CUCO - Lover is a Day
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Emma
Views: 64,652,264
Rating: 4.9262199 out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime edit, music, CUCO, Lover is a Day, Koe no Katachi
Id: _QfPliSW83A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Thank you, I want more AMV’s of this beautiful movie
this video got me into a silent voice too. incidentally, i also found it back in 2019, just a few days prior to the arson attack
Back in fall of 2019, this video showed up in my recommended feed and so of course I clicked because the thumbnail of Ueno matched my aesthetic. I had never heard of A Silent Voice but I was amazed by how beautiful the animation was in the video, and to see a character with a hearing aid! It made me curious about the film and I found out what it was from the comments. A Silent Voice is my favorite movie now. I go back to this AMV often and I think a lot of people have found the series through it, but it didn't seem to have been posted here before so I wanted to share. :)