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This episode is very important that day, and it is one thing that everyone who wants to experience a cruise must do. That is how to budget for your cruise. Dreams are beautiful , but in many cases the reality is very difficult. What happens during the trip? How much does it cost $$$ ? Today EO will teach you how to budget for your cruise trip. I will teach you in two very simple parts. The first part is the money you must spend on your cruise trip plan. What exactly are those$$$? The second part is the money that you don’t necessarily need to spend on a cruise but are hard to avoid.$$$ At the end of today’s video, let’s reveal those things that you wo n’t understand until you experience them once. $Stealth Consumption! Cruise Travel Budget Consumption Revealed Now , let’s first talk about the expenses that you must pay for a successful cruise vacation so that you can make the trip? Of course, the first thing that comes first is the cost of the ticket. No matter where you go, which cruise ship you go on, and when you go, you must buy a ticket first. OK, in an era where the Internet is very developed, you can open any itinerary of any cruise company. It is very easy to check the price on the departure date . I have a very small reminder. Once you know this rule, you can make your travel budget more accurately . The price you see often does not include tax. After the epidemic, most routes around the world have actually increased their terminal tax and government tax . EO has also seen many cruise itineraries where the tax is more expensive than the fare for most cruises. The company will list the exact amount of its taxes in the small print at the bottom. Some cruise companies will only show you the total price after tax on the last page after completing the booking. This has already been done before. I have taught you that the price you see is the price for one person in the room . The basic rooms on the cruise ship are based on two people. If you are with your friend or your partner, you will be together . If you take this cruise, the total cost will be multiplied by 2. If there are a third and fourth passengers in your room, you need to pay attention to the prices for the third and fourth passengers. Efficiently capture cruise deals? Okay, let me dig a hole for you first. In the future, I will record a special episode to teach you how to judge and give some rules. When is the time for you to really start? I believe that all the people who love to take cruises really, really want to know. Then remember to pay attention to my channel. The other thing is the air tickets. Most people in the world do not live in the home port city. For example, like our Vancouver, everyone is envious. They say that there are cruise ships departing from Vancouver, so you don’t need to fly . With just a suitcase, you can go to the pier and board the ship directly . Vancouver, the so-called home port, only has Vancouver embarkation and Vancouver disembarkation routes during the Alaska season. We are particularly envious of people living in Florida who live in a home port with cruise ships all year round. As mentioned above, most people in the world live in cities that are not home ports. No matter where you go to take a cruise in the world, you must buy a plane ticket. The plane ticket itself is also a very important part of your entire trip . Don't forget to enter the price of the air ticket . Then I'll dig another hole by the way. Hahaha. OK. In the future, I will also teach you how to make a perfect connection between airplanes and cruises. If you are interested and want to know more about it, you can Continue to pay attention to EO's channel. Thank you . EO has included the travel insurance part in the budget that must be available. You all know my point of view. If this is the first time you opened EO's video today and you have just met me, please After watching this episode, go and read the episode where EO talked about travel insurance separately. Then you will understand why EO must include the budget for travel insurance in the necessary travel budget , so don’t give it separately. I left a private message to tell me EO. How much do you think my insurance premium should be ? This is decided based on your own situation and I am not a professional selling insurance . So you must consult your local insurance company . Remember. It is the local insurance company in your place of origin. The next item is Transfer to and from the pier. Even if you live in the home port city , for example, we live in Vancouver. I may only need to take an Uber from home to get to the pier. The cost of Uber It’s also one of the expenses that you must pay , right ? Or if I have a friend who drives me there, isn’t his gas money money? You may have to treat him to a meal in order to thank him, right ? That’s very important to most people. Most of the people on this earth who do not live in the home port city must take a flight. Please be sure to pay attention to the airport, pier, pier to airport. Before you get on the ship, do you need to go from the airport to the pier, right ? After the boat, you need to go from the pier to the airport, right ? You must call this transfer , because there are quite a few piers around the world that are very far away from the city and the airport. They may occupy your entire budget. Don’t ignore it. That part of the budget seems to have to be dug in the future. Hey, if you talk about a topic, you have to dig a hole. Please forgive me. There are too many things that a small channel that has just been opened for 2 months wants to do. In the future, I will follow When people talk about different travel destinations, they will especially point out those terminals that are very remote, from the city center or the airport, and those that are very far away. You must be careful when connecting to these terminals. There are also many private messages to my audience. You told me where you are going . As long as I see the remoteness of the pier in your itinerary, I will point it out to you separately. The last item is your entire A must-expenditure part of a cruise trip is the cruise tip. For some cruise companies, they have already included all your cruise tips when you purchase the ticket. They have included your cruise tip, so this is not included. The one in Neha is not included in most of the others. I believe that more than 95% of my viewers will order a cruise that requires you to pay the gratuities stipulated by the cruise ship after you board the ship . That will also be in 2023. In January and February of this year, major cruise companies have basically announced their latest Everyone is increasing the tipping policy. When EO first entered the industry, the price was less than 10 US dollars per night, and it has been rising to the point where the most shameless cruise company actually charges 20 US dollars per night. Let me teach you a rule first. Rooms of different levels will be slightly different. You can choose the simplest room. Ordinary inner warehouses , ordinary outer warehouses , and ordinary balcony rooms are all the same price . When you reach the suite level, the suite level may go up to another level or There are some services that cover special VIP services, which may be on another level. OK, then when purchasing, we must pay very close attention to the tipping rules of the cruise ship you are currently inquiring about and purchasing . How much does it cost per night ? When it comes to how much per night, sometimes it’s a little confusing. So I’ll take a few seconds to teach you . Usually when you see EO talking about Alaska, I say 8 days and 7 nights. No, are they charged based on 8 days or 7 nights? The most correct answer I will give now is based on nights . Every night you stay on the cruise, he will calculate your tip for this night. 8 days and 7 nights. It means multiplying your tip by 7. If the cruise you are going to take now is priced at 16 US dollars a night, then when you finally receive the bill on the cruise, it will be 16 times 7, and 7 will appear side by side on your bill. It's 16 yuan, so what's the tip number? No matter which boat you take, he will still charge you 15 yuan or 16 yuan . Even the most shameless one who received 20 yuan has already covered it. The total amount of tips you must pay on this boat is already included. Unless something special happens or you are treated particularly badly, you don’t have the money to bargain and refuse to give it. Ah, but the so-called unbearable situation is really something I have almost never encountered in so many years of working in the industry . I have only encountered some particularly picky passengers. It may be because of some misunderstandings in communication or understanding. Haha, then I said The cruise company made a one-way application and refused to pay tips. If it is true that you were treated unfairly or something bad happened on any cruise ship , uh, this is something we can use to protect ourselves. I don't advocate it, I don't advocate it very, very much, but there are people who do it. This is one of his possible variables. There is a section about cruise tips. Okay, now we are going to talk about those and why they are listed separately because As long as you have the budget to buy what you need to buy and pay for your entire cruise, you can start your cruise without affecting your itinerary. You must not avoid the following parts , and there are many things that EO would not tell you about in the program , or if you had not experienced it yourself, you would not know why this hidden consumption is spent on. I actually spent money on this place. After reading the next part of my book, I can give you great inspiration and reminder. It doesn’t necessarily need to be spent. The question of hotels is definitely for those places where you are not in your own place . Home port city of residence. Even if you live in Florida as I just mentioned today, do you only take cruises from Florida to and from Florida in your life ? Residents living in Vancouver, do you only take cruises to and from Vancouver for all your cruises in your life ? So in the world? Why don’t we run around the world while we are young and able to move ? You also have the desire to travel and are in the mood to travel, right ? So basically all cruise travelers will definitely encounter this problem . There are really not many hotels where you can board the ship as soon as you land, get off the cruise ship, board the plane and leave immediately. In fact, it is very rare . The first thing is, do you dare? Are you willing to take the risk of the plane being delayed and not being able to catch the ship, and the ship being delayed and not being able to catch the plane? In the future, I have already mentioned this part to you in the hole I just dug. In the future, I will teach you how to do it. It is good to make such a distinction to reduce the risk of not catching the ship and not catching up with the crisis. Then the other part is that if we travel a long distance to this place, there will be a lot of people. My current audience in Taiwan is in Australia and New Zealand, and the audience comes from the southern hemisphere. Yes, they are really far away. Come to Vancouver and take the Alaska cruise in Vancouver. Don’t you want to stay in Vancouver for a few days to see what this tourist city is like? What is such a beautiful city like, right ? You will definitely be involved in staying in a hotel, so I won’t go into details about hotels. Hotels are also very, very important . Well , I still have to say one more thing . In the future, I will not board the ship in the different cities I talked about with you one by one. They will give some suggestions, that is, when you board the ship in this city, I suggest you to stay in a hotel in which area under what circumstances. I will have corresponding information corresponding to my channel content and constantly output it to When we talk about hotels, we will talk about whether you will make a stopover in this home port city before boarding the ship, after disembarking, and of course it is very, very possible that you will board the ship in a country or city and you will leave the ship. In another country and another city, when you have to stay from end to end, you have to eat three more meals a day, right? You have to go sightseeing . Sightseeing is also an expense. Even if you walk on foot, don’t you even have a glass of water? Don’t you want to drink, right ? Do n’t you want to taste the local delicacies at all ? Well, these parts must be in your budget. Of course, tickets are included. If the place you visit requires tickets, these are the cases I put it. It’s called the budget for the additional travel part before embarking on the ship and after leaving the ship. Of course, it depends on everyone’s situation. You can make these budgets or not. What about the next part? Well, everyone can What you can’t avoid is that as long as you take a cruise, you will definitely consider the show excursion , which is part of the shore excursion . This shore excursion refers to the fees for shore excursions at each port where the cruise stops . Before that, I recorded an episode of some suggestions for shore excursions specifically for Alaska. This part is also a part of our budget that we need to include, because the places where you can go ashore and see the main attractions of this port city are actually very, very limited , and you If you have never set foot in this place, even if the city where the port is located can be completed by you driving on the 11th and walking on two legs. If you don’t do enough homework , I believe you won’t dare to go there for free. It's free travel, right? And to be honest, free travel is just that you don't pay the group fee. Or as I said, don't you want to taste the local food ? Don't you want to drink a cup of coffee locally? These are all things you need to spend when you are sightseeing on the shore. Go out and spend part of your budget. We have some ports and some cities and some itineraries for different itineraries. The entire shore excursion is not very expensive , but there are also some itineraries where it is completely impossible for you to walk on your own ability . Maybe, especially in some countries and regions in South America, I won’t tell you. You may have guessed how much risk you need to take if you travel independently. The cruise company knows and understands very well that you don’t have the ability or courage to do it yourself . This shore tour has become an option if you don’t choose this trip, right? Then it will definitely be very expensive, of course it won’t be ridiculously expensive. If it is ridiculously expensive, this boat should not be available. People will go there, right? So I hope everyone will consider the shore excursion as a very important factor in budget. You must set aside such a budget, even if you are a backpacker. You are very good and you can do it yourself. After doing a lot of homework, you dare not say that you can go on this shore excursion without spending a penny . Even if you just take a taxi or just do a shuttle, you will still be involved in the need to tip. As long as there is a human to serve you, you need to tip. Or if there is an animal to serve you, you may also need to pay him a part of the tip. Well, let's talk about what you will encounter on the boat without spending time. There are some consumption that surrounds you all the time. Our basic meals on the ship are already included in your ship fare. Before that, when I was working on many previous episodes, I kept mentioning some specialties . The dining room is called a paid special restaurant . If you want to try this, it is all your choice. I am also very aware that not everyone who takes a cruise will try the specialty restaurant on the ship , but I am sure that one The thing is that when your cruise experience becomes more and more rich and your mouth becomes more and more full of food, sooner or later you will step into the threshold of the paid special restaurant. OK, then our basic coffee and drinks are included on the cruise, but if You need someone to make you a special cup of coffee today . Even just a cup of cappuccino will cost extra . All the water you pick up with your own cup is free, but if you buy bottled water, each bottle of bottled water has a brand name. The price of each bottle is paid. This is a misunderstanding that many people have because basically when you dock at each port, you are excitedly walking to the gate exit of the cruise ship . The company will place stacks of branded mineral water on the tables . If there are a lot of passengers, just grab a bottle and someone will come next to you to scan your ship card. You can then put back the one with the branded mineral water. I felt so embarrassed at the time. These are all paid for , including the bottles of branded mineral water placed in your room and your Mini bar refrigerator. Open the ones that are already settled for you , unless you can do it like me. On many, many cruises, if you are already a member of a higher class, they may be different in different cruise companies. They may give you free drinks on certain drinks. If you take more seats, you may be on You can save some money in these aspects. Well, when it comes to drinking, you must mention that you have to pay for the wine. This is for sure, but it has been mentioned in many previous episodes. The drinks sold on the cruise ship have been given to you. I added 18-20%. In that episode, I said 15-18. Sorry, the price went up later. Now there is basically no less than 18%. It is called service charge. In fact, it is this additional tip that has been added. How about I tell you a little story in your bill ? I once had a lady when I was working on a ship. Because she also spoke Chinese, she came over to ask me about something. It would be better. For those who like high-quality red wine, they order a very expensive bottle of red wine on the ship. Usually when guests on a cruise order such expensive wine, a professional bartender will come over and brief you. Come on. Let’s talk about the history of this wine and the culture of this wine. There is such a process . They are very, very happy with this process. After opening this wine, they also received a very, very, uh, complete and very professional service before signing the bill for this wine. At that time, the lady was very generous and gave a 15% tip. When she took the bill back to her room that night, opened it and looked at it carefully, she discovered that it had already been tipped when she purchased the wine . It was a 15% service charge. She signed an extra 15% without knowing it. It means she gave a full 30% extra tip when she went out. Well, what about that night? The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She bought such an expensive bottle of wine , but she never thought about giving such an expensive tip , so the next day she ran back to the restaurant to talk to the restaurant manager and wanted to get back the extra 15% she gave yesterday. Everyone heard that this tip was very embarrassing. Fortunately, after she made this request, the more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt. She came to me to complain and chat with me. But after I listened, I asked seriously. I asked her , are you satisfied with the service after opening this bottle of wine ? She said that I was quite satisfied , otherwise I wouldn’t have signed the extra tip. Then I said that since you are satisfied , you are going to sign for that extra tip now. The manager of the restaurant went to ask for the tip back . The manager of the restaurant may simply think that his job is to serve you well. He didn’t serve you well. You have to take the tip back. After hearing this, the wife also felt that something was wrong with her. Well, I did one thing at that time. I took this wife and ran to the side of Maitre D, who is in charge of all the catering on the ship. Our position is called Maitre D. Everyone who has been on a cruise knows that he is the biggest on the ship. The head of the ship is in charge of all catering services on the cruise ship. I asked the lady to write it down in black and white because she didn’t understand and thought that there was no tip in the wine itself, so she would put this matter in writing. I went to explain it to MaitreD. If we use the wrong method, an embarrassing scene like just now will occur. As for whether you are willing to give more , it depends on your own wishes. By the way, Let me talk about a lot of cruise companies. I won’t name them here because even cruise companies that have not done this in the past may one day do so in the future. The very, very small words at the bottom of their terms and conditions tell you that all of us The drinks already include a tip of 18% to maybe 20%, but when he brings the bill to you and asks you to sign it, there will be an empty column at the bottom for you to fill in the tip , like us As people who have lived in North America for so many years, we are all accustomed to automatically adding 15% to the number above when we see that column , or even more of this ratio. If you go down and fill in EO, I will really teach you. If you like it, just write a little more . If you don't, just sign it and return the slip to him. There's no problem at all . Then what we're going to do next is the casino on the ship . Well, actually, it's the same as any other casino in the world. It’s the same thing. If you want to go in, be prepared that the money you will spend on this game today may not be able to get it back. Also, if you win money with a lucky star today , I will give you a reward and deal you with cards. Which staff member I think is very suitable . The next step is the duty-free shop on the cruise ship. Different brands of cruise companies may also agent different brands of duty-free shops on board the ship. There are many, many big brands. I won’t comment on the styles and prices of the cruise duty-free shops. I’m just telling you that you may gain something from this aspect. The cruise company will also try its best to create various atmospheres to encourage you to spend. It’s all the same, and what’s more , do we need to use the Internet on the cruise ship ? Well, the good thing is that it’s really getting more and more developed now. It’s the times that are progressing . I think back then, when EO was just starting to engage in the cruise travel industry, it was expensive. It’s so outrageous. I even have to pay 60 cents per minute for Internet access. Working on a cruise ship really requires me to make a draft, then click online , then click send , then click offline again . This saves money on the entire trip . The cost of Internet access . Now most cruise companies have made the Internet access fee almost the same as the additional Internet access fee when you stay in a hotel . OK, so what I want to make a little reminder here is that every Personal circumstances are different. If you are the kind of person who cannot leave the Internet even if you are on vacation, traveling on a cruise , for example, someone who speculates in stocks, or is engaged in finance, you cannot stop this. For Internet, you also need to understand this cruise when ordering a cruise. If you want to buy a full Internet package, remember to enter your budget. Remember to enter your budget ? There are differences in the prices of different cruises. Expensive and cheap. It's a lot worse now, okay? Even this project will become part of a very sinful invisible consumption. You must be careful and pay attention. Speaking of sin, there is one more thing. This is really, very sinful. All our cruise ships are The world is running around everywhere , right? No matter which route you take in the world, you can turn on your mobile phone at any time to see if there is any free Internet signal around the cruise ship . Or the signal for making calls is the base station signal. Then we In these cases, you must be very, very careful because many signals will actually charge you extra , and you may not necessarily be able to understand the text message notification they send you before you use it . It may be based on their If you don’t understand a single word in the local language sent to you, using it for no reason may cause a very scary number to appear on your phone bill. In this case, you must be very, very careful not to see the signal casually. When you see the signal, you start sending text messages. Especially when you are on the phone, this is a very harmful thing. When traveling on a cruise, for passengers who will take a cruise of 7 days or 5 days and more than 7 days, wash your hands on the cruise. Clothes are a long-standing problem. After getting on a cruise, I found out that they were all asking questions based on conditions and conditions. When collecting money, I felt a lot of pressure. I’m really sorry. Most cruise companies around the world now. They still charge laundry fees in this way. There may be occasional promotions. What’s funny about this promotion is that the form is very interesting. One day, they may suddenly tell you that their laundry is doing promotions and this laundry discount policy is issued. I gave you a bag and you just need to fill it up and they will charge you according to the bag. In fact, first of all, the bag is not very big. Secondly, it is not very cheap on average . So when you want to travel a long distance, you You must first find out whether the cruise company you are taking and the ship you are taking are one of the few that have a self-laundry service , that is, a project like your self-service laundry. This is a long-distance ship with this facility. People who travel on cruises have encountered a cruise ship with such facilities. It is your benefit. It is a very big benefit. But unfortunately, if the trip you want to go does not have these few facilities, On a cruise like the self-service laundry service, you may have to wash the clothes and pantyhose yourself in the room due to their quality, and hang them in the room, right? You may also need to bring some clothes to hang. Gadgets and some of your clothes. Why did we just talk about texture? They are clothes that are easier to dry and lighter. Clothes with those textures may be what you need to put in your suitcase when sorting out clothes. Well, look at me, when it comes to cruise consumption, I actually have to take care of what’s in your suitcase, okay? As promised, EO’s videos are full of useful information, right? Every minute is full of useful information. My netizens have Leave me a message like this EO. Every minute of your time is informative. I watched one of your videos several times , and then I had to take a piece of paper and a pen to write it down. Thank you very much for your hard work. I will strive for more interesting information. Here is a larger piece of paper. OK, then the next step is to get local souvenirs. In fact, as I just mentioned, you must be very careful about these souvenirs, that is, your tax-free quota. Do you have a tax-free quota in a foreign country? Every country is different. Go check for yourself what the tax- free limit is in your country . I also have a very good one. My former customers are very good at their bargaining range when they buy some relatively expensive things. It's based on the tax-free limit of your own country. Well, no matter how much it exceeds, they don't care how much your original price is. Anyway, I cut the price to a price that is within my own tax-free limit. It's really amazing, okay? In fact, The souvenir itself is a very important part that needs to be done, okay? We may have many, many places around the world with many things that can only be seen locally. You may only go to such a place once in your life . It's not that we are here. Promoting local consumption is so simple. I just say that this is a very important part . EO is also digging another hole here. For all those who come to consult with EO , I will give a lot of suggestions related to souvenirs. If there is EO? I know. Are there any souvenirs from your travel experiences that are particularly worth buying ? I hope to see you and leave me a message. EO, this thing is very, very good. Remember it. Next time you have an audience who will ask you where you want to go. At that time, you must remember to remind him what to buy, okay? Then there is more and more information like this. Through my channel, my current weak influence can benefit more people and make more people happy. People can have a unified concept for all their travels, that is, the beautiful memories of this trip are not in vain . I hope to have such an effect. So far, EO's videos have only been made for two months , and they are also very good. I successfully passed the threshold of the YouTube Partner Program and it was very, very smooth. I really didn’t expect that so many viewers would know me , like me, and follow me and give me so much in just two months. There are so many messages and every message feels like a shill . Hahaha. When I read those messages, I really wanted to say, do I know this person? How did he speak so well to me ? Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you all. If you support , see you next time. Bye bye.
Channel: E.O邮轮旅行"活"攻略
Views: 465,581
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Keywords: 邮轮, 邮轮旅行, cruise, cruise trip, 豪华邮轮, 晕船, SEASICK, travel, E.O, EOCTTV, 航线, 邮轮问答, 风浪, 郵輪, 郵輪旅行, 郵輪顧問, 豪華郵輪, 暈船, 航線, 郵輪問答, 邮轮顾问, Alaska, 阿拉斯加, 加勒比海, 墨西哥, 地中海, 波罗的海, 大西洋, 太平洋, 巴哈马, 邮轮公司, 巴哈馬, 郵輪公司, cruise line, sailing, 旅行, 生薑, 養生, 旅行保險, 乾貨, 夏威夷, Hawaii, mediterranean, greek island, Caribbean, Baltic Sea, 體驗, 行李, 旅行準備, food, 美食, 郵輪美食, 阿拉斯加當地美食, 公主郵輪, 荷美郵輪, 名人郵輪, 菁英郵輪, 皇家加勒比郵輪, 諾唯真郵輪, 迪士尼郵輪, pcl, HAL, RCCL, NCL, princess cruises, Royal Caribbean, Celebrate, Holland America, Cabin, 內艙, 陽台房, 外艙房, 海景房, 陽台套房, 觀光, 岸上觀光, 带娃旅行, 带孩子坐邮轮, 旅行保险, travel insurance, 保险, 旅行預算
Id: PGpglqnomBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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