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hey Cruisers I'm Sherry with cruise tips TV and this video comes as a special request from one of our subscribers they said look we see you doing your packing videos you're always doing pack with me videos but we want you to do a what I pack versus what I wore meaning like what hit the floor what did you actually live in on your cruise what did you leave in the corner of the closet what did you wish that you would packed all that good stuff so we are actually going to do that but this is kind of cool we're actually back from two cruises so I'm going to be reviewing what I packed versus what I wore on my Caribbean cruise it was 12 nights on princess what I packed versus what I wore on my Bermuda cruise on Norwegian Escape both of them had very different weather and is going to be a fun one so we're going to talk about what I wore most what I didn't wear mistakes that I made and things I had to buy anything that I mentioned today that you can purchase on Amazon for example will be linked down in the description and this video is sponsored today by level eight suitcases we'll get to that in just a little bit so let's start with talking about um a little homework assignment for you guys first thing you want to do is know that this is a video series so you want to go back and watch the pack with me video linked also you're going to want to watch the cabin organization video because in that video I kind of talked about how I utilized things like these new toiletry bags and where everything was and it it's kind of like a this is kind of step three in the series so if you can go back and watch those videos that would be great if not watch them afterwards all right let's start with what I did not wear on my Caribbean cruise so remember this is Regal Princess this was a hot Cruise Southern Caribbean really warm down there over 80 every day really muggy rainy as well so we're going to talk about the stuff that I did not wear first the first thing that was kind of a w w w fail he saw it in my packing video it was this maxi dress I thought it was cute on the hanger and it was just a massive flop on the cruise I put it on and I hated it it was weird across my chest I didn't even take a photo of it you guys I just couldn't I just couldn't I didn't like it it's really cute though on the hanger and of course it's cute on the model but guys I just didn't wear it so that was a little bit of a fail and it's so big I was mad because it took up a lot of space in my suitcase oh have you ever had that happen to you all right second thing I did not wear on my Caribbean cruise not one time in two weeks did I wear my sneakers packed my sneakers didn't wear them also did not even touch my workout clothes those kind of go hand inand didn't wear didn't touch them did not wear them at all the other thing I really didn't wear much was my socks I was really weird but I packed a few pairs of socks and I just never touched them because the weather was so hot the other thing I did not wear that I usually wear on just about every cruise is a Shaw or a wrap I didn't even need it on the airplane because the weather was just so incredibly warm so let's switch gears for a moment and let's talk about luggage again this video is sponsored by level 8 they have awesome products I will link to everything mentioned in the description of this video and I was a customer of theirs well before they were a sponsor of our Channel I bought my own suitcases and that is why they're a sponsor because they're the best so the suitcases that I took on this uh the both of these cruises to be honest the um level eight Grace is one of our family's favorites because it has some extendability here on the side and in the front you can put a laptop if you want now this suitcase isn't right for everybody because not everybody needs a laptop or tablet space so if you don't need that you might want to consider something more like the Voyager now the Voyager is a beautiful suitcase this is one of my favorites but what makes this one unique is it has these really wide handles so this is not right for you if you want to slide something over the trolley handle so in our case what we did is my husband used this bag because he doesn't put a bag on his trolley handle he actually utilizes a backpack so as a result of this wide handle the rollability and the maneuverability on this thing through the airport are so topnotch so I love this suitcase now this one also comes in a jumbo size that is absolutely beautiful and I I'm going to freak my husband out right now when I say this but I cannot wait for the time when I drive to a cruise instead of flying so that I can pack the Voyager I actually think I would fit in the Voyager isn't this gorgeous what do you guys think is this like a 28 in suitcase I think it's about 28 in but I love it it's gorgeous it has that wide handle and mark my words folks one of these these days when we're driving to Port mama is going to pack the big granddaddy Voyager now here's a fun one we actually also took with us the glitter suitcase it's not really glittery as you can see it's just a nice texture what I love about this carryon is that it actually comes with a cover this cover goes over top of the suitcase so when we were flying to New York and we thought oh man things might get a little roughed up it's supposed to be cold it's supposed to be rainy we put this over the top and I just knew that my suitcase would be completely protected the whole time and it really felt good to see it like all covered up so that's kind of how it all worked out with our luggage all carry-on for both cruises worked out awesome but one of these days I'm going to be I'm going to be naughty and I'm going to pack a big suitcase just you wait it's going to be fun okay next I have another um bag that I actually used a lot on this cruise that was a um this was my personal item on the flights and what's amazing about this is that this bag actually holds shoes in the bottom check this out I popped a couple of Pair of Shoes in there to show you guys so for smaller shoes maybe women's shoes I'd say you could fit probably two pair in there but this is a really efficient bag and this worked out so well for us so we're going to put that in like the wind category right definitely wins a few things about our flight too some things that worked out really really well I had this plan because one of our subscribers gave us a tip that I wanted to put everything I'd use on the flight in a little tiny packing Cube that I could store with me and keep like right at my airplane seat so like right when you sit down you guys know how it works you slide your bag under the seat in front of you and then it kind of becomes a pain to get stuff out of that bag so what if you could just put everything you needed in a little bag and then slide it in the seat back in front of you well that is what we did with this one and it worked out pretty good although I will say this is a little too thick so next time I'm going to take something smaller like a really small packing Cube or like maybe you know like a little plastic pouch or something and really kind of shrink that down so that worked out great but a little too big second thing is is these TSA bags were amazing I had shared in our packing video that I got these TSA bags and what made them unique is that they open from the top like this instead of being you know they open all the way is what I'm trying to say so you can actually put your makeup in them and put them on the counter there's just something about these that I really like and this goes into the winds category so that was pretty cool okay so let's talk about the good stuff what did I actually wear in the Caribbean on our hot rainy Cruise what were the one the things that I wore that I packed I wore this cover up and I'm going to show you some photos as we go through this I'm going to start putting photos on the screen of things that I wore I wore this thing so many times I think I washed it three times on the cruise you guys three times it was so great I washed it in Cool Water hung it to dry and rewar it over and over on beach days this is a win and yes I absolutely have a link to that I also wore a lot of dresses I actually wore this dress in a different color on my Regal Princess Cruise and as you can see here not belted it's kind of it's kind of wide and flowy and baby dolly which is cute but for me I like a little more waist accentuation so I actually paired it with this belt that I'm wearing here and that was a really good win for formal kns these are the two dresses that I wore for formal night this one is from Amazon now this one was a little little too hot for the Caribbean I felt like I was wearing my grandma's curtains it was so warm you guys can see the fabric is sort of um heavy and elegant and velvety this would be really nice if you were going to Alaska or Canada New England but this was kind of on the fail category even though I did wear it cuz I was really I was kind of sweating when I wore this but it's very cute and it comes in lots of colors and it fits like a dream I also wore this one from Boot Barn on both cruises to formal night when paired with Fancy Shoes this looks really really good either for a formal night or like Norwegian they don't really have a required formal night so I just wore this to the French restaurant and sipped on my V champagne and felt elegant right with some good eye makeup and it just felt kind of dressy I don't have a link to this but if you ever go to Boot Barn the brand is Molly Bracken and it runs really large size way down so those are kind of my um some of my dresses for the Caribbean another thing that I wore just an absolute ton in the Caribbean were jean shorts and I have two pair of jean shorts um that I want to show you now one of the things I wish I would have done is bought more of these before I left these are democracy I wear them in a size eight pretty true to size and because I liked them so much I found another pair I like a lot on Amazon these are called Jag and they're also good like ladybody jeans like Mamba jeans and I got these in a 10 I went up to a 10 and they had said that they sized a little bit better that way and they look they're a good fit so anyway mom shorts for the win I wore them all the time on this cruise and if I wanted to look a little less Mish I rolled them up and made them look a little more Daisy Duke right if I could ever really be Daisy Duke I also wear flip-flops all the time going to tell you a funny story about my flip-flops later another thing I wore my Caribbean cruise just a ton is this robe from Amazon it is it's basically like almost ankle length and I literally wore it as my pajamas every day for 2 weeks again used the laundr mat washed it several times loved the robe this was a total win and of course I wore some wedge sandals uh to dinners and things like that so let's talk about the second Cruise totally opposite cruise this was out of New York City in November to Bermuda short five night cruise and OMG you guys the weather was so cold I did not really plan ahead for my packing game for this Cruise as good as I should have in fact this outfit that I'm going to put on the screen right now where I'm getting off the ship it was 35° in New York City the day that we got off and this was the kind of outfit I pretty much needed every day jeans layers a leather jacket which I actually wore a leather jacket to saale away and a scarf it was cold makes sense it's New York City going to Bermuda in November what was I thinking right so anyway lots of jeans I um contrary to my Caribbean Crews I wore the shawl and the wrap pretty much every single day now funny story I actually somehow managed to leave my flip-flop sandals at the hotel in New York City and had no sandals for the cruise and had to wear my sneakers with my dress my dresses the whole week I had a pair of wedges that worked but what was I thinking I just straight up left my flip-flops in the hotel so be careful about that another thing I did was rewar my jeans and my my uh like sweaters throughout the day like the one that I wore on boarding day I would wash it rewear it throughout that cruise because it was pretty chilly but I did wear a new couple of items on this cruise this one which I took a really pretty photo of in front of the Norwegian sort of light feature in their Atrium this was kind of pretty but as I was sharing on Amazon live the other day once I put it on I kind of felt like a nun so it was cute but it wasn't my absolute favorite now this Romper actually was great so for the days when the sun did peek out this Romper was a total win both of these are available on Amazon and I definitely recommend them for a cruise they're wonderful they're sort of wrinkle resistant and pretty great okay so now we're going to move on to the mistakes and things that I learned on this Cruise because I honestly you guys I make packing mistakes on every single cruise and I learn things every time number one mistake I forgot to pack a rash guard for my husband so when we were in the Caribbean out in the sun all day every day you know going to beaches even though it was rainy and overcast I felt kind of bad because we were like having to sunscreen the heck out of him because I forgot my rash card guard another thing I did that was a really weird mistake is on my suitcase this is really weird I left it on to show you guys on my level eight I placed this Cruise luggage tag too low can you see this it was dragging on the ground and hitting the wheels and it was making us crazy in the airport because it would actually like it would actually get stuck under the suitcase so lesson learned I will not do that again another thing I already sort of mentioned is I should have had two pair of shorts on a 12 night Caribbean cruise I literally went with one pair of shorts that was kind of silly next time I'd pack more shorts and more basic t-shirt type things to wear by day another thing that happened on this cruise and I don't know if this is a mistake or just a funny party Foul is my shoe broke my favorite Dolce Vita wedges I guess you could call them they came apart during the cruise and so I had to fix them and I'll tell you how I fixed them in a little bit but I actually threw them away on the last day because they got trash and the way I fixed them was not a good permanent solution so I did what some Cruisers suggest and I actually threw my shoes away on the last day of the cruise cuz they were they I they gave me two really good years so that was good another mistake I made is I didn't take a passport neck wallet in the airport on either of these cruises and you know I kind of liked my cross body purse approach where I just wore on the front of my body but there were a few times when I was kind of regretting not having that and then one last packing mistake we made is we forgot to pack emergency and here we are flying a couple times in November people were coughing and sneezing and blowing their nose all around us and we didn't pack enough immunity stuff so I think I'd take more immunity protection that's kind of the last mistake there was a couple things also that I had to buy on this Cruise not a lot though not a a lot um one of them was sunscreen because we flew uh and did carryon only I couldn't really fly with like big size sunscreen so when we got to Fort Lauderdale we walked from the MC Suites over to Publix which is a grocery store and bought our sunscreen no big deal but I did have to do that I also bought super glue for my broken shoe and that is how I fixed my shoe now I am going to travel with superg glue I actually left it in one of my bags so that is my friends the end of my story The what I packed versus what I wore thank you Brenda for inspiring this episode I think it was a really fun topic I hope you guys liked it would you let me know if this is something you want me to do again in the future now also to those of you who are like okay you guys there's been so many packing videos lately I know I know we do have some regular Cruise content Vlogs stuff like that it's coming it just takes a really long time to edit so please hang in there with us I promise we still have that kind of content for you we're not just the Sherry pack with me channel I promise even though I do love these videos they're really fun thank you for watching leave your packing mistakes down in the comments let's all learn from each other and until next time we'll see you on the high seas bye-bye
Channel: CruiseTipsTV
Views: 22,832
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Keywords: cruise tips, cruisetipstv, amazon cruise tips tv, best tips for a cruise, caribbean cruise tips, cruise hacks tips and tricks, cruise tips tv blog, cruise tips what to bring, amazon cruise packing list, cruise travel packing list, first time cruise packing tips, first time cruise packing list, essentials for cruise packing, cruise packing tips, cruise packing list, cruise packing, amazon cruise essentials, cruise packing mistakes, amazon travel must haves, cruise essentials
Id: pVJo7kJLmKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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