Curry Blake - God Wants You Free From Oppression

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No welcome to our first session of our Monday afternoon healing class and we're calling this series beat healing and what I mean when I say series what I mean is every Monday at 3 o'clock 3 p.m. Central Standard Time we will be broadcasting live on healing and now this is predominately about how to receive healing or about healing in general to build your understanding and faith in healing so we'll be talking about healing in general but also for how you can receive it now tomorrow on Tuesday we will also be doing the same thing but we will be teaching on ministering healing so more along the lines of the DHT that kind of thing so if you want we will be recording these also so you can also get ahold of them at a later time but today we want to get started we're going to run these in about 30 minutes 25 to 30 minute classes so it's not going to take a long time but we do want to cover some ground and since they're going to be continual them are ongoing I should say then we will be able to cover a lot more depth than we would normally be able to cover all so we want to welcome you and we just want you to know that today's class we are entitling God wants you free from oppression he want you free from oppression now notice I said oppression not depression he want you free from depression also but depression is a part of oppression and so we're going to be covering all aspects of this now we're not going to get into all of it today but we will cover the basics and we will explain to you and show you from Scripture and prove to you from Scripture that God wants you free from all oppression and sicknesses is a an oppression diseases and oppression and mental anguish is an oppression anything oppression simply means outward pressure upon and especially in ordinate pressure now that's that's essentially it in a nutshell now if you have a Bible if you're watching live by internet we want to welcome you and if you have a Bible we want to make sure that you take your Bible and study with us I'm trying to set this up here a little bit there we go because we want you to see the scriptures it's not enough for you just to hear me read them to you and you assume that I'm reading them correctly we want you to read along with us there's there's actually some things that take place when you take time to go into the scripture search it out look at it and read along with it it's one thing to hear it it's another thing to actually read it and hear it at the same time and every aspect of your mental faculties that you can bring into play it may get ingrains it deeper in you faster so the more you can do to do that the better off you are now we're going to start in psalm 9 verse 9 chapter 9 and verse 9 now if I sound a little out of breath that's because we what you are seeing here today is no offense to any World War two vets but this was similar to Patton's breakout move for the Battle of the Bulge all right you say how in the world is that well all of this work has been going on in Haws he has been fixing and remodeling and getting a space looking the way we want it to look and he's been working all day and right in the middle of that yesterday I made the announcement they were going to be broadcasting which no one here knew that and so all of a sudden this had to come to pass and so all of the remodeling had to go on hold you know for the next 30 minutes or so right in the middle of us so you know 30 seconds before we started there was hammering and sawing and things being moved and children being chased out and all that kind of things so it just shows you how quick things can happen in 24 hours less than 24 hours we have completely changed the direction of how everybody thought it was going to go today because nobody knew this was going to happen so and you say how does that compare with pattern where they I was in hire ask Patton how quick can you get some men so far and he said I can do it in 24 hours and they didn't believe him but he did it well whenever I said yesterday would be broadcasting today I'm not sure how many people actually bleed would get it done but here we are oh yeah so we're going to talk about be healed we want you healed Psalm 9 verse 9 it says now look at these words and I want you to read the verse in and of itself excuse me and just see the actual words that's being used here because here the psalmist says the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed now that doesn't mean the oppressed can run in and stay oppressed it means that he is a refuge for the oppressed who come in to him and to be away from oppression so God wants you free from oppression now I will go ahead and tell you to some time back I actually did a teaching an entire in-depth teaching called God has judged oppression and if you want to know more about oppression in and of itself what it is how it works and how to get out of it and what God has said about it as I hope you can get ahold of that CD it's on our website and it's in a CD mp3 that kind of things so you can do a more in-depth study but here he says song nun nun the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble a refuge that means if you're in trouble you go there and the trouble is lifted it means literally if you're a refuge for if he is a refuge for the oppressed it means that the oppressed can come into him and the oppression will be removed God does not he doesn't want to be with you in the oppression he wants to be with you and you to be free from oppression he does not want it on you now look at Psalm 10 just the next chapter down Psalm 10 verse 18 there it says he will that he will judge the fatherless and the oppressed that the man of the earth may know more oppress now here he is talking about he wants when it says he will judge the oppressed it is not for some reason and I and as I said I go into this on the teaching on God has judged oppression but for some reason when we hear that God has judged something that we automatically assume that that means that he is judged against it well he doesn't know his judge against just any more than any other judge always rules against any one party he has seen the oppressed and he has judged the oppress and he judges them to be free that judgment he has made is for them to be free so he judges in their favor which means he judges against the oppressor so we're gonna say this again in just a moment in Psalm 103 verse 6 and I've actually mentioned this many many times and this particular verse both in the divine healing technician training also during many times during communion we will talk about this but Psalm 103 verse 6 says the Lord execute righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed now notice there is exactly it demonstrates exactly what I just said where he judges for the oppressed so it would be as if you were in a courtroom and you had the oppressor on one hand and you had the oppressed on the other and God has heard the entire case and he looks at you and says okay you're the oppressed and I'm judging in your favor and I'm judging you to go free my judgment is in your favor so I release you from the charges made against you by the oppressor now that's literally I mean actually if you go into the Hebrew that's exactly what it means it is legal terminology and amazingly it's where we get most of our legal terminology here in the United States is from the King James Version of the Bible so here he says he has executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed so that tells us God doesn't like us to be oppressed he wants us to be free he wants us to be free from oppression free from everything that is considered oppression and we're gonna look at that in just a moment but let's go on to Psalm 146 Psalm 146 you say Currie these are all Old Testament Scriptures are we gonna get into some New Testament just a moment we are I'm just laying some groundwork to show you God is always the same he's always been the same he didn't change his basic nature from the old to the New Testament all that change was his ability to deal with people in the New Testament the way he wants to whereas in the Old Testament he didn't get to do that so Psalm 146 let's look at verse 5 we'll begin there it says happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help whose hope is in the Lord his God and nurses talking about God then he says which made heaven and earth the sea and all that therein is which keeps truth forever so God keeps truth forever and then in verse 7 which executes judgment for the oppressed so here now we have two specific witnesses both in sum that says that God has judged for the oppressed Psalm 103 verse 6 and now some 146 verse 7 which executes judgment for the oppressed which gives food to the hungry the Lord Lucid the prisoners notice it now why does he say that well why would even include the Lord Lucid the prisoners it's because he wants you to realize if you're in bondage it's not because of God God is not the one that puts you in bondage the the oppressor is the one that puts you in bondage he's one that oppresses and God is the one that frees you from oppression and he is the one that loses you if you're a prisoner now when I read this especially where he says here the Lord looses the prisoners then it automatically takes me to two scriptures well actually closer to three but the first one be Isaiah 61 we'll go there in a moment and then the other one is in Luke chapter 4 we're gonna go there in a moment and then actually in Luke he also tells us in Luke chapter 4 there is actually a place where a woman comes in bowed over could not lift herself up and when he said the the scriptures actually say when he saw her it said that he called her to him and the first thing he said was woman you are loosed from your infirmity and so automatically whenever I read this when I read scripture that says he loses lucid the prisoners automatically of automatically think of him talking to that woman and said woman you are loosed from your infirmity and then later they get upset over that situation and he starts telling them it shouldn't this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound so right there he shows who the oppressor is shows what's going on is that shouldn't she be loosed from her oppression shouldn't be she'd be loosed from her infirmity and so and it literally says whom the devil has bound I mean it just is so plain and when you put all of these things together you can see it's the devil that oppresses it's God that looses its God that judges against oppression because the devil tries to oppress of God judges against it God is for man he's for people he's not against man that's why whenever Jesus was born the first thing he started saying was peace on earth goodwill toward men it wasn't goodwill among men we're still not seeing goodwill among men but we are seeing goodwill toward men from God toward mankind so he goes on now we're gonna go to Luke to Luke chapter 4 verse 16 now these are the scriptures were talking about so we'll wrap it all up here together verse 16 says and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written and so this is what he began to quote the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach or proclaim the gospel to the poor and this is getting into the part we want to focus on he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and I noticed this to preach or proclaim deliverance to the captives notice he was sent to proclaim deliverance to the captives now this word for preacher is a very strong word it's not just a an easygoing word it's not just a typical type word it's a very strong word dealing specifically with proclaiming with a force and whether it is the same word used whenever a king made a decree and that decree became law it's exactly the same word so when Jesus said he that he was sent to proclaim Liberty to the captives then he was saying God sent me specifically to tell the captives you're free and I'm establishing this law that the enemy no longer has a right to oppress you to put you in bondage or to hold you captive at any time no no I love about you but I would call that good news man so he says to preach to or proclaim deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord now he quoted this from Isaiah chapter 61 and Isaiah 61 in verse 1 it says literally the same thing and I'm gonna read it to you now and again this is from the King James and he says the spear of the Lord is upon me because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are about now notice and then the next verse chapter verse 2 literally says to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and then after that it said the the day of the day of the wrath of the Lord he didn't preach that part he preached the acceptable year of the Lord not the the day of the Lord's wrath and so he stopped before that so he was not preaching wrath but yet there was a wrath to come so now let's look at another one in Acts chapter 10 verse 38 it shows and actually this is Peter summarizing Jesus's ministry so Peter is wrapping it all up and he says you want to know about Jesus's ministry you want to know what it did this is it in a nutshell he says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him now let's just take this piece by piece because this is an amazing verse just by itself notice first off God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost him with power we know that how he went about doing good and that word went about literally means to wander around with no set destination so he went about wandered around and notice what he did is he warned it around it says healing all that were oppressed of the devil now what that tells us is this every person Jesus set free every person he healed was considered oppressed of the devil so all not one time did he ever say well this is my heavenly Father put this upon you just so I can take it off he never said that that that's a man-made tradition that honestly powerless preachers say whenever they can't produce results and so here it says that he went about healing all that were oppressed the devil now we know that he went about doing what healing how well he healed physically healed sickness heal disease he set the captives free in a manner of preaching deliverance and casting out Devils so that the person was free from Devils we know that he forgave sin in people's eyes and told me go and sin no more so basically he is even about healing all that were oppressed of the devil that word oppression and the word healing encompasses everything right not just physical healing but it does include physical healing but he healed all the of the devil anything his in notice it does not talk about him preaching salvation here it don't even mention preaching salvation what because preaching salvation and telling people they're free their sins have been forgiven that is part of him healing the oppressed because healing is much more than just physical it includes everything and so we know that he healed all that will press the devil that means every demon-possessed person was oppressed of a devil of the devil specifically and we know that every person that would that he healed physically of sickness or disease was oppressed of the devil so the entire aspect of Jesus's healing ministry was aimed at one person it was aimed at defeating the devil matter of fact if you read on he says this is the reason I was born and that is to destroy the works of the devil and so everything he did was in some some fashion destroying the works of the devil so we know that if a person was sick and he healed them he was destroying the work for the devil we know that he was setting the oppressed free because oppression is of the devil now let's go on to see the next part of this good news okay in Isaiah 53 now this is known as the substitution chapter this is talked about Jesus and I say I was seeing this eight some 800 years before Jesus was even born and in Isaiah chapter 53 the whole chapter is only 12 verses but the whole chapter is about Jesus suffering in our place and it goes through and everything it says he did he did for us he did in our stead so that we don't have to and that that's the beauty of it actually but in isaiah 53:7 specifically it says he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he has brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer's is dumb so he openeth not his mouth and let's go back to the very first opening words of this verse it starts by saying he was oppressed and he was afflicted now remember everything he did here he did for us so if he was oppressed and this is part of his substitutionary action of his life and ministry he was oppressed so we don't have to be oppressed he bore oppression so we don't have to bear it so when we see what he did then we can make the decision okay if Jesus bore that I will not put up with it in my life and so I'm telling you that if you are oppressed in any way and that means as I said physical sickness disease mental anguish mental fear mental ailments and anyways depression inordinate fear any of those kind of things anything that is a pressure down upon you to try to push you down any of those things he bore for you and you do not have to bear them let me tell you I don't care who has told you otherwise I don't care if they've told you that this is God making you a better person or he's working something out of your life or he's trying to get you to repent of some sin or something maybe you do need to repent of a sin but that has nothing to do with you being free from oppression Jesus died and was oppressed so that you do not have to be and so I just want to encourage you right now just make the decision and as we talk about healing over the next weeks both during this session and the one on ministering healing I want you to realize there are several ways for you to be healed one way is to get to a Christian that can minister healing to you that's if you're near a Christian that can do that and it's not hard all they have to do is know that they can do it but if you're near a Christian like that then you can ask them to minister to you and they can set you free if you're not yeah you can call in here to our offices and we will pray for you over the phone and set you free we don't have to be in your presence you don't have to come here if you want to come here you're free and welcome to come here and will minister to you here but if all of that is out of range I should also mention if you just want to send an email we will get them email and we will pray for you and God will set you free where you're at by us praying over the information that's in the email so there are many ways for you to get healed but if if for some reason none of those are ways that you can participate in and I can tell you that if you will continue to listen to what I'm teaching every Monday from now on and whoever else if I'm not here will have someone else that will also be teaching along these same lines and if you will listen to us and feed on this and get it into you and listen to it we're gonna have it post it up on the internet on YouTube you'll be able to go there and listen to it or you can even order the CD or DVD from us we'll get it get that to you and listen to it over and over and over and get it in you your own faith will build up where you won't need anybody to pray for you and you can be healed be free all on your own by your own faith toward God that's really God's highest that's what he wants because he wants you to know that you and he have a connection and that you don't have to have a middleman you don't have to have somebody else do it for you there's no one that God loves more than you no one there's a God doesn't have favorites in that way now there are maybe people that bring him more pleasure in certain ways because they walk in faith but that can be you you can make that decision to be that person yourself God has not set some people to be different or special God has made this equal and open to every person and you decide whether you want to be different and and being different in this matter just simply means believe in God because you don't always find that too often so but here I want to get back into the scripture because that's where your help is so let's look at a couple more scriptures where look at 3rd John chapter 2 now and this is just very simple it says beloved I wish above all things now you might want to underline above all things that means there's nothing else he wants more I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers now don't let that word prosper through you because it's been used so wrongly so many times to prosper or to succeed literally means to know God's will and to accomplish it to to do what God has ordained you to do literally that's what it means and God desires that you prosper that you know his will and do it and that as you do that that your you will prosper in your health which means if you're sick you get well and so he wants you to prosper and be in health now notice it says as your soul prospers now honestly if you're born again your spirit has prospered but as you learn the Word of God you learn God's will you begin to do his will your soul begins to prosper and as your soul prospers health starts to come out of you even without anybody praying for you or even without you focusing on being healed health starts to come out why because your soul is prospering it's lining up but the God's will and the way he wants to do things you get lined up with God's will help springs forth as I say it's that even so let's go to the next one so and remember that's third John - that's one a lot of people know in the next one we're going to go back to the Old Testament quickly one is in Deuteronomy chapter 28 Deuteronomy 28 and in verse 29 chapter 28 verse 29 so Deuteronomy 28 29 now many people know this as the cursing and blessing chapter and it's because if you go into it he talks he takes him to a mountain basically and says I set before you today life and death blessing and cursing you juice and then in fact even says choose life he even gives you the hint of which one to choose and when he says you choose blessing and cursing life and death and he says now you choose choose life that tells you God's will he's telling you what his will is for you he didn't say I don't care what you choose God I don't care whether you live or die he just said no he said listen you can choose life or death and I want you to choose life why cuz he wants you to live God is about life he wants you free he wants you alive he wants you healthy so let's read what he says now Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 through 14 or pretty much the well it's it's the blessings of God if you do this I'll do this if you do that I'll do this then from about 15 on he starts saying and it's kind of funny because you go from verse 1 to verse 14 and it's if you do this I'll do this good thing you do this what I tell you to do and I'll do this good thing for you then from 15 - like verse 62 or 63 somewhere there it's a lot more verses he says but if you don't here's what's going to happen to you and there's funnies because it's about three times of the things that's bad as compared to the one thing that's you know the fourteen verses that are good but it's because he pretty much wraps up all the good very easily all right so he says here in verse 29 and these didn't no notice this is the cursing side so I'm just showing you God's opinion concerning oppression and he put oppression under the curse so he considers oppression a curse and he says in verse 29 and you will know this is if you do not follow his word and follow his will and do things he said this is what would happen to them you will grow at noonday as the blind grope it in darkness and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways so you can tell this is not God's will for this to happen why because if we just saw in 3rd John - it is his will that you prosper so here he says it won't happen so we know this is not God's will this is not the way he wants you to go but he said but and I'm just showing you this one point he says and you will be only oppressed and spoiled every more spoiled doesn't mean like we say spoiled you know you say this child is spoiled it means they get everything they want always get their way but spoiled literally means in this way it means everything you have will be taken from you and so he said that's what will happen you'll be only oppressed and everything you have will be taken away and no man shall save you and then finally in Deuteronomy 28 verse 33 just four verses further it says the fruit of thy land and all of our Labor's shall a nation which you know not eat up and you shall be only oppressed and crushed away now again the only reason I'm bringing this out is because I'm showing you oppression is under the side of the curse it is not under the side of the blessing it's not God working things out in your life okay and then judges 6 9 is the last one and it says in judges chapter 6 verse 9 now this is God talking to the children of Israel and listen to what he says and I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all that oppressed you you hear that and drove them out from before you and gave you their land he said I've delivered you I delivered you from the Egyptians I delivered you out of the hand of everyone that has oppressed you so God saw oppression as a bad thing it wasn't good it was bad he judged in your favor against oppression he says I want you free so I set you free and then Jesus came and said God has sent me to set the captives free God does not want you in captivity of any form in any way he wants you totally free to obey what he has said and to do his will and to accomplish it and he is behind you any oppression negativity even I would say in some ways anything that is down it causing you to be downcast or anything negative towards you that way it is not of God God is for you he is with you he wants you to prosper he wants you to be blessed he wants you to be healthy he is for you and Jesus died Jesus was oppressed so you don't have to be now we've named this program the overall program today's episode you might call it is God wants you free of oppression but the overall program is called be healed now I know tomorrow we're going to be ministering or at least in the healing the sick heal the sick sessions we'll be talking about how to minister healing but the reason you're listening probably is because you need healing or you want to you want to know more about healing but and if you need healing I'm telling you you've tuned in the right place you're listening and watching the right thing and I'm going to tell you right now the name of this program is be healed so I'm gonna say that to you right now I'm gonna say it in faith and I'm gonna say it with the Spirit of God and with the power of God behind it so wherever you are whatever situation you're going through whatever has you oppressed Jesus has already broken that and it is a decreed law of God that you are free and it is my privilege to be able to say to you today be healed be free captive be free be healed now in Jesus name Jesus died so you can be free and today is your day today is a day for you to be free so be free head to toe spirit soul and body in Jesus name Amen
Channel: James Taylor
Views: 2,189
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: Healing, Promises, Faith, Curry Blake, Prayer, Hope, Wellness, Love, God, Jesus, JGLM, John G Lake Ministries, Dominion Life, Beief
Id: Lrxy3RGhSG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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