Cusco - 5 Things Tourists Love & Hate about Cuzco, Peru

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with Walters world today we are in Cusco Peru the capital of the Inca Empire here in Cusco it is a fantastic city if you're coming to prove you will come here whether it's to go to Machu Picchu or to see them the plaza de armas here there's all kinds of cool stuff here that you're gonna love but even a place you're gonna love so much like Cusco there's things you're not gonna like and so today we have for you are the five things you're gonna love maybe hate or at least not like very much about visiting Cusco now I like to get the bad news out of the way first and as the weather's coming we need to get going here so the first thing you're not gonna like when you come here are all the kind of aggressive touts and restaurant ears and people selling paintings and wanting to do your shoes and travel agents and massage people always ask you again and again and again oh do you want a massage massage no no I'm fine no that's not good I says oh what about these paintings no no no thank you and the next person is the same paintings as well like no gracias no gracias and it really happens a lot every time you it like leave a site there's people outside trying to sell you stuff and things like that and it gets really kind of like just leave me alone for example applause the Animus one of the reason I'm not filming there is because if I set up my tripod I'm gonna get ass ten times by people to buy the same thing I can ever really get my my thoughts going so it does get kind of annoying but I will say the people really nice so if you just say no gracias a couple times usually they live you alone and when you see them if you're here for you a few days you'll see the same people and it's always companies mañana maybe tomorrow and so we kind of have a nice joke but does get really annoying but it's just constantly bombard with people ask you to come to a restaurant or buy some of the things like that okay now the second thing you're not gonna like about coming to Cusco is the traffic and the driving and trying to cross the streets look the drivers here there's tons of drivers going all the time tons of taxis all these things going and it can get that kind of scary like when can I cross the street because they won't stop they don't care if you're a tourist they don't care if you're a kid they just go go go and it can be very dangerous yesterday I saw two year old kid almost get killed and people are yelling at him and things like that it wasn't the first time I'd seen the cops and people yelling at drivers for almost killing someone so do be extremely careful when you cross the street when you're leaving the sights and stuff that so do be careful with that because that was one thing you will hate and also when you're doing the driving here when you're going up to see you know to go to the Sacred Valley or you're going to go to see some of the temples around here there's a lot of switchbacks so you're like oh my goodness that the trip the driving can be a bit much okay the third thing you're not gonna like about coming to cusco is the altitude sickness you might get now altitude sickness you might notice that it's tough to breathe because there's a lower concentration of oxygen in the air up here because we're at 3,300 meters so like 12,000 11,000 feet I mean it's way up here so it might be hard to breathe you might have some dizziness or headaches or nausea and stuff like that want to throw up it can be really dangerous for you so what I do recommend is your first stay here don't plan to do any trips because you need to acclimate yourself to the high altitudes otherwise you could end up in the hospital it's it can be very dangerous and what I do recommend you do is they'll have coca tea the coca leaves yes they make cocaine out of those but it's not you'll be fine have five or six cups the coca tea a day that will really help you I do not recommend drinking the coca tea after about 6 or 7 o'clock at night because you won't sleep because it is kind of a stimulant but it does really help with the altitude also you can ask your hotel if they have oxygen you can get a little oxygen thing on there my my wife and my dad both use that to help them out it really made a big difference for them but you will not like the altitude sickness and I can really ruin your first day or two here in Cusco because this city is cool I'm just going to plop we'll talk about that in the luvs because the place is awesome okay the fourth thing you might not like about coming here is when you buy tickets to the sites usually you have to buy a group ticket meaning a group of sites so if you just want to see one site they might not sell you at one site thing you might have to buy a group of them which has sites that you might not want to go to for example I have a group ticket that goes to you know three of the temples around cusco and then it goes on as the sacred valley tickets together it was 130 so late so like 45 50 dollars for the tickets so you're like wow that's a lot of money for tickets if I don't go to all of them now if you're going to go to all of them it's a good deal but sometimes it gets frustrating because not every site is on that group of tickets so you might have to get 130 you know so lace ticket for you have some inca temples and the sacred valley with another seventy so Lee take it to go see a church and some other sites so that does get kind of frustrating it's not that bad cuz you're gonna go to most of them but you know I'm looking for things not to like because I really love Cusco I would see her almost 20 years ago and we're back again I just it's a really awesome place okay the fifth thing you're not gonna like when you come here is the weather now when I talk about the weather it can be the Sun is really great but it can really beat down on you you've got to be careful here because man it might not be that hot but the UV rays are really strong you look at my face I've been used in 50 SPF like the strongest sunblock you can have and a hat and I'm still getting burnt also you see those clouds up there the rain when it comes here it doesn't just sprinkle it's a complete downpour and the roads become like rivers here so you got to be careful and you see those rain clouds behind us yeah the forecast says it's clear all day you never know when that rain is going to come so make sure you have like a raincoat with you when you're gonna go out also the temperature can really fluctuate during the day you know it's midday here and you can go out and you know if you're from North America you can come out December you can come out and it's shorts and t-shirts 2:00 in the morning but by the night you need jeans a jacket a sweatshirt because it's cold so you do have that fluctuation so you got to be prepared for that okay now what are you gonna love that coming to Cusco cuz I'll be honest this place is awesome those those dislikes you have yeah you'll get over those really quickly the first thing you're gonna love about coming here is just sitting in the plaza Ottomans and taking it all away and I mean it is probably one of the most beautiful squares in the entire entire world to be out of such as in South America I mean it's just beautiful with a cathedral there the other churches and just all around and you can sit in a balcony looking over it you can sit on the on the benches to just take it in and just all at the beauty of this city because it really is a truly gorgeous you know center of the plaza autumn us then the main square is just gorgeous and then wandering out from there to see everything go in to the markets and all these other places it is just really a fantastic thing to see all the wonders of cusco which it really starts that part of the plaza de armas and the thing is there's tons and tons of travel agents of tour guides and stuff like that here I mean the double-decker bus I'm sure will go by and help you go and see these sights as well so you can sign up for stuff to see more things or you go to the museums on your own you wanna see the textile museum so you want to go to the the the tip of the Sun or if you want to go to you know the the Inca Museum here I mean it is really cool there's just so much to enjoy really that starts that hard at the Plaza a autumn I see will just fall in love with that okay the second thing you're gonna love for all the amazing Inca sites that are around here yes of course this is your base you're going to Machu Picchu you can take the train there you can hike the Inca Trail which is just amazing we have videos in five eleven hates and what you need to know about Machu Picchu in other videos so go check those out but honestly just around here there's so many really great Inca sites then temple the moon you know here in town the temple the Sun the Temple of the falling waters and all kinds of stuff there's really amazing you know Inca history here bring Cusco you don't have to go that far and you can take an easy tour to go do all those things even little farther afield this is your base for going to the sacred Valley yes Machu Picchu and the sacred valley by the two most important kind of pink well they are the two most important inca places you need to go and you are here and it's based from here and you can go on and explore those things and it is so cool I will say though make sure you bring some good shoes because doing the hiking on those on those blocks and stuff like that it can be a bit slippery so do be careful on that the third thing that I love as a tourist being here in Cusco with my family is you really feel safe that's one thing about Peru in general I felt very safe when I've been here yes there are a lot of cops and security guards and and transit police and things like that but in general I mean it's clean the city is clean except for some dog poop you know people really take pride in their city and and it really comes out in the safety that you feel as a tourist so I don't feel bad going out late at night to have a drink or or go to dinner and coming back and things like that are going out in the morning to see thanks oh if you want to go to the cathedral it's open from 6:00 to 10:00 in the morning to go and otherwise it's closed unless you're doing like a tour but it is really this really safe place you feel great going to and then it's really nice to have that you can go someplace it sees such amazing things and be relaxed about it and not worrying about it obviously use your most common sense kind of stuff yeah I mean it's it's just rate amazing how safe you feel when you are here now the four thing I really enjoy about here is the people and the thing is that people here in Cusco they'd like everywhere else improve the people are fantastic they'll be so friendly so nice so welcoming and warming that it really translates really well into the tourism agencies here the guides are really am passionate about it if you go to Machu Picchu there in passion talking about if you're going around you know taking a city tour here the same thing they love their city and they want to show people that and even if you're going someplace and you're shot and you know you tell them no thank you no thank you I don't I don't want to buy that but I'm looking for something else to sell I don't have it but that guy over there might they'll help you find the other store which was really cool and and honestly all the people I said no gracias to about you not wanting to buy something you know they've been kind of like friendly at the a like making jokes that maybe tomorrow this Miami kind of stuff so that is really nice but the people here really are great and that really comes out to and the tourism the travel isn't and they're kind of the tourism infrastructure they have here there really helps you out with the with the guides and stuff like that and so I guess I'll leave off with number five the fifth thing I love about coming here is the food and that tourism infrastructure because Cusco is a tourist City I'm not gonna lie to you this they it's Liz and Brie's tourism okay but what's great about it is that means you get tons of restaurants with amazing Peruvian food yes you will see the pictures of the cuy the guinea pig with its kind of fried or grilled you know from the oven and its head on there yeah it's an interesting thing we have videos eating it you can try it if you like but alpaca Lomo saltado ivy there's so many great foods you can have when you're here there's a lot of good restaurants and even the tourist restaurants I'll be honest with you should I don't talk very highly by the tourist restaurants but even the tourists restaurants have pretty good food here to make sure you have your inca kola also make sure you drink the coca tea for that altitude it makes a big difference anyway those the five things that I love and hate about coming to Cusco what are the things that you love and hate about coming to Cusco let us know in the comments section below so we can share that also if you like videos like this why don't you click that like button and if you want you can click the subscribe button up there and then you'll get videos like this twice a week every Wednesday and we travel all over the world to give 5 love and hate some 10 shocks and what you should eat and not eat and stuff like that from all over the world so if you want those put down there for some more videos anyway I want to say thank you good I sense that you watched and adios because the rain is starting to come and once it starts oh you're gonna get wet by from Cuzco
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 42,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Peru, peruvian travel, machu picchu, cusco, cuzco
Id: JV79tby2--g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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