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Minifigures are one of the best parts about Lego and in today's video we're going to take one of the best Lego shows Lego Ninjago and make 10 absolutely cursed Ninjago Minifigures let's get into it right now we are going to make two of the most classic and iconic Ninjago Minifigures Garmadon and master wood what would happen if Sensei Wu retired well I don't think since it will ever retire so hopefully we'll never have to see this minifigure laughs I got Sensei Wu legs a totally shirtless body um and of course his normal beard and now he can let his hair grow out so he's got some luscious white locks to give the Epic effect to add to his retirement we also got a piece of pizza and a pop [Music] after groundhog became a good Sensei he really missed his two extra arms so he went to mistake's tea shop which is a horrible place never go in there got some traveler's teeth he went into the portal and came out a new man we have Sensei garbanon I stuck a Stone Army body on top of it when he evil he looks cool with forearms when he's good nope but to add to it we're gonna give him four staff even though Garmadon took an oath not to fight he still has four weapons so don't mess with him so these two cursed Minifigures are absolutely terrifying and a one out of a hundred I would probably give these a 15 on the curse level but believe me it's gonna get much much worse building 10 extremely cursed and dogmony figures is gonna be super hard and I need some help I want better people to make weird terrifying Minifigures than the boys from brick epic Anthony and Nolan what's up guys I'm Anthony from the brick epic Channel as you know kai and Cole are two of the best ninjas but they sometimes get into trouble and they're a little careless so one day they're playing with the time blades Kai accidentally uses the reversal timeline and cool got so mad that he did it to cop and they both ended up with these very small puny arms look absolutely cursed on them for their accessories I gave them both their golden weapons and because they're both really dumb I gave Kai the dumbest looking fire sword bro while cool was at it he also shrunk Kai's shirt so it fits extremely tightly around Kai for their curse level I'm gonna give them a 16. hey guys I'm Nolan for Brick epic I don't know if you guys remember but in season four chin has his trophy room and he has Zayn's Pink Suit you watch I don't know how he got it don't ask how he got it but he has it stop it and I know every single Ninjago fan wants to know what does chin look like in Zane's pink ninja suit well yes to make this figure even more cursed we decided to give them two massive chainsaws and a tutu so he can perform his chainsaw ballerina dance [Music] [Applause] well that was hard to watch now that two two chainsaw chin is done I say we rate them about 32 on the cursed level [Music] have you ever lost a tooth and put it under your pillow in the hopes that the 230 would come well the citizens of Ninjago do not have this luxury instead they have this thing oh hey I got medium legs a generic Crystal body some fairy wings and a crystallized Warrior head to finish this all off I gave him two wands little Nelson is hoping for a peaceful night out of this house but unfortunately the day before he lost a tooth and stuck it under his pillow at about 11 o'clock that night little Nelson storm open and with Turf he looked up into the face oh hey on the curse level I would give this about a 20. oh we're ready for our fifth cursed Ninjago Minifigure and this isn't one this is for we're gonna build the four main ninja really fast here wow for the scary part we're gonna get all their heads and switch them around this may not seem like much but the results are shocking who am I you sure you want to know Jay is wearing Cole's clothes Kai has Zayn's outfit on and Cole has Jay's outfit on warning look at these Minifigures for too long is very dangerous to the eyes you'll probably start getting a headache and vomiting will occur I would probably put these guys at around 45 on the curse level I'm gonna throw these in the garbage and rethink my life [Music] there's lots of what ifs in Ninjago like what if Kai became the green ninja what if Aspira took Lloyd's power instead of Pies so we're gonna take on the challenge I started with a green ghost tail left his snake body and then a harness but then the head was kind of tricky but I found it in the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter stuff it's a really cool Snakehead wow and I've totally decked it out with green pointy things I don't know why she would have took Lloyd's power in the first place since Lloyd has everybody's power on the curse level I would give this green Aspira minifigure at least a 70. [Music] Ninjago has a giant slew of villains Whiplash one of these skeletons has a brother and he is an absolute Beast his name is Bobby I got whiplash took off his legs took off his head I put this awesome accessory around his neck that lets you add four more arms to that and if you know anything about skeleton arms you can keep adding them on and on top of it all I gave him longer legs and giant brick built Boots the little did you know he left garmadon's skeleton army and ventured out into the wild west so I'm gonna give him a cool cowboy hat and he became the worst Bandit this guy has a total of 10 pistols because this guy came and robbed your bank you would literally have no choice but to let him take all the money and on a cursed level I would probably give him a 55 or 60. he's pretty terrifying [Music] what's scary than one school sorcer three school sorcers instead of his wimpy dress I gave him this ghost tail and gave him two skulls I gave him this little two-stud transparent harness and then added green sausages to finish his character off I put two more school sources heads on top of that giving it a grand total of three School sorcer heads this guy is vicious and if he had a Face-Off with Cole he would definitely win oh I should probably stop playing Minecraft while I try to edit on the curse level of this minifigure I would give it an 85. [Music] if you guys thought Bobby had a lot of arms you've seen nothing yet have you guys ever seen a centipede well that's basically what happened to this Garmadon he wasn't satisfied with his forearms and went back to mistake's tea shop went through the portal again and walked out with a grand total of 12 arms and another thing to know is on top of his head his bone got a little bigger too don't ask why now Garmadon could hold three of all the golden weapons instead of giving him gold weapons we're gonna give him 12 silver ninja swords and this guy is loaded up I love it ready to see anyone on a curse level I'd probably give him a 90. but believe me the next one just hits this one out of the water [Music] what I'm about to show you is the most scariest Ninjago Minifigure you will ever see so I started with Piper I added Prince calamar's squid lace already this minifigure is looking pretty good then to top that off I added a harness then I added four more why not two four the bottom two heads are normal anacondra head but to tell have two are more high for it but five heads wasn't just enough for his weapons I took purple half snakes and put them on lightsaber Kindles what's the matter with you this guy absolutely destroyed the curse level and is hovering around 200 to 250. now we have 10 groups of absolutely cursed Ninjago Minifigures now it's time to destroy all these and wash our brains out with this video right here a part two see you guys in my next video and thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: Brick Legends
Views: 1,858,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cursed lego minifigures, cursed lego, cursed lego pieces, cursed lego NINJAGO, ninjago minifigures, top 10 ninjago, top 10 ninjago minifigures, lego pythor, how to build lego, cursed ninjago lego, lego ninjago, brick epic, brick legends, lego sets, lego wu, lego kai, ninjago garmadon, ninjago season 16, ninjago united, ninjago sog
Id: kXZy7hitFB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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