Cultivating a culture of inclusion

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when you look at me some people say oh you might be from Asia but when you listen to me I sound like I'm from North America we have to come out all the time you're always in a situation where someone has made an assumption then you feel like actually you need to set the record straight there was this one colleague that kept referring your wife I said I hope no it's my boyfriend from face value we can look quite similar because I'm as fast and they'll just presume that on fasting - I'm bisexual people would tend to ask me whether I see a boy and a girl at the same time I've worked for the bank for 40 years this August probably perceived as a little bit of a dinosaur maybe not seen for all the knowledge that I've kind of got and the experience that I can offer those are the kind of shortcuts that people take to try to put you in a box and say I've got your profile now I've got you figured out the advice I've got for anybody in getting to know somebody that is different to them is to be open perhaps think about questions that you can ask that get to know the person you can't define me because of my religion my religion is my personal belief but Who I am is something so different to that talk about yourself first if you want to gain someone's trust you need to give a bit of yourself body language is one of the biggest things that comes across and people are asking you questions body language tells a lot the truth yes movie another thing is the way you ask the question as well so if you're quite abrupt in asking oh where are you from or what is your background it might take me aback a lot of time people have done that to remember asked us where we're from and then left out that as if what we've said is wrong it's not only about learning something new it's going with the mindset that ok I'm willing to let go of my biases and willing to learn other word up someone come to me and talk to me and ask me things opposed to having your preconceived ideas in your mind there isn't just black and white anymore there isn't just male or female there are other ways of living there are other cultures out there and keeping an open mind and be much more informed about that is a good starting point not being afraid of making mistakes is also really important I've been in situations where I have mixed up somebody's gender that's a bit of a challenging situation and you have to kind of correct yourself or allow yourself to be corrected no question is a dumb question because if you jump if you don't know you don't know as long as the intention is good yes as long as you're genuine and respectful you just ask respectfully just ask the question answer them the next generation coming up actually is even more open and even more fluid and therefore we have to not hide behind the excuse of it's something that I don't understand it's something I'm I'm not part of it's a social responsibility to be sensitive and to be considerate to people who are different from you the energy and effort to get to know someone is worth it because there could be something exciting at the end of it that that you could learn from and that you didn't know before that's how you move forward [Music]
Channel: Life at HSBC
Views: 24,699
Rating: 4.6601305 out of 5
Keywords: inclusion, diversity, hsbc now, work culture, respect, culture, hsbc, colleagues
Id: oSO3F9z23vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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