Cubs-Marlins, Oct. 14, 2003 (8th inning)

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577 and Wrigley Field in Chicago for game six at this National League Championship Series on this October it was on this date in 1908 95 years ago today the Cubs defeated two Detroit Tigers two nothing to wrap up their second straight World Series championship victory tonight with a chance to win since this day 1908 takes outside on their second straight World Series in 1908 Moe titles came in the hands of the Detroit Tigers the cups of that era had the famous DoublePlay combination tinker to Evers to chance a pitching staff led by Mordecai three finger Brown 129 and it is interesting to note that in those days that comes did at the Westside ground game summary brought to you by piece some tonight for Jack McKeon's team allowed 2 runs and 5 and 2/3 prior has been he's been marked by the games first one in this series the Marlins beginning - one hour bounced against Mark Pryor down to their final five lenses handed his postseason in fashion to achieve that's a fair ball close to the second baseman prior just has to continue to obviously do what he's doing but it's in some respect when you're when you only have a one run had up until the wiggle room was less so the focus and attention and aggressiveness and concentration all the things that a pitcher needs to do might falter little let's say he's doing that but this guy you mentioned earlier about his breeding you know he gets it metal and that to me today athletes in general are physically stronger and they're intellectually mental discipline which is to be strong enough to that allow the exterior distractions stay on your task and think small is triggers the same selection with aggressive behavior all of the other stuff that's going around a strike to Castillo to get the tying one to come to the plate time to the series within second base right now at all and not school of activity down in that Chicago Cubs bullpen more pitches per story this season on with ten and a sweet tooth there's just 116 pitches in his start of this series three straight starts of a lot of play Castillo making him work now you talked about the pitch that you throw in this situation that you have the most confidence in throw on a strike that's what you have to do right here to Castillo don't all six of his home runs right side and if he does it Casteel zon found a way seven digit back was for for castile Farnsworth get loose the stands and couldn't get it industry we've seen this happen here beards right there down there my cameras on the play has to reach into the stands it's fair game fan reaches out over the books trying to make that catch the pitch gets away from Bako and advancing on to third as the air so now the time we'll come to the plane Marlon's here in the top of the eighth Dylan in the form of yes to all runs in a series three to the postseason fourteen months back there you see it again the fan there's a couple fans and they're reaching out there to try to catch the ball that's just a little kid right there you can't opposing team hits a home run they throw the ball I'm surprised someone hasn't told that man it scared to leave this look to me like at least one of them they're trying to catch that fall ball was a youngster I'm a 10 or 12 year old kid at Game six of the cub game comes into my area I'm trying to catch that's all for now that could be huge Oh flyer gotta lower the must've been looking forth his he jumped all over and hooked it foul watch rig is in this series in the postseason a 500 batter runners in scoring position we've seen him cheat and look inside every once in a while when he wants to hit a home run he's hit both of his home runs to left field gets most of his kids right field the back of origin really work into left field a base hit by Rodriguez he is delivered again the tying run is aboard and the go-ahead one is coming to the plate and decision time now for Dusty Baker because he give the ball to Kyle phones go to the bullpen another breaking ball right there there's not nearly as much break on the breaking balls in this inning that's as we have seen earlier in the ballgame both of the breaking balls that he threw to Rodriguez come not one got hit for base hit raros old for three he homered off started a series in Game two and far behind going to turn the DoublePlay they certainly would have gotten the force out at second be Alex Don Sahlin looks like Gonzalez is trying to just make this play a little too quickly this is an easy play just go in a second to get one out she loved his blog directly he's over three in this series fliers got the best of him tonight 8:18 Hamburg and aft and the scoring is Rodriguez it's a three game as the frustration ends for Derrek Lee which I was just going to say that he dangerously close to catching up with one of those fast balls that fires been throwing got one on the inner half right there and he did catch up with it inner half running in on his hands with not enough this is a tough ball to keep great job of dropping the bat head through and quickly through the zone what a turn of events five straight hitters reach the Marlins the game prior I received this wedding gift from my husband's aunt but I don't need a monkeyland I was extremely torn I didn't know whether I should just keep the lamp or return it and risk hurt her feelings so I asked myself what would Jared do I would return a lamp she really just want you to be happy and I'd get a red wine vinaigrette club so where's the lamp the red wine vinaigrette clock from subway eat fresh you know some interesting facts about Delaware guys was first state to ratify the constitution thank you forefathers man am I glad we wrote that thing up each article I mean we'll cover all the articles but North Carolina horse population is 220,000 lot of hoofs to almost a million lot of hey you know what is hey exactly is it we if I dated a girl named Georgia and when you need it most our longest lasting energizer max never after that I told myself II you have the bunny inside not dating girls named out the states see they're gonna be a singer a dancer a um an actress a ASPCA agent a veterinarian or stop that's it she's gonna be a teacher a singer or a lawyer she talks a lot what want to be a lawyer but you talk a lot so you could be good at it uh-huh ah let's see I brought yellow pencils yellow post-it notes yellow boxers yellow boxers $14 land career air courier pedicure reader $137 two printers two scanners to two twos $540 keeping business expenses separate from personal expenses priceless there are some things money can't buy for everything else there's MasterCard apply online for the MasterCard Kyle Farnsworth has come into the game for Dusty Baker after the Florida Marlins store three times to tie this game and it's safe to say that every Cub fan has to be wondering right now is the curse of the Billy Goat alive and well too bizarre plays have occurred in this sinning which have helped the Marlins tie this game up in three there's ball four to Mike Lowell we start on the pop fly down to third baseline a moment ago very close play as far as being interference Mike Everitt is the field umpire who's white on the bouncer Gonzalez it's short just one play going the second to get the out there this place my stage 1/3 in the air I see to the catch which taking a 4-3 lead on a sac fly RBI off the bat of Jeff Kona you cannot say enough about this Florida are a team and they got to cuddle the brakes a cynic absolutely but the difference between winning teams and losing teams are those things take advantage of breaks when they get this islands here at Wrigley Field in Chicago they are stunt Tom now the intentional pass will go to the pinch-hitter Todd Hollandsworth we're talking about it just a short while ago eerie how similar this game had been played out to that Game five of the 1984 National League Championship Series the decisive game in that series Rick Sutcliffe the best pitcher in all the National League cruising along with a three nothing lead the San Diego Padres scored a couple of runs they got the break they needed on the ground ball that went through the legs of Leon Doyle they scored four more times in the series that office inning with a fly the eight Marlon's aids and there breaking ball the dirt one ánotá Mordecai close a book on prior three of the four months earned it is seven and a third taking a strike in the city throwing strikes at times Florida Marlins Bolton come on to pitch Collinsworth to the plate a moment ago for Chad Fox to believe a guy like worth has been brought into this game he is the ultimate power pitcher yet breaking ball after breaking ball with a bases-loaded and two outs here in the inner he cooks boy isn't too the fastball hitter ball hammered into left center field tonight going to store on a double by Mordecai a seventh one Florida a Finnick and this crowd at Wrigley Field stunned in disbelief you just set it out go Takei a good fastball hitter he got one in hammered it this time he obviously drives it but he's always been a very good fastball hitter meaning poke the gap to gap type hitter and all he did is work the count to get to think he's happy I mean it's a guy is a situation where he just waited for the fastball and jumped all over so the change will be made budget companies celebrating a southern running the vaunted Imperial walkers do have a weakness slice of undercut and you'll bring them to their knees this marks minute Rory rebel strike rated team the swarm of TIE fighters can be a deadly nuisance but if you lead your shots you'll squash those little womp rats and the vermin they are this marks the notorious rebel strike rated T got some big NFL appetites heading your way looks like you need the NFL deal from Pizza Hut and Pepsi order any large specialty piece at regular price and you get a medium one topping pizza and a two-liter or Pepsi for just a dollar ninety-nine more from Pizza Hut Pizza get around the good stuff Ted amen remember how Ted was talking about its new acting job but he was a little hazy on the details right off here baby well ladies and gentlemen say hello the pickle boy I'm so glad I got to see this happy to help picture mail that talks from Sprint at Sprint stores choose from a wide selection of picture phones starting at $99.99 share it when it happened four name-brand lighting you'll feel right at home at Lowe's I'm looking for life for my foyer and it's got to be special exactly Lowe's has the brand-name styles and finishes like that the kind you'd expect at a lighting show room including the Kichler line even ceiling fans and Lowe's has low prices every day guaranteed that's our promise wow that must have blown your budget nope blows improving home improvement this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the Commissioner of baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form and the accounts and descriptions of this game may not be disseminated without expressed written consent seven runs scored by the Florida Marlins still batting here in the but he ain't in it after trailing three this hitting the game Mike Remlinger now on the pitch here the batter lined into right field of a ship they're gonna wave it is an eighth one we brought it up the Florida Marlins in their five postseason wins this season four of the five as you look at the numbers on Remlinger so far in this postseason a couple 10 has not pitched well as a group in this series they had good games at various times by different teachers but by and large they have stuck oh and one to Luis Castillo eight runs the most runs scored in any inning in the postseason by a Florida Marlins team you may be saying no kidding well in Game three of the 97 World Series a lighter certainly remembers a 7 192 out slug the Indians 14 11 without sounding overly traumatic fans down the left-field lot that are taking a lot of heat from the fans a possible interference of Moises Alou catching that pop fly in the state I think it's safe to say the fan did something Steven any normal person will react in such a way and it certainly we're walking a fine line now but you know a fans getting out of control and doing something that they shouldn't do meaning taken out on those fans sitting down there girl thinking that it's somebody down there is fall to the ball they see a ball coming towards that part of the reason some of a strange play you
Channel: Jeff Agrest
Views: 327,270
Rating: 4.7084794 out of 5
Keywords: Miami Marlins (Professional Sports Team), Chicago Cubs (Professional Sports Team)
Id: uZ-4mHW-YRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 14 2015
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