CS231n Lecture 5 - Neural Networks Part 2

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um how are you guys doing by the way with the assignment our most have you finished anyone finished put up your hands okay good so we're doing decent okay good I'll be holding up make up office hours right after this class assignment two will be released tomorrow or day after tomorrow we haven't fully finalized the date we're still working on it and we're changing it from last year and so we're in process of developing it and we're hope to have it as soon as possible it's meaty but educational so you do want to get started on it ASAP once it's released we might be adjusting the due date for some into because it is slightly larger and yeah so so we'll be shuffling some of the these things around and also the grading scheme all this stuff is kind of just tentative and subject to change because we're still trying to figure out the course it's still relatively new and a lot of it is changing so those are just some heads-up items before we start now in terms of your project proposal by the way which is due in roughly ten days I wanted to just bring up a few points because you'll be thinking about your project and some of you might have some misconceptions about what makes a good or bad project so just to point out a few of them the most common one probably is that people are hesitant to work with datasets that are small because they think that commnets require a huge amount of data to Train and this is true there's hundreds of millions of parameters in a comment and they need training but actually for your purposes in the project this is kind of a myth this is not something you have to worry about a lot you can work with smaller data sets and it's okay the reason it's okay is that we have this process that we'll go into much more detail down the later in the class called fine tuning and the thing is that in practice you rarely ever train these giant convolutional networks from scratch you almost always do this pre training and fine-tuning process so the way this will look like is you almost always take a convolutional network you trained on some large data set of say images like say Oh an image net huge amount of data and then you're interested in some other data set right there and you can't train your comment on your small data set so we'll train it here and then we'll transfer it over there and the way this transfer works like is so here's a schematic of a convolutional neural network we start with the image on top and we'll go through a series of layers down to a classifier so you're used to this but we haven't of course talked about the specific layers here but we take that image net pre-trained network we trained on imagenet and then we chop off the top layer the classifier we chop that off take it away and we train the entire convolutional network is a fixed feature extractor and so you can put that feature extractor on top of your new data set and you're just going to swap in a different layer that performs the classification on top and so depending on how much data you have you're only going to train the last layer of your convolutional network or you can do fine tuning where we actually back propagate through some portions of the ComNet and if you have more data you're going to do back propagation deeper through the network and in particular this pre-training step on image net people do this for you so there's a huge amount of people who've trained convolutional networks over long periods of time weeks on different data sets and then they upload the weights of the ComNet online and so there's something called the cafe model zoo for example and these are all these convolutional net works that have been pre trained on large datasets they already have lots of the parameters learned and so you just take this around then you swap in your data set and you fine-tune through the network so basically if you don't have a lot of data that's ok and you just take a pre trained combat and just fine-tune it and so don't be afraid to work with smaller data set that's going to work out ok the second thing that we solve some problems with last time is that people think they have infinite compute and this is also a myth I just like to point out don't be overly ambitious in what you proposed these things take a while to train you don't have too many GPUs you're going to have to do hyper-arid optimization there's a few things you have to worry about here so we had some projects last year where people proposed projects of training on very large data sets and you just won't have the time so be mindful of that and yeah you'll get a better sense as we go through the class and what is or is not possible given your computer constraints ok so we're going to dive into lectures are there any administrative things that I may be left out that you'd like to ask about ok good so we're going to dive into the material we have quite a bit of it today so just a reminder we're working in this framework of maybe batch stochastic gradient descent for training of neural networks and basically it's a four-step process training a neural network is as simple as 1 2 3 4 you sample your data so a batch of your data from a dataset you forward it through your network to compute the loss you back Gate to compute your gradients and then you do a parameter update where you tweak your weights slightly in the direction of the gradient and so when you end up repeating this process then really what this comes down to as an optimization problem we're in the weight space we're converging into areas of the weight space where you have low loss and that means you're correctly classifying your training center and we saw that these neural networks can get very large and I flash this image of a neural Turing machine basically these are huge computational graphs and we need to do back propagation through them and so we talked about intuitions of back propagation and the fact that it's really just a recursive application of chain rule from back of the circuit to the front where we're chaining gradients through all the local operations we looked at some implementations of this concretely with the forward backward API on both a copy computational graph and also in terms of its nodes which also implement the same API and do forward propagation and back propagation we looked at specific examples in torch and cafe and I drew this analogy that these are kind of like your Lego blocks these layers or gates are your Lego blocks from which you build out the entire combinational networks then we talked about neural networks first without the brain stuff and basically what that amounts to as we're making this F which goes from your image to class course more complex and then we looked at neural networks from the brain stuff perspective where this is a crude analogy of a neuron and what we're doing is we're stacking these URLs in layers okay so that's roughly what we're doing right now and we're going to talk in this class about this process of training neural networks effectively okay so we're going to go into that before I dive into the details of it I just wanted to kind of pull out and give you a zoomed out view of a bit of a history of how this field evolved over time so if you try to find where this field where it comes from on when were the personal networks proposed and so on you probably will go back to roughly 1960 where Frank Rosenblatt in 1957 was playing around with something called perceptron and the perceptron basically it ended up being this implementation in hardware so they all had to like they didn't just write code right they actually had to build these things out from circuits and electronics in these times for the most part and so basically the perceptron roughly was this function here and it looks very similar to what we're familiar with it's just a W X plus B but then the activation function which were used to as a sigmoid that activation function was actually a step function it was either 1 or 0 it was a binary step function and so since this is a binary step function you'll notice that this is non differentiable operation so they were not able to back propagate through this in fact the concept of back propagation for training neural networks had to come much later and so they came up with these binary stepwise functions perceptron and they came up with these learning rules and so this is an kind of an ad hoc specified learning rule that tweaked the weights to make the desired outcome from the perceptron match the true the true desired values but there was no concept of a loss function there was no concept of back propagation as these ad hoc rules which when you look at them they kind of almost do background but it's kind of funny because of the step function which is not differentiable and then people started to stack these so in roughly 1960 with the advent of Adeline and Madeline by Woodrow and Huff they started to take these perceptron like things and stack them into the first multi-layer perceptron networks and this was still all done in this electronics analogy and actually building out from hardware and but still there's no back propagation at this time this was all these rules that they've come up with in terms of like thinking about trying to flip it and seeing if it works better or not and it was kind of a there was no view of back propagation at this time and so roughly in 1960 people got very excited and building out these circuits and they thought that you know this could go really far we can have these circuits that learn you have to remember that back then the concept of programming was very explicit you write a series of instructions for a computer and this is the first time that people who are thinking about this kind of data-driven approach where you have some kind of a circuit that can learn and so this was at the time a huge conceptual leap that people are very excited about unfortunately these networks would not actually end up working very well right away so in terms of 1960 for example they got slightly overexcited and over-promised and then slightly under-delivered and so throughout the period of 1970s actually the field of neural networks was very quiet and not much research has been done the next boost actually came about roughly in 1986 and in 1986 people there was this influential paper that basically is the first time that you see back propagation like rules in a nicely presented format and so this is real hard Hinton and Wilson and they were playing with multi-layer perceptrons and this is the first time when you go to the paper where you actually see something that looks like back propagation and so at this point they already discarded this idea of ad hoc rules and they formulate the lochs function and talked about back replication and gradient descent and so on and so this time people got excited again in 1986 because they thought that they now had a principled nice credit assignment kind of scheme by back propagation and they could train multi-layer networks the problem unfortunately was that when they tried to scale up these networks to make them deeper or larger they didn't work very well compared to some of the other things that might be in your machine learning toolkits and so they just did not give very good results at this time and training would get stuck and that propagation was basically not working very well especially if you wanted to have large deep networks and this was the case for actually roughly 20 years where again there was less research on your own networks because somehow it wasn't working very well enough and you couldn't train deep Nets and in 2006 the research was research was again reinvigorated with a paper in science by Hinton and Russell ocarina select enough I can't say his name sorry but basically what they found here was this was roughly the first time where he can actually have like say a 10 layer neural network that trains properly and what they did was instead of training all the layers like 10 layers by backpropagation at a single pass they came up with this unsupervised pre training scheme using what's called restricted Boltzmann machine and so what this amounts to is you train your first layer using an unsupervised objective and then you train your second layer on top of it and then third and fourth and so on and then once all these are trained then you put them all together and then you start back propagation then you start the fine-tuning step so it was a two-step process of first we do the Spree training stepwise through the layers and then we plug them in and then back propagation works and so this was the first time where back propagation it needed basically this initialization from the unsupervised retraining otherwise they would not work out of like from scratch and we're going to see why in this lecture it's kind of tricky to get these deep networks to train from scratch using just backdrop and you have to really think about it and so it turned out later that you actually don't need this unsurprised process you can just train with backdrop right away but you have to be very careful with initialization and they used Sigma networks at this point and sigmoid serves is not a great activation function to use and so basically backdrop works but you have to be careful in how you use it and so this was in 2006 so a bit more researchers kind of came back to the area and it was rebranded as deep learning but really it's still neural networks synonymous but it's a better word for uh PR and so basically at this point things started to work relatively well and people could actually train these deeper networks now still not too many people paid attention and when people started to really pay attention was roughly I think around 2010 and 2012 so specifically in 2010 there were the first really big results where neural networks really worked really well compared to everything else that you had in your machine learning toolkit like say uh kernels or SVM's and so on and this was specifically in the speech recognition area where they took this G mm-hmm framework and they swapped out one part and subbed in a neural network and that neural network gave them huge improvements in 2010 and this was worked on Microsoft and so people started to pay attention because this was the first time neural networks really gave a large improvements and then we saw that again in 2012 where it played out even more dramatically in in the domain of visual recognition in computer vision where basically we took this 2012 network by Alice couch st elias s cover and geoff hinton and basically it crushed all the competition from all the features and there was a really large improvement from these neural networks that we witnessed and that's when people really started to pay attention and that's since then the field has kind of exploded and there's a lot of area down in this field now and so we'll go into details I think a bit later in the classroom why it started to work really in 2010 it's a combination of things but I think it's we got we figured out better ways of initializing of getting these things to work of activation functions and we had GPUs and we had much more and so really a lot of the stuff before didn't quite work because it was just not there in terms of compute data and some of the ideas just needed a tweaking okay and so that's rough a historical setting so we basically went through over-promising under the luring over-promising under de loading and now it seems like things are actually starting to work really well and so that's where we are at this point okay so I'm going to no doubt into the specifics and we'll see exactly we'll actually dive into neural networks and how you train them properly so the overview of what we're going to cover over the course of next two lectures is a whole bunch of independent things so I'll just be kind of peppering you with all these little areas that we have to understand and see what people do in each case and we'll go through them the pros and cons of all choices how you actually properly train these in your networks in our real-world data sets so the first thing we're going to talk about is activation functions as I promised I think a lecture so ago so activation function is this function f at the top of the neuron and we saw that it can have many different forms so sigmoid 10h relu these are all different proposals for what these activation functions can look like we're going through go through some pros and cons and how you think about what an activation what are good desirable properties of an activation function so historically the one that has been used the most is the sigmoid non-linearity which looks like this so it's basically squashing function it takes a real-valued number squashes it to be between 0 & 1 and so the first problem with a sigmoid is that as was pointed out a few lectures ago there's a problem that saturated neurons which are neurons that output either very close to 0 or very close to 1 those neurons kill gradients during back propagation and so I'd like to expand on this and show you exactly what this means and this contributes to something that will go into called the vanishing gradient problem so let's look at a sigmoid gate in the back in the circuit it received some value X and Sigma of X comes out and then in backdrop we have DL by D Sigma and we'd like to back drop it through the sigmoid gate to using chain rule so that we have DL by DX at the end and you can see that through chain rule basically tells us to multiply those two quantities and so think about what happens when this sigmoid gate we see in put off either negative 10 or 0 or 10 it computes some value and then it's getting some gradient from the top and what happens to that gradient as you back drop through the circuit in any of these cases what is the possible problem in some of these cases so okay so you're saying that the gradient is very low when X is negative 10 or 10 and the way to see this is basically we have this local gradient here that we'll be multiplying with this gradient this local gradient defy the Sigma by DX when you're at negative 10 you can see that the gradient is basically zero because the slope at this point is zero and gradient at 10 will also be near zero and so the issue is that your gradient will drop in from here but if your neuron is saturated so it basically either output it 0 or output it 1 then the gradient will be killed it'll just be multiplied by a very tiny number and gradient flow will stop through them through the Sigma neuron so you can imagine if you have a large network of Sigma neurons and many of them are in a saturated regime where they're either 0 or 1 then gradients can't back propagate through the network because they'll be stopped if your Sigma neurons are in these saturated regimes the gradients only flow if you're kind of in a safer zone and what we call an active region of a sigmoid and so that's kind of a problem we'll see a bit more about this soon another problem with sigmoids is that their outputs are not 0 centered so we'll talk about data pre-processing soon but you always want to when you pre process your data you want to make sure that it's 0 centered right and in this cases suppose you have a big network of several layers of Sigma neurons there outputting these non zero centered values between 0 and 1 and we're putting more basically linear classifiers that we're stacking on top of each other and the problem roughly with non 0 centered outputs I'll just try to give you a bit of an intuition on what goes wrong so consider a neuron that computes this function right so it's a sigmoid neuron looking at its just computing WX plus B and what can we say about think about what you can say about the gradients on W during backrub if your exes are all positive in this case between zero and one so maybe you're in Iran somewhere deep in the network what can you say about the weights if all the XS are positive numbers they're kind of constrained in a way go ahead right so what you said is all the gradients with W are either all positive or all negative and that is because gradient flows in from the top and if you think about the expression for all the W gradients they're basically x times the gradient on F and so the gradient of on at the output of the neuron is positive then all your W gradients will be positive and vice versa so basically you end up with this case where it's suppose you have just two weights so you have the first weight in the second weight what ends up happening is either all your gradient for that for that as this as this input goes through and you compute your radiant in the weights they're either all positive or they're all negative and so the issue is that you're constrained in the kind of update you can make and you end up with this undesirable zigzagging path if you want to get to some parts that are outside of these regions so this is kind of like a slightly hand wavy reason here but just to give you intuition and you can see this empirically when you train with things that are not zero centered you'll observe slower convergence and this is a bit of a hand wavy reason for why that might happen but I think if you actually wanted to go much deeper into that you can and there are papers written about this but you have to then reason about mathematics of Fisher matrices and natural gradients and it gets a bit more complex than this but I just wanted to give you intuition for you want to have 0 centered things in the input you want to have 0 sent to things throughout other Y thinks things don't converge as nicely and so that is a downside of a sigmoid neuron and the last one is that X function inside this expression it's kind of expensive to compute compared to some of the alternatives of other nonlinearities and so it's just a small detail I suppose when you actually train these large convolutional networks most of the compute time is in convolutions and these dot products it's not in this operation and so it's kind of vanishingly small contribution but it's still something that is a bit of a downside compared to the other parts so I'll go into 10h and I'll ask a few take a few questions then so 10h is an attempt to fix one of these problems in particular the fact that it's non zero centered sigmoid so yell Hakuna in 1991 right I wrote a very nice paper on how you optimize neural networks and I've linked to it from the syllabus and he recommended that people use a 10 H of X instead of sigmoid and 10 H of X basically is kind of like two signals put together you end up with being between negative 1 and 1 and so your outputs are zero centered but otherwise you have still some some of the other problems like for example you have these regions where if your neurons get saturated no gradients flow and so we haven't really fixed that at this point but so 10 ages I think strictly prefer to sigmoid because it has all the same problems except for one ok I'll continue and then maybe we can take more questions so around 2012 in a paper by oskar jerski this is the first convolutional net worse paper they proposed that actually they noticed that this non-linearity where you use max of 0 and X instead of sigmoid or 10h just makes your networks converge much quicker and in their experiments almost by a factor of 6 and so we can go back and try to think about why is this and we're kind of reading into it like you can see that it works better in practice but explaining it is not always as easy so here's some hand wavy reasons I think for why people are thinking that this works much better so one thing is that this this rail in Iran it does not saturate at least in a positive region so at least in this region you don't have this vanishing gradient problem where your gradients will just kind of die and you have this issue where the neurons are only active in a small area that is bounded from both sides but these neurons are actually active in a sense of a back propagate correctly or not correctly but at least they don't not back propagate all zeroes at least in half of their regions there are much more computationally efficient because doing you're just doing fresh holding and experimental you can see that this converge is much much faster so this is called the rel-nei on or the rectified linear unit and was pointed out in the paper for the first time that this works much better and this is kind of like the default recommendation of what you should use at this point at the same time there are several problems with this rail in Iran so one thing again notice that it's not zero centered outputs so not completely ideal perhaps and a slight annoyance of the rail in Iran that we can talk about and think about is what happens when this rail in your own output is zero what happens during back propagation if aurelion iran does not become active so in the forecast area URL stays inactive then during back drop what does it do it kills right it kills the gradient and so the way to see this of course is that with the same picture and if you're at negative site 10 then your local gradient here will just be zero because there's no there's just 0 gradient identically it's not just you squish the gradient down you actually kill it completely so any neuron that does not activate will not back replicate downwards it's weights will not be updated and nothing happens below it at least for its contribution and at x equals 10 what is the local gradient it's just 1 so a rail and on just passes through gradients just a gate if if it's if during the forward pass its output was positive then it just passes gradient through otherwise it kills it it's kind of like a gradient gate and by the way what happens when x is zero what is your gradient at that point it's actually undefined that's right the gradient does not exist at that point we only talk about whenever I talk about gradient just assume that I always mean sub gradient which is a generalization of gradients to functions that are sometimes non differentiable so here the limit does not exist but there's a whole bunch of sub gradients that could be 0 or 1 and so that's what we use usually in practice this this distinction doesn't really matter too much but I wanted to also point this out in the case of the binary max gate max of X&Y and someone asked the question what happens if x and y are equal then in that case you you kind of also have a kink in the function and makes it not differentiable but in practice these things don't really matter just pick one so you can have a gradient of 0 or 1 there and things will work just fine and that's roughly because these are very on likely cases that you end up right there okay so the issue with relu roughly here's the problem that happens within practice you try to Israel units and one thing that you have to be aware of is you have these neurons that if they don't output anything they won't get any gradient they'll kill it and they won't update and so let's see so the issue is suppose you have a sometimes what can happen is when you initialize your rail in Iran you can initialize them in a not very lucky way and what ends up happening is suppose this is your data cloud of inputs to your revenue rounds but you can end up with is a what we call it dead rail dead rail in Iran so if this neuron only activates in the region outside of your data cloud then this dead rail you will never become activated and then it will never update and so this can happen in one of two ways either during initialization you are really really unlucky and you happen to sample waits for the rail in Iran in such a way that that neuron will never turn on in that case the neuron will not train but more often what happens is during training if your learning rate is high then think about these neurons it's kind of like jittering around and what can happen sometimes by chances they just get knocked off the data manifold and when that happens then they will never get activated again and they they will not come back to the data manifold and you can see this actually in practice like sometimes you can train a big neural net with rail units and you train it and it seems to work fine and then what you do you stop the training and you pass your entire training data set through your network and you look at the statistics of every single neuron and what what can happen is that as much as like 10 or 20 percent of your network is dead these are neurons that never turn down for anything in the training data and this can actually happen usually it's because your learning rate was high and so those are just like dead parts of your network and you can come up with hacky schemes for reinitializing these things and so on people don't usually do it as much but that's something to be aware and it's a problem with this non-linearity and so especially for initialization because of this dead rail loop problem what people like to do is normally initialize the biases with 0 instead people initialize with slightly positive numbers like say 0.01 because that makes it more likely that initialization these rel and neurons will output positive numbers and they'll get updates so it makes it less likely that the neuron will just never become activated ever throughout training but I don't actually I think this is slightly of a controversial point I've seen people claim that it helps I've seen some people say that it actually doesn't help at all and so just something to think about okay any questions at this point we had sigmoid 10 H and relu I'm going to go into some other ones okay good so let's look at things like people trying to fix rellis so one issue with rail loose as these dead neurons are not ideal so here's one proposal which is called the leaky relu and the idea with leaky relu is basically we want this kink and we want this piecewise linear T and we want this efficiency of relu but the issue is that in these this region your ingredients die so instead let's make this slightly negatively sloped here or slightly positively sloped I suppose in this region and so you end up with this function and that's called a leaky real loop and so some people there are papers showing that this works slightly better you don't have this issue of neurons dying but I think it's not completely established that this works always better and then some people play with this even more so right now this is 0.01 but that can actually be an arbitrary parameter and then you get something that's called a parametric rectifier or P relu and basically the idea here is to introduce this is 0.01 that can be an arbitrary alpha which is a parameter in your network and this alpha can be learned you can back propagate into it and so these neurons basically can choose what slope to have in this negative region okay and so they can become a relative they want to or they can become a leaky relu or they can be they have the choice roughly for every neuron and so this is the kinds of things that people play with when they try to design better nonlinearities good so alpha here would be a parameter that you backpropagate to in just a very normal way in your computational graph there's every neuron will have its alpha just like it has its own bias okay go ahead yeah I'm not sure if they worry about this lot sort of alpha is one then you're going to get an identity so that's probably not something that that propagation will want in a sense that if that was an identity then that shouldn't be very computationally useful so you might expect that maybe back propagation should not actually get you to those regions of the space and wavy reason perhaps I don't actually think if I remember correctly there's no specific things where people really worry about that too much but I could be wrong I had I read the paper a while ago now and I don't use these too much in my own work okay and then so one issue still is as we saw so these are different schemes for fixing the the dead relevant ons there's another people that only came out for example roughly two months ago so this just gives you a sense of how new this field is there are papers coming out just two months ago try to propose new activation functions one of them is exponential in your units or Allu so just give you an idea about what people play with it tries to have all the benefits of relu but it tries to get rid of this downside of being nonzero centered and so they end up with is this blue function here that looks like a reloj but in the negative region it doesn't just go to zero or it doesn't just go down as a leaky relu but it has this funny shape and there are two pages of math in that paper justifying partly why you want that and roughly when you do this then you end up with 0 mean outputs and they claim that this train is better and I think there's some controversy about this and and and so we're basically trying to figure all of this out active area of research and we're not sure what to do yet but Ray Lewis right now are like a safe recommendation if you if you're careful with it ok so that's a loose and one more I would like to note mention because it's relatively common and you'll see it if you read about neural networks if this max out neuron from young good fellow at all and basically it's a very different form of a neuron it's not just an activation function that looks different it actually changes what a neuro one computes or how it computes so it doesn't just have this form of F of W transpose X it actually has two weights and then it computes max of W transpose X plus B and another set of W transpose X plus B so you end up with these like two hyperplanes that you take a max over and that's what the neuron computes so you can see that there are many ways of playing with these activation functions so this doesn't have some of the downsides of relu this won't die and it's still piecewise linear it's still efficient but now every single neuron has two weights and so you've kind of double the number of parameters per neuron and so maybe that's not as ideal so some people use this but I think it's uh it's not super common I would say that rows are still most common that's right that's right so the weights will end up yeah based on what the activation functions are the dynamics of the back drop into those weights will be different and so you end up with different weights for sure yeah I think it's it's complicated the reason it's complicated is a lot of the optimization process is not just about the loss function but just like about the dynamics of the backward flow of gradients and we'll see a bit about that in the next few slides you have to really think about it dynamically more than just a lost landscape and how it's so it's a complex and also we use specifically stochastic gradient descent and it has a particular form and something's plain nicer some nonlinearities plain nicer with the fact like the optimization is tied the update is tied into all of this as well and kind of all interacting together and the choice of these activation functions and the choice of your updates are kind of coupled and it's kind of very unclear when you actually optimize this kind of complex thing okay so TL DR here is that user loo you can try out these guys you can try out ten age but you shouldn't expect too much I don't think people use it too much right now and don't use sigmoid because basically ten age is strictly better and you won't see people use sigmoid now anymore of course we use it in things like long short-term memory units LS DMS and so on and we'll go into that in a bit in recurrent neural networks but there are specific reasons why we use them there and that we'll see later in the class and they are they're used differently than what we have covered so far and like this just a fully connected sandwich of matrix multiply non-linearity and so on just having a basic neural network okay so that's everything I wanted to say about activation functions it's basically this one hyper parameter in our functions that we worry about there's research about it and we haven't fully figured it out and there's some pros and cons and many of them come down to thinking about how the gradient flows through your network and these these issues like dead ray loose and you have to really know about the gradient flow if you try to debug your networks and to understand what's going on okay so let's look at data pros be processing very briefly how many time okay so data pre-processing just very briefly normally suppose you just have a cloud of original data in two dimensions here very common to 0 Center your data so that just means that along every single feature we subtract the mean people sometimes also when you go through machine learning literature try to normalize the data so in every single dimension you normalize say by standard deviation call standardizing or you can make sure that the min and the max are within say negative 1 or 1 and so on there are several schemes for doing so in images it's not as common because you don't have separate different features that could be at different units everything is just pixels and they're all bounded between 0 and 255 so it's not as common to normalize the data but it's very common to zero Center your data you can go further normally in machine learning you can go ahead and your data has some covariance structure by default you can go ahead and make that covariance structure be diagonal say for example by applying PCA or you can go even further and you can whiten your data and what that means is you kind of even squish after you performed PCA you also squish your data so that your covariance matrix becomes just a diagonal and so that's another form of pre-processing you might see people talk about and these are both I go much more detail in the class notes on these I don't want to go into too many details on them because it turns out that in images we don't actually end up using these even though there are common and machine learning so in images specifically what's common is just a mean centering and then a particular variant of mean centering that is slightly more convenient in practice so it means centering we say have a 32 by 32 by three images of safar if you want to Center your data then for every single pixel you compute that's mean value over the training set and you subtract that out so what you end up with is this mean image that has basically the mention of 32 by 32 by three so I think the mean image for example for image net is just this orange blob so you end up subtracting that from every single image to Center your data to have better training dynamics and one other form that is slightly more convenient is subtracting just a per channel mean so you go in red green and blue channel and compute to the mean across all of space so you just end up with basically three numbers of the means in red green and blue Channel and just subtract those out and so some networks use that instead so those are the two common schemes this one is like a more convenient because you only have to worry about those three numbers you don't have to worry about a giant array of mean image that you have to ship around everywhere when you're actually coding this up okay so not too much more I want to say about this just basically subtract the mean in computer vision applications things don't get much more complex than that in particular doing PCA and so on this used to be slightly common the issues you can't apply it on full images because your images are very high dimensional objects with lots of pixels and so these covariance matrices would be huge and people try to do things like only doing whitening locally so you would slide a whitening filter through your images spatially and that used to be done several years ago but it's not as common now it doesn't seem to matter too much okay good so we will dive into weight initialization a very very important topic one of the reasons that I think early neural networks didn't quite work but as well is because people are just not careful enough with this so one of the first things we'll we can look at is first of all how not to do weight initialization so in particular you might be tempted to just say okay let's start off at all the are equal to zero and you use that in your neural network so suppose you have like a ten layer neural network and you set all the ways to zero why doesn't that work why isn't that a good idea I sorry go ahead yeah so basically just all your neurons output the same thing in backdrop they will behave the same way and so there's nothing as we call as we like to call it um symmetry breaking so all the neurons are computing same stuff and so in backdrop they will all look the same they'll compute the same gradients and so on so not the best thing so instead people use small numbers small random numbers so one way you can do that for example that is a relatively common thing to do is you sample from a unit Gaussian with 0.01 standard deviation so small random numbers so that's where W matrix how you would initialize it now the issue with this initialization is that it works okay but you'll find that it only works okay if you have small networks but as you start to go deeper and deeper with neural networks you have to be much more careful about the initialization and I'd like to go into exactly what breaks and how it breaks and why it breaks when you try to do these naive initialization strategies and try to have deep networks so let's look at what goes wrong so what I've written here is a small ipython notebook so what we're doing here is I'm going to step through this just briefly I'm sampling a data set of 1,000 points that are 500 dimensional and then I'm creating a whole bunch of hidden layers and nonlinearities so say right now we have 10 layers of 500 units and we're using 10 H and then what I'm doing here is I'm just basically taking unit Gaussian data and I'm forwarding it through the network and with this particular initialization strategy we're right now that initialization strategy is what I described in previous slide so you sample from unit Gaussian and scale it by 0.01 so what I'm doing here in this for loop is I'm forward propagating this network which is right now made up of just a series of layers of the same size so with 10 layers of 500 neurons on each layer and I'm forward propagating with this initialization strategy for a unit Gaussian data and what I want to look at is what happens to the statistics of the hidden of the neurons activations throughout the network with this initialization so we're going to look specifically at the mean and a standard deviation and we're going to plot the mean standard deviation and we're going to plot the histograms so we take all this data through and then say at the fifth layer we're going to look at what the what value is the neurons take on and say the fifth or sixth or seventh layer and we're going to make histograms of those so with this initialization if you run this experiment you end up it ends up looking as follows so here I'm printing it out we start off with a mean of zero and standard deviation of one that's our data and now I'm forward propagating and as I go to tenth player look at it what happens to the mean we're using 10 H so 10 H is symmetric so as you might expect the mean stays around zero but the standard deviation look at what happens to it it started off at one and some of the standard deviation goes to point two then point zero four and it just plummets down to zero so the standard deviation of these neurons just goes down to zero looking at the histograms here at every single layer at the first layer the histogram is reasonable so we have a spread of numbers between negative one and one and then what ends up happening to it this just collapses to a tight distribution at exactly zero so it ends up happening with this initialization for this ten layer network is all the 10 H neurons just end up outputting just zero so at the last layer these are tiny numbers of like near zero values and so all activations basically become zero and why is this an issue okay so think about what happens to the dynamics of the backward pass to the gradients when you have tiny numbers in the activations your X's are tiny numbers on the last few layers what what do these gradients look like on the weights in these layers and what happens to the backward pass so first of all suppose my so there is a layer here that looks at some layer before it and almost all the inputs are tiny numbers that's the X X is a tiny number what is the gradient what do you what might you expect the gradients for the W to be in that case for those layers sorry you said very small so why would they be very small that's right so the gradient for W will be equal to x times the gradient from the top ok and so if X are tiny numbers then your gradients for W are tiny numbers as well and so these guys will basically have almost no gradient accumulated now we can also look at what happens with these matrices again we took data that was distributed as a unit Gaussian at the beginning and then we ended up multiplying it by W and activation function and we saw that basically everything goes to 0 this just collapses over time and think about the backward pass as we change the gradient through these layers and back propagation what we were doing effectively is some of the gradient kind of Forks off into our gradient W and we saw that those are tiny numbers but then throwing back propagation we're going through gradients of X and so we end up doing when we back drop through here is we again end up multiplying by W again and again at every single layer and if you take unit Gaussian data and you multiply it by W at this scale you can see that everything goes to 0 and the same thing will happen in backward pass we're successively multiplying by W as we've back propagate into X on every single layer and we're as we do that this gradient which started off with reasonable numbers from your loss function will end up just going towards 0 as you keep doing this process and you end up with gradients here that are basically just tiny tiny numbers and so you basically end up with very very low gradients throughout this network because of this reason and this is something that we refer to as vanishing gradient as this gradient travels through with this particular initialization you can see that the grip the magnitude of the gradient will just go down when we used this initialization for W of 1 a negative 2 okay so we can try a different extreme instead of scaling here as we scaled with 1 negative two we can try a different scale of the W matrix at initialization so suppose I try one point zero instead of 0.01 we'll see another funny thing happen because now we've overshot the other way in a sense that you can see that well maybe it's best to look at the distributions here you can see that everything is completely saturated these 10h neurons are either all negative one or all one I mean the distribution is really just everything is super saturated your entire network all the neurons throughout the network are either negative one or one because the weights are too large and they keep over saturating 10h neurons because this course that end up going through the non-linearity are just very large because the weights are large and so everything is super saturated so what are the gradients flowing through your network it's just terrible it's complete disaster right it's just zeros forever just exponentially zero and you die so you can train for a very long time and what you'll see when this happens is your loss is just not moving at all because nothing is background gating because all the neurons are saturated and nothing is being updated okay so this initialization as you might expect actually is like super tricky to set and it needs to be kind of in this particular case it needs to be somewhere between one and zero point zero one okay and so you can be slightly more principled instead of trying different values and there are some papers written on this so for example in 2010 there was a proposal for what we now call the Xavier initialization from glory at Hall and they kind of went through and they looked at the expression for the variance of your neurons and you can write this out and you can basically propose a specific initialization strategy for how you scale your gradients so I don't have to try a 0.01 I don't have to try one or whatever else so they recommend this kind of initialization where you divide by the square root of the number of inputs for every single neuron so if you have lots of inputs then you end up with lower weights and intuitively that makes sense because you're doing more weight you have more stuff that goes into your weighted sum so you want less of an interaction to all of them and if you have smaller number of units that are feeding into your lair then you want larger weights because then there's only a few of them and you want to have a variance of one so just to back up a bit the idea here is they were looking at a single neuron no activation functions included it's just a linear neuron and all they're saying is if you want if you're getting unit Gaussian data as input and you'd like this linear neuron to have a variance of 1 then you should initialize your weights with this amount and in the notes I go into exactly how this is derived is just some math with standard deviations and basically this is a reasonable initialization so I can use that instead and you can see that if I use it here the distributions end up being more sensible so we're again looking at the histogram between negative 1 and one of these 10h units and you get a more sensible number here and you actually have your within the active region of all these ten ages and so you can expect that this will be a much better initialization because things are in the active regions and things will train from the start nothing is supersaturated in the beginning the reason that this doesn't just end up being very nice and the reason we still have conversions down here is because this paper doesn't take into account the nonlinearities in this case the 10 age and so the 10h non-linearity ends up like kind of deforming your statistics of the variance throughout and so if you stack this up it ends up still you know doing something to distribution in this case it seems that the standard deviation goes down but it's not as dramatic as if you were to set this by by just trial and error and so this is like a reasonable initialization to use in your neural networks compared to just setting it to 0.01 and so people end up using this in practice sometimes but so this works in the case of 10h does something reasonable it turns out if you try to put it into a rectified linear unit network it doesn't work as well and the decrease in the standard deviations will be much more rapid so looking at irelia on and the first layer it has some distribution and then this distribution as you can see just gets more and more peaky at 0 so more and more neurons are not activating with this initialization so using the heavier initialization in a rectified layer layer net does not do good things and so again thinking about this paper they don't actually talk about nonlinearities and the relevance they compute this weighted sum which is within their domain here but now after the weighted sum you do a relly you kill half of the distribution you set it to zero and intuitively what that does to your distribution of your outputs is it basically halves your variance and so it turns out as was proposed in this paper just last year in fact someone said basically look there's a factor of two you're not accounting for because these relevant neurons they effectively have your variance each time because you take everything like say you have unit Gaussian inputs you take them through your non-linearity you have unit Gaussian stuff out but now you relieve that and so you end up having the variance so you need to account for it with an extra two and when you do that then you get proper distributions specifically for the relevant on and so in this initialization where if you're using relative Nets you have to worry about that extra factor of two and everything will come out nicely and you won't get this factor of two that keeps building up and it screws up your activations exponentially okay so basically this is tricky tricky stuff and it really matters in practice in practice in their paper for example they compare having the factor of two or not having that factor of two and it matters when you have really deep networks in this case I think they had a few dozen layers if you account for the factor of two you converge if you don't account for that factor of two you does nothing it's just zero lots okay so very important stuff you need really need to think it through you have to be careful with the initialization if it's incorrectly set are bad things happen and so specifically in the case if you have neural networks with railway units there's a correct answer to use and that's the this initialization from coming coming okay so tricky stuff this is partly this is partly why I know that worse even work for a long time as we just I think people didn't then fully maybe appreciate just how how difficult this was to get right and tricky and so I just like to point out that property initialization basically active area of research you can see that papers are still being published on this a large number of papers just proposing different ways of initializing your networks these last few are interesting as well because they don't give you a formula for initializing they have these data-driven ways of initializing networks and so you take a batch of data you forward it through your network which is now an arbitrary network and you look at the variances at every single point in your network and intuitively you don't want your very is to go 2-0 you don't want them to explode you want everything to have roughly say like be a unit Gaussian throughout your network and so they iteratively scale these weights in your network so that you have roughly unit Gaussian activations everywhere or on the order of that basically and so there are some data-driven techniques and a line of work on how to properly initialize okay so I'm going to go into some I'm going to go into a technique that alleviates a lot of these problems but right now I could take some questions if there are any at this point good would it make sense to standardize the gradient coming in by dividing by the variance possibly but then you're not doing back propagation because if you meddle with the gradient then it's not clear what your objective is anymore and so you're not getting necessarily gradient so that's maybe the only concern I'm not sure what would happen you can you can try to normalize the gradient I think the method I'm going to propose in a bit is actually doing something to the effect of that but in a clean way okay cool so let's go into something that actually fixes a lot of these problems in practice it's called batch normalization and it was only proposed last year and so I couldn't even cover this last year in this class but now I can and so this actually helps a lot okay and the basic idea in batch normalization paper is okay you want roughly unit Gaussian activations in every single part of your network and so just just do that just just make them unit Gaussian okay you can do that because making something unit Gaussian is a completely differentiable function and so it's okay you can back propagate through it and so what they do is you're taking a mini batch of your data and you're taking it through your network we're going to be inserting these batch normalization layers into your network and the batch normalization layers they take your input X and they make sure then every single feature dimension across the batch you have unit Gaussian activations so say you have a batch of 100 examples going through the network maybe this is a example here so your batch of activations so you have n things in your mini batch and you have D features or D activations of neurons that are at some port some part and this is an inputs to your Bachelor Malaysian layer so this is a matrix of X of activations and batch normalization effectively it evaluates the empirical mean and variance along every single feature and it just divides by it so whatever your X was it just makes sure that every single column here has unit is a unit Gaussian and so that's a perfectly differentiable function and it just applies it at every single feature or activation independently across the batch okay so you can do that and that's it turns out to be a very good idea now one problem with this scheme so this is the way this will work is we'll have normally we have fully connected followed by non-linearity fully connected all about non-linearity and we have a deep network of this now we're going to be inserting these bachelor realization layers right after fully connected layers or equivalently after convolutional layers as well see soon in with convolutional networks and basically we insert them there and they make sure that everything is roughly unit gaussian at every single step of the network because we just make it so and one problem you might think up with this with this is that that seems like a unnecessary constraint so when you put a Bachelor normalization here after fuller connected the outputs will definitely be unit Gaussian because you normalize them but it's not clear that 10h actually wants to receive unit Gaussian inputs so if you think about the form of 10h it has a specific scale to it it's not clear that a neural network wants to have this hard constraint of making sure that batch norm outputs are exactly unit Gaussian before the 10h because you if you'd like the network to pick if it wants your 10h outputs to be more or less diffuse more or less saturated and right now it wouldn't be able to do that so a small patch on top of it this is the second part of batch normalization is not only do you normalize X but after normalization you allow the network to shift by gamma and add a B for every single feature input and so what this allows the network to do and these are all parameters so gamma and B here are parameters that we're going to back drop back wrap into and they just allow the network to to shift after you've normalized to unit Gaussian they allow this bump to shift and scale if the network quantity and so we initialize they'll presumably one and zero or something like that and then we can the network can choose to adjust them and by adjusting these you can imagine that once we feed into 10h the network can choose through the backdrop signal to make the tan age more or less peaky or saturated in whatever way it wants but you're not going to get into this trouble where things just completely die or explode in the beginning of optimization and so things will train right away and then back propagation can take over and can fine-tune it over time and note one more important feature by the way is that if you set these gamma and B if you train them if my back propagation it happens that they end up taking the empirical variance and the mean then you can see that basically the network has the capacity to undo the batch normalization so this part can learn to undo that part and so that's why back normalization in the can act as an identity function or it can learn to be an identity whereas before it couldn't and so when you have these bachelor layers in there the network can through back propagation learn to take it out or it can learn to take advantage of it if it finds it helpful through the backdrop this will kind of work out so that's just a nice point to have and so basically there are several nice properties the batch norm so this is the algorithm as I described nice properties are that it improves the gradient flow through the network it allows for higher learning rates so your network and learn faster it reduces this is an important one it reduces the strong dependence on initialization as you sweep through different choices of your initialization scale you'll see that with and without batch norm you'll see a huge difference with batch alarm you'll see a much more things will just work for much larger settings of the initial scale and so you don't have to worry about it as much it really helps out with this point and one kind of more subtle thing to point out here is it kind of acts as a funny form of regularization and it reduces need for dropout which we'll go into in a bit later in the class but the way it acts as a funny regularization is with batch norm when you have some kind of an input X and go through the network then it's representation at some layer in the network is basically not only one of it but it's also a function of whatever other examples happen to be in your batch so because whatever other examples are with you in that batch normally these are processed completely independently in parallel but Batchelor actually ties them together and so your representation let's say like the fifth layer of network is actually a function of whatever back you happen to be sampled in and what this does is it jitter is your place in the representation space on that layer and this actually has a nice regularizing effect and so this jittering stochastically through this batch that you happen to be in has this effect and so I realize it's hand wavy but actually seems to actually help out a bit okay and that test time Batchelor layer by the wave functions a bit differently you don't want that test time you want this to be a deterministic function so just a quick point that at test time when you're using a Bachelor on layer it functions differently in particular you have this mu and a Sigma that you keep normalizing by so at test time you just remember your mu and Sigma across the data set you can either compute it like what is the mean and Sigma at every single point in the network you can compute that once over your entire training set or you can just have a running sum of muse and Sigma's while you're training and then make sure to remember that in the bachelor layer because at test time you don't want to actually estimate the empirical mean and variance across your batch you want to just use those directly okay so because this gives you nice deterministic function forward at test time so there's just a small detail okay and so that's a batch norm any any questions about fashion by the way so this is a good thing use it and you'll implement it actually in your assignment good thank you so the question is does it slow down things at all it does so there is a runtime penalty that you have to pay for it unfortunately I don't know exactly how expensive it is I heard someone say value of like 30 percent even and so I don't know actually I haven't fully checked this but basically there is a penalty because you have to do this at ever normally you it's very common to basically have a Bachelor after every convolutional layer and when you have to say hundred and fifty comm like layers you end up having all this stuff build up any other questions that's the price we pay I suppose god like you don't use nationalisation your being is not going so on that maybe it would be good I need to try it so yeah so when can you tell that you maybe need Bachelor I think I'll come back to that in a few slides we'll see like how can you detect that your network is not healthy and then maybe you want to try a bathroom okay so the learning process I have 20 minutes I think I can do this yeah where it's like 70 out of 100 so I think we're fine okay so we've pre-processed our data we decided let's try let's decide on some for these purposes of these experiments I'm going to work with C 410 and I'm going to use a two layer neural network with say 50 head in neurons and I'd like to give you an idea about like how this looks like in practice when you're training your own networks like how do you play with it where are some of the how do you actually converge to good high parameters what does this process of playing with the data and getting things to work look like in practice and so I decided to try out a small neural network I've pre-processed my data and so the first kinds of things that I would look at if I want to make sure that my politician is correct and things are working first of all um so I'm going to be initializing here a two layer neural network so weights and biases initialized with just naive initialization here because this is just a very small network so I can afford to maybe do it just a naive sample from the Gaussian and then this is a function that basically is going to train a neural network and I'm not showing you the implementation obviously but just one thing basically it returns your loss and returns your gradients on your model parameters and so the first thing I might try for example is I disable the regularization that's passed in D and and I make sure that my loss comes out correct right so I mentioned this in previous slides so say I have ten classes in C for 10 I'm using South mess classifier so I know that I'm expecting a loss of negative log of one over ten because that's the that's just the expression for the loss and that turns out to be 2.3 and so I put this in I get a loss of 2.3 so I know that basically the neural network is currently giving you a diffuse distribution over the classes because it doesn't know anything we've just initialized it so that checks out the next thing on my check is that for example I cranked up the regularization and I of course expect my loss to go up right because now we have this additional term in the objective and so that checks out so that's nice the next thing I would usually try to do it's a very good sanity check when you're working with neural networks is try to take a small piece of your data and try to make sure you can over fit your training data just that small piece so I'm going to take like say a sample of like 20 training examples and 28 labels and I just make sure that I train on that small piece and I just make sure that I can get a loss of basically near zero I can fully over fit that because if I can't over fit a tiny piece of my data then things are definitely broken and so here I'm starting the training and I'm starting with a random number of parameters here I'm not going to go into full details there but basically I make sure that my cost can go down to zero and that I'm getting accuracy of 100% on this tiny piece of data and so that gives me confidence that probably backprop is working probably the update is working the learning rate is set somehow reasonably and so I can over fit a small data set and I'm happy at this point and I maybe I'm thinking about now scaling up to larger Adira good then sometimes I so you should be able to overfit sometimes I even try like say like one or two or three examples you can really crank this down and you should be able to overfit even with smaller networks and so that's a very good sanity check because you can afford to have small networks and you just make sure you can over fit if you can't over fit your implementation is probably incorrect something is very funky is wrong so you should not be scaling up to your full data set before you can pass the sanity check um so let's see so so basically the way I try to approach this is take your small piece of data and now we're scaling it up we've over fitted so now I'm scaling up to like the bigger data set and I'm trying to find the learning rate that works and you have to really play with this right you can't just eyeballed the learning rate you have to find the scale roughly so I'm trying first a small learning rate like 1e negative 6 and I see that the loss is bate barely barely going down so this lost this learning rate of 1 negative 6 is probably are too small right nothing is changing of course there could be many other things wrong because your loss could be constant for like a million reasons but we've passed a small sanity check so I'm thinking that this is the loss is too low and I need you to knit by the way this is a fun example here of something funky going on that is fun to think about my loss just barely went down but actually my training accuracy shot up to 20 percent from the default 10 percent how does that make any sense how can I be by loss just barely change but my costs my accuracy is so good well much much better than 10% how's that even possible the regularization term is still yeah yeah maybe not corny either not quite I think my mother per good okay on okay a bit maybe not quite so think about how accuracy is computed and how this cost is computed right go ahead right right so you you start out with a fuse losses the diffuse sorry scores and now what's happening is your training so these scores are tiny shifting your loss is still roughly diffused so you end up at the same loss but now your correct answers are now tiny bit more probable and so when you're actually computing the accuracy the art maxy class is actually ends up being the correct one so these are some of the fun things you run into when you actually train some of this stuff you have to you have to think about the expressions okay so now I start I tried very low learning rate things are barely happening so now I'm going to go to the other extreme and I'm going to try out a learning rate of a million what could possibly go wrong so what happens in that case you get some weird errors and things explode you get Nan's really fun stuff happens so okay 1 1 million is probably too high is what I'm thinking at this point so then I try to narrow in on rough region that actually gives me a decrease in my costs right that's what I'm trying to do with my binary search here and so at some point I get some idea about you know roughly where should I be cross validating ok like the hyper Armour optimization at this point I'm trying to find the best high parameters for my network what I really like to do in practice is go from course to find strategy so first I just have a rough idea by playing with it where the learning rate should be then I do a course search our learning rates of like a bigger segment and then I repeat this process so I look at what works and then I narrow in on the regions that work well ok do this here are quickly and in your code for example detect explosions and break out early that's like a nice tip in terms of the implementation so what I'm doing effectively here is I have a loop where I sample my hyper parameters say in this case the regularization and the learning rate I sample them I train I get some results here so these are the accuracies in the validation data and these are the hyper parameters that produce them and some of the accuracies you can see that they work quite well so fifty percent forty percent some of them don't work well at all so this gives me an idea about what range of learning rates and regularization z' are working relatively well and when you do this hyper MRAP zatia you can start out first with just a small number of epochs you don't have to run for a very long time just run for a few minutes you can already get a sense of what's working better than than some other things and also one note when you're optimizing over regularization in the learning rate it's best to sample from lock space you don't just want to sample from a uniform distribution because these are learning rates and regularization they act multiplicatively on the dynamics of your back propagation and so that's why you want to do this in lock space so you can see that I'm sampling from negative 3 to negative 6 the exponent for the learning rate and then I'm raising it to the power of 10 I'm raising 10 to the power of it and so you don't want to just be sampling from a uniform of 0.01 to like 100 because then most of your samples are kind of in a bad region right because the learning rate is a multiplicative interaction so something to be aware of now once I found what works relatively well of course doing a second pass where I'm kind of going in and I'm changing these again a bit and I'm looking at what works so I find that I can now get to 53 so some of these work really well one thing to be aware of sometimes you get a result like this so 53 is working quite well and this is actually where if I see this I'm actually worried at this point because I'm so through this cross-validation here I have a result here and there's something actually wrong about this result that hints at some issue there's an unsettling problem with this result looks like necessarily a local optimum is not necessarily global optimum so what makes you say that exactly oh I see so you're saying that actually they're quite a diffuse in a sense like there's not they're not consistent too much yeah perhaps okay so an interest of time what's happening here look I'm optimizing learning rate between negative three negative four ten to the and I end up with a very good result that is just at the boundary of what I'm hiper I'm optimizing over so this is almost 1 in negative 3 it's almost zero point zero zero one which ends which is really a boundary of what I'm searching over so I'm getting a really good result at an edge of what I'm looking for and that's not good because maybe this edge here the way I've defined it is not actually optimal and so I want to make sure that I spot these things and I adjust my ranges because there might be even better results going slightly this way so maybe I want to change negative 3 to negative 2 or 2.5 and but for regularization I see that a 1 a negative 4 is working quite well so maybe I'm in a slightly better spot and so on so worried about this one thing also I'd like to point out is you'll see me sample these randomly so tend to the uniform of this so I'm sampling random regularization or learning rates when I'm doing this what you might see sometimes people do is what's called a grid search so really the difference here is instead of sampling randomly people like to go in steps of fixed amounts in both the learning rate and the regularization and so you hand up with this double loop here over some settings of learning rate and some settings of regularization because you're trying to be exhaustive and this is actually a bad idea it doesn't actually work as well as if you sample randomly and it's unintuitive but you actually always want to sample randomly you don't want to go in fixed steps and here's the reason for that it's kind of you think about it a bit but this is the grid search way so I've sampled at set intervals and I kind of have confidence that I've you know sweep out this this entire space and as opposed to random sampling where I've just randomly sample from the to the issue is that in hyper parameter optimization in training neural networks what often happens is that one of the parameters can be much much more important than the other parameter ok so say that this is an unimportant parameter it's performance the performance of your loss function is not really a function of the Y dimension but it's really a function of the X dimension you get much better result in a specific range along the x axis and if this is true then which is often the case then in this case you're actually going to end up sampling lots of different axis and you end up with a better spot then here where you've sampled at exact spots and you're not getting any kind of information across the X if that makes sense so always use random because in these cases which are common the random will actually give you more bang for the buck okay so there are several high parameters you want to play with the most common ones are probably the learning rate the update type maybe we're going to we're going to go into this in a bit the regularization and the dropout amounts which we're going to go into so this is really a it's so much fun so in practice the way what this looks like as we have it for example a computer vision cluster we have 70 machines so I can just distribute my training across 70 machines and I've written myself for example command center interface where these are all the loss functions on all the different machines in our computer vision cluster these are all here hyper parameters I'm searching over and I can see basically what's working well and what isn't and I can send commands to my workers and I can say okay this isn't working at all so you just resample you're not doing well at all and some of these are doing very well and I look at what's exactly working well and I'm adjusting it's a dynamic process that I have to go through to actually get this stuff to work well because you just have too much stuff to optimize over and you can't afford to just a spray and pray you have to work with it ok so you're optimizing and you're looking at loss functions these loss functions can take various different forms and you need to be able to read into what that means so you'll be you'll get quite good at looking at loss functions and intuiting what happens so this one for example I was pointing out in the previous lecture it's not as exponential as I may be used to my loss functions I'd like it to you know it looks a little too linear and so that maybe tells me that the learning rate is maybe slightly too low so that doesn't mean the learning rate is too low it just means that I might want to consider trying a higher learning rate sometimes you get all kinds of funny things so you can have a plateau we're at some point the network decides that it's now ready to optimize usually so what is the prime suspect in these kinds of cases just a guess maybe sorry yeah sure so weights initialization I think is the prime suspect you've initialized them incorrectly the gradients are barely flowing but at some point they add up and it just suddenly starts training so lots of fun in fact it's so much fun that I've started an entire tumblr a while ago on loss functions so you can go through these so people contribute these which is nice and so this is I think someone training a spatial transformer network we're going to go into that this is a all kinds of exotic shapes I'm not even you know at some point you're not really sure how what any of this means it's going so well yes so here this this is again like several tasks that are training at the same time and just this by the way I know what happened here it's this is actually training a reinforcement learning agent the problem in reinforcement learning is you don't have a stationary data distribution you don't have a fixed data set in reinforcement learning you're an agent interacting with the environment if your policy changes and you end up like staring at the wall or you end up looking at different parts of your space you end up with different data distributions and so suddenly I'm looking at something very different than what I used to be looking at and I'm training my agent and the loss goes up because the agent is unfamiliar with that kind of inputs and so you have all kinds of fun stuff happening there and then so this one is one of my favorites I have no idea what basically happened here this loss oscillates but roughly does and then it kind of just explodes I've clearly something was not fully right in this case and also here it just kind of some point decides to converge I have no idea what was wrong so you get all kinds of funny things if you end up with funny plots in your assignments and please do send them to loss functions that somebody will post them so during training don't only look at the loss function another thing to look at is your accuracy especially accuracies for example so you sometimes prefer looking at accuracies over loss functions because accuracies are interpretable i know what these classification accuracies mean in absolute terms whereas for loss function is maybe not as interpretable and so in particular I have a loss I have an accuracy curve for my validation data and my training data and so for example in this case I'm saying that my training data accuracy is getting much much better and my validation accuracy has stopped improving and so based on this gap that can give you hints on what might be going on under the hood in this particular case there's a huge gap here so maybe I'm thinking I'm overfitting I'm not hundred percent sure but I might be overfitting I might want to try to regularize strongly more strongly one of the things you might also be looking at is tracking the difference between the scale of your parameters and the scale of your updates to those parameters so say you're you're suppose that your weights are on the order of unit rushon distributed then intuitively the updates that you're incrementing your weights by in backpropagation you don't want those updates to be much larger than the weights obviously or you don't want them to be tiny like you don't want your updates to be on the order of one e- seven when your weights are on the order of one negative two and so look at the update that you're about to increment onto your weights and just look at its norm for example the sum of squares and compare it to the update the scale of your parameters and usually a good rule of thumb is this should be roughly 1 in negative 3 so basically every single update you're modifying on the order of like a third significant digit for every single parameter right you're not making huge updates you're not making very small updates so that's one thing to look at roughly 1 and negative 3 usually works ok if this is too high I want to maybe decrease my learning rate if it's way too low like say it's running negative 7 maybe I want to increase my learning rate and so in summary today we looked at a whole bunch of things to do with training neural networks the TLDR s of all of them are basically used Raley's per image to subtract mean use the heavier initialization or if you think you have a smaller network you can maybe get away with just choosing your scale to be 0.01 or maybe you want to play with that a bit there's no strong recommendation here I think a batch normalization just use and when you're doing high parameter optimization make sure to sample your head REMS and do it in lock space when appropriate and that's something to be aware of and this is what we still have to cover and that will be next class we do have two more minutes so I will take questions if there are any but regulating way to like know how they're gonna like poorly with each other so you kind of like randomly yes you're asking about the correlation between a regularization in the learning rate you you optimize over both of them during have the parameter optimization right and you try to decouple them but maybe the yeah I don't think there's any obvious thing I can recommend there you have to guess and check a bit I don't think that anything jumps out at me that's obvious or not to decouple them okay great no more questions or them a question regarding assigning
Channel: MachineLearner
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Keywords: neural networks
Id: mzkOF4tULj8
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Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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