Cubase 11 VS Nuendo 11 - The ULTIMATE Comparison - Is it worth upgrading?

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[Music] everyone sebastian here from green music production and today i am comparing cubase pro to nuendo i've had a lot of questions about what are the different features that are exclusive to nuendo is it worth upgrading so i'll answer a bunch of those questions and showcase a lot of exclusive features that are innuendo so if you like that kind of content as usual click the like button and subscribe and before we start let's talk a little bit about today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people on topics including illustration design video freelancing and obviously music whether it's music theory learning an instrument music production even the music business there's a ton of content on there there's even specific things like how to make beats how to design great sound sounds or even cubase specific videos to give you an example i've been following this class by will edwards called wave table sound design strategy and it's really insightful it gives you a lot of tools to create better synth sounds now most classes are under 60 minutes which short lesson to fit any schedule and you have access to thousands of classes for less than 10 dollars a month if you take the annual subscription so i'll leave a link in the description below the first thousand people to use the link will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership make sure to check it out and keep learning so the first feature i'm gonna show you that is exclusive to nuendo is the ability to have two video tracks now here as you can see i am innuendo i have two video tracks and if i go in cubase right now i have one video track and if i try to create another one the option is grayed out so it's good to have the option to have video in a dw but if you need more than one video track you're gonna have to move to nuendo now why is it useful to have two video tracks well there's a feature that i really like called video cut detection innuendo if you're working with videos let's say you're working on either publicity or movie or trailer you know that it happens quite often that they send you a version you do a music edit sound design a bunch of stuff you have a bunch of files that are all synced to the video and then they send you an email saying oh well we changed a couple of shots we changed some stuff around so could you adjust your mix to this new version and it's a pain so that feature allows you to analyze the video track and detect all the cuts in the video and then you can generate markers to where the cuts are so that's really really neat if you go under project there's an option called video cut detection panel here so if you analyze the video i'll just click analyze before you click analyze you can set the sensitivity so usually 50 is really accurate so i just did it once you scan it you can take a look at the different cuts here in the timeline and you have the option to add markers so i just detected it clicked on add markers and it created a marker track with the different cuts now it is super accurate in my case because it just did one cut at the beginning which is normal since it's the beginning of the video then the beginning of my intro the end of my intro and the outro and the ending so it's super accurate but why this is useful let's say you have your old video that you did the edit or right here and you have the newer version where they did a bunch of modification you have no idea where they are then you can detect those things on both version and you can enable the snap under event so you'll see exactly where the markers are so you'll see where they don't match and know that oh they did an edit there so they seem to have moved this section over here and then you can select all the audio events and move them and since you're snapping to events it will snap to the different markers that you have so you can easily select them from the first marker of the original video move them to the next one and it's going to snap to the marker where the cut is and you're going to be synced so that is really cool a big time saver but there's something even more powerful than that there's a feature called reconform innuendo and it's not in cubase what it does is if you have an edl file it's basically a text file containing all the edits that the video editor did so you can ask them to send it to you it's pretty straightforward if they're working with any good software like premiere final cut it's super easy to export an edl file so you ask for the edl file of the original video and a newer one then you go under project and you have a feature called reconform now you just have to import the old video edl file over here and then you do the same thing with the new one you click generate and it's going to generate what we call a change edl so it's basically all the changes between the two versions so any window will know exactly where they cut some portion and move them around and you can take a look at them over here to see that nuendo really was able to match the different cut using the edl and if everything works you can click on start reconform and it will move all of your audio to match the change in the video so it does it automatically for you so this is a game changer for me i work with videos a lot so this is really really useful now the next feature that i want to talk about is the meat and potatoes for nuendo and it's the ability to work with dolby atmos and complex multi-channel settings so let's say i open the audio connection output here if i go under output innuendo we can see that i can go up to over here 7.1 but it goes even higher than that we have support for a lot of different output configuration up to 22.2 speaker outputs and it also supports ro 3d something that cubase doesn't support there's even more stuff like cna and music and different speaker configuration so this is really really powerful if we go in cubase just to compare i'll open the audio connection panel again at a bus so it supports 5.1 and a couple of configuration but not a lot i would say that if you're a professional working in post-production you'll probably need to work with nuendo for that specific reason so it also now supports dolby atmos you don't need any external hardware obviously you can import and export adm files which is the dolby atmos file format so you can import them and export them right into nuendo and you also have a renderer now so you don't need an rmu or an external hardware now for those who don't know if you wanted to do dolby at must in the past you had to buy an rmu it's a basically a computer that renders the dolby atmos format and it was super expensive so now in nuendo we can do that inside of nuendo without buying external hardware so we have an adm autoring dolby atmos so i can add object and beds and i can select if i want no renderer and do it in nuendo or if i have a renderer i can always use my external renderer so that's a good feature um so as you probably saw it also supports a lot more file types for importing and exporting so we can import uh aes31 uh csv markers cue sheets omf and af are included in cubase pro so that's good if you're working in video that's always a good thing to have and obviously adm so there's a lot more option here we also have mxf innuendo if we go in cubase just to compare we only have omf and af so that's pretty good but still you know nuendo has a lot more option nuendo also has a base management plug-in the plug-in is called base manager and this is to simulate if you had a 5.1 system in your house in your studio you might not have base management on your subwoofer so usually the subwoofer can cut some frequencies on your satellite speakers and stuff like that but if you don't have that in your studio you can use a plugin to do that in nuendo so you have a good reference another big time saver innuendo is a feature called field recorder audio import so let's say you're working on a movie they recorded a bunch of different microphones they had lavalier microphones some boom microphone and the camera was capturing the original sound but you also had a field recorder and then you're trying to import all those files and they don't match and it's a nightmare because you have a bunch of audio files nothing matches so this tool will help you match the synced audio with the video to the field recorder files that you have so you can try to find depending on the duration the scene the take tape the date recorded the urgent time or the prefix file name so it will help you match all those files automatically for you in nuendo and sync them in your project so that's a huge time saver now if we go into something that is a bit more useful for musicians and other people that are working with vocals we have the supervision plugin and is basically a meter plug-in with a lot of different options it's super powerful but one of those options is intelligibility innuendo and what it does is it will detect if your voice is intelligible enough so you see in real time if it's problematic so that's useful if you want to see if people will understand what you're saying clearly so it's good obviously for working in movies you have music in the background and sound effects you can just press play let's say i'll play it on that track illustration design video freelancing and obviously music as you can see it was in the green pretty much the whole time but there's nothing playing in the background so it's super easy but it's useful if let's say in a song you want to see if your vocals are intelligible then that's a really good tool to have we also have loudness curves this is a track that will draw a curve to let you know the loudness of your vocals or if you're of your own mix so you always know what part are quieter what part are louder so this is really useful so let me just press play i enable the record on the loudness track and i'll press play this is for creative and curious people on topics including illustration design video freelancing and obviously music whether it's music theory learning an instrument music production even the music business so as you can see i clearly see uh the parts that are quieter the parts that are louder so i can easily edit the volume but make sure that it's as consistent as possible and we also have the information right here so it's always good to see every details now let's say you're mastering a song and you want it to be to a specific loudness and you don't want it to peak as well there's a feature innuendo when you export your audio mix down we have a bunch of options that are not here in cubase over here and one of them is normalized to integrated loudness now you can choose an integrated loudness so if let's say you want to upload it on youtube usually -13 of ufs is a good value and you want to make sure that it doesn't peak so you set a max peak value so it doesn't only work as a maximizer but it detects the loudness and bring it to the exact loudness that you put there and make sure that it doesn't peak as well so this is really useful obviously if you're working on movies or anything that goes on tv uh you have to respect broadcast standards usually it's minus 24 l ufs depending on your region you can set it here and nuendo will do it automatically for you so this is a game changer nuendo also has an adr panel i'm not gonna go in depth in that feature but for those who don't know what adr is it's basically if you worked on a movie uh sometimes there's a lot of background noise and some takes are not usable so you have to re-record them in studio so before you get the actor in the studio you can identify all the scenes that needs to be re-recorded you put some loop markers here let's say this one i would like to have some text and then in your adr panel you can click on the different takes that you want and press record and it will jump around to the different text you selected and on the video window you will basically see a guide that will let you know when to start saying your line so let's try it out people on topics including illustration design video so as you can see there was a pre line and once the line reached the end you could see a bar at the bottom that let you know when you have to read your text another thing that is specific to nuendo is that you can have sessions with sample rates that go up to 384 kilohertz now if we compare to cubase well let's open the project setup the sample rate goes up to 192 kilohertz so you might be wondering why you would need to go up to 384 kilohertz well if you're a sound designer a lot of time we want to slow down specific sounds to get a really good effect a slow motion effect but when we do that if the sample rate is too low it will sound bad and we'll lose a lot of details in the sound so having higher sample rates is really good for that kind of stuff but if you're just making music you probably won't use that as much now if you're working in video games there are a bunch of really good features i'm working in video games so i switched nuendo mainly for those features the first one is a small feature but a really useful one let's say i'm working on this specific qi sound right here let me solo just those tracks so let's listen to it first so it's a basic ui sound that i designed using multiple tracks some pitch shift and some other processes and let's say i want to reuse that in a future session and i'm thinking well i'm gonna design more ui sound and i want to reuse some parts in the future but i don't want to reopen that session or mess with finding the old session you can select all of those clips you go under file export and there's an option called clip package innuendo that is not in cubase you select the folder where you want to export it i already have one so i'll just overwrite it you put the name over here i'll call it sfx ui click and you can rate it so right here i have four stars so i know that it's probably not my best uh ui sound effects so you can rate them and so you have an easier time finding them afterwards you can put information and then you just export them so let me click ok i'll overwrite this one and just like that it exported my clip package now let's say in the future i'm working in a new session um i'll let's just pretend that this is a new session right here and i want to reimport those clips exactly like they were in my session i can go under file import clip package and i go get my clip package and nuendo reimported those clip respecting the length the fades and everything just like they were so let's listen to those now and make sure they sound exactly the same yeah it's exactly the same thing so this is really useful if you're a sound designer because sometimes you design a lot of ui sounds an amazing thing and one of the main reasons why i wanted to use nuendo is if you're using a middleware for video games called wise there's a really cool feature that connects both nuendo and wise and it's called game audio connect so right here i just opened the game audio connect window it is in project if you're looking for it i enabled it i have wise right here so if i just put my cursor in wise under the ui folder because i want to add this ui uh sound right here in wise usually i would have to export it name it then re-import it into wise and do a bunch of you know things to get into wise but now if i have this game audio connect enable i can either drag and drop specific events and it will bring them into eyes so let's say i want to import those five events separately into wise i can drag them and bring them into my game audio connect window so as you can see wise imported those files directly under ui and it's asking me if i want them to be sound effects so if i click import they will they will all be there automatically another cool thing is it detects when you're exporting so if i do a render of those five files so that they become one stereo file wise will detect it and it will be imported to the specific yara key so that is really really good another cool thing is it goes both ways let's say i listen to this sound that i created a while ago i don't like it i want to tweak it i can right click on it and wise and click on edit innuendo and it will open the exact session where that sfx was created so it goes both way it's super powerful there's even more option if you're working with interactive music but if you're working on video games sound design or music i highly recommend you to take a look at this feature a new window also allows you to rename events from a list so let's say you you have a sound design documents where all the sfx names that are going to be in the game are and you create a bunch of sounds but with random names you can import a text file or a csv file and batch rename all of your events in nuendo so this is cool if you need that kind of stuff the only window also have exclusive plugins for sound designers the first one i'm going to show you is a doppler plugin so let's say i want to use a doppler on this small section right here so i'll just apply on the the event itself so i press f7 to open my direct offline processing and i type in doppler so here's windows doppler and it looks kind of complicated but it's super simple you have two modes one of them is manual so you can automate this knob right here as if you were doing a pass by you can press play and automate that but the automatic mode you can just set your start position where you want the doppler to start you click on start so it's going to set the exact time and then the transition time then you set the listener so let's say i put it in the middle of the file and the end time so after that you can just press play and you'll hear that the different settings that i have here will be applied to the section that i selected design video freelancing and obviously music so this specific file is in mono so you can you don't hear it going from left to right as if it was a pass by but usually with a serial file it will work and you can always tweak if you want more pitch shift to happen the transition length the depth and the distance so how much the volume is ducking while going from left to right so it's super powerful but super simple to use and i really enjoy that plug-in now another really cool feature if you're editing voiceovers or working with any voices in video games or movies you're probably going to have at some point to design some non-human characters now nuendo has a plug-in to do that usually people would use popular tools like dehumanizer from krodos really good stuff but it's really nice to have this plugin in nuendo so let's try a couple of presets just to show you how powerful this can be so let's start with the bug preset then on there there's even specific things like how to make beats out to design great sans sounds or even q a specific videos the most classes are under 16 minutes which short lesson to fit any schedule you have access to thousands of classes a month if you take the annual subscription so i'll leave the link in the description below make sure to check it out and keep learning really cool stuff um obviously you can tweak everything like the detune the formants the spatial you can blend some dry if you think that the wet is too intense there's a lot of things you can do in that plugin it's super powerful and it will save you a bunch a lot of money because usually you'd have to buy an external plug-in to do that and these are pretty expensive now the last plugin i want to cover is called randomizer it's exclusive to nuendo again but this one if you're a sound designer you often have to create variations so let's say this ui sound right here that we listened to earlier i want to create three other variation i would just duplicate this usually what you would do is you would tweak a bunch of things you would change some files some layers you would pitch shift change the frequencies the timing and things like that but innuendo if i select all of my duplicates press f7 to open the direct offline processing window and load the randomizer it's super simple to use you basically have four knobs going from zero to ten depending on the intensity or the depth of the effect that you want to apply but it can change the pitch the impact the timing and the color so right now i have a specific setting right here let's try it out and see what it will do so if i click apply it just apply to all of my duplicates so let's play the original with duplicates and you'll see what it did just like that i have four variations and that was super fast and easy to do so i'm really happy about that i use that quite a lot it's super nice to have that feature in nuendo so there's a lot more stuff that is exclusive to nuendo but as i previously said i'll leave a link in the description to steinberg website where you can see a bunch of things that are different from nuendo the cubase so if you need more info check out the link in the description and i hope you enjoyed that video guys as usual see you in the next one bye [Music] guys
Channel: Green Music Productions
Views: 11,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cubase 11, Nuendo 11, Cubase pro, Nuendo, Cubase, Cubase vs Nuendo, Nuendo vs cubase, Nuendo features, how to, music, audio, DAW, Cubase 10, artist, elements, tips, review, tutorial, best, free, cubase crack, top, plugins, mixing, mastering, vocals, beat, kick, snare, drum, movie, post production, video, editing, piano, keyboard, midi, synth, reverb, eq, compressor, hip hop, tune vocals, in cubase, in nuendo, vs, Nuendo 10, steinberg, reaper, fl studio, free plugins, youtube video
Id: zmehZdyAsHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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