Cummins are the worst trucks. Laughing at cummins owners for 20 minutes.

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Seems like he needs to get far away from small towns where he is the only thing remotely interesting. Shit sounds dangerous and stressful.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Angry_Midget_Tamer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Guys losing his fucking mind if you ask me.. Shits getting to his head.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RoadWarrior86 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Felt bad for the dude, because people suck.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CombatDeffective ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
um [Music] uh [Music] all right hello everyone i wanted to give you a like a briefing i figured it'd be a good idea since everyone's like freaking out wondering where i've been or why i haven't uploaded in like six weeks and why my instagram has gone um so i'm i'm filming this like right now as the video is about to be uploaded so be like current um but yeah i've been filming pretty much every day so like i've been still doing youtube stuff i just haven't had time to upload it really because i had no internet for the last 10 or 12 months and i'm not exaggerating like i got wi-fi like six days ago finally so everything else was uploaded like on the road or at like a restaurant in town or something and there's no phone signal in the entire horrible state of tennessee um no phones like in i'm live in town pretty much and there's no phone signal so like um i've moved three times in the last year and every time that was because people just couldn't really like uh let me live like a normal human like you know just there's some some parts of being a person where it's nice and not be stalked and followed um so it'd be like just going out to dinner um i like i see when your phone when you're like doing this and it's it's so awkward like people take pictures of me i hear their phone blow up they'll follow me into the bathroom like i can tell right away when someone recognizes me and like it just a high would would be enough but it's like no i get followed into the bathroom pictures like taken on me while i'm eating and stuff and it's just like makes it really awkward um like personally i refrain from like parking outside of someone's house for five hours and videotaping and taking pictures or like filming them going to the bathroom or like following them for miles on the road and then blocking them into someone's driveway when they go to turn around and then ask him if my son can have a picture because he's really young and he's a huge fan so i blocked them i blocked them in him while he's driving his car because i recognized it was him i blocked him in and i told him look if you don't take a picture with my son i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot you and so he had no choice but to take a picture with me he was so funny he looked so mad and irritated it's like dude chill my son just wanted a picture with you no sorry but that has happened along with a lot of other stuff so it's not it's just like i just act normal guys like like i'm not i'm not i'm a another person like you so anyways i moved again so now no one really gets to know anything about my personal life i guess um like i have to hide my cars that's why i took down all my posts on instagram because like i it's just getting a little excessive like tennessee is probably the wrong state to move for what i do so i don't know whether to switch what i do or where i live but um yeah so i guess like like i i got some new vehicles and stuff but i can't even post them because people will recognize like where they're parked and where i live so that's out um yeah anyways i've been filming every day and i haven't had time to edit it just because i've been busy like moving and stuff so um yeah so it takes about 16 to 20 hours per video and i edit them like myself still because i don't it's like letting someone else hold my baby you know like i don't want to mess it up so um just got this video done it's not like it's it's current but it's not like the newest one like there's a lot more so i just want to do in chronological order so you guys are seeing this first but there's like a lot more so um this one is basically i didn't realize how much ranting i did on this truck but it doesn't exist at the time of filming this so that's a positive um but that will be next i guess because there was so much ranting i just put all in one so um anyways thanks for watching and uh thanks for thanks for waiting and i hope you enjoy the video hello friends welcome back to the channel [Music] i'm really excited because um [Music] i'm not scared to drive [Music] [Music] anyway [Applause] [Music] wow wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude it looks like two tiny trees those trees are like this big around like three inches in diameter this thing is totaled i wonder if you can hear this this is like the loudest qriket ever i find it funny how when i turn my left turn signal on my right turn signal turns on i love taco bell for two reasons number one number twelve [ย __ย ] number one the beans the beans are my favorite part of taco bell the delicious authentic genuine refried beans but number two i love taco bell for their drive-throughs because there's no better thing i enjoy nothing more than going to taco bell after a long day at work and struggling to wedge my two-door sedan in between their drive-through [Music] 130 of this regular soft tacos that's 200 18.82 [Music] would you guys like a taco your kids are hungry nothing all right [Music] [Music] we should do a palm out from the camera that's what all the other youtubers do can they hear me they shouldn't be able to hear me do like a palm out from the lens yeah like it'd be pretty cool a little thing like all the other youtubers do hey guys welcome back to the channel i'm glad you all subscribed and i can't wait to have another day of fun good uh fun so um i bought a third gen um and now you may be wondering what um what happened with my dog the other day so i just wanted to um anyways we decided to paint the garden shed blue we decided to get some more cows and we painted the garden we're here for the truck i was telling them about my garden shed because we were giving them updates part of the weekly 36 part garden shed series well we're still here for the truck listen the point of the video is 30 seconds of what we titled it you have to realize and then the last nine and a half minutes is filler because i don't actually want to do nine minutes of video so it's just 30 seconds of the truck okay nobody wants to hear about your [ย __ย ] that's not the point the point is that we exploit people's time for views hello friends and welcome to another episode the next episode of trucks that people think are extremely nice but are actually clapped out so about a month ago i made a post i said look i'm looking for i needed like 15 i need like one or two trucks i said look i'm looking for like a compound anyways i said i'm looking for a compound turbo cummins must be 2006 or seven those are really simple instructions like straightforward to the point i needed like had to have three qualifications i said must be four-wheel drive okay so um of course i said i'm looking for that exact thing if you send me anything else i will block you i will go to your house and i'm gonna take your mom out to dinner and she ain't coming back so what did i have i had about um a hundred thousand seventeen-year-olds send me their f-150 we'll get into that later no i think we'll mention it now if you're not look look if [Music] you make it really hard to enjoy time with you my my fans like you guys make this it's specific instructions if i say i'm looking for a white vehicle don't send me the pride truck like i need something specific like it's so simple like you don't you guys don't realize i get a hundred thousand dms i have to sort through all those how much you wanting this was my first mistake this is where it all went wrong 38k i said any issues at all even small i just needed to hold up good he said it just needs re-tuned it has too much fuel did you did have you found any issues other than just too much fuel uh a few there's probably like one or two small issues that you know 2 000 maybe really yeah one small issue would be that when i turn my left turn signal on the right turn signal turns on now i don't really give a crap about that but that just kind of showcases what the whole truck is like there's no visors it's like they're just ripped off he has this starlit headliner where'd the remote for that thing go what's in there i don't i'm not sure why my 6-0 has this too like i'm not sure what goes through people's head when they put people put like a 2 000 starlet headliner in their clapped out 20 year old truck rolls royce is gonna abandon that idea um because everyone in their clap box ruined it for everyone like it makes the truck look worse that was one when i ask you if your truck has zero issues please be honest with me when i ask about zero issues like oh the headlights don't didn't work the first night like driving at home the headlights didn't work this is a uh a thousand horsepower cummins and that's mostly due to this simple compound turbo kit they installed now what we have here is um the original turbo on this truck is something like uh what are they like a 58 millimeter original turbo that goes on this truck that performs great lights up gives you good quick power um easily drivability um performance success um now what we have here is um a zip tied air intake yeah well what we have here is a simple um 190 millimeter turbo over a 90 millimeter turbo that sounds all fine and dandy until you realize that when you put your foot to the floor absolutely nothing happens for like five minutes it's leaking it's leaking uh there's exhaust all over this definitely not a good idea to compound turbo your cummins if you plan on ever using it as a normal truck like towing don't compound your truck unless you have it done like very properly sized turbos don't don't go put this crap on your daily driver like this truck is almost unusable it'll barely drive up a hill without being in four level every cummins owner will put compounds on their truck and then it's like i don't i don't know what they think of it in real life and in reality but they'll post on instagram and they'll be like i got 1100 hours coming everything has a thousand horsepower club hashtag now like a thousand horsepower club let's just say that a thousand horsepower uh supercar and a thousand horsepower cummins are there's like a small difference there and in the main one is that the cummins still can't go over 60 miles an hour i paid 38 000 for this truck this truck is worth like 20 some 24 maybe and i paid 38. now i get it you might have had you could put a hundred thousand into this truck and it's still worth 24 000 okay like if i if you put five hundred thousand dollars into a honda civic it's still worth five thousand dollars okay we drove nine hours to his place and when we got there we test drove it and i'm like you got me yeah you got me he wanted to like take the train horns off and i was like dude you're charging 38 grand for this and you're taking parts off it before you buy it um he asked for a shout out i was like i don't know if you want a shout out i think we do hear not we still hear or not yeah we got there we heard that there is a knot i thought for sure was about squeaking we got back and we're like yeah it's knocking anyways did i did i get ripped off um yeah yes i'm like the sixth owner that's that's got to be almost comparable to rebuilt title um because if you're the sixth owner it's like every other owner didn't want it the the reason for selling this is down the line the reason he said was because the kid was scared to drive it he got scared the the builder of this truck that built it took the kid on a drive after they got done and they said he was scared to drive it he was scared because it was so powerful because someone was offering 38. he was probably scared but just in a different way he was scared in a different way yeah i think so too i think the new owner was scared of driving it as well but in a different a different kind of scared like like it might blow up on me and i might be out 30 grand scared please i'm begging you and i'm gonna find you out because i'm every time that this happens we're gonna make a bigger deal out of it the second gen i think was a bigger deal because i had a rebuilt title and they didn't tell me um if i ask you if your truck has any if i ask you if your truck has any problems at all small baby tiny infant problems this tiniest problem i don't care if it has a scratch on the carpet of your floor tell me let me know if i ask you straight up tell me don't give me the whole um oh yeah no it's just it's just like it has a wobble at like 40. the builder of every clapped-out cummins seems to love wiring i don't know what that was hooked up to i don't know what what is this that's for the amp steps like okay i get it like there's not a good spot to put that but like i mean just all this like what is this what is this what does that go to the headlights no maybe yeah it does at least i can feel good about myself that another person another poor guy won't get this truck that needed a nice truck and break down have it blow up on him five miles away the only other person no one else is going to have this truck and i know that other than the youtuber that will inevitably buy it after i'm done and start a channel and title every video whistling diesel's truck people are always like are you going to destroy this one i'm like you know i don't know yet because if it's a p if if it's a decent truck no i cause i'm still looking the only reason my 450 hasn't been destroyed is because it's held up and it's a decent truck like i didn't have problems with it it's not clapped out they didn't screw me over on it um if you screw me over on a vehicle well screwing over is a different level if it's clapped out and it falls apart yeah it's getting destroyed i don't want to daily that i'm not going to sell it to someone and screw them over so yeah it's getting destroyed um i don't know what was going on here because this truck isn't like powder coated or anything like it doesn't have like a powder powder-coated frame or anything or like some crazy suspension as like a six-inch lift and some wheels that were just now put on it i don't know if they thought they were building like a miniature sema truck or something um i don't i i don't think they were sponsored by all of these not sure what five star creations is but this is i give it three stars i think smg might be the only legitimate sponsor of this truck considering how clapped it is since everyone wants to go to sema everyone in the world is like sema i want to go to sema i got a spot in sema let me how do i make this clear going to sema is not like it's like the guy at the party that's like no one knows i went to sema this year no one cares you went to some show where people with million dollar cars like like gen like fastback mustangs that are like one of a million with like a uh freaking 1500 horse motor that was built in their garage on their own like a one of one thing that's what sema is for sema is not for your clapped out third gen with an smg sticker and a six inch lift up just like every thousand horsepower cummins we have water meth injection um which will never get used the front wheels are already cambered you can see and this is a straight axle okay it's a straight axle and it's already bent there's no spacers on it okay oh she's getting old oh she is [Music] this lady this lady just rolled down her window was like she's so mad cause we wrote coal on her on accident if she brake checks on oh you want to do that [Music] oh my god you want more you want something you want something i'll give you a little bit i want it i gotta exit [Music] yeah cut that out like yeah no literally no one knows you could be blind and deaf and still passionate you know i can tell i just i literally just turn on red lights because no one goes on the ground lights if you're not gonna use the green lights just don't use the red lights either [Music] do you ever accidentally pull out in front of like 18 wheelers and don't even like look which way before you pull out no not really no i i think second gens are the best trucks ever made i've only ever had a second gen or a third gen but they're the best trucks ever made like no other truck will beat it i've never driven another one but like i just know there's no way nothing could anything could beat this i don't even have to turn my wheel that much to go straight there's not even that much play in the wheel when i have to just drive it like normal like i don't even have to like touch the steering wheel to drive it straight [Music] you want a taco [Music] you
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 5,188,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cummins, diesel, whistlindiesel, offroad, truck
Id: X3s-lIyhc8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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