SAUERKRAUT CUCUMBER | Makin' It! Episode 1 | Brad Leone

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the Cabbage killer I don't know if I told you Ian we got a rooster he's the ugliest rooster in the world actually I'm starting to warm up to him look he's right there and go look at him he's so ugly looks like someone shot him a bird shot where'd that Ugly Rooster go They're All Hiding not Scotty dude Scotty he's the Sinai King Ian [Music] Shake It Off Scotty it's good here Scotty he's a silly boy come on back to work this is making it a show of cooking experimenting friends family food whatever it's a show about humanity and uh and we're gonna do our best [Music] today I'm making it we're going to be making one of my favorite quick easy lacto fermented sauerkraut spicy little little uh crunchy Liberty it's a cucumber sauerkraut lacto fermentation being where you allow the good bacterias to thrive in a salty solution of brine that brine is in inhibitable for the bad bacteria it's a simple salt water fermentation today we're going to be doing one with cucumbers and cabbage maybe some mystery things that we're going to throw in there so come over to our little ingredient shrine got my Matisse notebook top secrets in there big Matisse fan like what is she doing she's thinking about she's like what the hell is Brad talking about I don't know I'll throw a leg up like Captain Morgan this is the first Pancake this is the first video that we've shot in our new space here all right it's wonderful I have my brain coral I don't know if that's the Latin name for it but I found it in actually it's probably illegal I don't want to incriminate myself it wasn't alive it was laying on the stones bleached and I wrapped it in sweatshirts and I put it in my backpack and I brought it home it's fine what I wanted to have every episode I want to make a little ingredient Shrine as this develops oh wait [Music] as this develops I like this ingredient Shrine idea maybe we'll get like a whole bunch of candles like I want to kind of create our own religion around ingredients here let's just like put like Bart Simpson on there or like I don't know uh some garlic or something or something cool or like a guy made of pickles or something let's keep this going a nice surface area shout out to Chris vertical woodworking yeah Uncle Chris got some thyme a little Rosemary that's an odd Rosemary and some and some Sage once it gets a little bit warmer I have so many herbs we got a big vegetable garden back there we're going to be doing lots of ingredient Shrine stuff with way sexier herbs but I got this at the Super's markets and uh you know what are you gonna do so for today's preparation we're gonna use one black dirt region yellow onion black dirt region being Pine Island New York shout out to Pine Island New York we're going to go one day and we're going to do it we're gonna do an episode on the black dirt region best onions in the world we got time for fresh bay leaves two tree three cloves of garlic one pound of Persian cucumbers we're gonna grow these too but these are from the Super's markets a knob a knob of Ginger two and a half inches by an inch and then we have our main hitter one of the most underrated vegetables that's probably not true at all I got a green cabbage and um a Napa cabbage I think it's an apple yeah we're gonna add oh at least we forget you stay right there I'm coming to you I see that what's in the box it's just salt don't worry me and Kenji Lopez and three dot woodwork made these yeah Green Street joinery shout out also look I keep some pearls in my salt for good luck and then some spices which I haven't made my mind up on with just some classic dried spices I'll throw in there maybe a little bit of this coming soon full video near you this is like a homemade shoyu sambal with some lemongrass and ginger a lot of chilies from the garden fermented for about a month and then aged for about six months but it just keeps going man this stuff is dynamite fire laser beams it's a yes and the pinch of one rose petal for today's demonstration I got my favorite little food processor all right old school simple baby all right okay we're just gonna peel the ginger a little I'm just gonna cut off some of the little weird Woody nubby neighbors let me get my little compost all in there and what I do is I feed them to the chickens and Scotty and Gary and Larry Gary and Larry are the two ducks one's like a pecking white Gary The duck the other one's very handsome Larry I named them I don't think it's a Swedish name but it's okay I don't think he Minds I'll feed them all my scraps and then they make nice eggs for us so we're gonna put our onion in there I'm just gonna make like a nice little paste that we can mix into our our ferment okay and then I use the back end of this knife here actually works great wow look at this now Mom spoon shmoon and then we'll help the old food processor processor a little bit with the ginger just cutting it up because it's very fibrous you know and she can bind up the old we don't need that the food processor the Roto-Rooter zapper motor blade and since we offer that thing you want to get the best ingredients you can get nice firm bulbs nice hard onion and then some nice garlic if you see any blemishes or rot spots or boo-boo bang bangs you want to get rid of that get rid of the boo-boo bang bang we need a shrine candle that says get rid of boom boom bang bangs let's give this a little a little blitzy Blitz I don't know get you every time beautiful beautiful job man boy oh boy I don't care what anyone says that works great oh I almost forgot we didn't put it quick to this ride [Music] whole mustard seeds yellow mustard seeds we're gonna put them in there I don't mind if they ferment whole they can kind of get kind of nice but we're going to try to break some of them up here and look at this thing man cast iron I mean look at me anyways I'm going to say three pounds 14 ounces no five pounds no three pounds 14 ounces you said five five on the dot whoa all right maybe [Music] whoa six pounds huh we were way off you were closer you win what's cool I heat this thing up sometimes toast my spices in the hot mortar and then I have this thing it's got wait baby and you can so let's add one and a half tablespoons yellow mustard seeds sesame seeds about two tablespoons one and a half one and three quarters we're gonna grind them a bottle imagine this thing was 400 Degrees things are smoking getting a little toasty look at that that's nice that's real nice buddy and then look we'll add we'll add nothing we'll let that hang out over to the chopping block again oh hey green cabbage remove that little stemo have them I like to cut out the little root quarter of them and then chop them down here we're gonna do a nice little thinner one the closer to the base of the of the Cabbage I like to do uh like a julienne or thin and as we step up I go into like sometimes a little bit of a bigger rectangle I like to have a little bit of mixed texture it ain't rocket surgery you can do whatever textures you want and most important is just get good stuff wash it and uh get your salt content right hip save and I always weigh it even though the great legendary sandor cat fermentation again he told me I brought up salt content and how much salt you should be using in something like sauerkraut and he goes just taste it if it tastes edible it'll work if it tastes too salty it's going to be too salty later if it tastes under seasoned it's going to be under seasoned people get very concerned about you know bad bacteria and and fermentation just in general I measure it just for for for security and I recommend people do it at home safely slice it up with the Cabbage killer if you don't have a cabbage killer well lucky you you can get one over at the Bradley only Signature Series we're at 700 grams now I like to do 1.7 percent salt by weight and then we're going to do the rest of the Cabbage the cukes our spices our Ginger and onions and then we'll add all that we'll massage it get those liquids going this will make its own brine we're not adding water to this lacto fermentation process recipe just because the cucumbers and the Cabbage are loaded with water and we're gonna bring out those natural juices cucumber a little crushy crush a little choppy chop and we'll add the ABS no I mean they're the water bombs I love cucumbers my God I can't wait to grow them bumper crops baby I'm all about the bumper crust it's like when you grow something and you you have an abundance of a yield like growing up money would always have a lot of zucchini and I had this like little little wagon you know and my dad would fill it up with the zucchinis and we would go give them to the neighbors just because we had so many we're gonna add this which is our onion garlic and ginger that looks good you could add a little fruit here like a little kimchi Vibe you want to add a little pear or apple too that'd be fun we got some sesame seeds and some mustard seeds a little homemade sambal some Szechuan peppercorns some salt we're gonna add now 1.8 salt by weight we're gonna do so 16 30 times 60 times point zero one eight 29 point we're just gonna do 29 29 grams of sugar I use Diamond kosher salt but I just like the the consistency of it but any any good salt not an uh non-iodized none of that boo-boo Bowl pardon my French this is a family show that's not what you want to use in fermentation you want to get sea salt or a good Diamond kosher salt the best you can we'll do 29 grams of sugar [Music] Salt's going in hand me the cabbage can pie we're going in cabbage can [Music] oh dude I am getting the shot dude that's the salty shot huh getting that sounds like walking crisp snow fresh all right spices we got our sesame seed Mustard Seed blender Rooney that looks great this is my favorite mortar and pestle I think I got it for 15 bucks suckers Sichuan peppercorns that was about 63 Szechuan peppercorns one two three four five sprigs of thyme I'm gonna roll them in my finger just a little light bruise same with these oh the most underrated fresh bay leaf just gonna give it a little crushy crush yeah buddy yeah and this is my homemade sambal it's got Ginger lemongrass um and fresh chilies just for a little zing behind those spices it's just a little crushing game and what that's going to do with the salt through the process of osmosis the salt going into the vegetable cell walls and drawing out moisture the same we do with meat um you know for dry for curing Meats salt pulls out the moisture that's what it's going to do in these vegetables as well and then me crushing and bruising up the the Cabbage as well is going to release water too so I'll let this sit on the table here for about an hour and I'll just keep giving it a little massage not even an hour it really comes together pretty quick and then I'm going to pack it in a Crock and let it ferment before we do all that I always do a little a little raw pre-ferment tasting in a lacto-fermented process the bacteria are eating the sugars in the vegetables and releasing lactic acid giving that that Tangy acidic kind of bite like a sauerkraut has and also knocking down any bad growth a nice little environment of good bacteria and that's the name of the game okay mm-hmm I'll continue that massaging process a couple more times and so it starts to build up a little bit of a brine then we're going to pack it in this here crock I'm just going to give this a little rinse anytime you're fermenting cleanliness is is super important right you want your container to have super clean you can use Sandy Sani clean or Star Sandy it's called if you want to go really nuts I just use some soap and water rinse it thoroughly you can use vinegar that works great I use that a lot as well just clean your your vessel that you're going to be storing this in because if there's bad stuff in here it's going to translate into your hard work and love your food so I'm gonna give this a little rinsy poo you come back in one minute all right we're making it remember golden axles and it was like these three or four characters and you like battled some lizard people you ever go down that rabbit hole hops cut off this burn the card all right and we're back so we've been waiting doing our massages for a little bit a lot of liquid in there that's that good brine that's what we're looking for and it'll only release more and I put a little bit of a weight on it as we pack it in our Croc super cleaned ready to go packing it nice and clean nice and nice make it nice Brad we're gonna add all the liquid too oh easy there Papa oh right there Joe yeah that's good that's good pack it down nice and neat tuck it in that's my tamper look at that liquid come up baby that's what I'm talking about that's why I love fermenting real juicy vegetables because you don't have to add water some of you may remember this is a crock I made with the beautiful man jono pandolfi when I used to live in Union City New Jersey we did them together jono I swear I'm so cool jono call me ooh don't move in you got a little you got a little Schmutz on your lens here looking out for you bud so we're ready to go now summer day summer months even now I'm not gonna do it right now because it's in the house but sometimes I'll put a little cheesecloth over this uh just to keep little fruit flies and little things from going in there but that's kind of it it's got like a multi-zone heating system in here okay it's very sophisticated I spent a lot of time research and resources no really I just have a wood burner in the backing it's a little warmer over there so we can set up our fermentation in the colder cooler months and um allowing fermentation to happen a little bit quicker it doesn't take super long to ferment it's not like making miso or anything like that where it's going to take a long time for the fermentation process to happen this is a quick ferment takes about four or five days depending on temperature and then we can consume it put it on everything it's wonderful we're gonna go place this over by the fireplace and um we'll check in when it's done kick save this way he's the place yeah yeah the whole thing we've got spray foam insulation this thing's tighter than a frog's ass Ian I'm gonna put some cheesecloth over it we'll monitor it but it's nice and cozy over here I'm gonna say that's for the wind Brad the temperature you cares we'll come back that's a nice little happy place for that for men see in five days [Music] we said five six days and we we pushed it in that's what we do here at making it let me give it a little little back story we uh things happened all right you know we're gonna go do something else we were supposed to wrap up crowd today yeah but you know what it'll be fine but we'll do it next week blah blah blah something happens something happened so now we're two months later and this crowd being a very Workhorse of a lacto fermented recipe you can kind of neglect it if it's in the right condition I've actually eaten it twice what I did as day five six came by I put it in the refrigerator got some oysters just slowed down that process halted the fermentation for the most part and just in a much lower temperature longer ferment oh yeah oh it looks great look at that bud nice if we left that out at room temperature and it continued to just do its thing until it ran out of fuel and by Fuel I mean just like its natural sugar is that it's fermenting off of this would be a much it still got some crunch to it it's not completely like German sauerkraut where you could take like a cabbage and mush it into a golf ball yeah um personally wouldn't mind a little more spice like heat this would be good we get the kids eating this one it's funky salty sour but like all pretty well all pretty well balanced I mean it's chop that up put it in a dressing put it on a burger put it on a hot dog just boom put it on a scoop with some rice put it next to your steak put it next to your fish whatever keep fermenting have we're gonna do lots more especially as the seasons develop here spring is just begun to sprung the trees are budding I'm excited to start gardening and growing things and getting better produce and better meats and better fish and better everything winter is finally over baby and we're celebrating it With A Little Cucumber crab tune in next time thanks for hanging out on making it [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brad Leone
Views: 398,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BRAD LEONE, local legends, Bon Appétit, cooking, it's alive, help wanted, test kitchen, fermentation, fermentation station, grilling, fishing, recipe, brad, yeti, makin' it!, leone
Id: 9EImOhOfhkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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