is now ready now we just kind of strain the flan mixture or cassius custard mixture just to get rid of some of the egg yolks that we have failed to mix mix so we're going to discard that so in each moment in we're going to put two and a half tablespoon of flan so at first I'm adding 2 tablespoon and then I will go back and add the 1/2 tablespoon it just makes sense so that's 2 tbsp each now I'm gonna go back to add the remaining half a tablespoon now we're going to set this aside and we're going to move on to the mamon by the way this match of flam can make I'm 20 I'm custard my Mon but in this video I'm only making 8 per batch because that's the only I'm capacity that my am oven can take if you have a bigger oven you can certainly double the recipe so for the ingredients um this is 50ml of water 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder 1/4 TSP of salt 3 tbsp of oil 85 grams of cake flour 75 grams of sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 4 egg yolks so we're going to begin by combining the flour cake flour baking powder and salt give it a mix and we will set this aside combine the egg yolks sugar vanilla and water we're gonna whisk this until it is light pale yellow and there's no more granules of sugar so I'm whisking vigorously here at this point we can add the oil continue to whisk so we can create more volume at this point we are ready to sift in the cake flour mixture and using a spatula we just kind of fold to combine the mixture together this is the same recipe for my maman I didn't change the recipe at all so you can scape if you want to Pat this aside and we're going to move on to the meringue I've got 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar 1/4 cup of sugar and four egg whites so begin by beating the egg white until it is frothy then add the cream of tartar at this point we can gradually add the sugar a little at a time and now we're going to beat it until it reaches stiff peak stage just like this now we're going to combine the two batter together in three additions using the folding method and now I can add 3 tbsp in each tin this um mamaan butter makes exactly 8 so again 3 tbsp in each tin and then we're going to bake these in a band Marie your oven should be preheated at 170 degrees Celsius and we're going to bake it for 25 minutes or until when you insert the skewer in the middle and the skewer comes out clean so I've got a kettle here and then I get a poor water into the pan about almost full but I'm not gonna do it here I'm gonna do it in the oven so it's safer and this is what it looks like after baking now just to avoid the flat from sinking on the top I'm gonna remove it straight away so I'm gently pulling the mamon away from the teen by the way I didn't grease my team I get that advice from Heart of Mary I'm just going to move this so you can see I'm properly so I'm pulling the mamon away from the grooves of the tin and once this is cooling down I can start moving to my second batch of the maman so I can make use of all my flan and this is the finished product I hope you give them a try this is really good you will never be disappointed I just to show you what it looks like inside dama Mon this is so light and the custard is so smooth again thank you so much for watching and I hope you liked the video click the thumbs up for me see you again next week bye
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Views: 358,938
Rating: 4.8604393 out of 5
Keywords: custard mamon, goldilocks mamon, mamon, custard, mamon flan, flan, baine marie, mysweetambitions, dessert, party food, baking, filipino dessert
Id: i3iuCWcKixU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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