Cubase 10.5 Tutorial: Create an ORCHESTRAL/TRAILER TEMPLATE

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hey everyone it's Sean from tall tree audio today I'm gonna show you how to create a template in Cubase 10 specifically for composing with virtual instruments the goal is to be faster and more efficient with your composing so with that let's jump right in we are gonna start completely from scratch so let's open an empty project okay the first thing you do is create folders so we're gonna use folders to organize all of our group tracks all of our instruments all of our sends everything I'm just gonna create like ten of them okay I'll show you how I organize my instruments and then you can use that to create your own special way now the template I'm creating is going to be used for orchestral music or trailer music but honestly you can use it for whatever genre you want you would just change the folders for your group instruments I'm gonna go ahead and name all the folders right now okay we named all of our folders now let's go ahead and color them separately in the latest Cubase update you can go into project and project colors set up and you can choose specific colors that you want now I've already chosen colors that suit me but there's all sorts of options go into presets choose your number of basic colors your number of color tints and set that as a default so restore color set as default that way across all your projects it's gonna be the same great a simple way to change the color is to just click on your folder track or any instrument track and press control and then use the scroll on the mouse and it will change colors for you ingredient now that we've created those let's go ahead and add instruments to each of the folders great now that that's done let's go ahead and color those the same color as our folders we just use ctrl and scroll and get to the color you want okay now that those are colored we can go into the mixer now there's this option where you can right-click a track and choose add group channel to selected channels so let's do that with our keys track it gives you this pop-up you're gonna want stereo and stereo out and create inside folder and name it we're gonna name keys so now if you go into the routing up on the top you can see that our one keys track that's in blue is routed to the correct group track keys let's go ahead and do the same thing for each of these tracks right click Add to group channel name it and repeat ok we have our group tracks now let's go ahead and color them the same track color as our folders my group tracks folder my master buss folder any of my mains inputs and outputs are always colored in red that just makes them easier to find ok now let's head back to our mixer and we're going to select each of the group tracks right click and add group channel to selected channels what we're doing is creating a master track you can exclude this step if you want I prefer having a master track that is not stereo out that's separate from stereo out just to be safe ok we're gonna create a lot of different tracks now so I'm gonna use this right click and duplicate tracks so you click this and it will automatically create a duplicate you can always double check by opening the channel settings and checking your routing which is located right here and I can see that it's routed correctly to the keys channel okay let's load up our first instrument let's name that and now for the reason I use Cubase over every other da w disabling unused instruments you just go here right-click and choose disable track now what that does is it unloads the instrument off of your RAM but it keeps your settings so all you have to do to reactivate it is right click and choose enable track then it will reload your instrument and its back onto your RAM this is the coolest feature and the reason creating a project template is so worth it you can have literally thousands of disabled tracks that are ready to enable as soon as you want them so there's no more searching and scrolling for your samples it's amazing let's disable that one and move on okay I went ahead and created a bunch of keys that I commonly use and now we're gonna create another folder inside of this keys folder and we're going to name this unused now the purpose for this is to have all of your disabled tracks located inside the unused folder so what you do is when you want to come try out a key instrument you open up the unused grab one that you like and pull it out that way your project size stays relatively small and you don't get all of these unused tracks that are taking up space cool let's go ahead and create unused folders for each of these groups by the time we're done with this template I'll probably have added around 200 to 300 tracks you can add as many as you want I have friends that have templates with over a thousand tracks really the sky is the limit fair warning for you this does take a lot of time you know but the time spent creating this template is going to be hugely beneficial for you in the future okay I spent a few hours well actually more than a few adding all of the instruments that I wanted so let's go through some of these folders and I'll show you what I've added keys is really simple there's really not that many instruments one thing that I did do though is I included three empty contacts that way if these instruments are what I'm looking for I can open up something completely empty and start from scratch in synth I have a little bit more and go through these these are all of my pads plucks oh pulses plucks and miscellaneous in strings I'm using a lot of folders I have a lot of different things I decided to put guitar in here I was debating whether I should make a separate folder of guitar I just don't have that many instruments of guitar that I use now I want to point out something really important for this template let's open up this instrument this is cinematic studio strings this picado sounds like this now Cubase has this feature which allows you to edit the MIDI start points it's right over here in the instrument inspector it's this little button here if you hover over it it says track delay in milliseconds you can set a value for this so I went into this instrument and played with a click track so let's go ahead and do that right now ok I played in this little part it sounds like this now the reason this track delay in milliseconds is so important is because when you trigger this sample with a keyboard or whatever there is a delay from when contact recognizes the MIDI to win the sample plays now this is different from the buffer size of Cubase which is also important but let me show you what I'm talking about I'm going to reset this number back to zero and I will play this with the click track so you can hear you're gonna notice that the strings picados are dragging behind the click track listen to this that's because this specific sample library has triggers that happen after the click track so how do we fix that we use this milliseconds now you have to test this with each individual instrument it's not the same for everyone but this specific library it sounds pretty good at negative 60 milliseconds so let's listen again with the click track [Music] so that's with it on here's with it off again it's a huge difference now I will say that the most important instruments for this are strings and brass everything else you don't have to include in your template but these are the specific instruments that I make sure to do it for okay here's a look at the choir I only have a couple of choir libraries that are pre-loaded I don't need much here here's the brass I have it separated into sections woodwinds I don't have much going on I don't use woodwinds that often percussion I separated into realistic sounds and hybrid sounds so take a look at these in SFX I divided it into impacts Brahms Rises whooshes and then miscellaneous and now that we have all of our folders set up let's go ahead and make a final folder for miscellaneous audio these audio channels are just for if I have to ever bring in any extra samples or anything miscellaneous I will bring something in and then I will move it to the correct folder also don't forget to route it to the correct group channel after you do that okay there's a couple of things we want to do at the end here I'm going to add an extra piano just for scratch ideas okay I added those and I will also add a ruler track at the top this is super useful because it will show you in seconds how long your track is the last thing I will add is a tempo track and I will just add that at the top okay I wanted to try this template out and make sure it works thanks so much for watching if you liked this video please hit subscribe and check out some of my other videos as always you can leave comments down below and I'll be happy to help thanks and enjoy [Music]
Channel: Tall Tree Audio
Views: 29,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Epic Music, Audiomachine, Really Slow Motion, Movie Trailer, Brass, Walkthrough, How To, Cubase, Kontakt, Composing, Hans Zimmer, Junkie XL, FL Studio, Orchestral, Strings, Percussion, Epic, Template, Cubase 10
Id: YrRrqLU8uxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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