Cussly And His Dream plus Many Bedtime Stories for Kids in English | ChuChuTV Storytime for Children

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fifteen story time once upon a time there lived a boy named thusly he had grown to be a naughty kid he pushed his friends down bullied them and wanted his way around in everything his friends were soft and forgiving in nature they just put up with his harsh and rough behavior thinking he would change he had the bad habit of tearing his books throwing his clothes and breaking his toys it was not going to be long before someone taught him a lesson it was a nice sunny day his mom yelled out cuss lis your room looks like a garbage bin your clothes toys and books are all over the floor I need the floor cleaned up with all your things put in place I will be paying a visit to your room pretty soon you don't want to be grounded do you did you hear me yeah yeah loud and clear I'll make sure the floor is cleaned up wow that was fast this does not look like your room good job come on let's go for a stroll and grab an ice cream it's a treat for your hard work mommy I feel tired and sleepy dinner is ready have an early dinner and hit the sack yeah okay whoa I so forgot that I had dumped these things on the bed now huh sleep through his books to the floor he tossed his toys around and dumped his clothes under his bed now that my bed is cozy let me put off the light and go to sleep the next moment custody was deep in sleep and was snoring away to glory he started to mumble he started to toss and turn in his sleep the toy monster truck is trying to crush his toes the books blew around crashing and bumping into him the clerk's piled up together and was trying to cover him [Music] the toy robot was calling his hair jumping up and down on his tummy finally the Giants storybook that was hanging on the rack above him crashed onto his head with a pedal there was a loud thud cuss Lee had rolled off the bed and was on the floor he woke up shrieking startled dazed and sweaty whoa what was God looks like I'd had a dreadful dream it was more of a nightmare let me get up and put my things in order let me put them where they belong [Music] from that day onwards he realized his folly and decided to be gentle to one and all he promised that she will take good care of his books and toys it was in the lovely suburb of Scottsdale woken up by the Sun the city was starting to get busy a little girl by the name - - lived in the suburban house little teacher had woken up and gotten ready to go to school walking down the stairway her nose was lured towards the kitchen by a mouth-watering smell her mommy was busy making breakfast to be put into her lunchbox [Applause] good morning sweetheart hmm what is it it's my grandma's secret recipe spicy chickpea sandwich is it for breakfast hmm it's for your lunch your school bus would be here any minute we need to start moving I'm ready let's go [Music] [Applause] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town [Music] her stomach started to crumble she was waiting for the lunch bell to go [Music] [Applause] would you like to share the spicy chickpea sandwich that my mommy has made today I love that okay here we go choo-choo opens it to find the sandwich missing her eyes were filled with tears looks like someone has eaten a sandwich and left your lunchbox auntie don't cry we'll figure this out later come on share my lunch with me they both share Chico's lunch and the Apple juju had brought fine back to class [Music] [Music] looks like you are sleepy come on choo-choo it's sleepy time [Music] next day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't cry share my lunch with me [Music] looks like someone is being mean to you let's put an end to this act how do we do that chiku we can both handle hot spicy food ask your mom to make the Sun with spicier I'm sure no one else can handle it they might not wanna eat the spicy sandwich that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning mommy good morning sweetheart mommy can you make me two sandwiches and could you make it spicier sure sweetheart be careful it might be too spicy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] - achoo and chiku rushed to find how do we run towards the boys toilet they both went to the locker and found the half-eaten sandwich they smile at each other from that day onwards Choo choos lunch was intact for her to share it with chiku [Music] this was in a quiet suburb in the City of Scottsdale the suburb had a nice school and a lovely Park a little girl named choo-choo and her younger brother cha-cha lived in the lovely suburb next door lived a little girl chiku with her brother chica they all went to the same school and were very close friends after school they loved playing in the neighborhood part one day while playing they had noticed a man sleeping under a tree this man seems to be sleeping whenever we see him oh yeah I noticed that too should we find out whether he's sick and needs help no let's not go near strangers and talk to them we should have once we go home let's tell mom and try to help him you're right let's do that sweet you cha cha Chi ku and chika started to talk I need to get rid of these kids they are disturbing my sleep need to make sure they never come back [Music] looking around the man notice a few pink hands mommy there is a man in the park who is always sleeping we fear that he is sick we wanted to tell you and get him help good job I shall look into it Choo choos mom called the mayor's office and reported the mayor's office assured to have a look into it the mayor visited the park and he put a community in notice homeless man [Music] the mayor left the park and the man started to paint the monster the weekend had started the kids head towards the park wanting to play Choo choos mom with a book in her hand sat on the park bench [Music] all of a sudden Choo choos mom heard the kids scream whoa what's wrong why did you all scream why are you trembling the kids pointed their fingers towards the painting she saw the monsters painting and held the kids she distracted them by giving them some toys and a little candy she called the mayor's office and reported this incident folks till we figure this out let's not send the kids to the park alone play safe and yell out if you get scared I'm right here just play where I can see you we play right here and we'll be safe as they were playing they see the man shivering cha-cha looks like the man is really sick look at him shivering you are right let's go tell your mom the kids run and told you choose mom what they have seen good job little ones let me call for an ambulance to take him to the hospital [Music] and the man got better who brought me to the hospital he was told about the kids who found him sick the man felt bad of his misdeed discharged from the hospital the man went to the park he saw the kids playing from a distance I was being mean to these little kids it's time to make it right let me remove the scary monster picture I had painted [Music] from that day onward he sat and enjoy watching the kids playing he watched over them and kept an eye on them ever after [Music] in a lush green Savannah there lived a pride of lions The Lion King was basking in the Sun relishing his Cub play with him the lioness sat by the Lion King adoring her cub play with the King not so far away there lived a chief mouse what is loyal subjects the chief mouse was sitting on a broth enjoying the naughtiness of the lion cub a naughty Mouse stepped out of the Burrow wanting to play with the lion the chief mouse realized the naughty mouse's intent and said naughty mouse do not go and disturb the lion king why not sire what would the lion king down to me he will get so angry that he will roll and eat you you are just saying it to scare me sire the naughty mouse ran towards the Lion King the chief mouse was stunned by the action of the naughty Mouse the naughty Mouse ruled the mane of the lion king and made it into a soft bed and laid down on it the naughty Mouse's act annoyed The Lion King who was playing with his cub The Lion King showed his anger by roaring and tossed the naughty Mouse away with his name the naughty Mouse bumped into his friends on all of them fell down The Lion King marched towards the naughty Mouse and drawn the naughty Mouse was shivering with fear looking at this the chief mouse ran and student front of The Lion King and said forgive the yelling o mighty king chief Mouse yelled at the naughty Mouse and asked him to leave and turn towards The Lion King and said o mighty king forgive the youngling for his mistake the young lee has angered me and needs to be punished I will eat him o mighty king I offer myself in his place I will eat you both the chief Mouse halts and draws his sword and says in that case I have no option than to fight you to protect my subjects The Lion King was taken aback by the chief Mouse's reply The Lion King takes his paws towards the chief Mouse the chief Mouse shivered with fear but still got ready to defend himself The Lion King said I am so happy to see your courage and care for your subjects your intent to want to end this role has impressed me to let you both go the chief Mouse was so happy to hear this and said I doubt the mighty king and I Hale will repay this kindness without sales [Music] a few days went by The Lion King and the lioness were out walking in the Savannah a hunter had laid a trap cage to catch the Lion King The Lion King without knowing falls in the trap [Music] our King our King he's trapped in a trap cage led by a hunter we need to go and make way for his escape [Music] [Applause] the chief mouse was going for his evening and notices The Lion King in the trap cage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hearing his whistle an army of mice came running thinking their chief was in danger the chief mouse points his fingers towards the trap cage and said let's all work to us releasing the mighty king let's do it charge all the mice started chewing on the trap cage and the cage game over [Music] the lioness jumped with joy Almighty cheese I thank you and your subjects for saving my life oh my chicken please do not mention I am so happy that I could repay the kindness you should sparing our lives [Music] next morning The Lion King and the lioness were sitting and basking both of them noticed the chief mouse going for his walk The Lion King and the lioness gave the chief mouse a smile and saluted him the chief mouse returned the smile and the solute from that day on they were the thickest of friends and lived happily ever after [Music] it was a quiet little suburban town called Portland the town was admired by its neighbors for a big park it had [Music] the mayor and the locals thought that the park would be more lively if it had animals they decided to get a cute baby elephant to be the park mascot they went to the nearby zoo and adopted a baby elephant and brought it back to the park the baby elephant was so naughty yet sweet and adorable the locals and their kids brought fruits from their home and fed the baby elephant the baby elephant was so happy and played with the kids who visited him one day three little boys who were naughty came to see the elephant they saw the locals feeding the elephant with fruits one of the boy had a banana in his hand the boy wanted to play a prank on the elephant the boy said to himself let me place a stone inside the banana and feed it to the elephant and see what he does the boy picked up a stone and placed it inside the banana with an evil grin the boy gave the banana to the baby elephant but started eating it happily the boy said to his friends I have placed a stone inside the banana and have said it to the elephant all three of them looked at the baby elephant and snigger the baby elephant while eating the banana fixed the stone the baby elephant wasn't so much pain the boy and his friends were giggling and sniggering they were boasting among themselves of their evil deed the baby elephant took note of this since it was getting dark the boys left to their homes the next day was the naughty boys birthday his mother had gotten him a new shirt the boy wore the new shirt to play with his friends the baby elephant notices the boys and decided to Pacific ate the evil deep baby elephant thought to itself hmm I should teach the boy a lesson this will make him not to play this prank again on anyone else the baby elephant noticed a muddy puddle near the play zone the baby elephant silently went to the place where the boys were playing in a whisker it splashed the puddle of muddy water on the boy with its trunk the boy was drenched by the muddy puddle water [Music] the boy started to cry saying my new shirt my new shirt it's all dirty and so am I the baby elephant felt back looking at the boy cry oh I feel bad looking at the boy cry let me make the boy feel better it taught and said to itself let me clean the boy up with clean water from the nearby stream the baby elephant ran to the nearby stream and filled its trunk with clean water the baby elephant went to the boy and sprayed the clean water from its trunk the mud on the boy was all washed away yet the boy was drenched the baby elephant went to the boy and with its trunk blew a lot of air and dried him up the boy recollected his misdeed and said I am sorry for being mean baby elephant the elephant smiled and extended its trunk and shook the boys hands the boy smiled at the baby elephant and told him please wait the boy runs and fetches a banana and gives it to the baby elephant elephant hugged the boy with his trunk the baby elephant did the banana from his hands and edict from bad day onwards favorite Dickus the friends and lived happily ever after [Music] deep in a dense jungle there lived a family of parrots in their nest the mother parrot had laid her eggs in the nest the parrot said to each other the rainy season is around the corner and the little ones are about to be born let's go collect and store food for feeding the little ones the parrots flew in search of food a snake that live in a mud burrow under the tree heard the parrot speak the snake said to himself let me feast on the eggs while they are gone the snake climbed the tree and crept into the nest it looked at the eggs with an evil grin and started feasting on them the parrots after collecting food returned back to their nest they found the broken eggshell and they started to cry a monkey hunting for fruits came by the sides looking at the parrots cry the monkey said to see you both in tears tell me the story I am all ears the sad parrots replied to the monkey while we were gone in search of food my eggs were eaten by this snake with the hood the monkey during the parrot story felt sad and it asked the snake why did you eat the eggs that were in the nest the snake the mean mine is not of the monkey and said how dare you question me once more and I will bite you the monkey sits all sad with the Paris monkey gets an idea monkey calls a crow [Music] monkey then narrates what had happened and tells the crows the pretty sister knows her jewel while she takes a shower can you find to the Courtyard pick the jewel and drop it into the snakes burrow crow agrees to the idea and said oh I'd be more than happy to do that to get rid of the means name the crow then flies to the castle and sees the princes taking a shower it sees the royal jewel on the table the crow then swoops down grasps the jewel and flies towards the snakes burrow the maid of the princes notices it and he yells out to the guards the guards here the made sweet and start to run behind the chrome they noticed the crew dropped the jewel into the snakes Barrow and birch on the tree the jewel landed on the neck of the sleeping snake wow that's a lovely jewel the girls with the spear dubbed The Slits arrow and the snake came up the guards asked the snake to hand over the jewel and the snake said this is mine Finders Keepers and losers are weepers the cards got so angry and still the snake with a spear and took the jewel away the parrot monkey I'm the CRO let off a big sigh the parrots count the monkey and the crow for their help and lived with their young Lynx happily ever after Joey Joey there you are Joey you've been doing a great job guarding the farm and the animals I have a reward for you for all your hard work here let me reward you with this nice big bone join was so happy and showed his happiness to his master by wagging his tail [Music] Joey did the bone and ran to his kennel [Music] he was so happy that he was gifted with a bone for his hard work he jumped with joy and kissed the bone since the bone was a prized gift and said I wish to celebrate this day by eating the bone all by myself the other dogs in the neighborhood came to visit Joey to play with him Joey did not want to share the bone with them so he growl bark at the other dogs the other dogs hurt by his action left to play by themselves Joey did the bone in his mouth and said to himself calls for a celebration let me take the bone to the park and eat it all by myself with the bone in his mouth he started walking towards the park pretending not to see the other dogs the other dogs hurt by Joey's action sad they're all sad while crossing the bridge he saw his own reflection in the water through the gap in the bridge I tell the neighborhood dogs not to follow me and yet they follow me trying to grab my bone let me growl snarl and bark at them the bone he was carrying in his mouth fell into the stream I feel sad that I lost the bone feeling sad losing the bone he's sad by the side of the stream the neighborhood dogs were starting to feast on the food they had fetched they saw joy sitting all sad by the stream hey Joey why are you sitting here all sad Joey narrates what had happened [Music] there's Joey not to feel sad and shared the food with him Joey recollected his misdeed felt ashamed for not offering food to the neighborhood dogs in the meanwhile a man was sitting by the stream and catching fish with his fishing rod he threw the hook inside which caught the bone that Joey had dropped upon realizing that it was not a fish the man threw the bone the bone landed by Joey's feet all excited Joe yelled it's my mom it's my bone I got it back the next moment he was reminded of his friends he hailed his friends and shared the bone with Bella from that day onwards they were the thickest of friends and lived happily ever after [Music] deep in a jungle there lived a flock of birds the elder bird in the flock always guarded the younglings a hunter sees the birds and said let me throw some nuts and grains and lay a trap I need to hunt them and take them home for dinner the younglings noticed the nuts and grains on the ground the younglings did not realize that its subtract they flew towards the nuts and grains to collect them the elder bird stopped them and said younglings food does not come free in the jungle anything that comes without hard work is not good the hunter overhears the elder bird talked to the younglings the Hunter was disappointed and started to walk away as he stops to walk he hears the elder birds say that it is time to collect some food the hunter notices the elder bird leaves and he said to himself oh yeah the elder bird has left it's my best chance to capture the young wings noticing the nuts and grains the younglings flew down wanting to collect them what [Music] they got trapped while collecting the nuts and grains Oh No we got trapped the hunter with a sheepish grin and scary love said haha I got you all be ready to get into the birdcage the younglings got so scared and started to cry for help [Music] the other bird returning from the hunt heard their cry I told you younglings not to be cheated by anything free look what has happened now the elder bird notices a young wing try to break free from the net heap to me younglings look at how these ants work together to carry the big chunk of food like rice flap your wings together and you will realize his friend it was a surprise to see what happened next the younglings flapped their wings together and the trap broke free from the ground the young wings were up in the air with the Kraken the hunter came running just to see the younglings fly away and said oh well I fail to capture them the Hunter was so disappointed that he threw the cage and went away the little younglings broke free from the truck and went back to their nest they remembered the lesson learnt and lived happily ever after [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ChuChuTV Bedtime Stories & Moral Stories for Kids
Views: 12,479,312
Rating: 3.7119367 out of 5
Keywords: Cussly And His Dream, man in the park, bedtime stories, bedtime story, stories, story, stories for kids, Bedtime Stories for Kids, moral stories, moral story, animal story, animal stories, deer, friends and mouse, tortoise, hunter, wildlife, friendship, moral, values, good values, kids, children, stories for children, children's stories, storytime, chuchutv, chuchu tv, shows, animals, chuchu tv stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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