curso polygel aula#5 Alongamento Polygel no molde f1 | Dual form | Aline Makelyne
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Channel: Aline Makelyne Nail Designer
Views: 1,107,894
Rating: 4.8963652 out of 5
Keywords: nailart, alinemakelyne, unhasdecoradas, passo, tutorial, music, nails, unhastop, makelyne, tutoriasdeunhas, tutorialdeunhasdecoradas, tutorialnailart, passoapasso, curso polygel, polygel, polygel molde f1, polygel no molde, polygel dual form, unhas de polygel
Id: QWADahNnYz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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