Custard Cake

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hi guys today I'll be showing you how to make custard cream these are all the ingredients that we need by I'll show you the exact quantity as you move along this is a pack of three to make for those people who don't like I see how we need to do for step but this cake is really easy to make first thing we need to do is to make the caramel support one cup of granulated sugar into a heavy-based saucepan but in this video I'm using my baking pan directly so just over a low heat melt the sugar don't stir it first just let the sugar melt on its own at this point we can start mixing it's up to you how dark you want the caramel to be but keep in mind that the dark it is the darker the caramel is the better it is so and go with light caramel [Music] [Music] this is now ready we can now turn off the heat set this aside and then we will move on to the next step which is making the flag at this point of vanilla one per cup of sugar and six eggs I'll just crack my eggs then add the 1/4 cup of sugar and then I'll just mix this you don't need to use electric mixer for this because you don't want any air coming through this so that the plan will be smooth then add a teaspoon of vanilla [Music] then add the condensed milk [Music] [Music] and then finally the cotton the evaporated milk now this makes this thoroughly just make sure that the sugar is well dissolved all right this is now ready now we're gonna pour the flan into the caramel and then we will set this aside while we made the coupon cake [Music] thank vegans that we need for the chiffon cake or sponge cake first part our one and a half cup of cake flour six egg yolks 1/2 a cup of sugar a teaspoon of baking powder a teaspoon of lemon rind 1/4 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of water [Music] as a water and milk mixture set aside then add the sugar into the egg yolks [Music] mix it well then add the water milk mixture this will serve as our wet ingredients then combine the flour and the baking powder set this aside then onto the wet mixture add the lemon rind [Music] then finally add the dry ingredients mix this well until they are all well combined set this aside for the meringue we need 6 egg whites a teaspoon of cream of tartar and half a cup of granulated sugar so add one teaspoon of cream of tartar into the egg whites beat this until it becomes frothy then gradually add the sugar make sure that your bowl and your electric mixer is free of any fat or else the meringue won't work so continually beat this until it's glossy and it which the stiff peak stage just like so see when I lift it up it's not going anywhere this is ready [Music] so now we will gradually add the egg whites or the meringue into the butter do this by using a folding method just like what you see that I'm doing here I'm just folding the meringue into the butter do this very carefully so that you will not you will not knock out all those s that we make for the meringue [Music] okay this is now very light and airy once you thoroughly mix this we will move on to the next step get the flan mixture and just combine it with the flag just like so bake it at 180 degrees Celsius for about an R check in the middle if it's dry using a toothpick you need to make a steam while baking this this is my setup I've got a baking tray with hot water underneath and then on top is my cake halfway through baking I place a foil on top so that the top will not burn so quickly about 30 minutes of baking so this is what it looks like after baking let it cool down completely before unmold so unmold this wrap a knife or spatula on the sides of the pan and this will come off easily use a blade on top and then flip it upside down antara this is our custard cake this is our finished product and then just to show you what it looks like when you cut it so yummy give them a try thank you for watching bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,484,982
Rating: 4.6544476 out of 5
Keywords: custard cake, letche flan, filipino cake, chiffon cake, cake flour, evaporated milk, condensed milk, caramel, dessert, party food, custard, egg, meringue, flan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon May 12 2014
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