Minecraft but there is NO textures

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alright guys so today I joined my minecraft server and you will not believe how cursed things actually got so I tried out this texture pack that actually deletes every single texture and let me just tell you this I tried playing Minecraft and it was beyond cursed now guys if you guys enjoy the video make sure you go and drop a like down below otherwise this creeper will come and explode your chests room ah you don't want that to happen to you come with that being said uh hopefully you guys enjoy the video and I'll catch you guys later alright guys so you've seen cursed Minecraft on a brand new level with the new texture pack that I had shown in my previous video but today gets a little bit even crazier so I wanted to let you guys know before we can be in and before I show you this atrocious stuff by the way check out my new brand new house I'm working on right now this thing is looking gorgeous I mean it looks random it's completely randomly placed I just started building I don't know doesn't really make sense but before we can start I do want to say I did get this idea or this texture pack idea to use it for my boil a burst who actually also always not on the strip right now but he is a part of this SMP server so I do urge you guys to go check him out right now in the comments down below wait the comments why don't just say come home I got my videos cursed I just said the comments oh my god no but seriously in the description down below but anyways before we get started do you want to save this texture pack that I'm about to show you literally makes every texture absolutely nothing but before I want to show you another curse texture pack so this next extract loading up right now is the curse texture pack I've done a couple videos on this one this is actually a 1.14 cursed texture pack it's pretty crazy the doors literally look like just straight oh yeah it's just it's nothing too crazy but it's it's it's weird okay I get it I know there's nothing too much we can show you besides the crafting table if you haven't seen the last video I will be making more videos to go but as you can see oh my god is that a creep over there wait we might have we might have a substitute creeper dude look gonna be so cute look it'll be a biggie or a piggy are you doing buddy would show what your need what should I got oh all right that dude all right sorry I'm my bad man my bad but anyways so this texture pack that I want to show you guys today is such a weird texture pack it literally is nothing like the texture pack literally is called nothing literally look it just has nothing it's it's literally called nothing so we're gonna put it on here we go three two one boom whoa what is this you may ask well my friend this is just not no order to recurse minecraft server or world but it's really cursed it's actually so cursed to the point where you don't even know what's going on over the chest I mean the chest kind of look like blocks but you can kind of tell those a chest but as you can see here if you zoom in down below my diamond pickaxe looks like this I know it's like a piece of paper bro it literally makes no sense but today guys I'm gonna be attempting to try to play Minecraft with the nothing pack now this nothing pack is absolutely insane it literally makes textures literally nothing they're just white I mean the only textures that you can really see here are just some of the tree tops are green I don't know why that is some of them are it doesn't make any sense but the water it's you can't we can you actually see to the bottom oh wait a minute I want to see if you can see to the bottom of this oh my god you can you can you're just you're in a pool of just beautiful blue just beautiful straight-up blue but some of these trees actually have some leaves that are just straight up oh oh a piece of paper what would you may ask this say oh it says you suck at Minecraft oh okay look at this steak right you ready I'm gonna eat this steak once I want some Anxi a little bit hungry I'm gonna eat this steak but guys minecraft is impossible to play with this so I have myself an iron shovel I might have to go back to my old house to go wait what is that oh my god it's squid it's a white squid oh sure how are you it on my level squid you don't even on my limit but I'm gonna have to go back to my old house to grab some more stuff because I really really want to try caving in this texture pack it's gonna be impossible guys but all but it says hold on let's just let's just get another sneak peak real quick I'm gonna go back to the default text bag just to show you guys how different minecraft looks and what my surroundings look like before I get back into this one Oh beautiful I totally forgot what minecraft even looked like after that but dude like I gotta go caving so I'm gonna go grab some more stuff from my old house and I back with the guys in a moment of a notice or a moment's notice wow I'm really messing up today I don't know I just been building for so long my brain is creative for that oh this April me I got somebody worse to say man alright guys we're back we got some stuff I had to make brand new stuff cuz I literally don't have any diamonds right now except for the diamonds that I used to make this pickaxe like two seconds ago don't ask what happen all my stuff I'm just gonna say that I feel a little lava pool and that's all we're gonna talk about alright so before we actually go anywhere um the risky thing about gaming with this texture background is the fact that we need to go ahead and actually just try to find a cave that's pretty useful um I'll do that something that's gonna I don't know I just don't know if I should staircase or not or dig straight down that's probably the riskiest thing you could probably do but this is an interesting Minecraft natural spawn right here not gonna lie I mean I'm near an extreme hill so we might find some emeralds to be honest but anyways here it is time to do the moment of truth and put on the nothing pack my friends here we go ladies and gentlemen oh my god we have entered wow I look like a snowman oh my god I literally look exactly like a snowman okay I gotta keep in mind I am using a couple of different things we gotta go ahead and just dig I'm just a little staircase here see what happens I really don't know what's gonna happen guys this is weird this is just weird Merrill I want to see if I can find a cave without having to do much here okay what even am i digging right here what is this oh this is that that was okay wow this is really really confusing so so far with Minecraft no textures I I really have no idea what I'm doing right now I seriously don't like I don't know why my gammas not even up like my gammas up but it just like completely got rid of my cam I need to go grab some torches and let's this wait is it nighttime what is going on here I'm so confused this texture oh it is nighttime wait is it wait what does this texture pack do this I'm so confused wait we need to go grab some torches after this this got a tweaking me out all right ladies and gents we got the torches and we got a friendly horse who seems like he wants to be my friend but ah sorry buddy I had to do it to you I really just I needed that one piece of leather for the road alright back into the texture pack we go you know honestly this is like a really curse bro I literally just don't I don't even know what to do with this texture pack it's just so weird to play with I just don't even offer to be able to find a game to be quite honest to you all right so my torches are my fourth spot gonna keep that in mind is that actually this doesn't even light anything up it barely lights anything up okay well this is gonna be definitely actually no it lights things up to be honest the torches do a little bit but they don't really do exactly the most I'm just gonna keep going here just gonna keep seeing if we can find a cave hopefully we'll find a cave won't serve save the game I don't thank God thank God for the server you got a shout-out to the server you know I'm saying but dude this is so weird like it's oh look at that look at the torch the torch just looks like a piece of pee everything's like paper roll I feel like I'm inside a printer right now can anybody read tweet that retweet come on retweet if you feel like you're inside a printer right now this is exactly what it looks like I'm the ink and I'm currently actually painting everything that the person wants to print right now except I have no color it's just straight up white oh my god we found the cave oh my god we found a cave did we find a kid we found a cave oh my god this is so weird wait a minute okay so how am I supposed to know if I find diamonds or not that's the big question why do why don't the torches light so slow does anybody notice that like watch it kind of like lights up the area a little bit slide on if you guys can tell I really don't know it seems to be like a really small cave I don't know if this is like an actual legit cave right now but like how are we supposed to find the diamond door we're just gonna have to mine and hope for the best dear like literally there's no way for me to actually know what's diamonds what's dirt what stone what's what's that what's alright well at least we yeah we know the mobs are moving oh my god we're in a huge ravine right now okay what's my water bucket do I even want to try to do this I don't even know if I want to try to do this to be quite honest let's place the torch right there so we have a little bit of light here but it looks like there might be diamonds what level of my I'm at level 34 so honestly I feel like if we go down here we might be able to actually make it let's just go ahead and take this nice and slow here waiting know if this is gonna work or not so my god I just landed it I landed in lava are you kidding me and I died are you kidding dude how was I supposed to know that was lava oh my god okay now wait where I spawn we know what that what the heck wait am I in someone's house right now oh my god I know exactly where I am lab ourselves oh my god okay dude this this whole place looks ridiculous dude this place looks crazy dude I don't even know what I'm stepping up a bro impossible to cave it is literally impossible to cave in this texture pack but dude it looks like there's actually been some more stuff added wait I want to go in default oh I can see what this is all about dude I literally have never seen it it's tough dude look at this place oh my god dude they've been grinding so elaborate oh wow I just totally stepped on all the crops over here there's a little bit why the crops over here I'm so confused this whole place looks amazing we got a villager over here we got this whole brand-new like ball we got a stable bro look at this oh my god this is crazy this is literally insane we got a shot what the heck is this over here shot is it wow there's like shops over here what the heck dude this S&P is coming alive and well but dude I have not seen any of this stuff yet great that it's because of the texture pack but dude look at this oh my god yo Lammers looking good buddy alright well to be honest with you guys I don't know if I could play that texture pack anymore that texture pack is like so cursed beyond belief it's so weird like it's so interesting okay I want to see what this all looks like in the actual regular curse texture pack is like this is the lab respector pack that's cursed for a 1.14 which by the way is fantastic are you ready for the moment of truth you ready for this if you guys haven't seen this this is crazy ready for it here we go boom bada bing oh my God look at this look at it look at all these ramps in Minecraft you never thought you'd see a ramp in Minecraft ever did you except I can't climb these ramps why can't I not climb these ramps wait what the okay there we go now there's stairs okay dude this whole section is great why are the iron bars sugar cane these are literally iron bars okay alright oh my god I don't know what's going on I'm just so on minecraft at out what wait a minute what the dude oh my god this texture pack combined with this one is just insane well literally everything doesn't even make sense in mine I don't even know am i playing minecraft anymore dude look at this this is just straight iron bars bro what the heck is going on all does a campfire up here dude this thing looks sick this whole area looks amazing bro oh my goodness gracious I'm on fire hold on fire okay I don't even know if I can make this jump down here but I'm gonna go for it I'm just gonna kerplunk there we go that's what I call it cannibal ladies and gentlemen alright well honestly this extra practice a lot better to deal with in that white texture pack if you guys want the download link to that white texture pack I'll leave a link in description hopefully I don't forget to be honest with you I really might I might forget who knows I don't really know but if it's in the description go ahead feel free to download it it's honestly it's so hard to play Minecraft with that it doesn't make any sense are these buttons why are they why they Dart okay dude curse text practice really give me a headache not gonna lie I'm just I am just completely completely just I'm gonna log off minecraft not gonna lie no but for real guys I don't even know if I can even go back to that white texture pack like this texture pack is crazy enough if you haven't seen one of my videos where you can grow diamonds yep you can grow diamonds in here guys you can grow diamonds and look you just get some diamonds even though their potatoes got a lot of it got a lot of you know I'm saying but as we're carrying these quote-unquote diamonds around I gotta say guys it's it's it's weird like look at this white texture pack and we gotta go back on this guy real quick the nothing texture pack has arrived yet again to bring us a wonderful world of snow you know I gotta say I think this texture pack really reminds me of the fact that it's like it's almost winter it's it's it's I know I know you didn't want you didn't want to hear it from me but hey some people like winter you got to love it but dude like wait whoa wait what is this what is that little a lilypad of course lilly pads have textures there's like three things in this entire arm stepping on so many crops right now I'm so sorry there's literally two things that have textures in this entire texture pack it's literally just straight-up lily pads and whatever leaf this is I wish I had shears that actually break and find out what texture that is or what they what that block even is because I don't even know dude how does this happen to me dude this is literally a cursed texture pack in a nutshell hopefully I don't die I think I'm actually oh wait there's a lot more regen me right now why am i read Jenny wait a minute why am i reading right now I don't even know what happened there but to be honest with you guys this texture pack is giving me quite a interesting headache oh well not not a headache to be honest just make me feel weird make me nauseous be honest but with that being said guys I think that's gonna be for this video this is too much ghost mica for me I've taken it too far I've taken it too far but go ahead check out my video see him mess around with the sex pack all I know is it's it's crazy I feel like I'm stepping on a million crops right now I'm falling into la ville non-stop but I really want to just see what a mind crap diamond little actually this is what a diamond looks like everything everything looks the same there's literally no way around it you can't find diamonds if you find a diamond in this texture pack tweeted at me or Instagram whatever just comment I don't even care but let me know because I'm honestly considering the fact that it is honestly impossible to find a diamond or honestly it's probably way harder to find stone let's be real but with that being said guys I love you guys so much thank you all so much for being awesome and I will catch you guys in the next video please
Channel: Antster
Views: 98,412
Rating: 4.9045367 out of 5
Keywords: Antster, minecraft, minecraft 2019, cursed, cursed minecraft, minecraft cursed, texture pack, antster minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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