Cursed Dual Katana's vs EVERY Boss In Blox Fruits...

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as you guys may have read from the title we're gonna be killing every single boss in Block shirts with the most overpowered swords in the game these swords in my hand are the cursed zul katanas and they are extremely difficult to get unless you're a sweaty blocks for a veteran then you pretty much can get this anytime on any alt account and everything but for the rest of you casual players I dropped the whole video on how to get these it was like an entire questline that you have to do in the third C keep that in mind you can't get these until you even reach the third C and I think you have to be over a certain level but I don't want to take credit for this idea I actually want to give the credit to my fan who commented this idea his name is blank no no literally their name is blank like look so shout out to you blank thanks for the awesome idea this is honestly something interesting because I thought I thought this was an interesting idea because how would the most overpowered swords in the game pair against every single boss in every C we already know how strong it's gonna be in the first season but first before we go and fight every single boss we gotta make sure we're prepared so what we're first gonna do is go to the shop and switch our fruit to dark fruit usually people would use Buddha but I kind of want to use dark I feel like Buddha is kind of overplayed it'll be too easy if I use Buddha honestly just gives you insane defense next up we're gonna switch our items back to the cupid Cape so if you guys don't know there was that Valentine event that happened not too long ago this Cupid Cape gives you 12.5 bonus damage on swords so it is really good for swords last but not least we gotta make sure our stats are in check so let's go ahead and refund and we have to buy a refund real quick let's go ahead and spend that 75 Robux we're gonna go ahead and drop 2450 into melee defense and sword so with that being done let's go ahead and get a boat and head to the first island which is Jungle Island we gotta go ahead and kill the gorilla King so here we are arriving at the gorilla King and would you look at that there is a gorilla here and there's a gorilla here which one do I kill first what are you trying to say bro I'm literally your Uber driver oh well I got you guys mixed up my bad I'm literally your Uber driver I don't think it's a good idea it's gonna kill me um you know what maybe I could transport myself I got boat over there I think it might be worth it honestly so you're saying a boat is better than portal You're dumb okay okay I'm sorry let me just go ahead and kill the first boss look at that there's one shot and bro with 3.3k damage I think it's time for us to go to like the next boss let's do it let's go ahead and one shot the next boss I bet I could do it no problem because these are the strongest swords in the game remember look at that easy one shot ah damn bro you put too much makeup on your face it looks like a clown for you bro the only clown here is you and sometimes your mom when she acts up what do you mean that she's a clown I don't think you need to know bro I don't think you want to know I'm about to make your mom a clown if you keep talking about her number go ahead and take me to the next boss before I keep swinging the only thing that's gonna be swinging is these nuts in your face what and also guys if you guys don't know I think the cursed dual katanas have the coolest looking abilities out of all the swords in the game and what are you doing bro I'm only taking you to freaking Snow Village oh okay that's what I thought you were doing I thought you were doing something else about there but I know you wouldn't do that right no no no that's two sauce bro that ain't me okay yeah I just wanted to make sure oh my gosh she got absolutely obliterated so fast come on keep it going take me to the next one I'm taking you bro shut up oh do we have to go all the way to the that little tiny cave area yes sir we gotta go all the way over there Crystal Katana gang I know right look at this Crystal katana look how far it lunges you look at that anyways let me just go ahead and one shot this guy real quick like come on these guys stand no chance in the first sea no wonder why you could only get these swords in the third sea hey I'm about to take it to your dad number Dad wait what did you come back with the milk yeah he's a millionaire bro yo he owns this giant Marine Fortress yes sir let's go wait Dad I want a hug oh I think I hugged them a little too hard right away did you just one shot him yeah I wasn't kidding when I said these are the strongest swords in the game oh my god dude all right let's see if you're able to handle prison hey prison what the heck I solo prison especially with the crystal katanas oh yeah I forgot to mention I also have it Mastery 600 so yeah these are as op as they could possibly get let's go ahead and do the Z ability on him and uh oh I almost one shot him with the Z ability let me just go ahead and slap him on the cheeks real quick oh I think I smacked him too hard oh we gotta go kill Shanks now yo what's up Shanks let me just go ahead and give you a hug too hey you're supposed to kiss him not a taco oh you're getting caught in the crossfire too sugar way get out of here bro all right I think we have to go back to Prince and since you freaking attacked me bro no just drop the charges no oh my gosh all right I'll bust my way out of here go ahead and one shot the chief Warden there we go and next up is Swan right yes sir oh my gosh that was like four hits and Swan died too you know I better take your somewhere hot just like me dude ow ow okay you are not hot bro what do you say you're not hot bro hey yo dude what are you trying to insinuate here nothing bro I think you misheard me okay yeah yeah you're right it's another Discord glitch yeah yeah I would never say something like that whoa what are we doing over here oh we gotta go kill the rocket launcher guy right yes sir I know that you love rocket launcher's number oh I'm Gonna Make You Love a rocket for sure oh no bro I don't take the Rockets oh you love Rockets bro don't try to hide it from me where is the guy oh he's over there let's go ahead and hit him twice real quick and he's dead wow he got absolutely destroyed now did we go kill the Thunder Gods yes sir Thunder is my middle name all right buddy whatever you say to be honest I don't think he stands a chance I think he's gonna get melted way faster than I'm gonna ever think let's go ahead and hit him with that real quick where did he go oh he's right there so hard to see him when the abilities are like blocking your face you know what I kind of want to combo one of them go ahead and change my fruit real quick because I do know a pretty good combo with portal believe it or not hey we missed the boss okay you know we have to go underwater bro I can't breathe underwater I'm gonna just go ahead and kill this guy real fast it's a shark man let me go ahead and do the combo on him you know what this is gonna be great are you ready for it sugar way yes sir look at this combo look at this he's not even gonna stand a chance bro yikes damn bro that combo was booty cheeks bro if you don't take me to the last boss I'm gonna make sure your booty cheeks okay okay calm down I'll take you to the Fountain yeah that's what I thought that was like five slashes and you're already almost dead you know what I think I'm gonna combo him too because why not just go ahead and hit him with this this go ahead and hit him with that real quick where is he I can't even see him how do you go back there my combo got messed up but he's still you're hitting me wrecked away I know I just wanted to touch it with my katanos that's it you're not how to touch me with your katanas bro I'll show oh he's farting bro I need to stay away dude it smells smells like you bro nah dude whenever I went to your house it smelled so bad Shut Up take me to the second seat before I actually kill you with these swords so now that we're in the second seat I'm gonna go ahead and take sugar away because I am now the Uber driver Rector I just got fired I'm taking him to the doghouse and I'm gonna go ahead and kill the first boss which is gonna be Diamond over up in this flower area I'm curious how does a second sea boss stand up to my crystal katanas oh they could actually handle it a lot better from the first seat bosses for sure but they're still gonna get destroyed no matter what all I have to do is just hold my Z ability and send him over there and he is dead oh he survived him okay buddy just one more smack there we go next up is our good old bald friend Jeremy I don't know why he's still bald he's supposed to have hair but they never fixed it we're gonna go ahead and actually use a dark fruit now because they're getting a bit stronger so I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with dimensional slashes some endless holes some Abyssal darkness and okay yeah that tickles in because I don't have any points into blocks fruit but it doesn't matter because we're using the crystal katanas anyways what's usually better with swords as Buddha but you know what I want to be different in this video and he got destroyed super fast doesn't even matter now we're gonna go ahead and kill fajita the gravity fruit user let's go ahead and do some clapping with him real quick you're gonna do one I mean I'm gonna slap him real quick yeah you better slap him because clapping is a different story what's clapping to you huh you know like what me and Mario do all the time ah yeah okay all right time to get in my whole wrecked way yo what yeah my portal hole dude I don't like that idea bro I don't want to be in your hole bad we gotta go kill uh Swan Don Swan bro wait where is he how does he get sent up to the Moon keep in mind he still has a second phase and he stands no chance in his first phase he died instantly second phase he's about to get clapped again oh my gosh he kind of does hurt though I'm not gonna lie yo you're the one hurting me rocked away that's not him exactly I'm dealing damage to you bro stop I'm about to die look at my HP hey hey all right Rex way it's kind of getting cold in here don't you think no too bad I think it's time to go to the hot area what do you mean bro are you talking about me you're gonna go warm your feet up my feet yeah feet are cold bro I don't think I want to warm up my feet number too bad catch this too by the way while you're at it I'm blind okay okay I'll lie up with you but after this we're enemies keep that in mind oh my god dude shut your mouth oh you think this is your video now I think you just pull out your Crystal katanas huh yeah let me just pull it right here because mines are better mine's bigger and cooler sorry buddy you need to stop touching my katanas bro you're getting too close you're touching my katanas anyways that's enough bro let's just go ahead and kill the snow castle guy look at this right way this is what I call Easy pickings all you gotta do is do that to him throw him back at you your combos suck bro watch this bro I could do it like a better combo if he doesn't freeze my cheeks oh well I'm gonna get the kill anyways oh and I got two keys I got the library key and I got the hidden key anyways we gotta go to my homeland it's called Skull Island This tidekeeper is Gonna Stand absolutely no chance correct way what are you doing by the water don't tell me I think oh yep you summoned to Seabees that wasn't me bro that was you 100 look he's gonna start attacking the tide Admiral yep I knew it anyways he's about to get clapped super fast last year watch this oh we're both throwing him yeah this guy is dead all right bro it's time to die just a few more swings here wait watch us watch this he's gonna catch that over there there we go he's dead that's enough for the second seed though we're gonna go ahead and go to the third seed but it might get a little too hard so we're gonna have to switch to the fruit I didn't want to which is the Buddha fruit all right now that we're in the third seat we gotta go kill the first boss over in Port Town all the way in the back here but while I run to him I'm gonna go ahead and switch my fruit over to Buddha real quick I think it's time we actually switched to something like a pretty good strength I'm gonna go ahead and just switch over real quick and just you know melt him super fast with Buddha because Buddha gives extra damage and defense when you're using Crystal katanas or just swords in general man he is actually taking the beating pretty well in third seat the sword isn't as op as it was in the second and first but it is still the strongest sword in the game no matter what sugar away since I don't have portal I need you to take me to the next boss which is the island Empress so you're saying I should take it to my princess bro stop that's too much women in your life you already have the cake Queen you don't need any more dude this is my secondary woman no there is no side girls here what do you mean we're literally kissing inside what are you guys doing in there bro I like me now let me just go from like the back okay okay that's it I've had enough of you too hey I've had enough of you too I'm switching to Buddha and I'm clapping her in here sorry bro what do you mean that you're going to be like the one clapping here that's my job it's nothing personal bro I have to do it stop it had to be done it was for your own good you know I don't I don't really appreciate that number things just have to be the way they are sometimes you just have to accept it don't even get in my portal bro too bad I'm going in why you're not supposed to go in there since I have to meet up with my other girl the third girl nah bro nah I'm gonna have to put her out of her misery too ah let me just kiss her at least nope nope sorry no kissing for you stop sorry bro it had to be done I'm the only one that needs to destroy my own girl nope sorry dude you're about to die she's about to destroy you look at your HP bro I'm fine bro that's just like a scratch a scratch you're like clicking on for dear life no no no let's go to like the turtle Mansion oh we gotta go kill an elephant now all right Captain elephant it's time for your cheeks to get clapped but he actually tickles like look at when you're using Buddha and these swords it just does nothing and he got destroyed super fast next up is your favorite princess you know who it is who beautiful Pirate no it's a man dude I know you couldn't resist the beautiful pirate you're already the first one fighting him yeah I'm trying to kill him yeah yeah that's what they all say it looks like you and the Beautiful pirate are having a lot of fun down here Rex way we're not having fun uh-huh is that why you're both low well that one died but you're pretty low that doesn't mean anything bro yeah yeah whatever just take me to my boy longma yo what's up my boy I haven't seen you in a long time let me go ahead and give you the honorary cheek clapping real quick you're lucky long mode Rockaway doesn't even get this treatment why would I be jealous of that stupid little treatment that you give why wouldn't you be I think everybody would be jealous anyways that was super fast we just got one boss left and I think you know who it is my princess the one and only I want more than her cake hey no chill give me your big fat booty I'm not gonna lie why are we melting her so fast I feel like she used to be way stronger than this back in the day I'm gonna go ahead and finish her off in non-buda form go ahead and combo here real quick for the honor wait how is she dead yet oh she might kill me though oh never mind I slapped her cheeks well I guess that's the end of this video isn't that right sugar way yes sir if you haven't liked and Sub make sure you do it catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 249,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Numberskull, Bloxfruits, Roblox bloxfruits, blox fruit roblox, roblx blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, bloxfruit update, roblox, numbskull, nmbskll, nmbskull awaken, numberskull awaken
Id: -IVzxwAdN14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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