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I normally made a video on why CS2 is dying in CS:GO it was a joke in CS:GO it's a never ending joke csgo is dying boom player numbers always up up up up up now player numbers are actually going down after the release of CS2 player numbers went down lower than what they were before that's crazy let's get into it why three c i pre-at two minutes off stream and then I realized okay it would be nice to watch it on stream because I have some I have some stuff to talk about here as well all right let's get into boys and guys boom and in today's video I'm going to be explaining why CS2 is kind of dying CS2 in beta and before the official release the hype was so insane and everyone thought that we were going to get this insane polished and content filled game but that's not really what happened before you get mad at me for saying CS2 is dead you can see it's still by far the most played game on Steam but if we actually go into the statistics you can see in the last two months the player base has dropped by about 25% that is obvious Chad this is crazy to me I I remember people coming to me and saying your player numbers are down and I thought okay they're lower than when like the game released a lot of new people joined of course the numbers are up a lot so the numbers will be down a lot afterwards as well right people play it once and go go play another game again but the players numbers are lower than before c two no that's crazy about 25% that is obviously not a good sign for the game and even further people like simple are saying I played CS2 only once and became bored because there's only one map this was in beta but obviously his thoughts on the game hasn't really changed because he's basically quit playing CS overall now I made a tweet where I asked what people think is bad with cs or what was better in CS simple what is the simple situation I think it's just like I don't know he said he said in tweets that the op feels weird and stuff like he said he's considering offers maybe not even as an oper or something he told people maybe wait three months uh um to play the game if you want to become professional or something like this he hasn't played at a single tournament yet but he has been streaming CS2 he has been streaming FPL he's preparing by the looks of I don't know I don't know go and under it I made a poll where people could say how much CS2 do they play compared to CS and you can see by the answers almost 30% said they've stopped playing completely and almost 40% said that they play less than CSG go only 21% said that they play the same and only 13% said that they play more what is it for you chat I play less I think I don't know why that is is it CS2 per se or is it me being interested in other things I feel like I wouldn't be interested in other things like playing fortnite on stream if if CS2 if we would have an operation if we would have something to do if we would have I me venting out the rage after losing a game maybe we against stream snipers playing the game of danger zone quickly you know it's I don't know I don't know there there's so much less to do you can either play Premiere Get Smoked by cheaters I played three games with robs and kmbo on stream and we had two out of three games obvious cheaters I'm saying Scout headshotting through the wall every single round and then in the first game of those one of those three games that we played it was an hvh one on our team one of the two randoms turn on cheats as well he started buying a scout bro two out of three games we cheaters and don't say oh my God but you only played three games yes because we realized that it's not possible to play premere right now yeah and then uh um as well some people the people at the top JoJo is his name he's the number one ELO in Premier right now he said as well it's a coin flip when you Quee right now it's 50/50 you run into a cheetah five stack even in na even in na it's not just an EU thing it's not just a low ELO thing it's a High ELO thing EU thing na thing everything the answers almost 30% said they've stopped playing completely and almost 40% said that they play less than CSG go only 21% said that they play the same and only 13% said that they play more CS2 than csgo and in this video I'm going to be explaining why this is happening and why the player base in CS is declining right now but before that I want to thank today's sponsor which is skins monkey they're one of the best and E check out skins monkey if you want to you know if you want uh Skins are three main categories I haven't seen this yet now here I haven't seen this why CS2 is in the right now the first issue is all of the content that's been removed the second one is the game play of CS2 and the third one is just that CS2 wasn't ready to be released now before you write angry comments and Dick cry the CS2 in the comments please hear me out as I explain these three categories starting with content removed first thing that I think is very important is OverWatch I don't know why but OverWatch is now gone from csgo it wasn't available for a few months in CS go as well while they were working on CS2 not sure I forgot about that as well OverWatch was another thing you're like you don't know what to do right now but you're still in the menu on CS you have all these options you're a little bit tilted of of matchmaking maybe you don't want to play ders right now you hop in an OverWatch Pang why but I know that we are seeing a lot more hackers now than before maybe it has something to do with that I don't know but surely that is not a good thing please bring back OverWatch next I would like to mention the absolute insane number of maps that were in CS goo that are deleted from CS2 let's start with competitive matchmaking and Premiere maps that are gone in CS2 you can no longer play cash Tuscan agency train and in Premiere you can no longer play Dust two not sure why but those maps are just completely gone and the deleted wingman maps are Boyard chalice cobstone train short dust and Lake all of these six Maps 07 for Lake yo some wingman on Lake some Scouts uh uh Scouts men where you like have gravity and oh budha I love Lake I love them are no longer playable and they also deleted very many maps from casual and Deathmatch the deleted maps are Cobblestone Cash train canals tusen agency militia and assault all of these maps are deleted from CS2 also for some reason in CS2 they decided to delete the training course if you don't know what the training course is it's this training map where you basically would run around and shoot at these cardboard cutouts it had a very Niche audience of people who used to speedrun it for fun me that is not true bro I remember checking world records speedruns for CS goo I was like oh my God it has a category bro there's like 10 submitted uh Records what I remember checking this yeah small community of 10 people or what let me check again let me check again boom because here CS go I thought it was nobody nobody submits anything or let me see here boom okay never mind 635 runs that's gun range which is I guess what he's talking about then we got this this one is literally dead only 56 submissions overall and then we got this one guys yeah okay oh 10 people guys this bro we're talking CSO millions of players like nobody played this or wait actually oo LOL why is oo playing this he's a friend a way and three clicks Phillip included but now for some reason it's deleted well that's a lot of stuff deleted right well no we're not even halfway yet because they all they also deleted a lot of game modes danger zone which I'm really sad for I used to play this a lot and it was a unique Twist on Cs and really didn't feel like CS at all that's just completely deleted now they deleted all over Chad I say it every time danger zone was underrated I'm telling you people that never played danger zone before I forced them to play a game with me what did they say after we died getting a to top 10 situation let's play one more what happened then again we died immediately let's play one more always playing until we get a win Buddha it is so addicting it is such a fun mode once you get into it I'm telling you you just got to play a game man but yeah not a lot of people played it will we ever see danger zone again I I think there was some signs hinting at that we don't get it right I remember I think it was Aquarius one of the leakas um hinting at that we won't see danger zone back probably not yeah I remember that as well and really didn't feel like C us at all that's just completely deleted now they deleted all of the war games which are arms race demolition flying scoutsman and retakes for some reason they just thought these game modes are let is it it's being poted okay so dangerson is coming A a is a is a yeah Lea it's a programmer he looks in the code as well tell me right now it's coming please so I can be hyped for something oh he's being very careful with his words now some of the stuff is being added slowly I don't know an ETA okay that's good to hear that's good to hear that danger zone may be coming by the looks of it nice nice nice very nice maybe updated proo imagine oh budha I imagine this proximity chat in danger zone because CS is one of those games where you know how to use voice chat you everybody has their their voice bind it's not like in pubg all this or not pubg fortnite all of the sudden they add VC and people don't even know how to use a mic you have to enable it and stuff CS it's been there forever everybody knows how to use a mic imagine proximity chat in danger zone bro and then maybe like a 100 people maybe with CS2 it's more possible with a source 2 engine bigger Maps 100 people oh like fortnite bro oh budha delete them because all of these game modes are now G but then again then we need to fix the cheetah problem because imagine a single cheetah makes it into your 100 player Lobby game over a lot of the maps that were in these game modes are now also unplayable the maps deleted from these game modes are black sight Ember coku and Vineyard from danger zone Vineyard piece of this map always CR my crashed my CS bro I always had to restart bro it was always like Vineyard and in danger zone you can't select the map it's always like in rotation you got to wait two minutes and it was like Vineyard oh my God you got to wait two minutes it's so annoying bro game maps that are deleted there's a lot are Lake baggage Safe House St Mark s shoots lunacy Monastery dust one dizzy bank and sugar cane all of those maps are now in CS2 completely unplayable on any sort of official server very sad I calculated that actually the maps that are deleted made up 63% of the entire map Pool in CS go which means in CS2 now we're only left with 37% of all maps from csgo which is really sad they also removed a ton of console commands that people liked some of the major ones are Clore Bob which lowers the amount your weapon sways when you move in game it's really annoying right now in CS2 because every time you move your gun goes like this meanwhile in CS goo you can set it to a low amount and then when you'd move it would be still very much better another command that for no Chad is that a problem same with the left hand right because people are crying that we can't use weapon on left hand see right hand zero is it because of the smokes and and like the tracers because when you shoot through a smoke like imagine your model is on the left but the gun shot comes out of there you know like with the smoke like it's not going to work I think that maybe it I don't know good reason is deleted is the CL ah 99% this is sadly a designed decision yeah so what I just said H uncore right hand meaning that you can change so your gun is not on the right side but it's on the left side either way CS2 is basically saying if you're a lefty you another piece of side information is that skin prices have also absolutely plummeted in CS2 I made a full video on why skin prices went down in CS2 but quickly it's basically because a lot of people over invested and were expecting a very polished content filled game obviously that's not what happened now the player base is declining and so are skin prices another factor is that valve can't really seem to make up their mind on what skins should look like they've Chang the way skins look like 10 times and that creates uncertainty for the buyer for example if I bought a Talon Doppler I wanted it to look like this in CS2 they just completely changed the way it looks and they keep changing it in CS2 tweaking it and making it look different which is really weird because in csgo if I bought this Talon then I knew it would look like this and it would never change the next category of reasons like I said is the game play of CS2 now I'm not going to lie I am not the greatest player in CS ever but I know some people that are much better than me so I decided to ask them some nine did I not csdm questions I asked Furious and ran some questions on what they thought about CS2 what was I think I may have missed it no chubby could have made into the video better or worse and of course their main concern is the empti cheat in CS2 which seemingly is a lot worse than in CS Goo even with false positive bands being common in CS2 with with people getting banned for something as simple as a console command or setting their sense very high and spinning and shooting gets you permanently game B what Furious no way bro oh my God also complained about the peers advantage and the randomness of CS2 which has made them and a lot of other good players very dissatisfied with the game they were also both very disappointed with a subti system which makes everything feel much more random making the gap between really good players and really players much smaller that's not a good thing in a skill-based game and the final reason why I think CS2 is not doing very well like I said is it just wasn't ready for a public release because in the past few weeks we've had gamebreaking bugs every single week like the elevator boosts or the Michael Jackson Peaks which yeah you know it's kind of funny when you Peak someone and he stands like this yeah that's really funny but not in a skill-based game where you you could lose your rank to something as stupid as that I understand if those things were happening in the beta but now it's a fully released game things like that should not be happening and talking about rank I think both of the new ranking systems in CS2 are kind of bad in Premiere the ELO you get for a game seems very random sometimes you get- 100 plus 360 and sometimes you get- 400 plus one Chad why is that isn't that like win streak and loss streak or like I remember I I lost three games in a row and then at the beginning I got plus 100 minus 100 and then all a sudden was plus 80us 400 or something MMR ELO difference yeah maybe if you're playing against better enemies you're getting more ELO yeah but I think lose win streak is also a big thing 100 it doesn't seem to make any sense which makes sense if they ranked you wrong at the beginning all of a sudden like they priced you in 18K you don't deserve 18K talking about the random example here uh a loss streak makes sense right imagine you lose 100 every time and you get for the next 100 games to get into your real rank no l streak makes sense if if you're completely clueless if you don't if that's not your rank like should go down quicker and in my opinion the new individual map ranking is really bad it's a good concept but since ranks are individual per each map a really good player could just hop on a random map that he hasn't played before and Smurf and stomp all of the nobs and then when he's done he can just change to another map and another map and another map and by the I still don't know how to feel about the two things like two separate ranks you know what I mean like oh what's your Premier rank what's your mm rank what's your uh uh fa rank like I don't know I hate when it's like separated I love when there's one huge que and the one rating that everyone cares about same as in CS go what's your rank Pang you know oh what do you mean Premier omm but imagine they do it like valorent in valorent you can't cue your favorite map right imagine they just take away mm and only Premiere becomes available would you be uh uh annoyed by that if it's only with pix and bands no thank you no yes I I don't like the map dependent rank but I don't know how to fix it either time he's done the first rank is going to have reset so he can just keep smurfing also I thought it would be fun to mention because there are nine different maps in total and you need 10 wins on each map to get a rank that means you need 90 wins just to get a rank on every single map let's say you have 60% win ratio that means you're going to have to play around 150 games total just to get a rank on every single map if you assume that one game is around 35 minutes and you need to play 150 then you end up with almost 90 hours of play time needed which is lit as someone who came from valorent the individual map rank confused the hell out of me yeah it's not the way no it seems a little bit like they don't know what they want to do yet they try to make everyone happy but it just becomes weird like mm rank on every map I remember how they announced it on the trailer and if you're only Global on vertigo yeah but it's it's I don't know it's confusing it's it's not nice literally more than two full weeks of fulltime employment hello anyways those are the main reasons I personally think that csgo is in a bad spot right now and that there is a General negative attitude what if it's like faet chat but you have the faet premium by default AKA you can select you can you can select three maps to Q you know what I mean let's say you want a q Premiere you select three maps and then the picks and band starts uh starts with other people that selected three Maps like face it premium no l oh my God come on guys I mean learning how to play three maps that seems fair and then you can ban one towards CS2 right now and yes obviously I think that may be the way people are not annoyed about face it because you can't pick the map that you want to play people love playing face it uh now we have something similar in CS picks and Bs but uh I like I I enjoy face and premium a lot where I can take out the maps that I absolutely hate even if I solo CU so I don't have to uh you know um tell my teammates oh let's play please ban this and then they don't ban it CS2 is going to become a really good game eventually in a few months or a year but we don't really care about that right now because right now the game is not very good and we're not living in the future but the game is going to be better in the future shouldn't be an excuse for a company of valves size having an absolute flop of a game release and to the people who are saying that CS go wasn't any better back in 2012 it released either well it definitely wasn't but if we look back in time in 2012 that's what I'm saying as well bro you need to understand you got to like this crazy VI dick riders I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I I love riding on it sometimes yes but with CS2 you can't be saying that oh my God back in the day CS go look how bad it was the release yes but now we have now it's the biggest the most respected FPS game ever billions of dollars in the Skins economy H and and and the the new game releases and there's some obvious mistakes with it like guys you can't tell me that mistakes like for example the bomb diffusing someone diffuses the bomb head is down all the sudden the hit box you can't headshot him the game released like that it's like if you play in the vi office if if if they would play like a 100 games that's what they do for testing right before they release a game I would expect them to find out things like this and fix it before release but no they released it like that that's insane that's insane billion dollar company they make how much 100 mil each month with cases get some more test as or summon Baby R than for the five Z course doesn't make sense I don't know bro team is very small though he they make it bigger what do you mean then bro what do you mean that's not an excuse dog what is that well you can see we only had average players of about 10,000 people so it kind of makes sense that the releasee in 2012 was a bit more than now especially considering Back Then There Were w't any CS cases and now valve makes almost 100 you can't compare the Cs go release to the CS2 release you got to compare what don't don't call me weird or something you got to compare to something like the valorant release right because when that game released it it was ready and that's what you expect from a company that of that size right games Val like 100% that was a clean release any any other game a lot of other shooter games release clean million per month only from case keys with a budget of a small country surely would think that they could just improve the game and released an at least decently polished game I don't think we bro and bro like you can't tell me do you remember let me see this uh do you remember our first unboxed gold chat when CS2 released it's just one example it's just don't say oh my God yeah but it doesn't matter yes but it's it's those things adding up when CS2 released you boxed a gold and it it showed a different Rarity it it showed instead of a gold it showed blue gold you know what I mean someone show me the clip show them some of the clip one of the old unboxes of ours and that was the case for one week and don't say oh my God but doesn't matter yes but still don't you test once unboxing a gold before you release a game out to millions of people you know what I mean don't you realize then oh my God wait this is supposed to be gold it's a click of a button to fix it there shouldn't be this like always like one week for a small fix of a small thing that that could have been been found out in internal testing you know what I mean show me an old clip please yeah there we go thanks bro no you guys I swear to God bro so much so oh my okay never mind should be making up excuses you know what I'm talking about when first came out you unbox the gold it it looked weird yeah bro nobody post the clip thank you so much here we go Pang look W gold like bro and this was this was even a bu in csgo the winter I think it was the winter uh Esports case where this was the case where the gold shows is a different uh uh Rarity for one case it was the it was a buck they've never fixed it CS2 releases it's a buck for every case how bro how and don't say oh my God yeah but it doesn't matter I know I know it doesn't matter but still releasing a game to Millions with an obvious pix and don't say oh my God yeah but maybe was intended or something no they fixed it after people mentioned it and Dick ride valve for no reason when they have the doesn't matter they could just it's the least proat problematic problem in the game I am just giving an example for what the problem is okay it's it's it's an example for something that is obvious that should have been fixed on release I it it I I don't want to mention all the other problems that were you know that were obvious that would have been found out in a little bit of testing on release this one example for for what for what the release was like okay prove the game and released an at least decently polished game I don't think we should be making up excuses and Dick ride valve for no reason when they have delivered a product that in my opinion and many other people's opinion is not even close to finished and as sad as it is to say uh CS2 is obviously in a terrible state right now and the only thing we can do is wait until it becomes a good game eventually but I know that many many people will not have the effort to wait and will probably permanently quit playing CS now because of this release anyways thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed my yeah and and don't say oh my God yeah but the real wants M say but that's not what C valve wants that's a lie oh chat imagine the average casual bro who plays some CS had fun with his friends in csgo all of the sudden his friends start playing fortnite Boom you know and then they get hooked they start the battle pass L it's it's how like of course that's how you lose some players not all of them of course I will always play CS2 um but all of my playing right now yeah but he played Le before um I don't know man little rant on y CS2 is in the there and I hope you guys can also say in the comments if you still play how much you play if you play less than in CS goo or if you've completely quit or maybe there are some people out there who prefer CS2 over CS go so thank you for watching now I'm going to go cry because look how they m massacred my boy Chad and and don't get this wrong oh because now there will probably be if this gets uploaded as reaction or something people will be like oh my God I love CS CS2 as well but I expected a little bit more from the from the release as well if you compare to to to other companies of the size of Life releasing that game like this was this was a weak release it was a weak release Pros some pros are angry the players numbers are going down you can't deny that you can't deny that all right uh of course it will get fixed with time yes I don't know it's it's just a it's just an unfortunate way of of of releasing a game I feel like I don't know yo okay stop okay but this I feel like people may have clicked like maybe they already quit csgo before this you know and they don't know what to click I mean for me it's I play less
Channel: ohnepixel raw
Views: 196,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo, csgo skins, ohnepixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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