Cryptids - Thunderbird

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bird-watching can be a pretty interesting hobby for some if you're into that kind of thing but imagine just taking a normal walk one day and then all of a sudden seeing a giant pterodactyl sized bird flying around some people have claimed to see just that and they call it the Thunderbird the Thunderbird is a krip dated that has reportedly been seen flying across the skies all across the United States the bird of describe is having a body that is four to eight feet in height and a wingspan that is 10 to 20 feet in height its weight is unknown and its diet is also unknown but presumed to be carnivorous legends of the Thunderbird go all the way back to native tribes all across America some of these stories would say the bird was so powerful that when they flapped their wings Thunder was created and when they blanked their eyes that lightning was created and that water would fall off their backs creating rain the tribes would sometimes eat the Thunderbird as a way to explain things that happened naturally such as storms and bad weather throughout time there been multiple sightings of the Thunderbird one of the most bizarre sightings occurred on July 25th 1977 in Lawndale Illinois sometime between 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock p.m. a mother was cleaning up the kitchen all our kids were playing outside while cleaning sure to scream from outside which is been outside to see what it was she's all two massive birds chasing her ten-year-old son and then one of the birdsong kids calls into the boys shirt and lifted him up off the ground the mother began attacking the birds until finally like over son and then flew away the mother reported this to the police and described the bird is having a white ring around its neck a black body each wing was four feet in the entire length of the bird from beak detail was about four and a half feet some people believe the bird she saw was an andean condor which is a black bird with a ten-foot wingspan in the white ring the neck andean condors whoever are not capable of lifting heavy objects another interesting Thunderbird sighting happened in 1980 in Arizona two Cowboys claimed to have cut a giant bird with a huge wingspan the bird supposedly had smooth skin featherless wings and an alligator like face this description vaguely matches that of a pterodactyl the Cowboys dragged the bird into town and pinned it up against the barn allegedly a picture this was published in the local newspaper but there isn't really any proof that any of this actually happened although there are a lot of people who claim that they remember this happening no one has ever actually produced a copy of a supposed picture some people believe that the description of the image is enough to create a false memory in the minds of people so they may think they saw the picture before when they actually haven't there have been many attempts to produce the image I was supposedly shown in the newspaper but most of these examples either don't the pic what was described or if it's been proven false this one for example is the museum's recreation of the now extinct bird called Argentia Smeg nificent which was a type of territory its wingspan was about 20 feet and weighed 176 pounds and went extinct about 6 to 8 million years ago this picture is a closest I've seen twas depicted in the newspaper article but a lot of people believe this to be fake too since in the picture you can actually see deer feet that whoever made the picture forgot to edit out now let's take a look at some of the actual video sightings of the Thunderbird to see if any of them are convincing in 2012 as a video was uploaded called Thunderbird caught on tape all the video shows is just this bird flying around in the sky this obviously isn't very convincing because all we see is the bird in the sky we have nothing to compare its size to so we have no idea how big it actually is for example in this picture which is fake by the way we can see the bird standing on a telephone wire thing so we can compare how big it is so this video is not very good evidence this next video has been slowed down a little bit by whoever uploaded it but here it is this video kind of gives a better scale as to how big the bird is since it flew over his house but still not the best scale for comparison regardless people have identified this bird as being a Blue Heron so this is one I should say false lighting the final setting I found is the most interesting it provides the best scale to dodge the bird size the person who made the video claims a distance between these two branches is three to four feet so we'll estimate that distance as three and a half feet according to the scale three and a half feet would be about 1.8 centimeters if we now measure the bird in the photo from feather detail we get about two and a half centimeters two and a half centimeters would be equal to four point 86 feet and that's what this body which is pretty big now we measure the wingspan we get about six centimeters which is about eleven point six feet but it's also really big now I'm not sure exactly how off my measurements were because the title of the video says the wingspan of the bird is only eight feet but I should we do guys how I got my measurements so just let me know if made a mistake now I'm not saying this was a Thunderbird but it was a pretty big bird overall nature is filled with fascinating things and whether or not some of these sightings were true Thunderbirds or just other birds that were pretty big it's still a very interesting sight to see thank you for watching and I'll see you on the flipside [Music]
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 400,213
Rating: 4.9297175 out of 5
Keywords: cryptid, cryptids, cryptozoology, thunder, bird, thunderbird, thunderbirds, birds, legend, legends, creepy, scary, sighting, sightings, explain, explained, debunked, debunking, real, or, fake, Pennsylvania
Id: kleJbFqGik8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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