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i'ma say something to Jannah winner what is it Misha nice bait sir miss you granny sir we got 9 company sir we do rock on where they own the company marching every Friday night 12 miles full pack in the pitch star why do you think private Randleman Janet Sobel hates us sir lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company private around him he just hates you yeah thank you sir hatin back to lieutenant winners I want canteens out of belts with the caps unscrewed easy company canteens out and open on my command they will pour the contents onto the ground on the CIO's order you will upend your canteens matter lieutenant tour who is this Christensen why is there no water in your canteen you drank from your canteen didn't you lieutenant winners yes sir what's this man ordered to not drink from his canteen during the Friday night March was her private Christensen you have disobeyed a direct order you will fill your canteen and repeat all 12 miles of the March immediately yes sir all out what the name of God are you doing with my company you're late and you allow troopers to disobey direct orders now excuse sir you're making me look bad lieutenant this is not dog company this is not Fox company this this is Easy Company and under my command this will be the first and finest company in this regiment hell with the names of six men their infractions and your disciplinary recommendations on my desk by zero one thirty is that clear what infraction sir find some you
Channel: William Meeks
Views: 921,573
Rating: 4.8689356 out of 5
Keywords: Curahee3
Id: 8eeRAgyq6Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2012
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