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hey guys is currency relics back with another collection update this one's a pretty big update so it's gonna be a little bit longer than usual alright so start off got a 1922 $10 gold it's a nice large piece got in 1862 $5 note good six a little bit messed up but got for a nice price next up we got 1902 $20 national st. Paul Minnesota in 1891 $1.00 Staunton note there's the reverse to the the other notes you had a $1 1880 legal tender here this one had this end right here are you attached 1882 all right right here we've got 1914 59 1914 100 some issues but that itself looks pretty nice all right I've got a 1880 $20 gold certificate it's the most common signature combination of this particular note it's got this small red seal this is uh another note from the 1880 series this is the $20 note this one in particular is fairly scarce about 50 examples graded from PMG which is a little lower than usual and then we've got the reverse all right here the bigger notes this is an 1862 $10 legal tender this one is Friedberg number 94 there are 20 of these 20 of these graded by out PMG so this one's a fairly scarce note but it's not as expensive as you would think this is a 1923 $5 silver certificate also known as the porthole very popular note but very common got a $1 educational note and the reverses this one Assam tape all right we have another 1881 dollar legal tender the corner missing right there 2220 gold and a twenty to fifty gold very popular note here we have a 1923 $1 Silver Certificate very common good note to start out with you can say the same about this 1899 silver certificate very very popular very nice-looking design but also very common I have the two-dollar note in that same 1899 series and the reverses here we have the start of the 1914 series the $5 note very common likewise with the ten from the same series and the 20 here I have it a 1918 one dollar note here also known as the flying eagle I do not have the battleship yet the two dollar note in this series but I do have the five dollar note which is not as common as the one or the two but is far cheaper than the two and I have a 1923 one dollar legal tender red seal all right 19:17 one very common this note is not very great it's alright all upgraded eventually $5 1902 I like the signatures on this note although this Bank is extremely common 10 from 1902 you have the $2 1917 very common note and the 1907 woodchopper honor the small notes have a silver certificate here 63 star note cc3 a interesting serial number nothing much there 28 G $2 United States no 53 to 53 a 2 fifty-three a53 a silver certificate five one of my favorite small notes the 1928 Red Seal five I just like the way the seal pops 53:10 silver certificate you've all seen these reverses in the past 50 D 53 a 5350 a 6363 yet again alright so here I have a really nice 34 funny back I bought this note when they were cheaper they've grown up a little bit but not a whole lot small small notes in general I've gone up in value 34 silver 28a now the thing I like about the 28 series is right here they have numbers instead of just a letter and it looks pretty neat in my opinion some thirty fours all common that 34 34 A's all common notes trying to escape I've got some common star notes where's Jorge from 95 figured I keep it here's the original funny back here some consecutive 95s 63 now on the 95 uh some of them are web notes and that was a different style of printing and the web notes are a bit more valuable these ones are not web notes however because that that digit right there would be up here now that's a funny back design it's more interesting serial numbers I thought I'd keep I guess star notes some more star nuts alright so that was uh that's how my collection has improved in the past year I'll be able to update you guys more frequently now because I actually have a camera that works but uh thanks for watching drop a like subscribe and uh take care
Channel: Currency Relics
Views: 11,127
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: 3Mmd3ljXWEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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