CUMMINS Swapping a 6.4 FORD! Building The Cummins For Big Power! Fummins Build Pt.7

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well it is time to finally dive back into the foam uns build I am so excited about this we finally got all the parts we need we're ready to go we're gonna be putting the engine together getting it all buttoned up painted etc and then we got pretty much everything we need to slam the truck the rest of the way together and get it running and driving so that is super exciting we took a little break from the project to kind of figure out what exactly we wanted to do the engine the chassis and all of that stuff and once we got that all figured out we ordered parts all the parts came in we are now ready to go so if you're unfamiliar with this project we have this 2009 f-350 full wheel drive dually crew cab so I bought this truck already blowing up so we got the cab off but we got the inch and out of it we got the trans move back we got the engine the Cummins engine tests fitted and it all that is good to go we pulled the common RL Cummins out of a no.5 Dodge parts truck which is parked way down the hill there after we had tested it in the floor we pulled the head off to make sure everything was good make sure all the pistons were good everything with phenomenal in there have valves everything with good head surfaces head gasket was intact so we knew we were good to go the engine was sound we just needed to do a basic refresh on it so what we have is an OEM upper gasket set I'm a big firm believer in om gaskets and om parts if you can use them oh my hump and ARP head studs so we got all this stuff from diesel power products I've talked to them before asking them questions here and there about different projects of mine and they've always been super super helpful so when it came time to buy parts for this thing I was it was a no-brainer awesome awesome guys over there I highly recommend them for your diesel parts you know I know there's a lot of diesel companies but customer service to me is really the big difference between companies when it comes to stuff like this and they have been phenomenal so anyway we got all this stuff from them they were able to source the OEM gaskets and stuff for us again hey RP head studs and then diesel conversion specialist they're the ones who make the swap kit that we're using they sent over one of their fuel filter deletes so we're going to be using a different lift pump in frame-mounted fuel rail filter setup so we're gonna be deleting this guy off the engine here so we don't have to deal with any of that mess and yeah then we just got the rest of the stock parts we've got the stock injectors covered up here so these are very susceptible to debris so we're trying to keep them covered up and make sure we don't get any debris in there but we are going to be throwing these stock injectors back in and then getting the truck running and driving and then we'll mess with that we can diagnose if there's any issues we can track down which in it is if any that are bad need to be replaced and go from there but I've said this a bunch of times and other projects like my Alice Miata building stuff if you're doing a big project at least for me this is how how what works the best for me is just get it done quickly don't you know definitely don't skimp on something important but you know don't go too crazy and worry about all the little details here and there because it's a lot easier to be motivated to get little stuff done and work on stuff and change stuff and buy stuff when it's a running driving vehicle than it is when it's a paperweight in your shop taking up a bunch of room so the goal is to get this thing up and running and driving and then we can do upgrades and enhancements and things like that from there so obviously we're refreshing the engine we're gonna do the head studs now a new gasket and stuff but we're not gonna go to too crazy until we get this thing running and driving so anyway enough talking enough jibber-jabber and let's get to work we need to pull the head off to get the mating surfaces cleaned up and start slamming it back together with our new parts [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we got both our gasket surfaces cleaned up really the goal here is just to get all the leftover head gasket material off and you know around these coolant ports there's some corrosion build-up some just nastiness that's raised up so obviously trying to get it flat get all the other gunk off so the new head gasket has a good clean surface to seal to so I'm all cleaned up now I just need to lift the head back up hook it to the crane and I start installing put a new gasket on and yeah you know the drill all right Butler surfaces clean it's about time to put the head gasket head studs on yeah nothing much to it at all so I got a big thing of this a while ago I use this one I do put LSE's together using stock head bolts it just helps you get a more accurate torque reading and generally prevents you from snapping them so they come with a little packet I save the packets and I just use this cuz it's got a brush way easier the instructions say I've always done head studs and then put the gasket in the head on this the instructions specifically for this say to put the head gasket put the head on which the dowels will align the head and then put the studs in so yeah try it that way why not [Music] all right well it was a bit of a messy process before but I did try to blow out all of these holes to make sure there's no oil in there but clearly we still have some because these will get they'll go in just a little bit and then they'll start to get tight so basically what we're gonna do is pull all the ones that didn't want to go in easy out blow out the the holes try to get that oil out if that's what it is that's stopping them and then try to get them in the rest of the way we got a handful one two three nine of them nine out of 26 so gonna be messy all right whoa with the head on I blew most of them out no problems a lot of them were just hanging up a little bit which is stopping the impact you know cuz I'm just barely squeezing the trigger and then I'd go in with a ratchet and they're just being a little tight spot and then they'd clear up but these three I don't know it's three in a row these three will not go in you get these get start getting down and it's smooth maybe a tiny rough and then it gets to a point where you can tell like you're having to put some real force in to make it happen which is not good so I'm gonna lift the head back up and pull the gasket off and then try to blow those holes out some more and see if that solves the problem alright gonna move you guys out of the way this is a messy process like that where they've just got a hard spot and you kind of get past that hard spot in there quick jeez couple just so what I'm doing is I'm just using that like I said to get past hard spot TV I've virtually no ever it's grabbing this thing twisting it so I may be putting 10 foot pounds on it 5 foot pounds and the what happens is this one it just gets to the same point and it stops yeah I could keep I could definitely force it I could add a lot more and no problem turn it more but it's it's too much resistance it's obviously enough to where this is a problem so I don't know I'm gonna have to probably chase this there is a should see what like figure out what's going on this not only makes sense I build climb from up here I've definitely got whatever was in there cleared out so I'm gonna take another look that was pretty well executed if I do say so myself alright well we got all the studs and we got them all to the bottom everything's good so I went back with this one P beat it and went in so we're good get a skits on it clean the gasket up should be good to go the gasket leaks it's cuz it got oil from taking an iron off six times but clean did the best I could okay now we've got to put our nuts on and torque it down [Music] yeah it was a little tiring by the end there twenty six nuts times four times three passes each alright the head is on and torqued down I got to do one more pass just to make sure they're all work down just to be safe I always go over it one more time just give it a little nudge make sure it's there and yeah then we can install that a little girdle plate injectors feed tubes all that stuff so just taking a breather that was that was definitely tiring I'll be honest all right we're gonna break clean these few tubes out and we are going to bowl them out with some air as well just to be thorough [Music] all right feed tubes are in and towards injectors are in and torqued all that stuff's good to go so the next thing we need to do I'll show you to put this on honestly it just goes in bolts on top but you have to clearance this spot right here with that heads normally the head bolt would sit down low enough to clear there but the head stud does not so cut this whole corner out here and then that way one it can sit flush and seal but to will be able to get the nut off and pull the stud out if we ever need to without taking this off not that it's a big deal to take this off but you know we could pull the head out as a way more complete unit so it's good to it [Music] all right you can see we took that corner off now we're gonna see if it fits do carbide burrs on a die grinder oh my god so amazing they're so useful for so many things they're able to just cleanly clean that corner up see if she fits all right so before we go any further with this stuff I've got something I want to do I want to paint the valve cover and basically the intake cover which is over here I want to paint these both wrinkled grad I was gonna paint the whole engine but it's like you and I'm having to paint all these pulleys and I don't know I feel like a lot of stuff gets painted that shouldn't get painted you know like all this stuff and then all the bolts have paint on them and I'm sure someone could do it in a way that would last but I'm not that person so I feel like if I do it it might look real nice well it probably won't even look real nice from the start and then we'll definitely deteriorate and end up looking like crap so I think as of right now I've decided not to paint it and I am gonna wrinkle read these two so at least we'll have like a nice accent color the valve cover will look nice and yeah I think that's my rough game plan so I need to get these cleaned up get some wrinkle read on them cuz it's gonna take some time to dry so while we're doing everything else that can be drawing let's get to cleaning [Laughter] all right we gotta want that dry for about ten minutes and we'll come back hit it with another coat another coat and then we got a lot to dry for a good bit but while we're waiting on it to dry let me get back to assembling the rest of the engine so I need to get your injector wiring on we need to get this bolted down our valve straining all that good stuff let's get into it all right first gasket now we can install it all right the next thing we need to do to button up essentially the top-end slash rotating assembly is the pushrods valve bridges rocker arm stands and rocker arms so we've got them all organized one through six which is kind of reversed of how we are now but it'll work out just fine Co so I swam them in all right all the rocker arms are in and completely torqued down I need to set the valve lash still but we will also have to reset it so basically with doing the head gasket in the head studs I think specifically the head studs but this might be standard procedure on head bolts as well but basically what you got to do is run the engine with no coolant get the oil temp to 180 shut it off and then re torque the head studs and reset your valve lash once everything is heat cycled so we will have to do that so we're not gonna go too crazy with that right now what we need to do now is replace our manifold and get this whole manifold turbo setup back on the engine so you can see this is the one that came on the truck and it's got this giant crack you could feel tons of exhaust coming out of there so obviously that's no bueno I was gonna go compound turbo which I might down the road but again it goes back to the idea you know that we have with the injectors just get the truck running and driving and then deal with upgrading it and doing all the other stuff later like running and driving is the most important part so luckily there was a viewer who happened to have a third day manifold sitting in his garage and he messaged me and he totally understood like my wife he was like you know I'm sure you're busy you probably won't get this message me again was like hey I live local I'm just gonna have my daughter drop it off I had that message after it had been dropped off and it was sitting in my mailbox with this letter one of the channel hope this helps Doug so huge shout out to Doug for sending like having this manifold dropped off his his daughter wrote a little letter on there like I told him this was weird or something it was really funny but it's super appreciative because I would not have had time to go to account to get it so anyway you got the manifold which again need to swap the turbo on to this manifold with our new gaskets and get it on the engine [Music] all right so I realized I forgot to paint the intake horn and I think it's soothing to paint it wrinkled red as well so I threw a coat of self-etching primer on it and start the Rinka red process luckily we don't need to put this on until we're like the engines in the truck so we're not gonna be waiting on it to dry I'm also on my Miata I put in a new lexan rear window in so my roommate Ben sells me out of parts and he had one of these sitting around and he was nice enough to give it to me to put on my car because mine was really nasty look you can't hardly see through it it needed replacement for a long time so anyway I've been tinkering with that while paint's been drying but our paint is drying a wrinkled red came out really good I'm really really happy with the finished texture on all this stuff so super stoked on how it came out and a little bit of an issue here just to paint wanted to run off but it's good enough for me so anyway got our turbo swapped over to our new manifold I had to go get some washers because this flange is a little thinner then I thought you threw it away but my old turbo manifold flange but everything else is good new gasket now we just need to get this on the engine man folds on I needed to pick up the journey and I got a new gasket for that so I mean you pull this tape off bolt that up and tighten our futile line down and you're done on this side oh man well this is gonna be real time-consuming project that changed the water pump so you know I saved to save the hardest for now I would say that and this thing won't come off or something well we need to clean that surface up what's interesting it's must have been replaced at some point with a janky cheap one so this is why you buy OEM parts ladies and gents look at this one nice cast impeller wheel stamped steel bent one I mean just looking at them I can tell you this one probably flows a lot more this is OEM Cummins this is probably some cheap aftermarket replacement again that's why I buy OEM stuff I can [Music] and I went ahead and lubed up this one oh I didn't pay attention to which way it came off hey Bry only goes on one way it's definitely this way yep I don't look up the torque for this since it's got a rubber o-ring funny when I put together clink my LSE's and stuff for drift cars torque spec what is that I mean I tore your important stuff like head bolts and things like that but all this other stuff you know it's gonna come off before it becomes a problem it's kind of the way I see it you know the drift cars the engines are expendable we're beatin on them we're changing them up every couple years so but something like this I obviously I intend to have this engine in the shop for as long as I can so I want to make sure everything is proper so anyway beautiful new water pumps on that's done now we can move on to the injection system to do that it's on this side we're gonna need to move the engine a little bit so we can get to everything a little more easily oh smart a little wait until after the in so these ECU's mount to the ball they are weatherproof I'm sure they're not waterproof but this thing was covered in mud I was trying to figure out how I was gonna clean it and I ended up washing it in the sink not like soaking it underwater but using a sponge and some water and just scrubbing the crap out of it and then cleaning it off so it's a lot better than it was it was I mean it was literally just all mud you can see some remnants I didn't go too crazy I just it was bad very bad okay so now next orders of business several orders of business we need to get our DCs fuel filter housing delete plate off so this basically is gonna replace our fuel filter housing hold our fuel lines actually goes this way just like that then this one will be our feed which will hook up to the Ford system which we got to get a different worth pump for either way so we got that I've got our sensor adapters so we need to swap in some of our sensors from the Ford these are all of our ford sensors I put them in the bag so when you swap some of those into they'll communicate with the conversion harness we have and that all communicate with the Ford well so the Ford will know what the coolant temp is and all that good stuff quite a little stuff to do we got to trim this ECU bracket get the motor mounts on I want to have a motor completely ready to go in by the end of today so let's get to work that feeling when you think something's drained and clearly is not buying a complete gasket kit is like almost always the way do even if you think you're not gonna use all of them you know missing one of these banjo bolt washers but the gasket kit I got om Cummings gasket kit came with all new ones like for every single banjo bolt you need to find these bolts I need to pull up the short specs for the lines themselves because that's definitely an important torque spec with these crushed gaskets but they didn't replace all of them so I'm happy about that especially the one on the back of the cylinder head that would be a nightmare to change in the truck so why we got that changed we have the ones for this is what we have the ones for everything there's a nice thing about buying a kit like that comes with all of them this I need to plug off we don't worry about dirt getting in there and getting washed and an injector this piece is so nice it's DCs pieces man now looks fancy though I can't wait to get the wrinkle read cover on here that is next [Music] I question whether or not I put this on backwards it is for sure back Chris least I put it on the right way first take a gander and admired for a second it is one thing I like about doing wrinkled red or something like that just an accent color is it such a stark contrast from the wrinkled red to all the old junky stuff anyway yeah that's done everything's torqued all the fuel stuffs done you guys didn't see kind of the earlier videos on this so I'm using DCs these conversion specialists and their SWAT kit and they have this 40-something page color instruction booklet covering everything like motor mounts telling you where to grind the ECU bracket like everything I mean this to me this this says everything about a company in their product the fact that they have this detailed of an instruction guide for you I mean awesome I've never had a swap kit come with this detailed of instruction so anyway I was just looking through it for sensors and stuff and it made me think about it so anyway I'm gonna do the mouth since I'm already open on this page will do the mounts get the ECM bracket on and then we'll move on to the sensors all right now we need to figure out how much of our ECU bracket we need to trim and say almost works really just the end right here [Music] sweet I'm gonna leave this out though this ECU I'm gonna leave it off until we put the engine in because be pretty easy to get to with the cab off and that way we don't smash it on something oh yeah you know what let's be smart about this BB and you be it out probably not gonna work well because these are sealed threads but we're gonna try so we're doing two quantum sensors I'm assuming once the oil temp sensor this three that came off that Ford engine they're all the same the exact same sensor literally it's kind of wild but anyway I'm we it's calls for using to a lot of what this is though is just keeping the factory Ford computer happy with all the information it's gonna want to see that's the difficult thing about these newer vehicles and why using a company for a swap kit is a way to go with stuff like this cuz trying to figure out all this stuff yourself sure maybe you could do it but it's gonna take you a long time so anyway let's try let's try the big boy I'm a little scared to be honest the probably shouldn't use this anyone else OCD about like when you've got a nut in a nut like this drawing the line am i sweet okay got that done are me get the rest of these in and then whatever else is next so we got a new gasket for this we got our little PCV thing needs to go on here try real hard not to get this dirty the problem with wrinkled red is real easy to get it dirty now this feels so nice and you got a big project and you've got all the crap on the workbench and you're finally like clearing the stuff off so satisfying oh oh we're stuck get out there that was not graceful all right new gasket in ends are a little dirty like I said we cannot touch this in the oil with hands all right time to put it on the engine this is gonna be real satisfying a whole body oh she looks like a beaut these are quite oily surprise if I come as gaskets that didn't come with those dang look at that I love it oh it looks so good oh the only downfall is we got to put this cover on it and I guess I don't have to but we really got to put this guy back on there see how much of it it hides oh pretty much the whole thing leave it off for now just to make it a little more exciting I'm hyped man this thing really came together all right looks great so last thing we got to do tomorrow is we got to torque down the adapter plate because I just like random em with the impact drill light because I was planning on taking it off to paint the whole engine but I decided not to paint the whole engine so I wanted to do the wrinkled red accents anyway we got to do the billet flex plate torque that down torque the adapter plate down and just kind of go through check everything make sure we're good to go and then it's time to get the truck and here the Ford get it back in the shop get the cab off and throw this engine in it and I mean you guys know the rest it's just Paul going away at it making our still little stuff here and there and her cool pipes getting our cooling system back in all that stuff so but I mean the engines ready the engine is complete so I guess that's gonna be it for this video many more to come on the foeman's build we do have a compound trip that I'm doing tomorrow so it'll be it'll be compound trip and they'll be right back to the truck I promise I promise I just compound trip has been a plan thing so anyway I'll see you guys for the next one though thanks for watching thanks for subscribing goodbye [Applause]
Channel: Taylor Ray
Views: 180,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cummins build, cummins swap, fastest cummins, cummins whp, cummins 0-60, fummins build, cummins vs powerstroke, cummins vs duramax, big turbo cummins, cummins rebuild, cummins upgrade, dodge build, dodge vs ford, ford vs chevy, compound turbo cummins, common rail cummins, cummins towing, heaviest tow cummins, towing, 6.4 ford problems, best cummins upgrade, westin champlin, auction, auction rebuild, f350 rebuild, f350 auction, auction buy, auction scam, compund cummins
Id: J9M177nYUyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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