Cuaca Memburuk ! Dua Truk Kelas Berat Nekat Melawan Kemustahilan Di Hujan Deras
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Channel: Anak Belok Official
Views: 6,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truk hino, truk hino euro 4, truk fuso, truk fuso hd, truk sawit, truk batu bara, truk off-road, truk crash, truk terperosok, truk terpuruk, extreme roads, truk dump, mitsubishi fuso, fuso dump truk, truk mood bussid, adu kuat truk di kubangan lumpur, adu kuat truk di tanjakan berlumpur, adu kuat truk hino vs truk fuso, adu kuat truk sawit vs truk batu bara
Id: y-Njc6g9gAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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