CUET 2024 Psychology | Top 200 Questions of Psychology for CUET 2024 | CUET Psychology Domain

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[Music] hi everyone so a very good afternoon to all of you so I'm back again over here with top 200 questions yeah most expected 200 questions we have been together in this journey from a long so now top 200 questions but then you know the intensity or the importance of those earlier questions also question okay so it's a mixed bag okay questions important so hence those questions are very very important we need to do we need to do those questions so yes good good afternoon beta good afternoon faloni good afternoon Naman Saia everybody good afternoon so yes again a reminder if you have done these questions earlier do it again because this is why and this is why important questions okay so yeah yes so this is one session for top 200 questions or 50 questions like paper probably discuss okay so yes I know you were waiting for me thank you so much so yeah let us begin with it first Naman let us start with the hi rosi good evening good afternoon uh P let us start with this particular question sorry this particular session so just a minute till then uh let me just uh let let me just tell you wait huh so good good afternoon good afternoon again everybody let me just tell you question okay hello J hello everybody good afternoon or I want all of you to write in your chat boxes let us begin P question Ravi understands people's emotions very well and is also aspiring to help Humanity he's more likely to succeed as what very easy he's more likely to succeed as easy he's definitely more likely to succeed as a psychologist the option number a now in the context of Freud's theory the unconscious is not directly accessible but influences the behavior okay which method did Sigman Freud not use to explore the unconscious to by free association Sig Sigman Freud analytic therapy okay dream analysis direct interrogation include right hence it is direct interrogation okay this disorder is characterized by significant distress or impairment related to a perceived defect or flaw in physical appearance which is not observable or appears slight to others significant distress and impairment significant distress or impairment yes impairment loss of a body part loss of a body part loss of the body part distress stress okay or loss of the body part this is the conversion disorder bet this is not body dysmorphic this is conversion disorder okay now why might individuals exert less effort when working in a group compared to working alone in the context of social loing they feel their individual effort is less identifiable they believe group task are less important than individual Tas ask they are less motivated by group goals they prefer to work in a more competitive environment to you can definitely tell me and I will and I will allow that okay definitely options right so yes they individual effort is less identifiable insan uh you know L moou okay definitely identifi but correct answer a how does the Indian cultural perspective on self differ from that from the Western perspective so the Indian perspective emphasizes individualism over collectivism name the Western perspective emphasizes fix boundaries between self and others the Indian perspective values Detachment and disengagement from social relationship n the Western View prior prioritize relational bonds of personal achievements no the option correct option is B okay now in the context of schizophrenia auditory hallucinations are more common okay what does this symptom entail okay auditory hallucinations hello kushy hi hi good good afternoon everyone auditory seeing things that are not present believing in false personal narratives hearing voices or sounds that are not actually present you're feeling Sensations on the skin without a physical cause to schizophrenia or audit hallucinations hearing voices or sounds that are not actually present simple always remember the movie auditory hallucination the movie and right that's hallucinations for you which of the following best represents which of the following just a minute yeah which of the following best represents the concept of selfefficacy okay the belief that one's personality traits are fixed and unchangeable the confidence in one's ability to organize and execute actions required to manage the prospective situation the extent okay the extent to which an individual values themselves in a social context yeah the ability to control one's emotional states and impulses yes shrishti because these are the most important ones that's why okay hence you have to do it again right so the correct option is B now what is the role of norms within a group context what is the role of norms within the group context to individualize members Behavior to regulate and standardize the behavior of members to create a hierarchy within the group yeah to encourage competition among the members the Norms group context yes why do you have Norms in the group context just a minute yes what do you all think yes to regulate and standardize the behavior of the members okay if an individual has a strong sense of their personal and social identities with psychological construct does this primarily relate to if an individual has a strong sense of personal and social identities psychological construct personal Identity or social identity strong can anybody tell me yes very very strong sense of personal and social identity okay self concept is it self concept everyone yes okay okay considering the stages of group formation what is the storming stage characterized by storming of course conflict storming so we all understand conflict among the members regarding the group's Direction and Leadership okay that is what storming is Right CH when assessing the dynamic of a group based on tuckman's stages of for group formation which stage directly follows the initial forming stage where members are excited but apprehensive forming stage yes What stage comes after forming very easy forming right forming storming norming performing a joury right this is these are the five stages which category of psychological disorders is characterized by the experience of intense Terror often described as panic attacks intense Terror often described as panic attacks so definitely intense Terror to anxiety disorders because panic is also a part of anxiety okay and suddenly you know you all become panicky group polarization tends to occur because why individual seeks seek to align with less popular opinion within a group group discussion strengthens the group's initial dominant position groups naturally prefer conservative decisions over extreme months uh individuals in a group are less likely to express their personal opinions so group polarization OCC when does group polarization occur yes anybody where individual seek to align with the less popular opinion within the group group discussion strengthens the group POS initial position initial dominant position naturally prefer conservative decisions yeah individuals a group may like you know they are less likely to Express their opinions it is B okay considering the five Factor model of Personality which trait would likely describe a person who is inventive curious appreciates art and Adventure inventive curious appreciate art and Adventure Sub sub ocean model ocean model modelan model was given by Paul Costa and mcra okay ocean model is given by Paul Costa and McCrae to inventive curious he appreciates and everything okay Saia I'll do something don't worry you are going to it's divided into four parts I'll do something don't worry okay yes which of the following best describes the diis stress model in the context of Bio psychological dism so sorry I spoke biological it's psychological so a model that attributes psychological disorders solely to genetic predisposition a model that suggests uh disorders are caused by current environmental stresses alone uh a model proposing that disorders develop from the interaction between a predisposition and the environmental stressors and a model focusing on the resolution of intas psychic conflicts as the cause of disorders so I believe it is C okay the correct option is C okay assertion regular practice of meditation can significantly reduce the physiological and psychological symptoms of stress huh say Okay shishi there will be 200 questions don't worry okay 200 questions in this session plus session 50 questions okay you will have a a bank of 250 good questions don't worry okay you'll be fine yeah so the only thing is session we do not miss you be you be in this whole session and don't miss the 215 session also so yes regular practice of meditation can significantly reduce assertion is Right reason meditation focuses on enhancing concentration um and promoting a state of calm which can lower the blood pressure reduce the anxiety and improve overall well-being this is a okay this is a now statement one attitudes can be formed and changed through direct personal experiences which sometimes have a profound impact on individuals perspective towards life and Society okay cognitive dissonance theory suggests that when two cognitions or attitudes are in Conflict one will change to make them consistent thereby reducing discomfort the two-step concept of Attitude Change emphasizes the role of identification with the source before an individual can change their attitude and behavior to mimic that of the source what about this statement say or can anybody tell me yes Saia don't worry can anybody tell me this yes attitudes can be formed and changed through direct personal experiences which sometimes have a profound impact on an individual's perspective towards life in society statement I nitive dissonance suggests that uh when two cognitions and attitudes are in Conflict one can change two is correct of course but but I believe okay you say d is correct all are correct okay the those step two step con those step concept attitude it emphasizes the role of identification with the source before an individual can change their attitude and behavior to make that of the source okay see understand that the correct is that everything is correct okay now personality traits are completely stable over time and do not change in response to different life experiences personality traits are completely stable over time and it do not change in response to different life experiences okay assertion right reason personality traits are developed early in life based solely on genetic factors and remain unchanged throughout an individual's lifetime what it could be yes what do you think okay personality traits are completely stable and it do not change in response no it does change in response to different life experiences okay assertion reason remain unchanged throughout and no absolutely not the option is D okay statement one hardiness characterized by commitment control and challenge is a trait of stress resistant personalities enabling individuals to cope effectively with stress huh life skills including assertiveness and time management cannot be learned or improved upon and are innate abilities that some individual possess no it can be learned rational thinking involves challenging distorted thinking and irrational beliefs thereby contributing to stress reduction and improved well-being though statement one and statement three are correct okay CH assertion implementing comprehensive multisectoral strategies including early identification and Community Support significantly reduces the incidence of suicide to H early ident ification assertion is Right suicides are mainly a result of individual weakness and poor decision making skills indicating a lack of personal resilience no so the assertion is true but the reason is false okay now after this bipolar one disorder is characterized by episodes of mania and depression with possible periods of normal mood between these episodes Okay so suicidal Behavior often reflects difficulties in problem solving an emotional expression with suicide being influenced by a complex interplay of various factors huh statement two is correct statement three life skills such as assertiveness and time management can significantly improve an individual's ability to cope up with everyday's demands uh and challenges enhancing stress resistance to Beta three be say bipolar one is characterized by episodes of mania and depression with possible periods of normal mood between these three between these episodes Now understand one thingal but then the statements are true okay the statements are all true now okay so we have to match the following okay so uh match the let us let us all match the following uh dissociative Amnesia dissociative identity disorder depersonalization and major depressive disorder okay so let us see dissociative Amnesia dissociative Amnesia is inability to recall important factors so so dissociative identity um okay having at least two distinct and relative relatively enduring personality States okay depersonalization is feeling disconnected and detached from one's self to b or major depressive is a so c d b and a I believe this is right c d b and a that was c d b and a uh just a minute huh c d b and a am I right yes CH so um mmpi epq 16pf and social desirability uh mmpi uh may we all know that um you know y it assesses the varieties of Psychopathology so yeah epq is B only this is absolutely this and social desirability is this so a b c and d a okay Cho uh let us read it trauma and stressor Related Disorders including including PTSD uh arise in individuals who have experienced significant stress or trauma such as natural disasters terrorist attack serious accidents or Warfare symptoms of PTSD are diverse encompassing recurrent nightmares flashbacks of the traumatic event difficulty concentrating and a sense of emotional numbness similarly adjustment disorders and acute stress disorders um fall under this category characterize by difficulty in coping with stress leading to a significant impairment in Social occupation and other important areas of functioning somatic symptom and Related Disorders represent a group of conditions wherein individual experience individuals experience physical symptoms without a corresponding physical illness these disorder High these disorders highlight the intricate relationship between the mind and the body where psychological distress manifest through physical complaints somatic symptom disorder is characterized by persistent concern over physical symptoms causing significant anxiety and disruption in daily life individuals with this disorder often engage in excessive health related behaviors or exhibit a disproportionate level of stress about their health concerns illness anxiety disorder previously known as hypochondriasis involves an overwhelming fear of having a serious illness despite medical reassurance to the contrary individuals with this disorder are preoccupied with the idea that they are sick or becoming sick or might become sick and often misinterpret normal bodily functions as signs of serious illness conversion disorder presence with uh symptoms affecting motor or sensory function such as paralysis or blindness that are inconsistent with medical or neurological conditions often emerging suddenly after stressful events these disorders underscore the complex interplay between psychological factors and physical health emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment what is the common symptom of individuals experiencing significant stress or trauma what's the common symptom increased concentration recurrent nightmares decreased emotional response improved social interactions that is recurrent nightmares which disorder is characterized by persistent concern over physical symptoms without a corresponding physical illness somatic symptom uh how does illness anxiety disorder primarily differ from conversion disorder okay so uh illness anxiety disorder illness anxiety involves a fear of being sick whereas conversion disorder uh involves physical symptoms without medical explanation illness anxiety disorder relates results in physical paralysis whereas conversion disorder leads to excessive health related behaviors both disorders are present with severe physical symptoms no both disorders are characterized by lack of psychological symptoms so beta disorder definitely fear of being sick whereas conversion disorder involves loss of a body part or something something like this but still hence I'll mark a in this okay what is a common trigger for symptoms in conversion disorder physical illness genetic predisposition excessive exercise stressful events stressful events in a scenario where a person frequently visit doctors due to fear of serious illness despite normal test results which disorder might be demonstrated they frequently visits the doctor fear serious illness by fear serious ill illness anxiety disorder okay now let us match match it again okay um ADHD so ADHD is uh yes a autism spectrum B intellectual difficulty or disability C and sld is D to very simple it is a b c and d option number D okay minimizing opportunities for learning prejudices can be achieved through encouraging Intergroup conflicts n promoting diversity and inclusion programs reinforcing stereotypes limiting education and information dissemination to Prejudice promote diversity and inclusion programs increasing Intergroup contact is effective when groups meet in a competitive context there is a lack of trust between the groupsgroup contact increase okay close interactions allow for better understanding groups have equal power and Status though when will you increase the Intergroup contact J groups basically close interactions okay and better understanding okay just a minute what is the problem over here wait yeah yeah what about the 31st yeah highlighting individual identity over group identity weakens the importance of what individual identity okay cognitive therapies including R by Albert Ellis and the approach developed by Aon Beck focuses on identifying and altering irrational thoughts and beliefs uh that lead to psychological distress are employs the ABC analysis to pinpoint the irrational beliefs and often characterized by rigid musts and shoulds leading to negative emotions and behaviors these beliefs lacking empirical support to negative emotions and behaviors okay are gently challenged through non-directive questioning by the therapist facilitating a shift towards a rational belief system and reducing distress similarly be cognitive therapy traces psychological distress uh such as anxiety or depression to core schemas form from childhood experiences these schemas when activated by specific incidents generate negative automatic Thoughts with cognitive distortions leading to erous uh erous perceptions of social reality through gentle questioning the therapist helps the client recognize and alter these dysfunctional cognitive structures aiming for cognitive restructuring to alleviate anxiety and depression CBT combining cognitive and behavioral techniques addresses psychological disorders through a bioc psychosocial approach it considers biological psychological and social factors contributing to a client's distress techniques include relaxation and proed relaxation procedures behavior therapy cognitive restructuring and environmental manipulations making CBT a comprehensive effective and a versatile treatment modality for a wide range of psychological issues what does the B stand in the ABC model used in rational emotive therapy let us go back to B antic belief and consequence remember that okay you will get passages like this so This Is Right how does Beck's cognitive therapy primarily differ from um re okay to Beck key cognitive therapy combining cognitive yeah okay how does Aon Beck's cognitive therapy uh differs from the rational emotive therapy who can tell me what's the issue with the screen beta I don't know it is out of range okay is it fine now can you all see this just just just give me okay you're not able to see the screen okay wait wait take give me give me a minute just just give me a minute okay just give me a minute just give me a minute don't let think okay H okay I think right can you see it now it's fine take let us go on to yeah which of the following is a technique commonly used in cognitive behavior therapy so yes in cognitive behavior therapy we use the relaxation procedures okay cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective for treating only anxiety only depression both anxiety and depression both the anxiety and the depression okay according to Aon Beck's cognitive therapy psychological distress primary arise due to what negative automatic thoughts unresolved childhood conflicts biological predisposition yeah social isolation so yes okay question number 38 what does the term self-actualization refer in the to in the context of humanistic existential therapies the process of adapting to societal Norms the innate drive towards personal growth and and fulfillment the development of psychopathological symptoms are the ability to perform in academic professional settings it is B okay which therapy creates a non-judgmental and accepting atmosphere to help client free freely express emotions and achieve the integration party nonjudgmental approach s just a minute you say 38 is C self-actualization is C no uh self actualization is always be better inate drive yeah come on to this which therapy creates a non-judgmental and accepting atmosphere to help clients freely Express okay wherein they can freely Express their emotions and achieve the integration k CBT humanistic existential this is humanistic existential okay which of the following is not a direct consequence of heroin overdose slowed respiratory function uh enhance sensory perception sensory perception enh okay which effect of cocaine use okay uh which effect of cocaine used on psychological functioning is considered unique weak compared to the impacts of alcohol and heroin induction of depressive States during withdrawal this is the effect of cocaine okay short-term memory and attention impairment tolerance and development uh dependence development social and occupational functioning deterioration effect of cocaine use on psychological functioning shortterm memory attention impairment okay social and occupational functioning deterioration Al okay attention impairment and shortterm memory yes it happens in cocaine generally everything whatever substance you use it h all of these happens in everything okay now in Client Center therapy the therapist roles is role is primarily to do what okay provide unconditional positive regard and empathy interpret the clients unconscious motives direct the client towards specific behavioral change or challenge the client's irrational beliefs client centered therapy unconditional positive regard and empathy okay maintaining confidentiality in Psychotherapy ensures therapist can disclose information no client feel confidentiality is wherein the client feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings without the fear of exposure option number B the main goal of logotherapy is to resolve the unconscious conflicts from childhood help clients Find meaning and responsibility in their life eliminate or reduce the symptoms of mental disorders change the Mal maladaptive Behavior patterns through reinforcement meaning and responsibility in their life which of the following is a benefit of practicing yoga as an alternative therapy immediate cure for chronic diseases enhancement of well-being mood and stress tolerance um okay replacement for con conventional Medical Treatments development of supernatural abilities no it is enhancement of well-being what is the primary aim of Rehabilitation for patients with severe mental disorders to ensure patients are permanently cured of their disorders uh Rehabilitation to enable patients to become self-sufficient and productive members of the society and that is what Rehabilitation means okay existential therapy psychological distress is primarily du due to behavioral reinforcement no unconscious conflicts between desires and soci societal norms and inability to find meaning and confront existential anxieties cognitive inability to find meaning in their lives simple inability to find meaning in their lives what contributes to the cycle of addiction and increased alcohol consumption improved social behavior does no decreased tolerance requiring lesser amounts to feel the effects absolutely not withdrawal responses encouraging contined drinking enhance physical stress withraw withraw experience okay how does client centered therapy primarily differ from gal therapy uh client centered therapy focuses on the client's current feelings and thoughts while Galt emphasizes the IC self and awareness in the present moment okay and yes this is the correct answer okay Galt is the whole okay so absolutely right the last one in this is um primary psychosocial consequence of substance abuse immediate Improvement no temporary enhancement not at all long-term career advancement not at all deterioration of social relation ships huh absolutely right okay so this is the first 50 now the next 50 comes up for you let me have the part okay CH yeah so okay CH name the psychologist who proposed the past model of intelligence who proposed the past model of intelligence Jack JP Das okay just a minute h JP Das Jack nag and Kirby okay Dash is an individual's preference for engaging in one or more specific activities related to relative to others preference okay now JP Guilford Robert stanberg Howard Gardner Arthur Jensen Kirby JP Gilford what did JP Gilford give Robert St star okay Howard he gave the multiple intelligences JP Das nagari and Kirby gave the past model now who gave the structure of intellect model yes JP Guilford gave what bet JP Gilford did JP Gilford gave the hierarchical model of intelligence or the structure structure of intellect model yes structure of intellect model your hierarchical model very good very good absolutely right so this is the correct uh you know this thing okay absolutely uh structure of intellect model uh what should you what should I say structure of intellect model cells cells 180 okay learning to delay or defer the gratification of needs is called Dash and it plays a major role in the Fulfillment of what so learning to delay or defer the gratification of needs is known as self control okay and dash it plays like fulfillment of long-term goals Okay so so self control example self control example is Rosa when you fast and all okay now the dash are fat soft and round and by temperament they are very relaxed and very very sociable so endomorphs these are fat raw soft run round Dash are highly generalized dispositions they indicate the goal around which a person's entire life seems to revolve so these are known as the Cardinal traits okay book example Mother Teresa okay um Gandhi and all such things okay so yes the dash and dash have examined all possible personality traits the findings indicate create a set of five factors they're often called as the big five factors Paul Costa and Robert McRae okay Paul Costa and Robert M ocean model right o for openness to experience I'll just write it very fast C for Consciousness C for Consciousness spelling don't don't blame me yeah extra version e for extra version a for agreeableness and N for neuroticism okay Paul Costa and Robert mcra Dash may occur between two or more incompatible needs or motives whether to study or to dance like whether to study dance or psychology okay what what is this is is it a conflict or is it an internal pressure you are now let us see it again the match the following H H gave the G model Holmes and Rah gave the presumptive stress event life event scale Lazarus and endler and what did Lazarus give what was given by Lazarus primary appraisal Lazarus orler or parker yes H GS holes and r presumptive stress life stressful life events now what did Lazarus give very good very good he gave the primary appraisal and they gave the coping good Dash focuses on the links between mind brain and immune system psychon neuroimmunology the dash period was marked by increased humanism and curiosity about Behavior which period was marked about marked by the Curiosity about the behavior yes perod was it the Middle Ages or was it the Renaissance these were the Middle Ages curiosity don't you think it is Middle Ages or um just a minute just a minute about the behavior yes okay let us you know we'll leave uh the not not leave but we'll put it at as it is by the time please look in look into your ncrt and tell me okay CH when an electrical impulse reaches a neuron's ending the nerve ending is stimulated to release a chem chemical and that chemical is known as the neurotransmitter beta renaiss chapter that's the fourth chapter okay okay an now fine is it reniss okay now yeah Dash is characterized by extensive but selective memory laws that has no cause no organic cause dissociative Amnesia selective memory law okay Dash is the procedure where in the client learns to behave in a certain way by observing the behavior of a role model or the therapist who initially acts as the role model that is modeling okay okay okay the dash of an attitude indicates how positive or negative an attitude is taking the nuclear research example given in your book the rating of one is as Extreme as the rating of five what is this yes what is this the dash of an attitude indicates how positive or negative is an attitude yes what of an attitude extremeness veence multiplexity very good sometimes people may continue to hold stereotypes because they think that after all there must be some truth in dash what everyone says about the other group and that is the kernel of Truth concept is Kernel of Truth concept B the autokinetic effect was conducted by yes the autokinetic effect was conducted by whom who conducted the autokinetic effect can anybody tell me Sheriff absolutely right Sheriff in this technique the last date is announced until which the particular product or an offer will be available the aim is to make people hurry and make the purchase before they miss the rare opportunity what is this okay answer is deadline technique chapter chapter like chapter question number question sorry colel of Truth this is chapter number six attitude attitude okay yeah up deadline technique the buil-in environment usually involves the concept of what the buil-in environment built-in environment concept concept buin environment can anybody tell me is it on the spiritualistic concept your minimalistic your environmental concept yes but the buil-in environment is BAS basically you know on what concept yeah which design very good it is the Environmental design okay now uh the knowledge of Dash standards and guidelines knowledge of statuses rules regulations and case laws relevant to the practice of psychology the knowledge of the ethical codes and standards and everything stressed individuals may be more likely to expose themselves to pathogens which are the disease causing agents okay yeah yes Rishi lag 10 12 seconds YouTube okay huh in dash the therapist points out the client and Das Dash aspect of their psyche that must be faced by the client so it is confrontation okay the name itself suggests confront Kaa confrontation in dash the therapist points out to the client an aspect of that their psyche that must be phased yes is the confrontation the same question in the process of R the irrational beliefs are refuted by the therapist to the uh you know through a process of nondirective questioning in the client is taught to contact contract the individual muscle groups in order to give the awareness of tenseness or muscular tension that is Progressive muscular relaxation a full-blown Dash is helpful in making the therapist aware of the nature of intra psychic conflict suffer by the client so fullblown transference Neurosis okay a full-blown transference Neurosis if the perceiver pays attention to the information given to the last then the last information given has a lasting effect and that is called as what [Applause] butac information simple pays attention to the information given till the last last information attention last information okay lasting effect last message effect okay and effect is it the recency effect or it is the Primacy effect it is the recency effect we know if an individual is tidy and punctual we are likely to think that the person will be hardworking too or is phenomenon the hallo effect okay now an accident on road side whether there are lot of people gathered each one will think it is not its responsibility to help the victim and someday someone else will help it so that's the diffusion of responsibility when we meet people in public we start making conclusions about their personal qualities and this is called as impression formation okay you were interviewed by a school selection team for the post of the head boy or the head girl explain the interpersonal distance in this situation inter when you are being interviewed that's the social distance okay public distance is audience okay this is why social distance Bing identify the first step as a treatment towards psychological disorders providing material relief counseling psychiatric help your rehabilitation question psychological help disorders to the victims of flood question the first step of treatment first step of treatment providing material relief okay generally the question if the question will come the question will come to you like that only okay it will not come to you in this way or other treatment towards psychological disorders okay options creation okay but the question is supposed to be like this okay understand the qu yes the question is supposed to be like this and hence providing material relief Dash to it refers to a feeling of discomfort because there are too many people or things around us giving us the experience of physical restriction and sometimes a lack of privacy that's crowding the traditional Indian view about the environment supports what perspective it supports the spiritual perspective okay Dash refers to the ability to mentally deal with a high density of crowded environment such as crowded residence mentally dealing with the high density of crowded environment such as crowded residence crowding tolerance okay when an observer is actively involved in the process of observing by becoming an active member of the setting where the observation takes place that is the participant observation okay observ Dash are the emotional control and balance tolerance understanding of inra interpersonal conflict tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty control and balance control and balance effective skills okay emotionally when someone is listening to you and told to restate what you said at that time the person is not able to repeat your exact words they make a summary of the ideas just received and provides you with a restatement of what he or she understands and this is called as paraphrasing okay Dash means that the behavioral expressions are consistent with what you value and the way you feel and relate to your in inner self image and that is authenticity stress refers differs from Individual to individual in terms of intensity duration complexity and predictability assertion is right but the reason is wrong because 23y old has more stress than 11 year old the reason is wrong when a child hases exactly the opposite of what is being told to him which disorder is this this is oppositional defined disorder or OD who insisted that witches were mentally Disturbed and required medical not theological treatment St Augustine and Johan wiches were mentally ill or medical treatment required yes who said this St Augustine yeah Johan Vier Le voty never said it because Le botski culture develop K okay culture so what about this yes it was being said by Johan VOR Myra keeps getting episodes wherein at once she's elated and she keeps yelling and laughing and On The Other Extreme within second she sits alone with a feeling of hopelessness so this is bipolar disorder Dash involves persistent preoccupation about developing a serious illness and constantly worrying about about its possibility this is accompanied by anxieties about one's Health it is illness anxiety Mr Collins is a 61-year-old man who's having a poverty of speech and also he doesn't show any emotion at all to the extent he doesn't even show any of his feelings to anybody and also he maintains bizarre position for all for about 72 hours so just a minute okay uh Poverty of speech he doesn't show any emotion at all to feelings bizarre positions he's basically suffering from schizophrenia let's see I don't know questions schizophrenia and he has the negative and psychomotor symptoms of schizophrenia okay he has the negative and psychoo symptoms of schizophrenia when we meet similar people they reinforce and validate our opinions and values we feel we are right and thus we start liking them this is similarity okay individuals work less hard in a group than they do when performing alone or Isco has social loafing Intergroup conflicts can be resolved by bringing about a change in the perception of parties towards one another through persuasion media appeals and when you alter people's perceptions when your school wins an interinstitutional debate you feel proud and think that you're better than others and this is an example of status okay Dash is a situation of extreme cohesiveness extreme cohesiveness situation what is the situation of extreme cohesiveness can anybody tell me what's the situation of extreme cohesiveness anybody is it group polarization or group think or what yes group think or group polarization yes of course C option see he this is group think okay uh they are pre-existing formation that I usually given to the individuals to given pre-existing this is prime group okay now we move on to the part three okay let's move on to this and then we'll yeah CH okay let's go so the central thesis of this therapy is that irrational beliefs mediate between the antecedent events and their consequences which is this r e t the irrational beliefs mediate between the antecedent events and their consequences okay the goal of Dash is to increase an individual's self-awareness and self acceptance selfawareness and self-acceptance what do you mean by that therapy self awareness or self acceptance increas can anybody tell me that yes the goal of Dash is to increase and individuals yes just start yeah con therapy is it gal is it client centered is it logo therapy what do you all say self awareness bet self awareness yes whole you know whole perspective logo thy is the treatment for the soul okay logotherapy is what treatment for the soul it is client centered okay the rapid breathing techniques to induce hyperventilation is a part of sudna Kaa okay The Client Center therapy was given by Carl Rogers schemas that function in the form of category okay schemas that function in the form of categories are known as prototypes the information presented first has a stronger effect than the information presented at the end so this is what the first effect the pracy effect okay Rec I think Dash refers to all those psychological processes that deal with the Gathering and processing of information related to social object and it is social cognition the dash of an attitude tells us whether an attitude is positive or negative towards an attitude object to veence or what yes learning attitudes through modeling is mostly seen when when we see attitudes through the Norms of our group or culture we observe others being rewarded or punished for expressing thoughts an individual is praised for showing a particular attitude yeah all of the above what could be the example of this sorry what could be the correct option for this yes is the correct option can anybody tell me learning attitudes through modeling is seen when modeling up you know when we see groups and Norms of our own culture or group we observe others being rewarded or punished and an individual is praised for showing the attitude this is all of the above okay the PX triangle which represents the relationship between person another person and attitude object was proposed by Fritz heer and Dash is a collection of people who have assembled for a special purpose audience Dash is a stage of int group conflict it is storming okay Dash refers to togetherness binding or mutual attraction among the group members cohesiveness self-concept is the way we perceive our Elves and the ideas we hold about our competencies and attributes parents who make decisions for their children when they do not need assistance often suffer from low self-esteem so what about this assertion reason yes what about this assertion reason are both true or both false or what the assertion reason self-concept is the way we perceive ourselves and the ideas that we hold about our competencies and attributes say parents who make decisions okay now you understand both of them are correct but nobody no nothing is explaining a it is B okay sorry sorry not b not B wait wait wait parents who make decisions for their children when they do not need assistance often suffer from low self-esteem huh reason say but R is not the correct explanation of a which factor is true of people who are low in selfefficacy understand now do this now okay so yeah they feel less fearful and do not shy away from taking risk low in selfefficacy con true they avoid challenges and allow people to select and shape their environment they don't believe that um luck and fate can control their outcomes can be enhanced by presenting weak Role Models even if you feel that you know uh option I don't have a problem you can you can tell me what do you think con statement about people who are low in selfefficacy yes low in self efficacy yes B like sorry b um second is right okay second B true about people in self people about self efficacies particular case option but still second and fourth we'll mark it as D okay okay this is very easy in which year Charles sparman proposed the two Factor theory in 1927 uh who proposed the theory of primary primary mental abilities leis thst four examples of S factors are given over here okay now T was a student of 12th Humanities when she went for aptitude testing she scored highest influency and was under the category of wor smart Okay uh whereas she was unable to score good on the quantitative part her brother tanu is a national level hockey player and both the siblings have an innate love for the Flora and Fauna so she scored highest in which type of intelligence word smart to linguistic okay tan is National level hockey player intelligence bodily setting I'll just write kinesthetic since could not score good on quantitative partow low logical mathematical intelligence both Tanya and tanu are high on dash aspect of intelligence due to their love for Flora and FAA naturalistic so yes options okay because this is very easy right dash is known as neurotic anxiety of spiritual origin existential anxiety individuals with IQs above 130 are considered to be very Superior okay individuals with IQs below 25 are set to fall under the category of mild mental retardation the assertion is true but the reason is false option number c iq's uh iq's below 25 are considered to be profoundly mentally okay when people believe that their feelings thoughts and actions are controlled by others it is the delusion of control okay yeah when the person has to use more and more of a substance to get get the same effect it is known as what more and more of you know basically when a person has to use more and more of a substance to get the same effect yes you know he used to have one substance and then he used to feel good now he he he wants to feel the same level of good okay okay tolerance develop now he's dependent upon the substance this is not substance abuse but substance abuse question okay the strategy which involves denying or minimizing the seriousness of a situation while coping with stress is known as avoidance oriented strategy the lucite that is attacked by HIV virus is known as what is it the t- cell or is it the killer cell or is it the B cell or is it the t- helper cell which lucite okay or which WBC like wbcs are lucites only so which white blood cell or which lucite is is basically attacked by the HIV virus yes which is attacked by HIV is it the is it the killer cell or is it the T cell or is it the B cell or is it the T helper cell Co be not only HIV but helper sell what are the all the following are healthy ways to cope up with stress except reaction formation reaction formation a type defense mechanism or unhealthy way of coping okay Dash is likely to occur in socially homogeneous cohesive groups that are isolated from Outsiders so isolated from Outsiders socially homogeneous cohesive groups the group thinking okay uh okay which of the following statements are true about self as an object okay uh self is an entity that does something self is being described as a knower self gets observed and comes to be known so third is right okay self is an entity on which something is being done object it is object right it's not subject right so okay just a minute just a minute wait wait wait wait not this self is self gets observed and comes to be known okay so just a minute self gets observed is it option number b or d just a minute wait huh okay self is being described as a no or no self gets observed and comes to be known that is number three okay that is of course object and of course just option okay I am a Topper okay that's subject and I am a Topper that is a subject and I have scored um how many marks I've have scored 100 marks to yes self is described as a knower entity that does something so one and three and one and three when group members take time to develop Norms Rel related to group Behavior Uh this is known as what Norms this is norming Dash is the procedure where in the client learns to behave in a certain way by observing the behavior of a role model or the therapist who initially acts as a role model putting yourself in other shoes is known as empathy the most popular therapy which combines cognitive therapy with behavioral techniques is the cognitive behavioral therapy or CDT when a child is given a coupon to buy something from the school can for punctuality is it is a form of token economy people with somat form disorders mostly complain about what bodily symptoms without any physical disease somatic symptom somatic symptom okay that's bodily symptom without any physical iCal disease Dash is characterized by extensive but selective memory loss no organic cause dissociative Amnesia Dash is diagnosed if a person has a persistent belief that they have a serious illness despite medical reassurance lack of physical findings and failure to develop the disease I believe you it's not in the options but you know we can write over here none of the above option okay uh persistent belief that they have a serious illness lack of physical findings serious illness option yeah illness anxiety so don't don't Focus much on this question then okay yeah in dash individual contributions and teamwork matters so definitely in team it matters Karen H emphasized on human human growth and actualization to adopt the optimistic view on human life okay so the psychology in which behaviors are studied in the social situation social psychology where was the first laboratory of modern psychology established establish laboratory Li lib in Germany or psychology laboratory EST okay but question Li Dash established the first experimental uh laboratory in Li Germany establish and he also known as the father of psychology father of psychology okay in Psychology the words psyche and logos are made up of two words which means it's the signs of soul okay now the introspective report in an experiment is given by whom introspective report introspective report subject data introspective report Dash is defined as proficiency facility or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training and experience and skill profession iy or dexterity or something you're talking to your very good friend identify the interpersonal distance in this situation okay when you're talking to your Mima you do not need to know that okay question I was just telling you so yes when you talk to your friend you're talking to your very good friend Tye interpersonal distance situation which type of interpersonal distance will come in that situation yes okay somebody's saying uh intimate distance personal distance okay intimate distance see very good friend very good friend very good friend this is why we are going to mark it as personal distance an emotional state that arises when a person is prevented from reaching a goal or attaining an object what they want this is frustration blocking of needs blocking of needs it is always frustration forceful destructive Behavior towards another person or object is termed as what they forceful destructive Behavior towards an another object or person is known as violence destructive to violence okay the dash perspective suggests that the physical environment exists for used by human beings for their comfort and well-being minimalist Dash means behaving according to the group Norm so when you behave according to the group Norm you confirm to the group Norm Dash means that people feel obliged to return what they get reciprocity and giftedness from the teacher's point of view depends upon a combination of High creativity High ability and high commitment 150 questions are done now the last set of 50 Questions okay let us start okay assertion psychological assessment involves measuring and evaluating psychological attributes just a minute huh psychological assessment involves measuring and evaluating psychological attributes of individuals often using multiple methods okay what about this okay just a minute yeah that was minimalist uh sorry that was not minimalist that was instrumental perspective okay CH let us focus on this first psychological assessment involves measuring and evaluating psychological attributes of individuals often using multiple methods huh psychological attributes like happiness and dominance can be accurately and consistently measured using informal assessment methods so assertion is right but the reason is wrong that is option number c we will Mark okay option number c what did Alfred B's uni or one factor theory of intelligence emphasize in this conceptualization of intelligence unifactor or one factor okay Alfred B just a minute huh a single set of diverse abilities multiple indices of cognitive abilities a single set of cognitive abilities yeah cognitive functions underlying intelligent Behavior to sing index of cognitive abilities okay okay statements say thst's theory of primary mental ability suggests that intelligence is multifaceted comprising seven distinct yet relatively independent abilities okay gilford's structure of intellect model implies that intellectual traits can be exhaustively categorized into 180 distinct cells each representing a unique combination of operation contents and and products what about this so both are correct or both are incorrect or one is correct I believe both are correct okay both are there both are right arrange the following psychological attributes based on their direct visibility in outward behavior from the most visible to the least Now understand a question like thisw okay you understand a question like this it can have more than you know one answers okay what about this outward appear outward appear personality okay personality aptitude interest okay wait wait wait just a minute values values okay personal interest aptitude and values what about the correct option okay let us match linguistic linguistic so a is two logical mathematical is scientist and Nobel Prize winners to three are spatial is pilots and sculptors to four and bodily kinesthetic one two 3 4 and one option number a with psychological assessment method is particularly noted for its indepth and comprehensive approach but may suffer from the subjective interpretation case study anything that is in depth is a case study and Alfred B one of the early intelligence theorists defined intelligence as the ability to judge well understand well and reason well eight according to Robert sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence which type of intelligence is primarily involved in the ability to generate novel Solutions okay um primarily involved in the ability to generate in the novel Solutions intelligence componen experien contextual analytical like componential and analytical are almost same so what it could be according to Robert Sternberg what it could be what do you think ability to generate novel Solutions novel Solutions experience itial okay in the past model which process is responsible for integrating the information into the knowledge system by perceiving the relation amongst various Concepts and integrating them into a meaningful pattern for comprehension but in past model is arousal successive processing simultaneous processing your attention what it could be successive simultaneous perceiving the relations among various Concepts and integrating them into a meaningful pattern into a meaningful pattern is simultaneous processing which concept refers to the characteristic and relatively stable patterns of behavior that are reflected in the diverse ways individuals react to different situations personality okay statements the personal self primarily focuses on attributes that relate to one's individual's achievement freedom and Comforts The Social self is primarily concerned with one's own needs and less with family the biological self is an early form of self-awareness exemplified by a newborn's cry for milk take the social self emerges from the child psychological and social needs and values cooperation unity and family relationships so be say Okay relate to one's individual achievements so 1 three and four Okay C the dash culture in the dash culture the self is often not distinguished from the group leading to a state of harmonious coexistence while in dash culture the self and grouper to the correct is Indian and Western option A okay the Original Latin meaning of personality is derived from the word Persona which refers to the mask which is used by the actors assertion by the age of 6 to 7 years children have formed a stable self-esteem in areas such as academic and social competence okay self-concept is a general view of oneself that is overall either positive or negative and is not related to specific domains like academic or social competence self comp self-concept is definitely related to academic and social competence so the correct is C that is a is true and is false okay which of the following is not a feature of Personality not a feature bipartite okay that is not a feature of Personality Okay match trait disposition character and habit habit like one trait is a stable pattern of Behaving okay character disposition okay so say A4 B3 C2 and H uh D1 so 43 2 1 is D in chak samita indiv ual are categorized into Dash and dash types representing the unique blend of humoral elements based on the tra system so it's all the okay which of the following best describes the characteristics of the mesomorphic personality uh as proposed by Sheldon so ectomorphic endomorphic neomorphic okay to mesomorphic who are the mesomorphic so relaxed and rounds to endomorphic okay thin fragile strong and courageous fat and sociable toor can anybody tell me who are mesomorphic relax and sound relax round fat sociable endomorphic to huh what is 18th mesomorphic are thin and fragile okay so in the appraisal of potentially negative events harm refers to the Past damage that has already been done okay already been done a person's past experiences in handling stressful situations can influence that person ception of the current stressors okay stressful situations handle okay so perception of current stressors individuals who have never encountered stress before are more likely to view new stressors as less threatening so what it could be what could be the correct option in this yes a person's past experience in handful handling uh stressful situation can influence their perception of current stresses huh it is right experience okay and whereas individuals who have never encountered stress it is which of the following is an example of social stress social stress environment stress parties physical stress is always caused by lack of physical activity and can never result from overexertion though psychological stress is unique to each individual and can result from internal conflicts and social pressures huh right environmental stress is only related to natural disasters and does not include factors like pollution or extreme temperatur is wrong social pressure such as source of psychological stress may come from people who impose excessive demands on us so this is second and four second and four that is option number B challenge appraisals in the primary appraisal process are associated with what challenge appraisal what in primary appraisal process are associated with immediate threat avoidance behavior conf confident expectations your helplessness what about this yes who can tell me what it could be challenge appraisals in the primary appraisal process are associated with what these are associated with who can tell this you say confident expectations are you sure very good okay now let us match the following again emotional physiological cognitive and behavioral to okay let us see physi behavioral behavioral could be what yes behavioral could be mood swings okay cognitive could be um is cognitive D yes cognitive could be poor concentration uh physiological could be expansion of air passages and emotional could be mood swings so a as in b c d and a uh that is a is uh mood swings m y physiological is C expansion of air passages cognitive May poor concentration and behavior May uh disrupted sleep patterns okay but I am a little bit is it a all of you say is it a just a minute is it a or is it okay anyway yeah option number a arrange the following stress management techniques in the order they should ideally be performed according to the description in the text so what do you think what should be performed definitely CBT that is cognitive behavioral technique cognitive behavioral technique cognitive behavioral technique it's a therapy right hence CBT cognitive behavioral therapy cognitive behavioral therapy exercise exercise bio feedback and then the relaxation techniques so B okay okay the question passage although many definitions of abnormality have been used over the years none as one universal acceptance still most definitions have certain common features often called as the 4ds Divi distress dysfunction and danger that is psychological disorders are diviant distressing dysfunctional um of course and dangerous possible um threats okay uh this definition is a useful starting from which we can explore psychological abnormality since the word abnormal literally means away from the normal it implies deviation from some clearly defined Norms or standards in Psychology we have no ideal model or even normal mode of human behavior to use as a base for comparison uh various approaches have been used in distinguishing between Normal and abnormal behaviors from these approaches they emerg to basic and conflicting views uh the first approach views abnormal behavior as a deviation from social norms many psychologists have stated that abnormal is simply a label that is given to a behavior which is divined from social expectations abnormal behavior thoughts and emotions are those that differ markedly from a society's idea of uh proper functioning each Society has Norms which are stated or unstated rules for proper conduct behaviors thoughts and emotions that break societal Norms are called as abnormal so what ancient belief about the cause of abnormal behavior is still encountered in modern times exorcism which period was known for the beliefs that psychological disorders were caused by uh evil and involved numerous witch hunts yes who can tell me this cona ASA like period which was there for the belief that psychological dis orders were basically caused by evil and involve new involved numerous witch hunts witch hunts K witch hunting yes Middle Ages renaiss modern era option yes it's the Middle Ages what is the main purpose of classifying CL psychological disorders very easy you know it's the classification option better but based on this it's just classification according to the biological model what basis does abnormal behavior have it's the biochemical which model believes that abnormal behavior whether normal or not is determined by psychological forces within a person in which they are not consciously aware which model believes it consciously aware what's the primary focus of attention in the therapeutic approach the client empathy in the therapeutic relationship means having compassion and pity towards the suffering of the client assertion is wrong empathy involves understanding and feeling the client situation from their own perspective rather than just having intellectual understanding so a is false R is true Psychotherapy aims at Dash thinking patterns to uh help the clients overcome their psychological issues to changing their thinking patterns or altering would be a good option modifying would be a good option which of the following is a goal of psychotherapy related to personal development reinforcing the resolve changing the diet correcting the posture or correct increasing the income it is the reinforc reinforcing the resolve okay we have this again behavior therapy attributes psychological problems primarily to intas psychic conflicts okay in psychic conflicts and behavior therapy okay psychodynamic therapy uses methods like free association and dream report dream reporting to elicit thoughts and feelings second is true existential therapies focuses on the client finding solution through a process of personal growth behavior therapy values emotional insight as the primary benefit to the client now what is this is second and third right what do you think your second or uh third correct yes second and the third do you say that second and third are correct B what do you say b or c okay in behavior therapy Dash operations control the behavior by changing something that precedes the behavior yes in behavior therapy the dash option will control the behavior by changing something that precedes the behavior Dash operations will control the behavior by changing something that precedes the behavior what about this is it the antecedent is it the antecedent operations or the consequent operations yes very good what is the central thesis of R formulated by Albert Ellis irrational beliefs effective strategies include increasing opportunities for learning Prejudice no encouraging close interactions between group and Cooperative context can be beneficial okay highlighting group identity rather than individual identity is key to reduce uh uh reduce the Prejudice education and information dissemination can uh help in correcting stereotypes and reducing the ingroup bias so according to me second and four okay second and four okay uh what component of prejudice is often accompanied by dislike or hatred towards a particular group dislike or hatred be to which component of prejudice is basically this can anybody tell me question number 39 which component of prejudice is often accompanied by dislike or hatred towards a particular group yes is it the stereotype or is it the behavioral or is it the effective component or is it the cognitive component yes who can tell me this effective component know how has this happened component basically psychologists have found that attitudes are more likely to be consistent with behavior when the person believes that the behavior will have a positive or consequence okay okay the kernel of Truth concept reduces the Persistence of stereotypes and prejudices no it doesn't reduce people tend to hold on to stereotypes because they believe there must be some accuracy in wi widely held beliefs even if only supported by a few examples so assertion is false but the reason is true okay which condition is necessary for a person's attitude to be consistently exhibited through their behavior with person's attitude to be consistently exhibited through their beh Behavior the attitude is very very strong then yes okay attitudes are more likely to change when the message is delivered by a highly credible Source rather than from a low credible Source statement one right statement two messages that generate moderate level of fear are often effective in convincing people and can lead to Attitude Change statement statement what do you all think what could be the correct option statement one and okay good which factor is not typically involved in the for of attitude during the early years of life media which of the following conditions are crucial for the formation of groups okay proximity okay uh passage cha uh individual differences in human functioning underscore the rich diversity in physical and psychological attributes among the humans from traits like intelligence and creativity to behaviors and emotions this diversity is not only natural but essential adding vibrancy to human existence much like varying colors enhance the beauty of the natural world psychologists have long recognized and studied these differences aiming to understand measure and predict individual behaviors and capabilities intelligence as a key psychological attribute illustrates the breadth of human variation it encompasses the ability to reason solve and problems understand complex ideas and adapt to environmental changes uh Theories of Intelligence ranging from spearman's notion of general intelligence spor to Gardener's theory of multiple intelligences reflect the complexity and multi-dimensionality of human cognitive uh abilities similarly other psychological attributes like aptitudes interests personality and values contribute to the unique makeup of an individual the assessment of these attributes through standardized test interviews cast case studies and other methods allow psychologists to understand individual differences deeply these assessments not only Aid in identifying personal strengths and areas for development but also in predicting future behaviors and outcomes uh through the study of individual differences psychology provides insights into the intricate tapestry of human nature emphasizing the importance of diversity and enhancing the richness of Human Experience what does the concept generally understood as general intelligence Encompass spe specific talents uh general intelligence to ability to adapt reason and solve diverse problems skills and social interactions and empathy yeah collection of unrelated personal interests it is the ability to adapt reason and solve diverse problems okay yeah what theory suggest intelligence is made up of various distinct abilities the idea that intelligence is a single fixed quantity the belief in a singular emotion or the which the but the concept of diverse and specific intelligences in a setting where different individuals excile in various disciplines which concept of intelligence could explain the range of their interest it is multiple um specific forms of intelligence how does the idea of a single over arching intelligence contrast uh just a minute yeah contrast with the concept of multiple specific intelligences one focuses on emotional skills the other on cognitive one suggests a single ability one is based on genetic factors and the other considers environmental there's no significant difference both suggest the presence of various abilities single overarching intelligence contrast with the concept of course the one is based on genetic factors and the other considers everything is you can have more than um what should I say uh more than one options also okay according to you whatever you feel like now what could be the answer for this what could be the answer for this okay a idea of single overarching intelligence of course say now the last one is the 200th question is which of the following methods is considered scientifically valid for assessing individual differences in Psychology Consulting astrological charts no relying on personal anecdotes no observing horoscope predictions no it's utilizing the standardized tests okay so yeah thank you so much everyone we are done with the top 200 most important questions okay uh now is questions which we had done okay earlier but what important this is why we have discussed it again okay now uh I urge all of you to take a five minute break take take a break of five minutes just take a break of five minutes and come back again I am going to bring a paper okay now a paper of last year last year just SL okays okay right so basically 50 pyqs okay 50 pyqs from all the slots of psychology last year so you give yourself a break of 5 minutes and then come back again I will also come back okay so beta session time okay and 200 questions are done so you can see the recording see see this session later but come after 5 minutes I'm beginning with another session okay the most expected paper question related okay like question related okay so thank you so much everyone take a break of five minutes and come back again okay for
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Id: pbURYM4oK2g
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Length: 113min 5sec (6785 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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